Riding on Whispers (the Wolfegang series Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Riding on Whispers (the Wolfegang series Book 3)
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Ricky turned on Celeste so fast I was nearly yanked around by his hand, his nails digging deeper. “If you so much as bruise her…”

I yanked back on my hand, ignoring the sharp pain of his nails. He was so much stronger than me, but I had surprise on my side. He whipped back to face me. Not knowing what else to do, I hugged him, letting the contact help him connect with my thoughts. I made sure they were relaxed, and not worried, that I was looking forward to the mission. Not afraid. “Ricky,” I whispered. “You need to find your mask. Put it back on, you’re scaring them.”

His voice echoed in my mind.
There are too many thoughts that carry overwhelmingly strong emotions. I can’t keep control of myself, when I can’t remember who I am.

I thought about the last time we had tea together. It was pleasant, and fun to spend time with him.
Tell them you need to finish the work for the mission. You need to start uploading the genetics and pictures.

Slowly I let go and stood back. Ricky took a deep breath, still holding onto my hand and said, “Sir, I apologize for my behavior, permission to be dismissed?”

Wolfe stood up straight and really looked at Ricky. I hoped the Captain would just let it go. Let him leave and gather himself back together.

“Of course, Ricky. Please let me know as soon as you’re ready to integrate the fake documents with the prints.”

“Sir.” Ricky threw me a grateful look, and he was gone before Wolfe or Celeste had time to turn.

I glanced at my hand. It still trembled, and it was covered in blood. I hid my hand behind my back and waited for the Captain to speak.

The room was silent and no one seemed to have anything to add. I decided to speak first. “Celeste, is my decision alright with you?”

She gave me a sharp, appraising look. I could practically see the wheels turning in her head. “That is fine with me, earthling.”

I gave Celeste a nod. “When shall we begin, Weapons Master?”

“Whenever. I have the time today if you so desire.”

I wanted to be anywhere else than in that room with Wolfe and his questioning gaze. “Would now be good?”

“Of course.” She waved her hand at me dismissively, and I took that as my cue.

Nodding to the captain, I bolted out of there.


I went straight to my quarters and changed. I folded the uniform and carefully placed it on top of my trunk with Ricky’s combat boots. Idly, I wondered where he’d gone.

I made my way to the bathroom and decided to assess the damage to my hand. Ricky had done a number on it. There were five punctures and they looked deep. The water ran over my skin, cooling the pain and washing away the blood. I don’t think anyone saw the damage that was done, which was a small relief. I wouldn’t have to pretend the marks weren’t healing faster than normal.

Ricky had left some of his healing salve in my quarters. It took away the rest of the pain as I slathered it on my palm. The bandages covered the marks completely. I covered my other hand with bandages as well. It would look like I was preparing for a sparring match – nothing more.

I changed out of the uniform. My sweats were comfortable and roomy enough for training, and I slipped on my normal boots. I had to get used to fighting in them. Satisfied that I was prepared, I headed to Tier Three.

When I got to the observation deck, it was empty. I was alone in the training room while I waited for Celeste. My muscles were tight from the stress and tension from Ricky’s unexpected anger. I stretched out; it would help prevent any more injuries and loosen me up.

When Celeste finally arrived I was warmed up and ready to go. She didn’t look like she was interested in sparring yet. She was giving me a strange look, and for once it wasn’t disdain.

“What is it?” I asked.

Celeste walked up to me slowly. She stopped only a few inches away, and searched my face for something. “Please explain something to me. I need to understand.”

“I can’t explain until I know what it is.” Weirdly, I was less afraid of her than the last time we were on that tier alone. She just wasn’t at the top of my list of problems anymore.

When I looked up at her, I was reminded exactly how tall she was.

“You know as well as I that you can easily make it through this mission without more training,” she said. “Why submit yourself to me so soon after your injury?”

I slipped my hands into my pockets and shrugged. I had no reason not to tell her. “I may be adequate, but I have nowhere near the skill I need. I’m not as fast as I could be, and I don’t have enough variety. I’d be too predictable; easy prey.” I also needed to learn my limits; how far I could push myself, and for how long.

“Why choose me over the Captain?”

This question was harder to answer. I looked away from her questioning gaze. It was personal, and I was sure she suspected something happened between the two of us. I paused for a second to see what I could come up with. “I can train with him later,” I began. “But I might have a better chance if I stick with the same person I started training with under this particular circumstance.”

The look on her face told me she wasn’t completely convinced. My moment of pause gave her too much room for speculation. She didn’t push or prod the sore spot, she just nodded.

“All right then. Let’s get started.”

A few hours later I limped down the stairs to my room and flopped on the bed. I was incredibly sore. That training session with Celeste was rough, but I felt better about my control, and I was more comfortable with the motions. Although I knew a real fight would be completely different than a controlled environment. I was a little quicker than before, a little more precise, and to top it all off, there was no incident of Celeste breaking any more bones, or spilling my blood all over the sparring mats.

Wolfe’s voice crackled over the intercom. “Kat, are you in your room?”

I sighed. He must’ve been watching to know exactly when I finished with my sparring. “Yes, sir?”

“We’ll be reaching Enzo in two days, please be ready. Ricky will give you a list of what you need to bring.”

I hadn’t seen Ricky since the incident in the common room. He could be anywhere on the ship, and I really didn’t feel like looking for him at the moment.

I only had two days to figure everything out.

It’d be easier to just agree with Wolfe. “Yes, sir,” I said. “I’ll get on that.” Later, I thought, clicking off my side of the intercom.

I got up slowly and my muscles screamed at me. I carefully took the bandages off my injured hand. The fighting made the wounds open and bleed again. Wincing as the bandage pulled at my skin, I tossed the soiled cloth in the trash. What I really needed now was a shower. I stripped off the nasty, sweaty clothes and turned on the water.

When the bathroom was steamy I stepped in and let the strong, hot spray ease the soreness in my muscles. My head rested against the wall, and my wet hair covered my face. Things onboard the ship were messy, and complicated. It was the last thing I needed at the moment. Ricky had lost his iron-like control over something that seemed so trivial to me. It could be that he had a hard time with things when he couldn’t hear my thoughts. Telepathy was something he’s had his whole life. A moment of silence from someone could feel devastating when he normally knew exactly what was going on.

That wasn’t even the beginning of my problems. Wolfe now knew Ricky couldn’t always hear me. What did that make him think? Why was it so terrible? Ricky himself said I wasn’t the first.

I turned and leaned against the wall, sliding down until I was sitting on the tile, the hot water beating down on me. My head rested on my knees and I breathed in the soothing steam.

Everything was so completely out of control. I still had no idea how I was going to go on an undercover spy mission alone with Wolfe. After everything that happened between us, I didn’t feel ready. I couldn’t just ignore him the whole time. The success of the mission depended on us working together.

Blood swirled down the drain as I put my hand in the spray. It stung like a thousand bees, but I knew it’d be temporary. I wasn’t sure, but I thought my healing was accelerating. Each time I got hurt, I healed faster. What did that mean exactly?

The water turned off automatically; my programmed shower over. I didn’t move from where I sat. I didn’t feel like I had the strength to get up.

That stupid piece of paper Kris left me was so inadequate. I wished it had more information than there was. What was Kris hiding from? Did he think he could get me or himself in trouble if someone else found it? I didn’t know how or why he’d be in that sort of situation, and I wasn’t so sure I wanted to know.

How would Kris find me this time? Would he be there himself, or would he send another lackey? I didn’t think my brother would send a psycho to help lead me to him. I remembered Imre. Kris might, if he had connections to the Family. Who’s to say he didn’t have some other weird, underground connection? When I found him, I’d finally find out why he played those games with me. That kind of information could change everything.


Was I ready to know what he hid from? Did Wolfe know? Wolfe might have a guess, but I stopped him when he’d tried to tell me.

Whatever was going on, I had to get over my fear and apprehension. Somehow it was all connected, but I wasn’t sure if it would all add up. Everything kept leading back to experimentation, and the answers to that would be hard, but necessary. Kris wouldn’t go to a base that held genetic experimentation unless it was important to him.

Aching and starting to get cold, I stood up and grabbed a towel. I should find Ricky and talk to him. He needed someone right now, and the only person who wouldn’t upset him was me.

I still couldn’t get that image out of my head, the way he’d bared his teeth, and how frightening he looked. Drying off with the towel, I shuddered. He was dangerous, and I didn’t think anyone knew exactly how much until that moment. Oh, I had an idea, after everything he’d shown me in his memories, but seeing it firsthand was something else entirely.

I dressed quickly and slipped on some boots. Where would Ricky go for some peace and quiet? Where would I go? I left my quarters and slowly walked down the hall. I stopped at the top of the stairs that led down to the cargo bay. The engine room was perfect. The thumping noise of the machines would drown out almost anything, maybe even thoughts.

I made my way down the stairs. The ship was silent. Everyone was off doing their own thing, relaxing before we arrived at Enzo.

We only had two more days, and that idea made me nervous. I stood outside the door to the crystal room, and took a deep breath; preparing myself for whatever state Ricky might be in. I knew he’d never hurt me on purpose, but people were unpredictable when they were upset. Ricky didn’t just carry his own anger, but everyone else’s as well.

Slowly I opened the door and saw Ricky standing next to the worktable; listening to the record player and watching it spin. He was motionless as he watched the needle on the record.

“What are you doing here?” he asked with his back to me.

I closed the door behind me, but didn’t approach him. “I’m checking on you.”

“How’s your hand?” he asked. His was voice full of regret.

I walked over to him, close, but not crowding. Cautious of his mood, I answered quietly. “Healing, don’t worry about that. I came to make sure you’re okay.”

He turned to me then, and his eyes were puffy like he’d been crying. What color would his tears be? I knew almost nothing about his physiology, or his background. None of us did. He held it close like it was a shameful secret.

“I didn’t mean to lose it,” he said. “Chase and Celeste have never seen me like that, not in the three years I’ve been aboard this ship.”

I lifted the needle from the record and the silence settled over the room like a blanket. Carefully I placed my hand over his. “Why now?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Not being able to hear someone is like being blind. It’s so rare that it’s like a sinking pit, and I lose myself.”

Removing my hand from his, I crossed my arms in contemplation. “How
you control something like that?”

His long finger stretched and stroked the crystal tools, as he watched them glint in the soft light. “I’m hundreds of years old. You kind of figure it out. It’s as simple as tuning out the noise and finding the one voice you’re looking for. When you can’t find that voice, the metaphorical rope you’ve been reaching for isn’t there and you fall…drowning in the noise.”

BOOK: Riding on Whispers (the Wolfegang series Book 3)
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