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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Saddled (7 page)

BOOK: Saddled
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by Delilah Devlin

A condom landed on his chest. Cale quickly ripped the packet with his teeth and the rolled down the latex circle. She knew what they wanted and accepted Bobby's hand on her elbow as she half rose and straddled Cale's body, sinking down on the cock he fit to her entrance. As her pussy consumed it in a steady rush of shallow pumps, she forgot about Bobby, using her thighs gripping Cale's narrow hips to raise and lower herself.

She forgot Bobby until a hand pressed between her shoulder blades, pushing her down to lie across Cale's chest. Cale's hand cupped her head and drew her closer for a hard hot kiss that left her breathing hard. Something slender and cold slipped into her asshole, and she moaned into Cale's mouth. Slippery gel flooded her back entrance, then wicked fingers spread it around the opening, a finger tip prodding then sinking into her ass to swirl and stretch the entrance.

She'd stopped moving on the cock her pussy had swallowed, stopped moving her lips against Cale's, breathing into his mouth as she hung above him, waiting ... for the nudge of Bobby's blunt cockhead, rubbing and prodding her opening, then pushing.

Her head jerked back and air hissed between her teeth. Cale slid his hands between their bodies and palmed her breasts, massaging and molding them, exciting her enough that she relaxed the muscles resisting Bobby's invasion and he slid inside.

..." she groaned.

"Hold onto Cale," Bobby said, whispering into her ear. 66


by Delilah Devlin

Her hands braced against Cale's shoulders and she hunched over him, trying to lift her bottom into Bobby's strokes without losing an inch of Cale's thick cock. But she couldn't move, couldn't do anything but let Bobby's thrusts, teasing little forays that did more to frustrate than appease her arousal, move her forward and back, dragging her on Cale's cock.

Hot color filled Cale's cheeks, his mouth puckered around tense little puffs of air.

"Do you feel him?" she whispered. Cale's eyelids drifted down, his green eyes locking with her gaze. "I feel him. I feel you squeezing around me. So goddamn tight. I gotta move."

"You can't," she yelped, just as Bobby thrust harder, deeper, his hands closing on the notches of her hips as he rode her, his strokes quickening.

"Goddamn tight," Bobby rasped. "You're chewin' up my dick."

"Do you need to stop?" she asked, her voice thinning to a soft wail.

"God no. Just don't move. Neither of you. I'm gonna come quick." He stroked again, a quick in and out. His fingers clutched her harder. "Oh fuck."

And then he was powering into her, jerking her on Cale's cock. The fullness in her pussy and her ass, the heat from the friction building against both inner walls, was too much. Her body shuddered, her thighs tightened on Cale then loosened as she crammed her clit downward against the 67


by Delilah Devlin

crinkly hairs at the base of his cock. It was just enough to excite her clit, just enough to send her over the edge. She slammed forward and back, taking Cale and Bobby, ignoring the grinding grunts behind her and the desperate gasps from below.

Her body was on fire, her mind exploding as tension deep inside her core released in a powerful orgasm that left her shivering and shaking between them.

When she calmed, Bobby lay draped over her back. Cale's hands petted her hair, his fingers dragging slowly through it. His cock was still rigid. Bobby's was quickly flagging.

"Anytime you're ready, buddy," Cale said between gritted teeth.

"Right. Sorry," Bobby mumbled tiredly, then slowly pulled out.

When he'd moved away, Cale pushed at her shoulders.

"On your knees, sweetheart."

"Jesus," she said, wondering if she had the strength for another round. But she climbed off him and went down on all fours, bracing her hands on the rug.

Cale caressed her bottom. His large hands cupping her as he slid his dick forward, nudging between her legs. "Wider," he growled.

She moved her knees apart, let her back sink lower and tilted her ass upward.

"That's it," he said, sliding inside her. "Christ, you're so damn hot."

His first inward glides were gentle, probing. 68


by Delilah Devlin

Her head sank between her shoulders. Her breaths slowed and deepened. Her body readying for what she knew he was going to deliver.

After another tentative thrust, he plunged harder, tunneling, cramming his huge cock through tissue already burning with friction.

Amazingly, she started the climb again, her channel convulsing slowly, caressing his long shaft as he drove into her.

His thrusts sharpened, strengthened. Her breasts shimmied with the force, her nipples drawing so tight they ached as they stretched forward and back, sending darts of arousal south.

Then hands smoothed under her belly, a finger circling her bellybutton, then more scraping downward, through the hair cloaking her mons and between the folds stretched taut at the top of her pussy. Wet fingertips glided around and around her clit.

She glanced to the side and caught Bobby's crooked grin.

"Am I gettin' it?"

Was he what?
She was beyond speech, her face contorting as her tension grew and tightened.

"That's it, baby," Bobby crooned. "Cale's gonna blow any minute now. You come first, then hold on." His finger pressed harder on her swollen clit, rubbing, tapping, and at last, her body went rigid, her head flung back and she screamed.



by Delilah Devlin

Cale's hands cupped her hips and he hammered her, his sharp, short grunts growing louder, harsher, until at last his body erupted, his hips slapping hard into hers. The sounds of their cries, the wet succulent sounds his cock made plunging into her juicy cunt were so delicious, so indescribably dirty, she shivered from head to toe. Her arms quivered, then collapsed and she fell to the floor. Bobby's hands slipped from under her. Cale draped over her back.

With all three of them stretched out in front of the fire, so close there wasn't a part of her body that wasn't blanketed with heat, she dragged in a deep, shuddering breath. "I think you both killed me," she whispered.

Resting on his side, his head supported on a bent elbow, Bobby smiled. He plucked hair that stuck to the side of her sweaty face and smoothed it behind her ear. "Tell me we're not the best you ever had."

Suddenly, her eyes filled. It was true. How sad was that? A man she'd been with for over four years, that she'd thought so talented, had never given her so much erotic pleasure as these two strangers had.

His grin slipped. "Hey, don't do that."

"I can cry if I want to," she muttered.

"Am I hurting you?" Cale asked sleepily, stirring at last above her.

"Don't move for a second," she said quickly, not wanting to lose the comfort of his crushing weight.

His torso lightened, as his hands pressed the floor on either side of her shoulders. "That better?" 70


by Delilah Devlin

"I can breathe." She sniffled, then closed her eyes to hide their expression from Bobby, whose face hovered closer than she wanted. The man seemed able to look right inside her.

"Let's get her back to the bed," Bobby whispered. Cale grunted but pulled out. His glorious heat gone, she pressed her face against the carpet.

But the guys weren't going to let her play like a turtle. They rolled her to her back, and Bobby slipped his hands under her shoulders and knees and lifted her. With Cale trailing behind them, Bobby strode straight for the darkened bedroom.

Cale pulled down the covers. Bobby deposited her in the center. Then both men lay down beside her on their sides, facing her.

"What if I just want to be alone for little bit?" she said, hopeful they'd give her some privacy, because she was feeling vulnerable and embarrassed that she couldn't seem to control the emotions washing over her.

"Not happenin'," Bobby said softly. Cale grunted his agreement.

"How about you tell us what happened back there." Her eyes filled again, and she glanced up at the ceiling blinking away the moisture. "Can't you just let me have a girly moment?"

"We're not scared, you know," Bobby said. "And we've spent so much time alone up here that we actually want to experience some of those girly moments."

"You wanna rephrase that?" Cale said, rolling his eyes. 71


by Delilah Devlin

Bobby gave Cale a quick scowl, but when his gaze returned to Kate, his expression softened again. "All I'm saying is we've been through a lot together in a very short period of time. We're here for you. You can tell us anything. And if you want to cry..." He drew a deep breath. "You've got two shoulders to lean on."

The tears she'd been fighting spilled down the sides of her face, wetting her hair. "I don't know why I'm crying. Maybe it's because I don't recognize myself. I'm not like this."

"Not beautiful and sexy?" Bobby murmured, moving closer. His lips swept up the tears falling toward her hair. Cale's warm mouth did the same. "I'm thinkin' I need to kick dickhead's ass."


"Your fiancé."

"No. It's not all his fault. I knew what he was like. And I put up with it. I just didn't know
could be so ... slutty. With you."

Bobby's breath stilled. Cale's body stiffened beside her.

"Sweetheart. Is that what we've made you feel like?" Bobby said, his tone even.

"Not you. But I didn't know I could be like this. With two men. The things you make me want..." She shook her head, knowing she wasn't making sense, and probably insulting the heck out of them both.

"You're just feeling a little raw," Cale said, his large hand clumsily petting her. "I am too." She sniffed. "Raw?"



by Delilah Devlin

"I didn't expect to like you this much. To feel so much. I've been a walking hard-on since I stripped you out of your wet clothes."

"Maybe it's just because we survived something together," she said, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. "Maybe we wouldn't feel like this at all if we hadn't been forced together like this."

Bobby shook his head. "I don't think that's it at all, Kate. We like you. We both want you. We could have met at a grocery store, and I'd still have wanted to crawl all over your ass."

"It's us. Together," Cale said softly. "Don't you feel it, too?

Bobby and I have shared women before. But it was only fun and games. A night here or there. Having you here, warming up my dick and knowing he's into you as well—hell, it's sexy."

"We don't think less of you for letting us have our way. But if you're feeling uncomfortable, maybe even a little scared, we'll back off."

Her face crumpled again. "That's the problem. I don't want it to end. And I want both of you lying so close, warming me inside and out. I never wanted that before. I used to spend days without thinking about sex with David, but I can't seem to last a moment without needing your touch."

"Baby, don't be ashamed," Bobby said, fingers curving around her cheek. "We'll love you right. Trust us, and we'll take care of you. All of you."

"You keep saying that."

"And I've meant it from the start. One glimpse of your pretty blue eyes from that car window, and I was ready to 73


by Delilah Devlin

dive into an icy grave because I didn't want you hurting or scared."

"But this isn't going to last," she said, at last admitting the thing she feared the most.

His gaze softened. "Let's take it one day at a time. See what happens."

"Maybe we're just what you needed when you were down," Cale said behind her. "Or maybe it's just the start of something special."

She let Bobby rub his fingers under her eyes and her nose, watched his crooked smile as he did it, and her heart melted just a little more.

"Baby, give us a chance?"

[Back to Table of Contents]



by Delilah Devlin

Chapter Five

Bobby smothered a grin at the sight of Kate shoveling hay into a clean stall. She wore two layers of his sweats, ties knotted at the waist. She looked as shapeless as a bear, but he and Cale didn't have anything else she could fit into and didn't want her ruining her one set of clean clothing. The snowstorm was waning. They'd had less than three inches last night. Tomorrow morning, the snow plows would have the roads cleared and she'd be able to leave. So, it was a race for him and Cale. A race to convince her she had a place here ... if she wanted it. She'd called the rental company that morning and discovered that her fiancé had already requested another car be delivered. The bastard hadn't been in the least concerned about her whereabouts. The news had to have stung, but she'd simply stared at the phone at the conclusion of the call until Cale had reached for it. Then she'd squared her shoulders, set a smile on her face and asked them if she could help with chores. She'd said she was feeling a little lazy with all their pampering.

Bobby knew she just wanted to keep busy rather than think about all the problems that awaited her in the "real" world.

Because the thought annoyed him a little and because he was horny—a lot—he lifted his own forkful of hay and tossed it at her head.



by Delilah Devlin

She bent as the hay fell away from her, then aimed a scowl over his shoulder. "You know it's much too cold in here for anything to happen, so why start something you're not gonna finish?"

"Too cold? Depends on what stays covered," he said, sliding his hand down the front of his pants.

"Goddamn smartass," she replied, but her eyes sparkled at the challenge. She lunged for the door of the stall, but he was faster, sticking out a foot to trip her.

She tumbled into the pile of straw they'd been busy distributing. "Ow, I'm getting poked. Straw's not sexy." Bobby lowered himself over her back. "This is my world. How about I teach you a thing or two about what's sexy?"

BOOK: Saddled
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