Read Running in Fear: Cupid's Venom Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Tags: #paranormal, #MFM

Running in Fear: Cupid's Venom (11 page)

BOOK: Running in Fear: Cupid's Venom
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She waved her hand and settled into a chair. “Hey, I have to have some fun sometimes.”

Tug grumbled and moved out the door, followed by Rory. Cecil laughed and glanced at Jaycee. “The smaller girl told me you already had her name picked out.”

Jaycee smiled and nodded. “One of the names we’ve all agreed on was Marcia.”

Cecil smiled. “That’s a pretty name and it fits her. I was thinking of a name for my boy. I’ve always thought of him as Cade.” A single tear dripped down her cheek. “I don’t know how to explain it, but I’m connected to him even though he didn’t grow inside me. Does that make sense?” She glanced at Marsha, who nodded.

“Perfect sense. These scientists can take away nature’s way of doing things, but they can’t take away the bond a mother feels for her child. With your gift, your senses are stronger.” Marsha pulled out a chair.

“Come, sit. Let’s try something.” She patted the back of the chair.

Cecil slipped into the chair as Marsha placed her hands on her shoulders. “Jaycee, hold onto Cecil’s hands. I want you two to concentrate on Cecil’s child. If we do this right, Cecil will be able to connect to him and maybe we can see where he is. Cecil, use the bond you feel already. It will lead you to him.”

Clayton came into the room and glanced at them. “If you’re going to do this, I should be here. I’ll be able to locate him.” He moved next to Cecil, sitting in the chair next to her and placing his hand on her thigh.

“Let’s do this.” Clayton leaned over, kissing her cheek.

Marsha squeezed her shoulders. “Close your eyes, Cecil, and follow that link you have to your child.”


Her hands were sweaty in Jaycee’s, but she held on, not letting go.

Power moved through her from Jaycee, Marsha, and Clayton. The hair on her arms stood up as she followed the blue haze to her son.
Cade, where
are you?

The blue haze spread wider and wider as Cecil traveled through space. Her connection grew stronger. She could hear his heartbeat, the little gurgles he made when they connected, and she could almost smell him. The color changed from blue to a blinding white. Blinking her eyes, she stared down at the two year old child in the crib. His big brown eyes held hers as his boney little hands reached into the air, trying to grasp her.

The mother/child bond was instant. Her heart beat faster, knowing she would always be able to tell where her son was.
I’m here, little one.

Soon you’ll be in my arms. Don’t give up on us. Do you see one of your
fathers? He’s here with me. Let him in, Cade. He can bring you home

Tears dripped down her face as Cade looked up at Clayton and moved his hand towards him.

I have him. Don’t worry, little guy, we’ll bring you home,
Clayton whispered and gently touched their son’s cheek.

Cade giggled and laughed, but stopped as a dark shadow covered him.


Pull back now, Cecil! We can’t let him know we know where he

All three of them withdrew their magic, breaking the connection.

Cecil laid her head on her arms on the table and cried. “He’s so skinny and alone. I didn’t think I could bond with him, but I did. He’s my son.”

“He won’t be alone for much longer, Cecil. We’ll bring him home, I promise.” Clayton rubbed the back of her neck, and stood. “I have to go make the arrangements.” He kissed the top of her head and left the kitchen.

Marsha brushed her short hair out of her face. “Cade will be fine, Cecil. I see him in your arms soon.”

Cecil lifted her head, flashing a smile at Marsha. “Thank you, both of you. It gives me hope. Now, we’d better get moving on dinner.” Cecil stood and took the cooked meat off the stove.

For the next hour, Cecil and Marsha cooked up a storm as Jaycee laughed and tried to help, her swollen belly bumping into everything.

* * * *

Tug watched as Clayton paced back and forth, talking into the 69

phone. He’d never been attracted to a male before, but with Clayton and Rory, something had changed. He adjusted his cock in his jeans and glanced at Rory, who grinned.

“Damn it, Black, we knew they were up to something, and now we have the proof. We need to move on this.” Clayton said into the phone.

“What do you mean, we have to do it without council approval? They attacked all of us four months ago. That means war in my book!”

Remi and Dane snarled, their gazes never leaving Clayton’s form.

“Fine, but don’t come crawling to us when you need help, asshole.” Clayton crushed the phone in his hand.

“I take it the council won’t help with the plan?” Tug leaned back in the chair, tapping his fingers against the table.

Clayton glanced at him. “No. It seems the two councils are trying to work out their differences, not even informing me of this development.

Black said we’d have to go alone on this one.”

“Which means?” Tug’s gaze met his.

“We have two choices. The first is we wait till my men get here, which will take us about a week to plan the attack. Or we go in silently and take the child. With the second choice, we’d have to be ready for attack, because there is no way this man will sit back and let the child be taken.”

Clayton plopped down into one of the chairs.

Tug leaned forward and frowned. “How do you know about this man, or this council?”

Clayton glanced around the room. “One of my father’s knows him personally. He’s had dealings with his father and their council.”

Remi glanced at Dane. “We can’t wait for your men. The thought of an innocent child at the hands of this man is unthinkable. We have enough men here to retrieve the child silently. Your men should be here in time to help us with the attack, if one happens. We’ll deal with the ramifications later. Tonight, after supper, we can lay out the plans for the attack. Mark will have the layout of the grounds by then.” Remi grinned, his clawed hand resting on the table. “Clayton, the council had better never come to my doorstep to ask for help again. They’ve shown they can’t be trusted, even if it wasn’t them doing the testing. They should have offered help for the victims, but they didn’t.”

Clayton held Remi’s gaze. “You’ve heard most of the packs are breaking away from the council?”

Dane stood and stretched. “We know. The question is, where do you stand with the council? I’m surprised you haven’t gone back sooner.”

He strolled over, grabbing a couple of beers from the bar.

“I’ve never been really considered part of the inner circle,”


Clayton confessed. “Only when they needed the extra muscle did they call.

I’m done sitting in the wings while they destroy the packs’ trust. It’s time for the packs to take back the council like the old days, when leaders were elected. The council as it is now doesn’t want to see the problems facing each pack. It’s time.”

Dane set a beer down in front of him. “How many packs have you heard from?”

“More than thirty-four have contacted my fathers and me. I believe it’s time. What are you going to do?”

Remi glanced towards the stairs. “I believe we should talk later about this. We have new information you should be aware of, before you decide anything.”

He turned his gaze on him. “I believe Cecil has supper ready.”

Tug grunted and stood. “Good, I’m starving. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast, and all this talk about the council always leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. No offense.” He grinned at Clayton.

“Did someone say he was hungry?” Cecil smiled, carrying one of the big pans of lasagna. Marsha, Sheila, and Jaycee all came in, carrying items, and set them onto the large conference table.

“We thought we’d make it easier on you and come down here.

There’s more room.” Jaycee grinned, heading back upstairs for another load.

Laughing, Clayton glanced at the food laid out already. His mouth watered as he grabbed a piece of garlic bread and popped it into his mouth.

“Oh God, she did it again.” Tug moaned and rolled his eyes.

Marsha laughed. “Yep, that’s Cecil’s doing. She loves to make bread from scratch. You’d better make sure you have your kitchen updated, young man, because this is one of her passions.”

“Man, I haven’t had bread like this since I was small. Mom used to make stuff like this all the time.” Clayton groaned, taking another bite of bread.

Cecil laughed, carrying down two large pies. “I could hear the moans all the way upstairs.”

“Yeah, it sounded like a huge orgy or something down here.”

Jaycee wiggled her eyebrows. “And we weren’t invited.” She pouted.

Dane growled, and wrapped his arms around her waist. “There will be no orgies unless it’s the four of us only.”

“That’s for damn sure,” Clayton snarled, gazing at Cecil. Her face turned red, and she turned her back to him.

Tug almost burst out laughing as Clayton grabbed her around the waist, surprising her. “Mmm, I can smell you over the food.” He licked the 71

side of her neck, and Tug watched as her nipples hardened.

“Clayton, please eat while the food is hot.” She squirmed.

“But this is just as hot.” He reached up, pulling on her nipple.

“All right, you two, get a room.” Marsha fanned herself, and scooped out some lasagna onto a plate for her husband, Ben.

“Yeah, really.” Jaycee laughed as Dane bit down on her neck.

Cecil pulled out of Clayton’s arms, and swatted his arm. “Enough.


“I’d be glad to eat you.” Clayton stepped forward to grab her, but Cecil pulled a chair out in front of him, laughing.

“The food, silly.” She held the chair in place as he grinned.

“Fine, I’ll eat the food, but tonight you’re mine.” He grabbed a plate.

Tug came around the table and placed a kiss on her cheek. “He’s right. Tonight you’re ours, so make sure you eat enough. We want you have to enough energy.”

Once again her face brightened, and she smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll be ready.” Cecil licked her lips and grinned.

“You keep doing that thing with your lips and I’m going to give you something to lick.”

Cecil grabbed a plate and dished out salad and lasagna as he came up behind her. “What? You just want me to lick and not suck it?” she teased, and dashed around the table, away from all three of them.

Rory growled next to him. “Will you stop? I’m all ready to bust at the seams here.” He reached down and adjusted his cock.

Tug glanced down at his cock and his mouth watered at the thought of sucking it.

“Tug, enough!” Clayton snapped. “The three of you are driving me nuts. I’m not going to be able to control myself much longer.”

Everyone laughed. “Aww, poor council man having problems?”

Jaycee teased, earning her a swat from Remi.

Cecil sat down, staring at her food, then at Clayton, as he sat next to her. “So, what’s the plan?”

Remi sat down with his plate. “We’ve decided to go in silently, in three days. It will give us enough time to recon the location and get everything in place. During this time, all of you…” He glanced at all four women. “All of you will stay in the house. Jaycee, for the time being, we’re going to stay here until this is over. This way, we won’t be separated and it’s easier to defend.”

Her fork hit the plate. Cecil glanced up at Remi. “So you think they’re going to attack?”


Remi nodded. “Yes, Cecil, they’re going to attack.”

Tug sat down next to her, on her other side. “We’ll be okay.

Clayton has part of his pack coming in over the next two days.”

She glanced over at Clayton. “Thank you.”

“I know these next few days are going to seem like forever, but before long your son will be in your arms.” Clayton took a bit of the lasagna and moaned, sending Cecil into a laughing fit.

“Enough already with the moans.” She swatted his arm.

Tug ate while watching Cecil talk to the other women in the room.

Her laughter filled the room, making everyone watch her. Her innocent soul, that of a child’s, shone through to everyone who listened to her.

Marsha leaned over his shoulder and whispered, “Now you see why she’s special. We’re lucky they didn’t destroy her spirit, because if they had, she would be a shell right now.” She squeezed his shoulder, and moved back to her seat.

Cecil turned and placed her hand on his knee. “Are you okay?

You’re awfully quiet.”

Tug leaned up and kissed her nose. “I’m fine, just realizing how lucky all three of us are to have you in our lives. Even though now I’m going to have to work out an hour a day at the gym to keep the weight off,”

he teased.

She tilted her head to the side and studied him. “Jaycee was telling me about the Valentine’s Day dance at your club. Do you think if things are settled down…well, maybe you could show me your world?” She turned her attention back to her food, embarrassed.

He rolled her chair back a little and turned her towards him.

“Never be embarrassed to come to us about sex. We want to please you.

It’s our job and pleasure.” He reached up, placing both of his hands on either side of her face. “It would please me to show you our club, but there will be no others. Just the three of us. No other man will touch you.”

Smiling, she nodded. “I wouldn’t want anyone else. Now, eat, Tug. You’ve hardly touched your food. Isn’t it good?” She frowned.

He laughed. “You know damn well it’s good. I’ll eat. Just make sure you do too.” He tapped her nose and turned her around towards her plate.


Chapter Eleven

Tug leaned back in his chair, patting his stomach. “I’m so full, I can’t move.” He grinned as Cecil grabbed his plate, shaking her head.

“Well, then, I guess you won’t be able to participate tonight,” she teased, and dashed away from him.

He grinned. “Honey, nothing is going to stop me from eating dessert,” he said across the room, embarrassing her.

Clayton and Rory laughed, but Tug’s gaze landed on her large, perky breasts. Her nipples were the size of dimes and hard as rocks.

Hmm, I think we need clamps for those babies.
Clayton glanced at him and he grinned.

BOOK: Running in Fear: Cupid's Venom
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