Resistance (Earth Evolution Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Resistance (Earth Evolution Series Book 2)
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Kyle leaned over to put his nose against her neck and took in a deep sniff. “Mmmm...I like your natural smell much better.”

She gulped. Having him that close, almost skin-to-skin had her breath coming in short gasps. “What do I smell like?”

“You still smell sweet. But also like sunshine and mine.”

Oh my God.
Rachel knew she should pull away but the moment his lips touched hers all rational thought left her. She wanted this. She wanted
. Nothing was stopping them now. There were no parents or siblings or other warriors getting in the way. She could do all the things she had only ever fantasized about. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her even closer.
Yes yes yes.
It was finally going to happen. She would lose her virginity to a man she really…

“Ouch! Easy there, I’m still recovering from the goose egg you gave me.”

“Sorry.” It was like the moment had been doused with cold water. Probably for the better, considering they were on the run and needed to concentrate on their surroundings. The intimate moment was lost now. She sighed.

“Come on, let’s get moving.”




Chapter 11


Six hours later


“What do you mean you lost his signal?” Captain Liam Estro and Lieutenant Colonel David James yelled at the very pale lieutenant at the same time.

“Sirs, there is extreme interference with our communications the farther down the subway tunnels that someone goes. The last message we received was broken up but we could make out that he believed he found Miss James’s trail. We think that if we are closer to them we would pick up their signal.”

“I want to know how my daughter was taken with all your security around!” Lieutenant Colonel James glared at Liam.

“David, calm down. They’re doing everything they can to find her,” Mrs. James said, trying to calm her husband.

Liam felt sick inside at the thought that something could have happened to his sister-in-law. She was so fragile. But he also knew his brother. “This was a joint security effort. I’m not sure how they broke our security measures, but it could have been a leak. Look, if Kyle found her trail he won’t give up until he has her back. I know him. He’ll do everything he can to protect her.”

“He better. I’m at the point of withdrawing all association with you people,” Lieutenant Colonel James threatened.

Damn it!
Liam couldn’t let that happen. It was exactly what these radicals wanted. “We are deploying a search team to retrieve them now. We’ve sent down Maggie’s friend Corey Nash. She says he knows these tunnels better than anyone.”

The lieutenant colonel grunted. “I want some of my own people involved in the search. At this point, I can’t trust you to get the job done.” He turned to give orders to his second before storming off.

Liam watched him go with dread. His father-in-law was furious. And Liam didn’t blame him at all. How these guys got past their security was worrisome. It led to questions of whether humans were selling information or if his people were involved. Not every Drastan was happy about their presence on Earth.

He turned to look down at Maggie’s mother. “We’ll find her.”

Mrs. James nodded, wiping her tears away. “I know you will. I also know how much Kyle cares about Rachel. He’ll protect her. I know he will.”

Liam nodded as she turned to leave. Yeah, Kyle would give his life to protect Rachel. He just hoped they could find them both before it came to that.


“How long have we been walking?” Rachel asked.

Kyle looked down at her strained face. She had surprised him with how strong she was emotionally, mentally, and physically. She hadn’t complained — not once. This was the first time that she actually asked about the time. She was about to fall down from exhaustion. He was too. He would heal much faster if he could get a little rest.

“Three hours. I think we can rest for a little bit. Let me find a good location that might provide cover.” He scanned the area off to the right side of the tunnel tracks and saw benches that were bolted down. They could lie on those, but wouldn’t have any cover. He almost missed a door because it was blocked.

“Is that another control room?”

“I’m not sure. The lettering looks different. The other one said
. This one looks like it says
Employees Only
.” Rachel walked with Kyle and helped him move metal pieces that had fallen in front of the door.

He shoved the door open and used his penlight to search for a light switch. He turned it on and it flickered before it gave out a steady low light. They walked inside.

Rachel looked around. She saw more benches and also lockers. “It’s a locker room.”

“What is that?”

“Usually employees and change into their work clothes and leave their personal possessions inside the lockers. There might be…” Rachel walked through an open doorway on the other side of the room and turned on another light switch. “Yes!”

Kyle followed her. “What is it?”

“A bathroom with shower stalls.” She walked into one of the stalls and turned the tap. The faucet made a chugging sound, and then brown water came out in spurts. “There’s cold water but the hot doesn’t work.”

“Why is it brown?” Kyle asked, looking at the water in disgust.

“It’s not been used in a while. From what Maggie says the water comes from a deep wells underneath the subway. I’ll let it run for a bit to see if it will run clear.”

“The other tribes I’ve seen don’t have rooms like this to bathe in.”

“It’s the location the tribes chose to live in. We’re kind of deep inside the subway station, which isn’t convenient for the tribes who have to search for food and trade with one another. Probably when the subway station had to send workers out this far to work on the system, they provided lockers and showers for them.”

“If the hot water isn’t working, then that explains the lack of heat in this area,” Kyle commented, going back to the locker room.

“Yeah, that’s probably why no one stayed in this area. No heat.” She walked over to a locker and opened it. It wasn’t locked but it was empty inside.

“What are you doing?” Kyle asked, watching her.

“I am looking for something we can use. Maybe clothes, towels, food if we’re lucky. I’m hungry.”

“I have a few ration bars with me,” Kyle offered, moving to a locker to open it up. He found nothing.

“Well, that’s something. And now we have water to drink. So we’ll be okay for a while.” She frowned when she found a locked locker. “Damn it!”

“Here, let me at it.” Kyle gently moved her out of the way so that he could examine the crude lock.

“How’s your head?” she asked.

“Better. I don’t feel like I am walking around with weights on top of my head.” He punched the side of the locker, denting the metal and breaking the lock. He opened the door. “Found some things here.”

Rachel came over and peered inside the locker. “It’s musty smelling, but beggars can’t be choosers.” She reached inside and pulled out a towel and a one piece overall uniform. They were too big for her so she handed them to Kyle.

He lifted the garment to his nose and sneezed before throwing it to the ground. “I’ll stick with my own clothes.”

Rachel tried to hide a giggle. She agreed with him on that. She wasn’t going to put on clothes that hadn’t been washed in years. It was stiff in places and she didn’t even want to think about what that was from. The towel was a different story. It had been folded neatly, which made her think it was a clean one, or at least before the nukes hit it had been clean.

“I might take a quick shower and get some of this filth off me. See if you can find more towels that are folded. Those will be mostly likely the clean ones. We can fold some up to use as a pillow or blanket so we can get some rest.”

“What will you wear?”

“I’ll put my own clothes back on after I’m dry.” She walked back through the entry leading to the showers.


Images of Rachel completely bare with water rushing over her body plagued him as he punched another locker to open it. There was nothing in it but old shoes and a name badge. He closed it and went to open another. This one had a folded towel. He pulled it out and placed it on the bench.

He kept searching and found three more towels, a couple of jackets they could use as blankets, and a water bottle that he thought they could fill up and drink from. It would come in really handy when they moved on. He stopped and listened for the water but did not hear it running. He assumed she had finished her shower. He headed in that direction and froze when he saw her.

“Kyle!” Rachel reached up to cover herself.

“I thought you were done.”

She reached for her towel and wrapped it around her body. “I am, but I wanted to check the other stalls to see if they were working. Only two work.” She shivered. “Why are you in here?”

He held up the water bottle. “I thought I would fill this up.” He bent over and turned the water on.

“Perfect. I could definitely use something to eat and drink right now. Not to mention an hour or two of sleep would really do a world of good. I feel like I am the walking dead here.”

“Do your dead walk?” He frowned, looking concerned.

“Of course not. It’s a figure of speech. It just means I’m really tired.”

“Yes, then I am walking dead too. Come, let’s eat and then get some rest.” He motioned for her to head in front of him.

“Did you find anything useful?” Rachel asked him.

“Just a few more towels and a couple of coats. The coats didn’t smell worn so I’m not sure they were used much.”

“Good. I didn’t want to put my clothes on right away. They were kind of sweaty. Hoping they will dry out some.”

He watched her as she checked out the two coats. Neither one would really fit her. She was too short and whoever owned the coats was big.

“I’ll use this one. It should cover me up.” She put her arms through the sleeves, which overlapped her hands by three inches. She then zipped the coat up. She shimmied and the towel she had been wearing fell to her feet.

“It’s thick. Should keep us warm.”

Kyle closed his eyes. The towel was gone which meant she was completely naked under that coat. His body was already hard for her. With her being washed free of the dust, he could smell her sweet fragrance and it was driving him crazy. He had to get his mind off of her.

He walked over to a bench and tried lying flat on his back. It wasn’t comfortable at all. He turned on his side, which proved to be even less comfortable. “Fuck.”

“Come over here. The floor is the best we’re going to get.” Rachel called out.

He looked over at her and his heart rate sped up. She had used the towels he found and laid them on the hard floor to make a pallet. The other coat she had rolled up into an oblong shape and she was using it as a pillow.

He stood up and made his way toward her. He could see her tracking him. He liked the way she checked him out from top to bottom. Then she licked her lips. A growl of need rose deep in his throat.



“I’m going to kiss you again.”

Her eyes blinked up at him. “Are you asking me?”

He shook his head as he knelt down on his knees and crawled the rest of the way to her. “No honey, I’m telling you, not asking. I’m going to kiss you.”

She licked her lips. “Mmm...okay.”

He lowered his face toward hers and gently touched her lips with his. The taste of her was too much yet not enough. He had to have more. He had to have all of her. He gripped the back of her head gently as he pulled her to him. He had her in his grasps and he wasn’t going to let go.






Chapter 12


Rachel wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, careful not to touch his head injury. Thankfully, the swelling was almost gone. She just didn’t want anything else to interrupt them this time. This time, she wanted to take this further than she ever had before.

That wouldn’t be hard. She grew up in the dome that her father was in charge of. Her parents were extremely protective, especially when they thought her older sister Maggie had died from the nuclear disaster.

But she had found ways around her father’s rules. She had a few dates, or just time alone with an occasional guy in a secluded storage area. A little necking, a whole lot of kissing. She felt she was an expert on kissing. But none of the guys she kissed before could hold a candle to Kyle.

The moment his lips touched hers she felt a spark zip through her whole body and center right at her pussy. She shivered with an unfamiliar ache.

She opened her mouth and his tongue took over. He explored her and conquered her. She teased him back and almost smiled at his groan of pleasure. It made her feel bolder to know she had this kind of effect on him.

Rachel felt him slowly lower the zipper of the jacket she was wearing down and down. Every inch revealed more of her naked body underneath. She felt the cool air on her as he pushed the coat over her shoulders and off of her completely. She watched him shyly as he took in her naked body.

“You are so beautiful.”

She felt herself blush. Guys had told her that before. But it just meant more coming from Kyle for some reason. His opinion mattered to her. When did that happen? She had no idea. Maybe from the beginning, when she first met him but he was trying to be a playboy with all her friends. She wanted him to look at her and her alone. So she flirted with his brother Liam to make him jealous.

“You have too many clothes on,” she whispered, wanting to see all of him.

Kyle leaned back on his knees and removed his uniform shirt. It was made of a stretchy material and was easily pulled off. What he exposed was golden perfection. Rachel couldn’t stop herself from reaching out and rubbing her fingers over his chest. She trailed soft pathways from one shoulder to the next. Then she trailed her fingers from his collarbone down between his pecks, down and down to tease his belly button. She paused when she got to his staff, which was at full attention.

“We don’t have to go any further than this,” Kyle offered.

“But I want to. I want to finally know what it’s like to be with a someone…sexually.”

Kyle blinked at her. “You’ve never shared sex before?”

She knew her blush had spread all over her body. She shook her head. Would he be turned off now? Some guys preferred a more experienced woman.

“Look, it’s okay…” She started to let him off the hook, reaching for the jacket to put back on but she was suddenly pulled hard against his body. She looked up in surprise, but her mouth was claimed by his in a deep, deep kiss.


Kyle couldn’t believe it. She was a virgin, untouched by any other man. What was wrong with these human men? He had never been with anyone inexperienced before. But knowing that he would be her first made him feel extremely honored and proud. It also put a lot of pressure on him. He wanted to make this good for her.

He dragged her against him and kissed her deep and strong. He wouldn’t allow her to be shy with him, not now. “You are safe with me,” he whispered between kisses.

. She felt so good. Her flesh against his. She was warm and soft.

“Do you know how wonderful you feel? It’s like touching the softest petals of the Gorgana flower.”

“What is a Gorgana flower?” She whispered.

“It is a rare flower on my planet. It only blooms once a year for one day. You have to be in the right place at the right time to be able to appreciate its delicate beauty.”

That’s how he felt about Rachel. This moment with her would only come once. He wanted to take his time and appreciate every detail, every touch, and every taste. This would be something he would never, ever forget and he hoped to give her a beautiful memory that would last her a lifetime.

He cupped her face with his hands, amazed at the delicacy of her face. He held her where he could kiss her, pulling her bottom lip between his teeth and nibbling at her.

He moved his hands down her face, her neck, and her gentle shoulders. He kept going until he cupped both her breasts. His lips followed the path that his hands had taken. He teased her nipples into tight points.

“Oh, Kyle,” she moaned with pleasure. She arched her back to give him more access.

Kyle nuzzled her breasts with his nose and mouth. “So soft.” He took a nipple into his warm mouth, deep inside. The taste of her, every part of her, was amazing.

He pulled her more onto his lap until she was straddling him. One of his hands cupped her rounded ass. His shaft brushed against her folds. She soaked him with her juices. He needed to taste more of her.

He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her and then lowered them both to the towels. His kissed her again and then kissed his path down her face and neck, back to her breasts again. He loved her breasts. They were just the right size for his large hands. Not too big but plenty to fill his needs.

Kyle kissed her stomach, then her navel. He licked and nibbled, feeling pleased when she giggled. He wanted her to find lightness in their lovemaking as well as passion. He kissed further down. She had a small patch of blond hair covering her mound. He nuzzled her, inhaling her sweet scent.

He moved to press her legs apart so that he could settle his body there. She fought him a little, trying to keep her knees closed.

“Easy beautiful, I just want to taste you.”

“I’ve never had anyone…”

He smiled at her sexily. “I’m glad for that. Trust me, I will be gentle.” He pushed her knees with his shoulders wedging himself in. His first sight of her pussy caused precum leak. “You are so pretty here.” He lightly rubbed her lips with his finger. Her juices flowed over his hand.

He rubbed his thumb against her clitoris. Then he leaned down and licked up her juices. “ taste so damn good. I want more.” He would never have enough of her, never.

He used both hands to spread her pussy lips wider. He pressed his lips down and sucked her clit. She reached for his hair and held him there. He smiled. His little virgin liked this. He began to lick her with long swipes. So good, so good. He plunged his tongue inside her entrance. In and out, while he teased her clit and rubbed her labia.

“Kyle, I feel…”

“I know, baby. Let it happen.”


Rachel had never felt like this before. She felt sparks of electricity running through her whole body. Her nipples were tight and her stomach muscles were clenching. It was awkward but at the same time, it felt amazing. Everything was building inside. It seemed to be focusing at her pussy. Something was happening…

“Kyle!” She screamed as she arched her back. Her tightness formed into a tight ball and then seemed to just explode outward. She was breathing hard and heavy as she felt Kyle moving up her body. There were tingles inside her still reacting and as his body dragged against hers, those electrical currents started to build again.

When Kyle was above her, he stared down at her like she was everything to him. She felt desirable. It was a heady feeling. Kyle paused as the tip of his cock against her pussy. He pressed in little by little.

“You are so tight,” Kyle groaned. Sweat was coating his skin and hers.

She let herself relax against him. It was a weird feeling, being filled. Incredible that she could expand and stretch to accommodate his size. Kyle was a big man, from what she heard others talk about. She had sneaked a peek at a few naked men while in the dome. But those men had nothing on Kyle. He paused and she wondered if something was wrong.

“What is it?”

“Your barrier. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It’s okay. I heard that it only lasts for a little bit.”

“Kiss me, Rachel.” Kyle leaned down and claimed her lips.

She felt him push forward, breaking the barrier that had protected her innocence. She flinched from a sharp pain. But it was only a flash, and as he held still within her, the pain quickly fled. It left her feeling a little strange, but it was no longer unpleasant.

“Are you okay?” Kyle asked, looking down with concern.

She gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m okay.”

He started to move out of her, and she wanted to protest. She didn’t like the empty feeling. But then he returned, pushing all the way in. He repeated the movement slowly, gently, until Rachel couldn’t stand the slowness anymore.

“Please, move faster and harder,” she growled at him. It felt so good and those currents running throughout her body were directly linked to where the two of them joined. Every movement sent pleasure impulses and she wanted more. She needed more.

He lifted her hips upward as he came down. The new position had him hitting just the right places. She felt a fire racing up her spine. It was so good ― so damn good. Just a little more…

“Kyle!” Rachel screamed out his name as she felt her orgasm exploding within her. But she took him with her.

“Fuck!” Kyle’s whole body shook as he released his seed inside her. He rolled them over to allow her to lie on top of him. She had no desire to move at all.

“That was...amazing,” she whispered.


Kyle pulled her tight against him. Sex with other females was nothing like it was with Rachel. Even though it was her first time, he felt a connection to her. It was so strong and real that he knew he would not be able to walk away from her after this without leaving a piece of his soul with her.

Was this like the bond that Liam said he felt instantly with Maggie? He wasn’t sure but he couldn’t imagine feeling anything stronger for anyone else.

Rachel was a surprise to him, but she shouldn’t have been. He knew her. He knew that she was strong and smart and beyond beautiful. She had such a caring nature. She had volunteered to come down to help the tribe people, despite warnings that it could be dangerous. She was so gentle with the tribe children, laughing and playing with them. She carried a deep love for her parents and for her sister. But what surprised Kyle the most was her ready acceptance of his people.

She was an amazing woman and he was honored that she put such trust in him to let him be her first. The thought that she might be with another after him left him growling. She must have heard him.

“Are you okay, Kyle?”

“Yes. I just feel so protective of you now.”

She laughed. “More than usual? I don’t know if I can handle that.”

He flipped them over until she was underneath him. His cock was still partially hard and deep within her, linking them, binding them. He didn’t ever want to leave her.

“This is special, Rachel. What we have here is not something I’ve had before.”

“I know.” She gasped as he moved.

He lifted her hand and placed it over his heart. “It’s not just physical. I feel for you here, too.”

“Me too,” she whispered to him. A tear trailed down her face. He reached up to capture it with his thumb.

“Did I make you sad?”

She shook her head. “It’s happy tears.”

Kyle smiled down at her with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “Well, get ready for a downpour because I am about to make you real happy.” Then he surged hard and deep inside her. This was where he belonged.


BOOK: Resistance (Earth Evolution Series Book 2)
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