Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (9 page)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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A harsh yank to my hair stops me in my tracks. Pain radiates around my skul
l, firing misery down my nerve pathways. Master Ez’s hand tightens in my hair, wrapping and wrapping the two feet of red curls around his fist. I halt, suspended from his hand. The only sound I hear is my tortured gasps.

Kat!” A large hand swats my ass- hard. An animal-like noise rises from my throat as the sting spreads across my ass and radiates up my back and down my thighs. Master Ez dwarfs me. His hand is the size of my entire ass. I should scream, cry, fight back, or run. I shamefully freeze as moisture runs down my thighs, and it’s not the kind from fright. Mortified by my arousal, I quiver as Master Ez uses my hair to control me, dominate me.

“That was for trying to run. You will ob
ey me or get punished.” Master Ez’s voice is stiff with barely leashed fury. He hauls me to the bed and arranges me. I’m completely pliant, his to render in any fashion. He arranges me on the bed as he sees fit, flat on my back, hands overhead. I lay completely taken over by the ache and sting in my body. It hurts so bad tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

“You wound me. I b
ear gifts and you try to run. That is unacceptable, Katya.” His voice sounds hurt, and the tears are no longer a threat. They fall rapidly as his disappointment rolls over me and takes me under.

soft is placed around my wrists- my gifts? Feather-light touches skid across my tender red skin. The soft mixed with the pain is a surprising sensation of pleasure.

“You tried
to remove my first gift to you. Katya, are you so desperate to be rid of me that you injure yourself in the process?” Hot breath touches my wrist. The blindness has my nerves on edge, causing every touch to feel ten times more potent. Soft lips flutter on my blistered flesh and I whimper from the sensation.

“I’ll kiss it and make it better,” he
sweetly purrs. His voice holds a childlike edge, as if he is the one needing his pain kissed away.

Master Ez’s
warm body cuddles against my side, cradling me to his wide chest. His heavy thigh slides up and over my waist, pinning me, effectively trapping me in his embrace. A seeking hand slowly draws my injured wrist to his mouth. Slowly and seductively he kisses my abused flesh. I squeeze my eyes shut even though I have a mask on. I try to block the intense sensations wracking me. It’s been too long… it’s been never.

When Master Ez opens up his mouth, hot breath searing my flesh, wet tongue touching me, I lose it. The feel of his soft tongue lapping at
my sore skin is a pleasurable pain I’ve never experienced. A moan rumbles up my throat and I arch up.

mm, responsive lil kitty.” His teeth pinch my raw skin and I yelp in pain. Pleasurable punishments. He quickly straddles my waist and sits on me.

“You and I need to have a talk.” His voice is no longer smooth and calming. It holds
an edge, he will not be denied. “You and I play a game. We both know it’s a game. But when I tell you to do something I expect you to damn well do it.” He grips my wrist in his hand and squeezes until I whimper in pain. “What did I tell you to do, Katya?” He calmly asks.

My mind races
with thoughts. I am pretty sure that Master Ez is my boss- Mr. Ezra Zeitler. Which one did I defy? What if they aren’t the same person and I choose wrong? His hold on my arm has me on a precipice. The level of pain is almost to the point of unbearable. What if I answer wrong? I don’t want to be in pain and I don’t want to disappoint him, either. Regardless of whether or not Master Ez is Zeitler, he is Master Ez right this very moment. I must have defied him.

“I didn’t meet you at Restraint this evening like you requested,” I rapidly blurt out, hop
ing that even if I’m wrong he’ll take pity on me for answering fast.

“Very good, a
nd why didn’t you show up?” He slightly loosens his grip on my wrist as a reward for answering, but he keeps enough pressure on it to still cause me pain.

“I think I figured out who you are and I think you know I know. And maybe I don’t want to play this game.”
I mumble nonsense.

m, are you sure?” More kisses soothe my abused wrist. He chuckles against my skin. The amused Master Ez is back. It lends to the fact that he is also the amused Mr. Zeitler. Both seem to think I’m entertaining as all hell. Who the fuck are they? And why did they choose me to play with?

“Now, now,
there are no lies between us, Kat. We both know you love this game. Your thighs are positively drenched,” He salaciously purrs in my ear.

Ez’s hand slides up my inner-thigh and retreats before I can react or flinch. I’m thankful that he didn’t go
A wet smacking sound echoes in the room, and then his body erupts with a violent shudder before the room echoes with his sigh. Sweet Jesus! He’s not doing what I think he’s doing, is he?

My body strings tight when I hear him
rumble, “Lovely.”

“I think you defied me because you were shopping for means of removal and the time got away from you. I found a fit punishment.” A soft hand places my left wrist in my right palm.

My breath hisses out when I realize what my new gifts are. I don’t know if I should be epically pissed or pat the fucker on the back for being diabolical.

o birds… one stone.” Ez clutches my hands together in emphasis. “Punishment for not meeting me when I requested it so nicely and insurance that you will mind my next command performance.”

On both of my wrists are leather cuffs, just
like the ones Fate wears. However, mine have metal bands imbedded into the leather preventing me from cutting them off. I’m sure it’s the same mystery alloy that is unbreakable.

“I can’t go to work like this. I had a hard
enough time hiding the bracelet, let alone two leather and metal cuffs.” My voice breaks and tears stream down my face- tears of frustration. Even if Master Ez is Zeitler, I can’t get away with this. My coworkers and clients would see them, and some may actually know what they mean.

I am very
tenacious. I will find a way to remove them. What’s next, a collar?

“I will make a deal with you. If you arrive at Restraint tomorrow and obey me, I will remove them. Every time I request your presence I will put them on and take them off at the end of the weekend. Understood?”
Master Ez sounds oh-so reasonable, not as if he’s extorting me.

but what about the bracelet?” I whine.

“No, I told you that
will never come off,” he hisses. “If you defy me again I will show up wherever you are and slap these cuffs on your wrists. I don’t care who sees them, because I want the world to know you’re mine.” He sounds crazed.

Master Ez’s
mercurial moods are difficult to keep up with. He is making me dizzy with confusion. Being around Master Ez is like talking to two entities within one body: calm and understanding, and maniacal and amused.

“You must
understand that your punishment will be severe. This game is exciting and fun. But the cuffs and bracelet are NOT part of the game. Have I made myself clear?” His body is vibrating from his authority.

They aren’t a part of the game bec
ause he can control me them. No one can control every aspect of a game and he knows it. But if you can control the player, you can control the game.

“Yes.” Even as I say the word
, ways to remove my new restraints flash through my head. A painful grip on my injured arm releases a blood-curdling scream from my mouth. An iron grip surrounds my injured wrist and painfully squeezes. I don’t know what I’ve done and why Master Ez is punishing me- but it hurts like a sonofabitch. I whimper and writhe through the pain, regretting that I’ve gotten myself into this situation. I don’t know if I can trust this side of Master Ez.

“You, twit
,” he disgustedly spits out. He twists the word
like it has some underlying meaning of heinousness. “You may be masked, but I can still see you. I know you’re lying from the expressions that flash across your face. I demand absolute truth between us, just as you want it in return. So far, you’ve lied to me six times today. Not a very good start to our arrangement, now is it? You’ll learn… eventually.” The tone in his voice screams that he’s excited and annoyed at the prospect of teaching me.

“You speak of truth, yet I know nothing of you- not your name, who you are, how you know
me, why you picked me. Nothing,” I hiss defiantly. “You punish me for things I don’t even understand. You pulled me into this without ever explaining a damned thing to me, goddammit,” I rabidly hiss.

“That’s all the game
and you know it. You know all you need to know, that I will keep you safe and that you can trust me. Trust me on this: we know each other very well, and for a lot longer than you think.” His voice softens. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” Master Ez’s weight leaves my bed, and my heightened senses pick up the sound of his feet padding across my floor.

I comply. I’m not
in any shape to disobey. My ass still stings. My skull feels like it’s been scalped. I wish my right arm didn’t have a hand. And my mind is jelly. Tomorrow I will plot and get into this game. Master Ez will not play a one-sided game. I won’t let him.

“Good girl, you obeyed me
,” Master Ez coos. His body invades my personal space again. There is no such thing as personal or private with Master Ez.

Cool wetness spreads
across my wrist, a soothing balm on my tortured flesh. Master Ez rubs the gel into my skin as he speaks. “It’s aloe and antibiotic gel. It should soothe your burns and heal the cuts. You should know better than to mix water, petroleum, and chemically based products together. I thought you were smarter than that, Katya,” he chastises me. “But the evidence to the contrary is staring me in the face. I should let you suffer for your stupidity. Do you honestly believe I won’t put something far worse on your wrist if you manage to remove this? For heaven’s sake, it’s worth over a hundred thousand dollars. Or do you prefer something else? I thought for many months on the design.”

“What?” garbles out of my mouth as I digest what he just said.
Most women would hear the hundred thousand dollars’ worth of bracelet on their wrist and forget everything else. But I’m not most women. I can’t be blinded by money and jewels. I sure as fuck would be happy to give this bracelet back, but he won’t let me. What I want to know is where the hell did this ointment came from. It wasn’t in my lineup of goop, that’s for sur.

“You’ve had a rough day,” Master Ez says, thinking that my response is from something entirely different.
“You can think in the morning. Let me care for you now,” he huskily purrs.

Strong hands roll me over
onto my stomach and lift my nightgown. I want to protest, but I know there is no sense. Master Ez sees me as his- his to do whatever he pleases. After being shoved around my bedroom, I decide to be compliant in fear that he will take liberties I’m not willing to give. Cold liquid pours onto my backside and shocks a grunt from me. The sweet scent invigorates my senses as it soothes my tender backside. Oh, it’s an L- lotion and lemon.

“I borrowed this from your supplies on the kitchen counter
. Leave it to you to alphabetize your products. I normally would have warmed the lotion, but I thought your burning ass would appreciate the coolness.”

Two hands rub a
delicious rhythm into my flesh, kneading and rolling along my backside. My eyes roll up into the back of my skull as I moan in agonizing pleasure. I want to think about the implications of a man intimately touching me, but Master Ez’s command that I wasn’t allowed to think until the morning won’t allow me to sort through my mixed feelings.

I can’t tell if it feels really good or hurts like hell. All I know is
that it feels better than sex. Master Ez masters my behind, thighs, and lower back until all the lotion is absorbed and I feel like a puddle of goo. My throat and mouth are dry from panting and whimpering. Anticipating my needs, Ez tips a cup to my mouth. Mmm… ginger ale- bliss. I savor the cool liquid as it pours down my throat. Yet another of my supplies pilfered from my kitchen. Master Ez sure did make himself to home.

Heavy hands grip my thighs, gently pulling them apart until my legs are separated
. “Well, that answers a question for me. I wondered if you’d like pain,” he sounds pleased and it confuses me even more.

Master Ez places his
hands on the back of my thighs and slowly drags them up from the backs of my knees to my ass. His thumbs slide underneath the swell of my cheeks until they rest near my pussy lips. He flexes his thumbs opening my private flesh to his sight. I freeze in fear, half-hoping and half-dreading that he will touch me

“I’d s
ay pain is on your menu,” Master Ez groans, evidently enjoying the view. I whimper, a hunger flaring in my belly that has nothing to do with food, and won’t easily be satisfied. His hands abruptly release my thighs. My legs abruptly snap back together, causing me to grunt in shock.

The lip smacking noise floods my ears,
and it’s unmistakable what Master Ez is lapping up. The sound makes my body eagerly produce more for him to taste.

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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