Read Run Rosie Run Online

Authors: C. C. MacKenzie

Tags: #Romance

Run Rosie Run (7 page)

BOOK: Run Rosie Run
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She’d made the right decision.

A change of pace and a change of scene was just what she needed to give herself a chance to get over Alexander.

And decided she wouldn’t think of Julia’s cake which was almost finished, or what she had to do tomorrow, or Alexander, or her mother, or her biological clock.

She would, just for once, think of nothing at all.

Rosie closed her eyes, just for a minute, and permitted weariness to wrap a cosy blanket around her, to haze the edges of too many cares.

And she dreamed of a wedding in the chapel at Ludlow Hall, of her mother turning to look at her with happy tears in her eyes. Her father placing her hand on his arm with a gentle pat. And of a tall man who was waiting for her at the end of the aisle. Her heart beat too fast in alarm because she couldn’t see his face. Even as she walked towards him, he seemed to recede, to blur, to dissipate into a dark mist.

Rosie jerked awake, confused and stunned by the perfect clarity of the dream.

She hardly had time to even consider its meaning when her heart throttled forward to triple time.

Not three feet away a tall man stood watching her with a lazy grin.

‘I’m sorry.’ Josh Erichsen stepped forward. ‘I didn’t mean to give you a fright. You looked so peaceful.’

Mortified, Rosie wondered if her mouth had been open, or if she had drool on her chin?

She pulled herself upright, ran a hand through her hair and squinted up at him.

‘Hi, what brings you here?’

He wore a lightweight grey suit which hugged broad shoulders and told her he’d been working in his office rather than out on a construction site.

Josh was, in the words of her mother, a fine figure of a man. Tall and lean, he’d been blessed with thick hair the colour of treacle with reddish highlights that glinted in the sun. He had fabulous eyes the exact colour of the sky above. Scandinavian eyes like a Norse warrior. Wow, her imagination was definitely working overtime. And might Josh be just the real life distraction she was looking for?

Josh looked sheepish, so she beamed at him.

Jingling his car keys in one hand, he smiled back.

‘I was passing and wondered how you were doing. I’m staying up at The Hall for a few weeks working on the east wing and Alexander’s barn conversion.’

Blue eyes danced into hers.

She responded with a cheeky grin.

‘Take the weight off your weary legs. Would you like wine or a beer?’

He shrugged off his jacket tossed it on the back of the chair and sat.

‘A soft drink’s fine.’ He loosened his tie, the top buttons of his shirt.

She returned will a tall glass of icy lemonade.

He took it with a smile. ‘Thanks.’

Those blue eyes sparkled wickedly into hers and she couldn’t help but laugh.

‘What are you up to?’

‘I’m here to ask you out on a date and I’ve been wondering how to go about it.’

Her eyes went big as she watched him over the rim of her glass and took a moment to enjoy the little curl of lust low in her belly.

Now wasn’t this a pleasant surprise.

‘Am I so formidable then?’

‘Not at all. I don’t want to step on Alexander’s toes.’

With great care Rosie placed her wine on the table.

‘Excuse me?’

Frowning at her tone, the spark in his eye was extinguished.

‘I’ve never been able to work out the vibe between you.’

No way was the thought of Alexander going to spoil this moment. Every time an attractive male was in the vicinity, Alexander acted as if he was her brother. Or worse, like her father. Bastard. His overprotective attitude obviously bothered Josh.

She needed to be crystal clear.

‘If there’s a vibe it’s because he thinks of me and treats me like Bronte. I resent it and he knows it, which means we butt heads now and then.’

Blue eyes stayed sharp on her face but he nodded slowly.

‘Okay, how about it?’

‘How about it?’

‘Dinner, with me, tonight.’

Why not? Josh was gorgeous and one of the good guys. They were two unattached adults. She was mildly attracted. It might be fun to find out where it could lead.

‘Okay. What time and where are we going?’

Checking his watch Josh stood.

‘How about I call back in an hour and take you to The Hall?’

‘The restaurant or bar food?’

Pretending to be offended, he pulled her to her feet, lifted her chin and those fabulous blue eyes twinkled into hers.

‘Are you trying to say I’m cheap?’

He was coming on to her and he smelt all citrusy and warm, healthy male. Again the hot curl in the region of her libido had her grin up into his face.

‘No, I need to know what to wear.’

His quick kiss on her upturned mouth hit the spot.

‘The restaurant.’

Enjoying the tingle between her legs, Rosie returned the kiss.

Before she could pull back, Josh cupped her head to prolong the pleasure.

As he released her, she tasted his mouth on hers. Very nice.

Rosie cleared her throat. ‘It’s expensive. We’ll go fifty-fifty.’

The fingers on her chin tightened and she caught an exciting glimpse of a man who was quite different from the laid back Josh she knew.

‘No we won’t. I’m paying. Call me old-fashioned, but that’s how it is.’

Well, well, this was a surprise. Who’d have thought Josh had a caveman buried deep inside that easy going exterior?

Woo hoo!




Chapter Eight



Rosie raced through her shower knowing precisely what to wear to raise a handsome man’s blood pressure.

It had been too long since she’d been out on a date with someone who had the potential to make her pulse skip.

The way Josh stopped in his tracks when she opened the door was everything and more. The care she’d taken with her hair and make-up was more than worth it. When a man looked at a woman as if he’d forgotten his own name, it did great things for her shaky confidence and self-esteem.

The strapless sheath was the identical colour to her lips, a screaming red. Make-up had been applied with a light touch and she’d left her hair down.


He took her hands to his lips.

Rosie scanned his fitted dark shirt, trousers and the black suede loafers she knew cost a pretty penny.

‘Wow yourself, looking very smooth tonight, Josh.’

Pulling her in for a light kiss on each cheek, he took her hand linking her fingers loosely in his and led her down the path and through the gate to a low-slung sporty looking beast in shiny black.

He opened the passenger door of the BMW and Rosie slid in.

Inhaling the scent of soft leather, she sat back to enjoy herself.

Nice surprises were to be savoured. They didn’t come into her life very often and she was going to make the most of it.

When Josh didn’t turn the ignition she turned to find his eyes, dark now, focused on her.

He reached out and found a curl of her hair to wind it around a long finger.

‘I adore your hair. It’s the colour of jet. You look stunning, Rosie.’ He slid the finger from her bare shoulder to her wrist and she shivered in naughty delight.

Her fingers twined in his.

She sat back and crossed her legs. A move that slid the dress further up her toned thighs.

Rosie sent a prayer of thanks for the fifty lunges Bronte made her do three times a week when they worked out.

‘I’m looking forward to dinner,’ she purred.

Josh blew out a long breath that had her laugh.

‘Trust me, darling. So am I.’

He released her to turn on the ignition and the car rumbled under them as it cruised down the road.

They were greeted by the maitre d' at Ludlow Hall as if they were long lost friends and shown to one of the best tables.

Josh was the perfect date. He was funny, charming and sexy. And as the evening wore on and wine flowed, their flirting became more outrageous.

His fingers twined with hers on top of the table and Rosie couldn’t remember a time when she’d had more fun.

Sure there was a sexual spark, but nothing she couldn’t handle.

Dipping her spoon into a triple chocolate concoction she knew would negate her recent one hundred stomach crunches, Rosie offered him a taste first.

‘Go on, you know you want to.’

He did and closed his eyes.

Then opened one to watch her give a delighted little shiver as she took a taste.

‘What is it with women and chocolate?’

The old lines were always the best.

She sent him a naughty grin.

‘They say it’s better than sex,’ she told him.

He took her fingers, brought them to his mouth in a feather light kiss that aroused her so unexpectedly it made her tremble.

Those blue eyes captured hers in a way that made her breath hitch.

‘I haven’t had any complaints so far.’

Was it possible that Josh could be the one to exorcise Alexander from her heart? How amazing was this?

Rosie was so turned on and so utterly thrilled by the experience, her eyes danced into his, boldly issuing temptation and challenge.

‘I bet you haven’t.’

His sexy grin and finger squeeze told her he’d received the message loud and clear.

‘How about you? Why the hell are you not married with a couple of kids?’

Since the question had been asked before, she shrugged.

‘I don’t think I’m the relationshippy type.’


With the tip of her tongue she licked a tiny sliver of chocolate sauce from her spoon and his pupils dilated as those blue eyes narrowed fractionally. Again she caught a glimpse of a different man and a wicked thrill raced up her spine.

God, she needed this, needed him.

She knew she was being mad and bad but couldn’t seem to help herself.

‘I refuse to settle for second best. I want it all. Mind-blowing sex and a man who adores me.’

Josh gave her a smile that made her blink and forcibly reminded her of a big male lion lazily studying a particularly plump lamb wondering which part to sample first.

‘Baby, I can promise you the first part and I’m almost there with the second.’

A little voice warned her to be very careful, but she told it to shut the hell up.

This was fun. This was exciting. This was arousing.

The heady feelings of attracting a true alpha male made her head spin with pure feminine power.

‘Hmm. Words are cheap, big boy. It’s been a long time since my vajayjay’s had an orgasm delivered by a man.’

His roar of delighted laughter had other diners stare as heat scorched her cheeks.

Good God, had those words really come out of her mouth?

Rosie put down her wine and picked up the water glass.

He took her hand to his mouth, this time sucking her index finger. A brutal arousal speared between her legs.

Those eyes went even darker and she recognised a blistering lust that nearly sent her over the edge.

‘How long?’

Rosie wiggled in her chair.


‘Weeks? Months?’ When he received no answer except a deep sigh, his brows rose. ‘Years?’ he demanded in a tone that made her flinch.

‘Something like that.’

He sat back in his chair and never took his eyes from hers.

‘I don’t believe it.’

‘Believe it. And my mother’s worried. I’m an only child. She wants a grandchild.’

Josh blew out a long breath.

‘And how do you feel about that?’

Rosie took a sip of her wine wondering how the hell they’d got onto this delicate subject.

‘Honestly? I feel broody, have done for a while.’

Josh nodded.

‘Probably because Bronte’s had the twins.’

And that was nothing more than the truth.

‘How come you’re so empathic?’

Josh shrugged.

‘Because I know the feeling. I’m thirty-five. One day I’d like to be a father. Men have feelings too, Rosie.

She gave a deep sigh.

‘I’d love a child or three.’

Josh leaned forward and took her hand again.

‘Yeah? You’re young enough. There’s plenty of time.’

She smiled into that handsome face and a curl of genuine affection for this lovely man warmed her heart.

‘How about you?’

He blinked. ‘Me?’

‘Yeah, how many kids?’

His brows drew together as he thought about it.

‘I suppose I always thought the progression would be woman, marry, child. That’s the usual order of things.’

‘Yes, but what if you don’t meet
the one?
Then what? No little Joshua’s running around the earth?’

‘Rosie, if you want us to be friends with benefits I’m up for it.’


Deep blue eyes caught hers and held.

‘Seriously, I give a good orgasm. We’re single. It would hurt nobody. It’s not as if you were beaten with the ugly stick.’

‘Gee thanks, words a girl longs to hear.’

Those eyes went dark and determined. ‘You want me to make a baby with you?’

Her jaw dropped.


‘I don’t know what to say.’

He blinked.

‘Christ, I don’t know where that came from.’

He looked so utterly shocked at himself she understood the feeling.

That on earth made him say such a thing?

Frowning at him, Rosie tried to gather her scattered wits.

‘No. It’s an idea. But it’s not something I’d jump into. I appreciate the offer.’ She grinned. ‘Maybe we
be friends with benefits.’

Josh reached over to take her hand, linked his fingers with hers.

‘Don’t you miss, you know, the release?’

Rosie grinned.

‘Delicately put. You mean orgasm? I have one everyday. Roger is my friend.’



His laugh made her grin in return.

‘You like playing with sex toys, baby?’ he said in a low voice that vibrated up her spine.


‘No wonder you don’t need a man. We can’t compete with vibrators.’

She’d hardly call her ‘rabbit’ a toy and her sexual experiences, thus far, had been pretty pedestrian. Josh looked and acted like a man who knew how to please a woman. They were single, free to do as they wanted and he was absolutely right, having sex with him would hurt no one. So why the hell not?

BOOK: Run Rosie Run
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