Read Rescuing Rory Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Rescuing Rory (10 page)

BOOK: Rescuing Rory
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God he was tough-looking with his shadowed jaw, scar and piercing green eyes. But he was so gentle too. His thumb barely grazed her nipple but she felt that small caress throughout her entire body.

Trying not to think about the colossal mistake she was making, Rory grabbed his hand and pushed it more firmly over her breast. He emitted a low rumbling sound, almost like a growl. It turned her on even more.

She had no sense of boundaries or self-preservation when it came to Kal. There was something about him that made her heart sing and all commonsense was lost beneath the onslaught of sexual desire. If it were only about the sex she could have held out against him but there was so much more.

“Let’s get this off you.” He shoved the shirt aside, leaving her clad only in her panties. The possessive way he looked at her ratcheted up her desire.

Maybe it was crazy. Maybe it was wrong. But she wanted to belong to Kal, to have a place with him, beside him. She’d spent her entire life being independent, even with her father. He’d treated her more like a boy than a girl, expecting her to take responsibility, work alongside grown men and to hide her emotions. It had been a lonely life. Now she wanted more.

Kal made a sound of pleasure and reached for her panties. “These don’t really cover much.”

“That was the point.” She’d always hated the immodest G-string. Now with Kal watching her with hot eyes, she almost liked it.

“No one sees you but me.” He ripped the scrap of cloth from her mound, tearing it as he did. No way she’d be able to wear them again after that. She was glad to be rid of the last remnant from her time aboard the

Rory’s breath caught in her throat as Kal stared at her pussy. He licked his lips and her channel clenched tight. She was hot and wet and wanted his hard cock powering in and out of her body, giving her what she needed.

She went up on her knees on the bed and shoved at his flightsuit. “Off. Get it off.”

Kal jumped up and began to strip. His boots and flightsuit came first, followed by his battlesuit. Then he was gloriously naked. His cock stood straight up, tall and proud. She reached out and traced the blue vein running up the underside of his shaft.

“Rory.” His voice was hoarse with passion. She licked her lips and moved closer. With him standing beside the bed and her kneeling on it, she was in the perfect position. “Fuck,” he muttered as she dragged her tongue over the broad head of his cock.

His fingers tangled in her hair and he pulled her closer. A sense of anticipation filled her even as her pussy began to throb. She’d never gone down on a guy before and had always wondered if she’d like it. Her answer was simple—if it was Kal, she expected she would enjoy it very much. She’d barely begun and couldn’t wait to keep going.

Eager to explore, she dragged her tongue down his shaft. The coarse hair at the base tickled her nose. He smelled musky with a tinge of the cleansing gel he used. His skin was slightly salty. She pulled away and licked her lips.

Kal groaned again. “Stop teasing me, woman.” He tugged her closer and she went, eager to please him and herself.

A small bead of liquid seeped from the slit of his cock head and she lapped it off, savoring his taste. He swore again and urged her closer.

Rory opened her mouth and took him in, swirling her tongue around the broad, smooth head as she did. He grunted and she knew he liked that so she did it again.

She gripped the base of his shaft and lowered her mouth over him, taking him as deep as she could. The sensation was foreign but not unpleasant. She experimented by sliding back to the top of his cock and then taking him inside once again. His voice was hoarse, his tone gritty as he called her name and thrust his hips toward her.

Pleased, Rory used her free hand to cuddle the heavy sac between his legs. His balls were full and tight.

Kal was breathing heavily, as though he’d been running for miles. His fingers tightened around her skull and he guided her mouth into a rhythm he liked. Her body was alive with sensation. The air that filtered into the room seemed to caress every inch of her like a lover. Her skin tingled with anticipation. Her breasts were heavy and her nipples ached for his touch.

Her pussy was wet and throbbing. She was close to coming and he wasn’t even touching her in a sexual way. His pleasure was hers. She’d never expected to experience anything like this. From everything she’d seen and learned over the years, sex could be fun, it could be uncomfortable or a chore too. But the connection she felt to Kal went beyond all that.

His balls tightened and seemed to pull nearer to his body. She knew he was close to coming and wondered what he would taste like, how it would feel. She really wanted to know.

Before she could find out, he gave a roar and pulled out. Lips curled back in a deadly snarl, he flipped her over on the mattress. She landed hard on her belly but he pulled her up on her hands and knees. Her lower legs dangled off the mattress and her knees were on the edge. He used his body to push them apart so her pussy was totally exposed to him. Instead of being afraid or embarrassed, she was turned-on.

“Can’t wait.” There was an urgency inside him that sparked the same in her. Her entire body hummed with sexual need.

“Do it.”

He emitted one of those sexy growling noises again and then she felt the hard press of his cock head against her opening. He thrust hard and deep, burying himself completely. Her slick channel stretched to accommodate him. She bit her lip but couldn’t quite contain the moan that broke from her lips. He was big but she was so wet he slid all the way in without too much trouble.

They were both panting hard. Sweat beaded on her forehead. She could feel his cock pulsing inside her like a heartbeat.

His strong, calloused hand slid up and down her back before gripping her hips. There was no slow buildup. This was passion at its most basic. Kal began to move, bucking his hips forward and back, fucking her hard and fast. And she loved it.

He plowed into her, harder and deeper with each thrust. She shoved her ass back to meet him. His balls slapped against her clit, his pelvis hit her ass. He grunted and kept going like a machine. Rory gripped the blankets in her hands and bit into a pillow to keep from screaming.

She was so close. Heat blossomed in her pussy and radiated out to her entire body. Kal released her hips, reached around her and palmed her breasts. He lightly pinched her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers as he continued to thrust.

Inside her mind she was screaming for him to fuck her harder but all she could do was gasp for air.

Rory was perched on the edge, so close it was becoming painful. “Kal,” she cried out for him, needing more.

He shoved one hand between her thighs and tapped his finger against her clit. Rory’s body, her entire being, exploded. Her pussy spasmed and clutched his cock, squeezing it tight. He yelled and kept pumping even as she felt the hot spurt of his release fill her. Rory slumped forward, the only thing keeping her from collapsing completely was his arm around her.

He thrust one final time and then fell forward. His weight was more than she could handle and the two of them ended up flat on the mattress, half on and off the bed. Kal’s upper body covered hers completely making it hard to breath. She thrust her elbow back and caught him in the stomach. He grunted and moved the bulk of his upper body off her but his cock remained buried in her pussy.

Rory clutched the pillow, digging her fingers into its softness. One of Kal’s arms draped over her and their legs were tangled together.

They lay there on the bed in silence, both of them catching their breath. After what seemed like forever, Kal slipped his semi-hard cock from her body. She almost cried at the sense of loss that struck her.

Rory had no idea what to do next, her mind completely scrambled while her body hummed with pleasure. Before she could start berating herself for giving in to her desires even after making the decision not to, Kal pushed his way higher onto the bunk and took her with him.

He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over them. Their legs and arms were exposed but their torsos were covered. He pushed a lock of hair off her forehead. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

She shook her head and placed her hand on his chest, wanting the connection to him. “No.”

Where did they go from here? What should she say? It seemed ridiculous to talk about keeping her distance when she was naked and practically plastered against him, her pussy still throbbing and wet from his possession. Her breasts still swollen from his attention.

He tenderly touched her face but a hard glint entered his eyes. “It’s time to settle this.”

Chapter Eight


Kal knew Rory was worried. He could see it in her eyes and it bothered him. Her damp hair stuck to her head and they both smelled like sex. Maybe it would be better to let her get cleaned up first. They could both use it. But Kal wasn’t ready to let her go yet, not until the situation between them was resolved once and for all.

“You’re staying with me.” It came out more as a command than the opening of a conversation. Kal sighed. He wasn’t great with words but he was the best among the four brothers, which wasn’t saying much. They all much preferred action to conversation but he was usually better at it than this. His feelings for Rory were confusing him and making it difficult for him to put his thoughts in order.

Sadness crept into her lovely eyes and he knew he wasn’t going to like what she had to say. “I don’t think that’s wise.”

“Why?” He cupped her chin in his palm. She was warm and smelled of sex, of him. Kal couldn’t imagine a time he’d ever tire of having her in his bed next to him.

She tried to look away but he wouldn’t let her. He needed to see her face while they talked. She had very expressive eyes and he was finding he could determine a lot about her mood by what he saw there.

Her lips thinned and she frowned at him. “You have a tendency to be a bully when you want your own way. Anyone ever tell you that?”

“Yeah, but you can blame my older brothers for that. If I wasn’t assertive I never would have survived childhood.” He could tell by the look on her face she wasn’t sure if he was serious or teasing. It was a bit of both, which surprised him. He couldn’t remember the last time he teased a woman. Maybe never. That kind of closeness was reserved for his family.

“Well you can’t just decide you’re keeping someone.” Sheer determination shone from her face. She was so serious and adorable at the same time.

Kal dropped a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. “Sure I can.”

Rory smiled in spite of her determination not to. There was something about Kal that touched her heart. He was a good man underneath his bluster and single-mindedness. “Kal, you know it’s not realistic.”

“Why not?” He sat up and leaned back against the headboard. Then he pulled her into his arms. She had to scramble to keep the covers around her. She knew what would happen if she lost them—their conversation would be over.

“You and your brothers are traders and mercenaries. There’s no room in your life for a woman. Not on a permanent basis. It’s fine for now when everything is new and exciting and you need my help. But what about a year from now? Two years?” And she couldn’t live with anything temporary. Better to break off now then months from now when she was totally in love with him.

“We are traders and mercenaries but you grew up on a trading vessel. You’ve never had a permanent home on-planet.”

Her stomach twisted when he pointed that out. She wondered what her life might have been like if she hadn’t spent it aboard a ship constantly traveling in deep space. There was no going back and, truthfully, she didn’t want to. Her life hadn’t been so bad until her father died. She’d always known he loved her, even if he couldn’t provide a regular home with a normal life for her. Then again, what was normal? She’d seen enough worlds and experienced enough cultures to know there was no one right way to live.

“Maybe I want that home now. I’d have a chance at it on Albion 5.” Just the thought of Kal leaving her there with an aunt she barely knew had her breaking out in a sweat.

His arms tightened around her. “But you wouldn’t have me.”

She laughed again in spite of the seriousness of their conversation. “No, that’s true. But you’re not the only one on this ship, Kal. Your brothers wouldn’t like it.” And if there was one thing she was sure of it was that blood was thicker than water when it came to the brothers. She wouldn’t put it past Flynn to get rid of her if he thought she was trouble.

She shivered and Kal rubbed his hand over her back. “Hey, they’d get used to you in no time.”

“That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement. You know I’m right.” She laid her hand on his chest and felt the strong beat of his heart beneath her palm. His skin was hot. Kal was so alive, so masculine. It was no wonder she was drawn to him.

But there was so much more to him than that. She reached up and touched the jagged scar on his face. He didn’t flinch beneath her touch, although she felt him tense. “You got this in the explosion, didn’t you? The one that led to your sister being kidnapped?”

He nodded, captured her hand in his and brought it to his lips. He kissed the center of her palm, his lips soft, yet firm. “That was a long time ago.”

But it was a constant visual reminder of what he’d lost. Rory wondered if that was the same accident where Flynn had lost his hand and his right eye but she wasn’t brave enough to ask. Amos was missing the pinky finger on his left hand. She found herself wondering what other injuries might be hidden from sight.

“When did you get the tattoo?” Kal traced one of the intricate flowers that ran the entire length of her right arm.

“I got it for my eighteenth birthday?” She still remembered how excited she’d been. “My father knew an artist who he trusted and took me to him.” It had been a painful experience but it had been so worth it.

“You got something this elaborate in one sitting?” Kal seemed both intrigued and appalled.

Rory laughed at Kal’s expression. The experience itself had been anything but fun. “Most of it was done in a short period of time. The tattoo artist had a machine he’d built himself. I put my arm in the sleeve and dozens of laser needles worked at once to create most of the design.” She’d had to lie incredibly still through the pain. Any movement on her part would have ruined the images. “The artist filled in a lot of the detail work after the laser needles did their work.”

BOOK: Rescuing Rory
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