Read Romance Book Club Online

Authors: Michelle Hughes

Romance Book Club (8 page)

BOOK: Romance Book Club
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Her eyes widened at his words, and she was on board with that idea completely.  "I guess we probably should make sure it wasn't a fluke."  Where she pulled out the teasing comment, she had no idea.

"A fluke huh, we definitely can't have you wondering about that now, can we?"  A mischievous glimmer entered his gaze as he thought about all the ways he could bring her pleasure without making it impossible for her to walk tomorrow.  An idea came to him and he smirked.  "Relax in that bed for a few minutes.  I need to grab a few things and well, it might be the last time I allow you to take a break tonight."  With a wink, he left her gazing at his retreating backside.

She had no idea where he was going and for a brief second she panicked.  Then she recalled how tender he'd been with her tonight and relaxed again.  She doubted the man who initiated her into making love so sweetly could seriously do anything she'd disagree with.  Sliding into the bed she rested on the pillow and closed her eyes.  Within moments she was asleep.

That was how he found her when he returned.  Sleeping peacefully, he almost considered letting her rest.  His mind was not agreeing with that idea, any more than his body.  When he'd walked down into his dungeon, he hadn't been sure what his game plan was.  When he made the decision, he knew there was no way she was going to sleep away all the erotic pleasure he had in store for her. 

Quietly, he arranged all the items he'd brought upstairs on the bedside table.  Turning back to her, Chase carefully bound her wrists and legs to the head and footboard of his bed.  He'd installed the chain links and cuffs into his bed years ago, but had yet to put them to use.  She was the first woman he'd actually brought into his bedroom.  He preferred playing with submissive's only in his dungeon. 

She hadn't actually agreed to be his submissive, so he hoped that she wouldn't be upset that he'd bound her in such a way.  He planned on bringing her so much pleasure that the cuffs were the last thing on her mind.  With that thought playing through his head, he opened the box containing a snake bite kit and applied the rubber venom release tubes to the coral peaks of her breasts. 

She moaned softly in her sleep.  He smiled, thinking he would wake her up in a pleasurable way.  Giving the small suction cups a moment to set, he lifted a small vial of breath drops and placed a small amount on the silken folds of her sex. Knowing how quickly the sensation would take place, he waited for her eyes to open. Hearing her soft gasp, he lowered between her legs and suckled.

She awoke to a sensation that had her gasping at the strange heat between her thighs, and then felt the soothing relief of his tongue against her flesh.  It took her several moments to realize she was bound.  The pleasure he was giving with his mouth took over any other thoughts.  She didn't have time to consider whether or not she felt comfortable being this restricted as his tongue continued to tease.  His hand lifted to her breast removing some strange rubber device.   It felt so incredibly wonderful she cried out.  "Chase, oh God!" 

He smiled against her enflamed flesh and plunged deeply with his tongue, enjoying how responsive she was.  Her hips were arching off the bed, pushing against his mouth, and he continued to lick, suckle and dart until he felt her tense.  Removing the other suction device from her nipple, she came undone immediately with a loud cry of pleasure.  "Falling asleep on me can be dangerous Jessie," he chuckled as he rose back up the bed beside her and placed a small kiss on her lips.

If that was his idea of dangerous she would gladly fall asleep again on him.  Slowly her breathing came back to normal and she tried to think about how she felt being so exposed like this.  Oddly enough it wasn't overwhelming.  She instinctively knew if she asked him to remove the cuffs he would.  Outside of being a little embarrassed at him seeing her body splayed out so seductively, she was fine.

He was watching her face carefully as he allowed a hand to lightly trace her abdomen.  "Are you up for more
Jessie girl," grinning widely as her eyes widened, he waited for her answer.

Was she ready for more?  The man had already given her two of the best orgasms of her life.  "Maybe?"  She had no idea of what her body was capable of, but if he continued to make her feel so good, she was willing to find out.

"How far are you willing to go?" That was a loaded question, and he wasn't sure she even knew her own capacity.  Knowing he was her first lover meant there were serious considerations he had to make that weren't normally in place for an experienced woman.

She thought about his question and nibbled her lip.  "I guess as far as you're willing to take me."  Once she said the words, she realized how true they were.  She trusted him not to hurt her, and knew he had the ability to bring her great pleasure.  He'd already proven that tonight.

"Oh Jessie Girl, you really shouldn't have said that."  He chuckled and kissed her again. 
Precious, that's what she was
, he thought.  He wanted to come between her parted thighs and enjoy the sweetness of her body, but he refused to do that until she healed.  Pleasurable pain might be something he enjoyed giving, but to him this was just different.

She shouldn't admit being so willing.  The truth was she wanted to experience more.   She didn't have enough
knowledge about her own sexuality to know what more consisted of.  "I trust you Chase."  She spoke the truth softly, but met his eyes to let him know she meant it.

There was little a woman could say that turned him on as much as those words.  He knew if he was going to keep his self-made promise to not take her again so soon, these games needed to come to an end tonight.  Something about hearing those words from her lips went straight to his throbbing cock. 

"I'll never let you regret that trust either Jessie.  I'm going to do the right thing here and let you sleep."
Before I take your body in all the ways going through my mind right now
, he thought.  With practiced ease he removed her ankle and wrist cuffs, and pulled her against his chest. "Sleep honey, we've got many more nights to explore later."

She wanted to tell him that she was willing to make love to him again, but the truth was she was still a little sore.  Snuggling up against his warmth, she fell asleep with a smile on her face.


chapter Nine


Upon waking, she stretched languidly. She must have used several muscles she hadn't used before. Glancing around the room, she smiled, recalling the events of last night, and felt a little wicked for wishing he were in bed now so they could enjoy a few more pleasures.  Sliding out of bed, she walked over to his bathroom and took a quick shower, hoping that by the time she was finished he'd be back.

Finishing her toilette, she made her way into the bedroom, disappointed he still wasn't back.  Deciding she needed to find him, she pulled on her clothes and padded barefoot down the stairs.  She heard someone singing in the kitchen and followed the sound. Louise was cleaning and humming a tune, and Jessie cleared her throat to let her know she wasn't alone.

"Hello, Jessie. I trust you slept well?"  Louise’s smiling eyes filled with warmth.

"Yes Ma'am." Jessie flushed at the thought of this kind woman knowing where she’d spent the night.

"None of that formality, dear. It's Louise.  Are you hungry? I could prepare something for you."  Smiling even deeper, her eyes crinkled on the sides.

"Thank you so much, Louise, but honestly I'm not really hungry. Um, do you know where Chase is?"  She didn't want to offend the housekeeper, but she normally didn't eat until noon.

The sweet smile faded.  "His father took a turn for the worse and they admitted him to the hospital a little after five.  Chase didn't want to wake you so he asked me to let you know how sorry he was he couldn't see you home." 

It was hard to be upset at his absence, knowing the reason for it.  "I hope everything's all right." She knew it was a stupid response because his father was obviously dying, but she didn't know what else to say.  She wished he had awakened her, but she understood his thoughts had been somewhere else. 

"It will all turn out the way the good Lord intended."  Louise's smile turned sad. 

"I guess I should be getting home. Would you let Chase know I'm here if he needs to talk later?" 

"I will, but Chase told me to let you know you could stay as long as you wished." 

"Thank you, Louise, but I have some work at home to take care of.  It was very nice meeting you."  She wanted to walk down to the dungeon to retrieve her shoes, but had no intention of letting Louise know she'd been down there.

"Well, take care of yourself then, young lady. I hope to see you back again really soon."  With a grin, she went back to cleaning.

Jessie saw her purse sitting on the coffee table where she’d left it last night, and walked over to retrieve it.   Walking out the door barefoot, she shook her head before making her way to her car and driving home.  It definitely wasn't how she'd expected her time with Chase to end, but then again, yesterday she’d had no idea she'd be staying the night with him, either. 

Suddenly, she felt like she'd done something wrong. Pulling up in front of her apartment, she couldn't seem to shake the notion.  

Unlocking her door, she reached down to pet Sebastian as he greeted her.  Picking him up in her arms, she cuddled him against her chest.  "Take a deep breath." Speaking to the walls, she tried to convince herself that last night was nothing to feel guilty about. 

Sitting down at her small kitchen table, she put the cat down and closed her eyes.  The image of Chase making love to her washed through her mind, sending a surge of desire through her body again. Without thought, her hand moved to her throat. She could easily imagine the feel of his hand there, then moving downward until he cupped her breast.

The dampness between her thighs forced her eyes open again, and she stood quickly.  Confusion about wanting him again compounded with the guilty feelings she already had.  Releasing a long breath, she fought back the urge to cry.  She wasn't even really sure what was really upsetting her.

Needing to calm down, she picked up her phone and called Amanda.  Filling her in on the barest of details, her friend agreed to stop by her apartment for lunch.  She felt a little better after hanging up, but glancing down at her body, the relief dissipated.  The fact that she was still wearing the clothes she’d left in yesterday reminded her of just how impulsive she'd been.

She hadn't known Chase long enough to even consider the step she'd taken last night.  Not to mention, the man was dealing with some serious problems of his own at the moment, and had probably just wanted comforting.  Basically, she’d thrown the promises she’d made to herself about only making love in a committed relationship out the window last night.  Groaning, she hurried to her bathroom to shower.

By the time Amanda arrived, she'd worked herself into a state of melancholy.  Chase hadn't called yet, and even though reasonably she knew he was probably dealing with his father, it still hurt that he hadn’t picked up the phone.  All her insecurities flooded over her and she broke down into tears as her best friend consoled her.

"Come on, Jessie, stop crying." Amanda hugged her tightly. "The first time is always really emotional and I promise you're making more over this than needs to be.  He's probably just got his mind wrapped up in his father at the moment."  Her own eyes moistened.

Jessie took a few deep breaths, knowing she was acting like a child.  Mentally listing all the reasons why she was overacting helped.  Pulling out of Amanda's arms, she walked over to the kitchen island bar, grabbed a paper towel, and blew her nose.  "I'm sorry I'm acting like a blubbering idiot." 

"No you're not, honey. You're acting like a woman who's confused about a man. I've cried on your shoulder more times than you can count on one hand."

A small smile found Jessie’s face, knowing how true those words were.  It still didn't make her feel less guilty. The doorbell rang and she walked over to answer it, hoping her face didn't look like a blotchy mess from all the tears.  The dozen red roses that the delivery man held out almost made the waterworks start again.  She signed for them quickly, and gave him a tip before walking back to the table.  Picking up the card, she did start crying again.  It said,
Thank you for a beautiful night I will never forget
and was signed,
Always, Chase

"Well, obviously someone was impressed last night." Amanda laughed softly. "At least he's thoughtful."

"Maybe he doesn't regret last night." Jessie gave a watery smile, feeling as if a weight had been lifted.  She knew there was no reason to have felt like he'd been disappointed last night, but her mind had trouble accepting anyone could want her.

"Why would you think he'd regret it?  I swear, sometimes I wish I could step inside that mind of yours and show you what an incredible woman you are."  Anger filled her gaze, and Amanda added, "
It was just sex. You did nothing wrong."

There was no way she could make Amanda understand.  They thought differently.  "I just wanted the first time to be with the man I planned on spending my life with." 

"I swear sometimes you think out of this century." Amanda smiled sadly.  "Just be happy you were with a man who obviously pleased you." 

Arguing was pointless.  Nodding, Jessie retrieved a vase from the kitchen, and then arranged the flowers meticulously.

Amanda changed tactics.  "Let's get out of here and go shopping and stop by the hair salon."

Jessie wasn't big on the shopping idea, but she could definitely use a trim, she decided.  "Okay, you're on, but I want ice cream when we're done." Feeling her spirits lift at that thought, she smiled.

The ice cream was a post-shopping tradition and Amanda grinned back. "Only if it's a double scoop of chocolate peanut butter."

Making a gagging sound, Jessie laughed again. "Personally, I don't know how you can mix chocolate and peanut butter." 

They made their way down to Amanda's car and enjoyed small talk until they arrived at the mall.  Jessie had convinced Amanda years ago to change from her expensive boutique to this place, since the stylist was so impressive.

By the time they left the salon and finished their shopping, all the earlier depression Jessie had felt was gone.  The book club was meeting tonight, and thanks to Amanda, she had an outfit that would probably even impress some of the women there.   The women all dressed in designer clothing, and that just wasn't in her conservative budget. Amanda dropped her off at her apartment, and told her they were meeting at Carolyn's house tonight.

Chase called her later in the afternoon to let her know his father was in ICU.   She asked if he wanted some company but he kindly refused, saying he needed a little time to accept things, but he did say he appreciated the offer.  They talked for almost half an hour before he informed her they were letting visitors back in and he'd call her again later.  She felt much better after their conversation, even though she wasn't completely convinced the previous night hadn't been a mistake.

She made the conscious decision to not let any of that affect her mood tonight.  She'd even managed to read the book this time.

BOOK: Romance Book Club
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