Read Resurrection Online

Authors: Barker,Ashe

Resurrection (4 page)

BOOK: Resurrection
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"Jane. Come to me. Now." His tone was low, though not menacing despite his stated intent. He expected her obedience though, and Jane knew he would force the issue if she did not do as he said. She also knew that there was no one in this castle who would raise either hand or voice in her defense. Her husband was master at Roseworth. The power here was his, absolutely.

Slowly she stepped forward. He waited as she approached him, patient but determined. When she at last stood beside him he patted the front of his thigh.

"Over my knee, Janey."

His tone had softened, and the intimate use of her name gave her pause. Her husband rarely even spoke to her outside of formal settings, let alone would he utter any endearment. His expression did not suggest mockery, though she could not name the unfamiliar expression which lurked in his sapphire eyes. With a dejected sob Jane prostrated herself across his lap. Her waist-length plait trailed on the rug beside the bed and she grasped at her husband's leather boot for support, convinced she would overbalance and tumble to the flagged floor.

"Your shift, Jane."

"I, I cannot reach. Could you not just—"

"Spanking requires a bare bottom, Janey. You can reach, and I wish you to bare your buttocks for me now."

There was no alternative, no avoiding this. Jane stretched her hand behind her to grab the hem of her garment and pulled it up. She was oddly grateful that her husband steadied her with his arm to prevent any danger of her falling as she did the same with the other side.

"Is that high enough, my lord?"

"Almost. Pull it right above your waist. I wish to see all of your sweet derrière for this as I intend to turn the whole of it a glorious shade of crimson."

Jane sobbed as she complied, uncertain whether her tears were due to fear of what was about to happen to her or humiliation at this treatment. Her husband might be cold and neglectful, but he had always treated her with the utmost courtesy. Until now.

At this moment she longed for him to neglect her.

"Good. You may scream and shriek all you like, but you will not kick or struggle or otherwise seek to avoid your punishment. I will tell you when we are finished here and you may get up, but until then you will remain exactly where you are with your bottom nice and high. Do you understand?"

"I cannot. You will hurt me..."

"I will. I intend to hurt you because I am about to teach you a lesson you will not easily forget. I hope such occurrences will be rare between us, my lady, but be under no illusion. I
make my point and disobedience will earn you a bared and spanked bottom. So, you will be still, yes?"

"I will try, my lord." Jane did not think for one moment she would succeed.

"You will do as I say, or we will continue here until you do. You have a gorgeous arse, my sweet little wife, and I already intend you not to wish to sit on it for several days. I recommend you make every effort not to provoke me further."

"I did not mean to provoke you, my lord. I am sorry, I... please, I will never bathe a guest again."

"No, you will not. I shall make sure of it now."

"There is no need—ow!"

The first slap landed full across her right buttock, sending waves of sharp pain shimmering across her skin. Jane stiffened, clenched her bottom and squealed.

But she did not move.

Gerard continued to spank her, first one cheek, then the other, rapid and hard at first, then he slowed the pace but not the intensity. Jane tried to count but soon lost the number. By the time her husband had covered the entirety of her bottom and moved to the backs of her thighs she believed she might lose the will to live.

"My lord, please.... please."

"Why is this happening to you, Janey?"

"My lord... oh! Ow."

"Why, Jane?"

"Because I helped Norfolk at his bath. Ooh."

"And why did that earn you a punishment?"

"Because you told me I need not do such a thing."

"Why did you do it then?"

"I did not think, my lord. I was... I was..."

"Why did you disobey me?" His tone had gentled, and Jane believed the spanking might have eased also. Her bottom was aflame, but getting no worse. Her husband rested his palm on her smarting bottom and pressed. "Why, Jane?"

"Ouch." She wriggled under his hand, but the pain was different now. Her bottom was tender, horribly so, and he seemed intent upon working the discomfort yet deeper. But the effect was oddly pleasurable. Her heated skin prickled under his touch as he stroked and caressed her swollen, smarting lower curves. Her response, when she at last managed to articulate it, was not what she had expected or intended to say to him. "Because I wanted to get your attention. I wanted you to notice me so I thought if I pleased Norfolk you might… might..."

"Might what?"

"I thought you might come to my bed, my lord. I am sorry, I should not have done such a thing. And he was loathsome."

"Did he touch you?"

"No, my lord. He just… just seemed to wish to torment me. I could not help but see—"

"The bastard. He shall not be welcome here again."

"But I—"

"Enough. He shall not enjoy the hospitality of this house yet insult its mistress. And in the future, Janey, you will not assist at any bath but mine. Not for any reason at all. Is that clear?"

"Yes. My lord." Her voice was small. Jane felt defeated, worthless, utterly stupid.

"And in the future if you wish for my attention, you should simply come to me and plant yourself in my way. I daresay I shall notice you, but if I should fail to do so I give you permission to prod me on the arm."

"I shall, my lord. Thank you." Jane made to rise but a heavy arm across her back put a stop to that.

"I shall tell you when I am done. I am satisfied that you now properly understand the gravity of the danger and the consequences of courting it. I believe ten more spanks, hard ones, will suffice to ensure the lesson never slips your mind again. Do you agree, Jane?"

Jane gasped and twisted on his lap to peer up at him. Her bottom throbbed, her thighs burned. "Please, my lord, no more. I am truly sorry and will never disobey you in that manner again. You have my word."

"And I thank you for it, my lady. Ten more, I believe we agreed."

Jane slumped back into her previous position, resigned to the inevitable. She allowed her body to become limp, draped across his lap. She waited for him to complete his task.

The last ten were the worst yet. Jane managed to count the spanks as Gerard placed each one with resounding, efficient accuracy. Top curve, lower curve, thigh, then he repeated the sequence down the other side. Her previously punished skin was alight once more, her body a mass of hurting as he delivered the final set of four heavy slaps across the middle part of her bottom, catching both cheeks with his huge, hard hand.

He stopped. It was over. She had survived it. Jane knew better though than to assume she may get to her feet. In any case, she rather doubted that she could. She was oddly glad to be allowed to remain where she was for a few moments at least to regain her composure, such as it was. Her dignity was, of course, another matter, shredded beyond repair.

"You may get into bed if you like now, Jane. Your punishment is finished and you accepted it well. I trust it will be a while before I need to turn you across my knee again but be assured I shall do so if it is necessary to ensure your well being, since you seem to find the process so very educative."

Jane chose not to reply to that since to agree or to disagree seemed to her to be equally foolhardy. She accepted Gerard's assistance as she struggled stiffly back onto her feet, then clambered onto the bed. She moved gingerly, wincing as the soft fabric of her shift dropped back to swish against her sensitive flesh. She lay down on her side.

"I appreciate your reluctance to lie on your back, but you may find it necessary as we address the second matter before us this night." Gerard stood and grinned down at her.

How does he always contrive to look so bloody handsome
Despite the peculiar clenching in her lower body Jane frowned at him, dreading what might come next. Did her husband intend to fetch a switch after all?

"Second matter, my lord?"

"Yes. That of your virginity, Jane."

"My...? Oh."

Jane was to reflect later that her husband did his utmost to put her at her ease. His handsome face bore a pleasant enough smile as he sat on the edge of her bed and took her hand in his.

"Do not be afraid, my lady. I have no desire to hurt you further, and this will be quick, I promise."

"Yes, my lord." It was all Jane could do to raise her eyes sufficiently to view his broad chest. Despite his recent exertions in the matter of her chastisement he still wore his familiar soft leather tunic, the one which carried his unique aroma. It was a smell she adored, though she had few enough occasions to savour it. His hose were of wool, but finely woven, and his boots, the same boots she had clung to just minutes earlier as he rained spank after spank on her unprotected bottom, were of a buttery leather. As she regarded him in trepidation he stood and started to undress. Jane watched as her husband divested himself of his tunic, and the linen shirt he wore beneath. His naked chest was wide, the planes and angles well defined. His abdomen rippled with taut muscle, the result of countless hours spent in the saddle. He lowered his hose to reveal tightly muscled buttocks and strong thighs, then turned to present her with her second view that day of a fully aroused male.

Jane gasped and scrambled under the covers, clutching the blanket under her chin. Her husband grinned, though his expression soon changed to one which Jane could best describe as resigned indulgence.

"Come, now, Jane. Why so shocked? I trust I compare favourably to Norfolk."

"You do, my lord. Most favourably." It was true. Where she had found the sight of the duke's engorged penis revolting and disturbing, her husband was an entirely different matter. He was—magnificent. His wide, solid cock both intrigued and attracted her. She wondered if he might permit her to touch it.

"You have a look of consternation about you, madam, but you knew this would happen at some time. Roseworth needs an heir, and this is the way of it. You are right, I have neglected my duty in this regard but I shall endeavour to do better. I know you are sore and I shall not disturb your comfort more than is needful, you may have my word on that."

"I... you are not disturbing me, my lord." This was the moment she had dreaded for most of her childhood, but of late had come to anticipate with an eager curiosity, and perhaps a degree of resentment as the months slid by with no apparent interest from her handsome spouse. Now that it was here, she was delighted and scared in equal measure.

By way of demonstrating her willingness in the matter Jane slithered across the bed to make room for Gerard beside her. He pulled back the cover then slipped under it to lie on his side, regarding her hunched form.

"Do you want to remove your nightgown, Jane? It does not matter if you prefer to keep it on."

Jane would have appreciated rather more in the way of enthusiasm, not to mention clear direction, from her husband. For herself, lacking in any sort of relevant experience, she had no notion what might be the right way to proceed. She opted for the relative safety of taking her husband's somewhat lukewarm lead.

"I shall keep it on, if you please, my lord."

"Fine. Just lift it up as far as your waist then. Now if you would be so good as to lie back and spread your legs for me...?"

Jane did as she was bid, gritting her teeth at the friction as her bottom made contact with the stiff sheet beneath her. Her husband rolled into position above her. Gerard held his own weight on his elbows as he nudged at her entrance with the head of his thick, hard cock. Jane tensed as he swore, then rolled back onto his side.

"You're dry, and tight. Tight I do not mind, but you must try to relax or this will prove painful for you."

"I am sorry, my lord." Jane had not the slightest idea what she might do to better manage this affair, but she willed herself to keep her legs spread and to remain motionless as Gerard prodded at her most private parts with his fingers.

At first she was mortified, wracked with embarrassment as her husband explored between her soft folds. After a few moments though, something happened, and his gentle exploration started to feel different, better, somehow. As he stroked her, she began to experience a most unusual sensation deep within her core. She had a curious urge to tighten, to clench around his fingers when he slid them inside her. She fought it, quite at a loss to know what was correct and appropriate for this situation.

A peculiar sound reached her ears, a sound suggesting wetness. Gerard's fingers moved easily within her, and he slid them in and out with a slick, smooth motion. It felt strange and unfamiliar, but not painful. Jane let out a startled gasp when he found a particularly sensitive spot and rubbed her hard.

"Oh, my lord..."

"Ah yes, that is much better." Gerard sounded pleased with her, which Jane found both comforting and encouraging. Perhaps this encounter would end satisfactorily after all.

BOOK: Resurrection
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