ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: M.V.B. - Most Valuable Baby (Sports Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Interracial Pregnancy Romance) (30 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: M.V.B. - Most Valuable Baby (Sports Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Interracial Pregnancy Romance)
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This man with the muscles bulging on his biceps lifted me into his arms and made me wrap my legs around his waist. He was wearing a white pair of sleep pants and a white shirt that was wide open. He kissed the nape of my neck and sent a cold shiver down my spine. I quivered underneath his touch, trembling with a need that had gone unfulfilled for too long.


“You’ll know me when you see me.” It was a strange thing for him to say, and then there was an incessant knocking followed by the buzzer at my front door. My eyes fluttered open. I looked around at the empty spot beside me in bed. I touched it hoping that it would be warm, but it had that cool crisp feel to it.


I looked at my clock to see that it was only 6:30 AM. Whoever was announcing themselves at this hour better be important or they were going to get a tongue wagging like they’d never had before.


I was going to be up in another half an hour anyway, but this person had definitely interrupted my ritual. I grabbed for the short white as snow terry cloth robe that barely covered the unmentionables. I was wearing a pair of panties, but they were sheer. It wasn’t like I was wearing them for shock value. It was more for comfort. I really did think that I was wearing a heavenly piece of material made just for me.


I cinched my belt closed and made my way downstairs to see the frame of a man waiting for me. He had his back towards me and it was obvious that he was enjoying the view that I wake up to every morning. He turned and that is when I saw the chiseled good looks and the flowing blond hair. The wind had suddenly picked up and made him look like a model getting his photograph taken. It was the dimples that had me thinking of that football player that Emilio had been hesitant of telling me about.


I opened the door and stood there, with my hands on my hips, to let him know that I was not very happy about this intrusion into my personal space. “I don’t suppose you have a good reason for coming here at this ungodly hour.” He gave me this smirk with teeth that was blindingly spectacular.


“I was told to be here at 10:00 AM, but I woke up with this pain in my shoulder. I have been on pain medication, but I’m not exactly comfortable taking the pills. They make me feel strange. I would rather do something that’s more homeopathic than to become a slave to the medicine trade.” This was a man after my own heart. I would rather gouge out my eyes than go to the emergency room looking for medical assistance. I was more into natural remedies and things that you could find by trusting your health with someone that wasn’t conventional.


“I can see the pain in your eyes. I don’t usually see anyone until 10:00 AM, but I don’t see that I should have any reason to turn you away. You will need to let me prepare for the day with a bit of yoga and a hot shower. You can make yourself comfortable in the kitchen. If you want to be helpful, you can always make the coffee.” He walked past me and the smell of his cologne was like a mixture of pheromones and sexual endorphins all rolled into one. That was not something that you found over the counter.


“I think that I can wait for a few minutes. I’m not much for caffeine, but if you have any green tea that would be perfect.” I pointed to the cupboard closest to the balcony doors leading out onto the deck.


I had my table folded inside by the door. I grabbed it and brought it out and set it up in a matter of seconds. I went back in and raced up the stairs, only to stop halfway to tilt my head over the railing.


The breathtaking view was causing my heart to beat a little bit quicker. The way that he stretched and showed off his muscles was making me tongue tied.


I went upstairs throwing off the robe and then jumping into the shower with the scalding jets hitting me from both sides. They were perfect to massage my skin in a way that had me sighing with contentment. I had my eyes closed and the water was making me feel like I was in my own personal haven, away from the real world.


This bathroom was my home away from home. It even had a sunken tub overlooking the water crashing onto the shore outside. I flung open the balcony and I went into certain poses like the downward dog in the buff. It didn’t concern me that there was a man downstairs. He would find this exceptionally erotic. I was just stuck in my ways and this was how I woke up and faced the new day.


“The tea is ready and if it matters my shoulder is still killing me.” I heard his voice echoing to where I was standing in my master bedroom.


This guy was getting to me, but I wasn’t going to do anything to shine a light on my obvious need for physical relief. He was a stranger, but I was already undressing him with my eyes. I’m sure that he did the same thing.


I put on my prerequisite white pants and the shirt to match. I walked out of my bedroom and suddenly remembered that I didn’t put on any underwear. I was going commando. I was this close to going back in and changing, but then I figured what the hell. It wasn’t like I was flaunting myself in front of his face.


I came downstairs and found him sitting at the black marble island in the middle of the kitchen.


He was full of himself, but his broad shoulders and his muscular frame really was something to marvel at. I could only imagine what he would look like out of that designer blue cobalt shirt. His muscles were stretching the material. If he flexed the material would rip right off of him like the incredible hulk.


I motioned for him to come with me and he followed like I was handling an unseen leash attached to a collar around his neck.


“I’ve always been a big believer in what you do. I just never found anyone that was worth their salt. The massages I’ve had in the past felt nice, but I need more of a healing hand. I hope that what I have heard about you hasn’t been exaggerated.” I heard the rustle of clothing and I turned and bumped into the naked man. “I didn’t know what your protocol was, but I figured that no clothes was better than any at all.” I took a moment with my eyes wide to survey this new manly landscape. If he was going to show it, then I was obliged to look.


I swallowed hard, licking my lips and feeling a need to reach out and touch him. “You can…ahem…lie down and I’ll just get a bottle of the good stuff.” I had brought my bag of goodies downstairs. I had a specific oil that was perfect for muscular pain. I turned back around and he was already lying there with his hard packed cheeks staring me right in the face.


“This condition has been a problem for quite some time. I would massage myself, but I wouldn’t even know where to begin. I’ve tried just about everything including massage pads and hot and cold compresses. I’m literally at my wit’s end. I don’t want this to make me retire earlier than expected. I know that I have many years left to give to this favorite American pastime.” I rubbed my hands vigorously to warm the oil and then placed them on his back. “Damn…that’s nice and warm. You really do take your profession seriously and it shows in your bedside manner.”


“I have a few techniques I’ve used in the past with some success. This oil is specially made to penetrate into your muscles where it’s going to do the most good.” My hands moved down over his body, hearing him sigh and show appreciation for what I was doing. “I know this is going to sound like a way to drum up business, but I believe that you’re going to need to see me at least once a week. I would suggest more like twice, so that you can fully feel the effects. This will probably even help your game.” I didn’t have any idea of what his position was, but if he was that famous then he had to be a quarterback.


“I figure you don’t know much about the sport. It would be nice that you had some idea of what I put my body through every day. It’s not a prerequisite, but I do feel slightly disappointed.” He only wanted me to bend over backwards, literally, to please him. I felt his attitude and that sexual tension in the air that I could cut with a knife. “Most of the girls that I date and sleep with are really into football. They fall over themselves trying to get an autograph. When they realize that they have a chance, they don’t back down, until I give them what they want.” He didn’t have to tell me any of this, but I think that he was doing it to try to get underneath my skin.


“I think that you’ve been dealing with a lot and what you don’t need right now is a game of mattress tag. When I’m done with you, you’ll be feeling 100 times better. It will last for a few days and then you’ll need a refresher. I do want to make one thing perfectly clear. Nothing more than what I’m doing is going to happen between the two of us. You’re not my type. I’m not saying that to put you down. I’m just saying that I’m not interested.” My lips were drawing me to him and I wanted to kiss him all day. I’d never felt so overwhelmed. I was literally ready to straddle his body and give him something else to think about.


“I can’t say that I’m not interested. From the moment that you opened the door, I had designs on getting you naked as soon as possible. I thought you were going to be like all the rest, but I see this is not just a casual pastime to make money for you. You really do have your patients’ best interest at heart. There’s nothing that I would change about you or how you are handling your business.” I wanted to treat him to the whole experience. It was his shoulder that was in need and I had already taken care of that. There was a big part of me that wanted to run my hands over his body and he was in a unique position to let me do whatever I wanted.


I moved my hand down to the small of his back. His ass moved, until it was slightly arched. I squeezed those cheeks and worked my way down over his legs and back up the other way. I made a gasp of approval at seeing something that was dangling between his legs. This thing had its own zip code and it wasn’t even completely hard yet.


I turned away and used the distraction of the sound of the waves to bring me back to reality. I was not going to get caught up in some kind of love affair with a football player that had no respect for women. He would sleep with them, but according to Emilio, he wasn’t much for making a commitment.


“Well…that was absolutely amazing and I thought for sure that you were going to make me fall asleep.” I heard him behind me and I felt something nudging the back of my pants. “Excuse me; sometimes it has a mind of its own.” I casually turned and I didn’t want to look at it, but it was right there.


“You can…oh my….is it hot in here? Get dressed and I will see you in three days.” I’d almost choked on the words, but I was able to remain detached. He still stood there without any kind of shame. He was enjoying making me feel uncomfortable. His cock was ramrod straight and had a slight curve that most likely could hit the exact spot that would make me scream in ecstasy.


“I could get dressed, but I don’t think that is what you really want. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his hot shaft. My fingers curled around it instinctively and I gave him a few tentative jerks, before I pulled my hand away like I was touching a hot poker. “Come on, stop playing these games and let’s do something that will put a smile on both of our faces.” I was staring at him, quite shocked by his behavior, but then again I had been warned that he was a man that liked to go after the unattainable.


I walked away with him hot on my trail. He probably thought that I was going to lead him up to the bedroom for a marathon sex session. Instead, I took the high road and opened the door and motioned for him to leave. He looked at me to see if I was serious. My stern expression told him that this was not a battle that he was going to win.


“I will wear you down and it’s just a matter of time before we are twisting in the sheets upstairs.” He was very sure of himself and probably had personal experience in dealing with an ice princess. He walked out. I wanted to scream to him to take me and make me his, but I didn’t dare walk down that path.




For three days, I waited to see him again and I had even gone so far as to watch some of his plays on television. He moved like a gazelle and the very idea that he had that kind of agility and stamina had me almost panting like a dog in heat.


I went about my daily business, but there were times during the sweltering nights that I had to take matters into my own hands. I had one toy in particular that somewhat mimicked the very shape and size of what Anderson Parker had in his possession. He didn’t even tell me his name and I had to find out after he left. Nobody had ever left me speechless enough that I didn’t even ask for introductions. He was the type that could breathe me back into life. In his presence, I was drowning, and keeping my head above water was taking an effort. I wasn’t sure how long I was going to be able to keep going.


“You’re not exactly yourself today. Something is distracting you and you may as well tell me, because you know that eventually you will. Let me guess, it has something to do with a certain football player that my husband Emilio sent to your door?” I looked at Michelle and she had this knowing smile like she had some idea of what I was going through.” He is a little hard to resist. If I were single, I probably would take a shot at him myself. He has come over on various occasions. Being a little bit more amorous is not something that he shies away from. He knows that he’s putting me in a tough spot, but he doesn’t care. Emilio walks in and shakes his head in disbelief.”

BOOK: ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: M.V.B. - Most Valuable Baby (Sports Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Interracial Pregnancy Romance)
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