Read Rescued in Paradise Online

Authors: Nicole Christianson

Rescued in Paradise (6 page)

BOOK: Rescued in Paradise
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God! It was Steven. What in the hell was he doing here?

Her head whipped back as he clutched a fist
full of hair at the base of her skull. Steven’s tone was anything but friendly
as he spoke. “You think you’re better than me, you little bitch? Thinking you
are in charge of something and getting me fired like that.” He tightened his
grip on her hair, and tears began to spill with the increasing pressure. “Well,
I set up this scene, and now that you are here, I’ll show you who is really in

She screamed, but the sound was muffled by the
damned ball gag. There was nothing she could do and there was nowhere for her
to go. Steven had her right where he wanted her—silent, tied down, and all
Wait a minute
. Where the hell
was Dorian?

he wasn’t near them and didn’t hear what Steven was saying to her. She knew in
her heart that Master Dorian had nothing to do with the set-up and would never
allow this to continue. Clenching her fist, the feel of rubber made her want to
cry in relief. When Dorian saw the safety ball hit the ground, he would know without
a doubt that something was terribly wrong, especially since the scene he
brought her into hadn’t even begun yet. Letting go, she heard the rubbery ball
bounce up and down on the floor boards a couple of times, and she waited. Unfortunately,
nothing happened.

filled the room. “If that was an attempt to alert my unknowing accomplice, it
won’t work.”

filled her at his words. The thunderous pounding of her heart filled her ears,
deafening her momentarily. Steven released the death grip he had on her hair,
pushing her head downward. Toppling forward, her face slammed into the table
hard enough that her vision faded briefly, thankfully returning almost as fast.

back the rolling nausea in the pit of her stomach, Sydney worked her head back
and forth, trying to pry off the blindfold to see what was going on. Lifting
the end of her dress up and over her hips, the sick bastard pried apart her ass
cheeks, massaging each voluptuous mound.

you know how long I’ve waited to do this, Sydney? With that gullible loser out
knocked out cold, I can do whatever I want to you and there’s not a damn thing
anyone can do to stop me, pet.”

He yanked open her legs one by one, and she
fought, kicked, did as much as she could to try to break free of his hold
before he was able to fasten her ankles to the cuffs at the ends of the table. It
was no use. With her arms secured behind her back, her movement was severely
limited, and it didn’t take long for him to connect the cuffs in place. Writhing
all over the damn bench, desperation driving her, she fought to get free.

her surprise, the blindfold was suddenly pulled away. She blinked rapidly in
the low light to regain focus. Looming over her, he yanked her head up off the
bench by her hair. With a snarl, his right hand connected firmly with her left
cheek. Pain exploded up the side of her face as her head whipped to the side. If
the ball gag hadn’t been in her mouth, the force of the blow would likely have
cracked the teeth on the side he struck.

fucking fighting me, you bitch, or you will be so fucking sorry.”

eyes widened in sheer terror when she suddenly realized he was completely
naked. His cock, jutting hard away from his body and pointing straight at her
face, had her gasping behind her gag. Managing to catch a glimpse of his face,
she saw the side of his lip curl up. He appeared pleased by her reaction.
Oh God! He wouldn’t do it! Please let it all
a scare tactic, a way to get back at me for
what he forced me to do at the office

All too soon, he proved her wrong. Steven was
capable of doing exactly what she was afraid of. Unfurling his fingers from her
sticky mass of hair, he made his retreat, disappearing behind her. Twisting her
neck around, trying to get a look at what he was preparing to
her heart plummeted to her stomach when she saw the
light flicker off the foil packet in his hand. She screamed at the top of her
lungs, saliva dribbling down her chin; the frightened sound was muted by the
rubber in her mouth. She leaned to the side, using her shoulder to try to lift
her torso up the best she could. A strong hand pushed her back down.

His fingers ran up the crease of her
ass, no doubt in an attempt to show her he had all the control and that she was
helpless to stop him from doing anything he wanted. “Hmm, normally I’d be a nice
guy and work my sub up to this. Use some lube to ease her into getting her ass
fucked roughly. Tonight, though, you don’t deserve that kind of consideration.

tip of his covered cock tapped against the back of her shaking thigh as his
rough hands pawed at her. It disgusted and frightened her the way he touched
her against her will. He made a noise of approval behind her, making the tears
fall quicker down her heated cheeks.

“I plan on fucking you so hard right
here.” Shifting closer, he murmured, “I hope you don’t bleed all over
me like the last one.” 

her eyes, she never stopped fighting, hoping like hell that he knocked her out
at some point so she wouldn’t have to remember what happened or re-live the
pain every day of her life.
If she made it through the night.

she heard the door to the room burst open and slam against the wall. Another
voice entered. “Dorian, I told you...” There was a pause then an enraged shout.
“What the fuck?”

Thank God!
Hope swelled in
her as the sheer panic subsided. Every bone in her body sagged with relief. Connor
had come to her rescue.


searching the club and coming up empty-handed, Connor tracked down one of the
bouncers, asking if they had seen Sydney any time after she entered the club. When
the events were disclosed to him about Dorian trussing her up and hauling her
off into a private room, he thought for sure smoke was whistling out of his

Blood boiling, he stormed off without another
word, knocking guests out of his way as he stomped in the direction of the
private room Dorian had acquired. His chest heaved in anger. The knob refused
to turn as he tried to open the door.
of a bitch
! There was no way he was going to allow this to happen, not
after what had happened between
and himself last
Retrieving the master key from his
pocket, he slid it into the keyhole and twisted. Luckily for him, he had the
key ring because of nightly inspections. Pushing open the door with more force
than he intended, his eyes damn near bulged out of his head when he took in the
scene before him.
Was Dorian out of his
fucking mind?
He was prepared to lay into Dorian, but the prick was nowhere
in sight.

we are in the middle of a fucking scene.”

to remember the fool’s name, Connor’s eyes scanned over Sydney. It clicked
immediately. This was the asshole a few members had complained about being too
rough during sessions. No one that they were aware of had safe worded out
, primarily since he'd selected hardcore subs.
for him, however, several had expressed their
concerns at his behavior, putting him on their radar screen and under watch.

a closer look at things, something appeared off. Sydney was practically
convulsing, sprawled over the bench, and Steven kept his hand planted between
her shoulder blades, forcing her torso down. Just as he was about to intervene,
a noise at the back of the room made both men turn in that direction. Two long
legs peeked out from behind a table, shuffling restlessly on the floor.

“Son of a bitch!”
Roaring in disbelief, Connor lunged at the naked man who was perched behind his
Sydney, ready to penetrate.

knocked the asshole to the floor and they fought. Fists were thrown as they
tussled on the floor. All Connor saw was red. He was going to kill the fucker
for what he’d seen when he barged into the room. The image of him behind Sydney
against her will would forever be burned into his mind. No one would ever touch
a hair on her head again—not even a stylist, if he had his way. She’d grow that
beautiful mane to the floor.

men were trying to get the upper hand over the other when a careless move on
the bastard’s part provided Connor the opportunity to get out from beneath him.
Bringing back his fist, he slammed it into Steven’s face repeatedly until the
fucker went lax underneath of him.
Wiping the sweat from his face with the sleeve of his shirt, Connor stood and
rushed over to Sydney. Once the buckle was undone on the ball gag, he removed it
from around her head and flung it across the room. Instantly, her relieved cry
filled the room.

hurt D-Dorian and was about to r-rape...”

swallowed back the rage, and his heart plummeted when her voice broke and the
tears poured like a river down her beautiful face. The fucker planned on
violating her. He should have killed him. He may still do it, but first, his
sole concern was to console the distraught female he intended to make his in
every way.


Chapter Eight


untied her hands from behind her back, freeing her from the prison Steven had
her in. Going to work on getting the cuffs off her ankles, he kept stroking the
back of her shaking calves to try and calm her a bit.

still in that moment was impossible, even with the reassurance he was there. Worked
up over what had almost happened to her, she used her arms to push her body
upright. Sobbing uncontrollably, she turned into Connor’s strong embrace when
he finally removed the last restraint. A shirtless Dorian appeared beside them,
holding the back of his head.

hit me when my back was turned.” His eyes softened and the tone of his voice
became sober as he stroked her hair. “Are you alright,

chest rumbled with a growl, and Dorian dropped his hand.

Dorian, I am fine. Connor...” She stopped and corrected herself. “Master Connor
showed up before Steven could hurt me.” Connor’s arms tightened around her
middle possessively, and it felt right.

thoughtful gaze traveled between Connor and
rested solely on Connor.

“Lucky man.”
Master D
flipped his head in the direction of a very unconscious Steven. “I’ll get
security and take care of this mess. You go take care of your girl.” With a
grin, Dorian pulled his cell from his pants pocket.

she pulled back and looked up at Connor. Smiling adoringly at her, he bent and
her up in his arms. Gasping, she threw her arms
around his neck. “What are you doing?”


need to claim and possess her was riding him hard. Shielding her body with his
own, he carried her down the hallway to his private quarters. Connor shifted
her into one arm to open the closed door, his grip remaining firm and
comforting. Once inside, a swift kick closed it behind them. Removing her
clothes, he sprawled her out on his mahogany, four-poster bed. He took a moment
to appreciate the stunning beauty laid before him.
The contrast of the rich, burgundy sheets surrounding her ivory skin had his
balls tightening. His cock grew thick with primal need, eager to be inside his
goddess. She was a delicacy that he had every intention of savoring.

the inside of one of her calves, he nudged it open, doing the same with the
other with the back of his hand. Wide open, she was spread out like a feast. His
mouth watered for a taste, drool pooled at the corners of his lips.

baby girl, you are so sexy.” His lip twitched when he saw her body flush,
turning the sexiest shade of pink he had ever witnessed. The rose hue blossomed
from her painted indigo toes all the way to her angelic face. Cupping her
cheeks with his hands, he kissed her eyes, her lips, peppering light kisses
over her face while crooning words of comfort. After the ordeal she’d just been
through, he wanted to comfort her as much as he wanted to claim her.

safe now, Sydney.” He kissed one cheek adoringly. “I’m here, and you won’t ever
have to worry about anything like that happening again.” Lifting his head, he
kissed the other cheek. “I won’t ever let anything happen to you.”


he pressed his lips to hers. They parted, and he felt her warm, inviting breath
merge with his own. He groaned. It was a feeling like no other.

kisses in a path over her torso, his tongue dipped into her naval. She quivered,
and he did it again. He could lick and savor every succulent inch of her
gorgeous body for hours on end, never tiring for a second.

Using his tongue, he circled the rim of her
sunken naval before trailing lower. He reached her hip bone and nipped it
lightly. She bucked off the bed, and he grinned. So her hip was one of her
spots. Cataloguing that bit of information for later, he moved on, nipping and
lapping his way over to the other side. Biting the other hip bone, he dragged
his teeth all the way to the top of her mound, enjoying the way she restlessly
“Soon, sweetheart.”
Resting his stubbly
cheek on the top of her thigh, he caressed a path to her knee, loving how silky
smooth her skin was.

BOOK: Rescued in Paradise
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