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Authors: Liza Curtis Black

Salvation for Three (5 page)

BOOK: Salvation for Three
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The hunter moved across the chambers and lowered her into a large carved chair by the fire, letting her slide against his jumpsuit.

She came close to moaning out loud at the contact with his skin.

The driving pressure of the peak was nearly on her, and she no longer cared that she was trapped with a smiling hunter who called her 'mate'.

She let her gaze drift down his chest to his lower skins. She'd felt nothing but pleasure in the dreaming. If they had invaded her thoughts while she was unconscious, the warriors had done so without their own pleasure. She frowned and watched him silently as he took the


chair next to her.

The sexual tension
increased. She was certain of it. Still he had not grabbed her and tossed her into the blankets to get his release.

Instead, the smiling man seemed to have a trace of old Earth grace and manners.

Keer tried to match the wandering mouth and lustful hands of her dream lover to this smiling face. But in that encounter, there had been two sets of hands. She flushed and tried to school her thoughts toward the present.

How he and the other man survived in the subter was a question drifting behind the heat that preceded her peak.

"I am called Tirin. I am a First Dominion hunter. My Commander, Cian, and I rescued you from the freighter crash. Why did you try to escape us when you knew it would be inevitable that we would find you?" To Keer's surprise, he seemed genuinely puzzled. She retained enough sense behind the sexual haze to grasp that no animosity lay in his questions.

"I'm a bondsman, a hunter like you and your Commander." Keer tried to shake the sexual stirrings by curling her legs under her and sitting, tensed against the large chair. Her thighs clenched and she stiffened her spine. "I have no mate and I have no intention of taking one. Or two." She gave him a narrowed stare.

"Please eat, little bondsman. Your hunger is great, and you are weak from the injury."

Tirin pushed the food toward her. The scent filled her head. She was hungry and weak, she thought. She looked down at the platter, heaped with Terran beef that he had been cutting for her while she talked, and gave in to his suggestion.

Moments later she realized he had refilled her cup twice with a sweet berry tea and watched her raptly as she ate like a starving rec port sailor.

She took another long drink of the tea and licked her lips, sighing in satisfaction, then saw the ripple of pain pass his face again. What


was that look? Did he find her so ugly then? But he had warned her of what he was capable of beneath the blankets in a manner that suggested he knew what to do with the large bulge inside his skins.

That is the bulge that
been there before. Her dream hadn't included cocks. A true disappointment, she thought.

If she hadn't been fertile, his suggestion of a group adventure with his commander had very real possibilities. She'd heard of planets with a shortage of females who shared companions. She'd always thought of those women as fortunate if they had a say in the choosing. What woman wouldn't want the attention of two hard warriors in her bed? It was a delicious fantasy but still a fantasy, she thought.

The metal door whished open and the other tall hunter strode in, equal in height to the blond giant and as muscled but without the warm smile. He advanced across the chamber, not acknowledging Tirin and stopped, towering over her.

He also wore the skin suit that molded against his legs and lay open, revealing a heavily muscled chest. Across his olive skin and just below his shoulder lay two parallel scars, equal in length and deep, as if branded with a laser. Keer examined him thoroughly as he watched her.

Here was another beautiful specimen of alien wearing scars that showed rank. Those same markings were etched in Tirin's bulging chest. This man was slightly thicker at the neck but finer featured than the blond hunter, his air of command silent but serious.

She let her eyes trail down his clothing. She inhaled at the sight of a very obvious and growing erection that looked large enough to take care of any woman's needs and then some.

No human male ever looked like these two warriors. Or at least no human male that she had ever seen. The size of that cock was substantial.

Keer pressed against her own heels, tucked under and rubbed her sex wishing blindly for time to release the pressure.

"You are well?" One large hand touched her injured arm. Then


she saw the same grimace pass through his eyes that Tirin had shown twice before.

"You should know. Why bother to

Tirin's eyebrows shot up at the mental reply that she pathed through his link with Cian.
"We do not link with those that do not
request the path."
She heard the deep rumble of his voice clearly in her head. The dark man looked annoyed with her.

He added out loud, "If you prefer, we could converse that way, my mate, but it may form a triad you will not wish to…pursue at this point. We have already learned much of you while you--" he paused and let his eyes flick over her from head to toe. "While you rested."

Keer shifted uncomfortably in the chair. He stood close to her, his hand still maintained contact with her injured arm. No doubt reading her thoughts before they came to her. She inhaled the scent of spice and fruit that had flooded her mind during the satisfying dream. Gods, she was losing her mind. She pulled away from his touch quickly.

"Keer, Cian touches you to heal your injury. Hunters do not touch unmated females. It is part of our pact."

"You can do that? Heal through touch?" She looked again at his chest, willing herself not to let her eyes drop.

The close presence of these men was more than she could bear so close to the peak. She resisted an urge to place her arm back under the hunter's hand and clenched her now dripping thighs, trying to still a desire to grind her hips against something. She was burning and the misery would start again very soon.

"Yes. It is a gift and a burden. May I heal you?" Cian frowned at her, and she knew it cost him to request this of her instead of commanding that she accept his touch.

Against her better judgment, she inclined her head. Her arm had begun to hurt during her meal, the ache deep in the bone. She expected him to lay his hand on her injury. Instead he lifted her up and then took the chair, settling her in his lap against that sizeable and deadly cock.


"I did not agree to be manhandled like a Neld whore!" She started to pull away from him, automatically flexing her uninjured limb.

Before she could protest further, a wave of relief came rushing through her relieving the pain.

Keer collapsed against the chest of the dark hunter groaning.

Along with the relief came the lingering push of sexual need.

"Noooo." It was a moan against the broad chest. "Stop, please."

Another assault of healing came as she leaned into him. "You don't know what you're doing to me, Endlander! Stop!"

The need subsided slightly under his mental push but only to a low simmer. She heard an intake of his breath and felt the grimace pass, that same expression she had seen from Tirin. They seemed to experience pain every time they came in contact with her. Both hunters reacted the same way. Could it be they were so empathic they carried the pain of her injuries as well?

Keer had been an independent female all her life. She had not known her father. He was an unnamed star freight captain that had the correct gene match to be allowed to brutalize her mother. Her experience with men had been limited to nonexistent, other than with the groping boy from her first encounter and then with Drak as a friend.

The Neld warriors were male of course, but they held her in disdain if she wouldn't get on her knees to take their cocks into her mouth. To them, she was nothing. Still she wanted no one, man, woman or alien to suffer her own pain.

"Stop! I don't share my pain at some alien's cost, no matter
you are. I can see it hurts you."" With iron will, she pulled herself out of Cian's embrace and slid to the floor.

"It does not pain me to heal you, Keer Teho," Cian answered roughly. In all his experience with healing, he had never had an injured victim assume he might be taking on their wounds to himself.

"I am not an empathic psych. I heal with the push you experience, but while I sense your hurt I do not absorb it from you." She stood away


from him, between him and Tirin, swaying slightly, attempting to stay on her feet and deal with the injury on her own terms.

Keer tried to pull the robe together as she swayed unsuccessfully.

One round breast was partially exposed, the nipple beading tightly.

She saw the desire flash through the silvery blue gaze and then disappear as he grimaced. "There! You do feel pain. I can see it on your face. What is that?" Keer waited for the reply, knowing she had seen pain in his eyes.

Cian scowled but refused to answer.

"You can see that, Keer?" Tirin asked as he drew closer. She could feel heat creeping into her exposed skin from the nearness of his broad chest.

"Yes. It's like a…flash. Only for a Terran second, but I see it. It is pain, isn't it?"

"We do not mind feeling this moment of discomfort, little hunter,"

Tirin murmured, so close that his breath danced on her neck. Now Cian faced her, watching her expression.

"It is an implant invoked response. We can call upon it when we have the need to have our thoughts redirected." Cian spoke, still unsmiling but visibly relaxed, his shoulders less stiff than when he had strode into the room. "It is unnoticed by others, Keer. Yet you sense this. Have you seen this before in a male?" He inhaled as if grasping for her scent.

"Never. And I have traveled the broad Universe. I'm no innocent." Keer’s answer was sharp.

The commander was looking at her rounded breast, down past her legs and then back up her now flushed skin. The path his eyes took burned and she felt moisture begin to drip between her thighs.

"You are fertile. We feel it when we touch you, even briefly. We saw your coming to us in a dream many moon turns ago. You are our path to full circle," Cian continued as she turned in his arms to watch his odd silver eyes flicker again.

"It is not true pain, small hunter. We would not touch you when


you are injured. We gave you relief while you lay in need, but took nothing. No matter how great our need, or yours, we will not force you."

Keer hissed and leaned back, coming directly into contact with Tirin's chest. His well muscled arm slid around her shoulders, bracing her.

Her skin felt hot, her nipples beading. They were torturing her as sure as if they had locked her in a confinement cell. Her eyes dropped to Cian's lips, firm and unyielding. She let a thought drift through her mind of him sliding that nipple between them and then biting the bud, sucking it into his mouth. She gasped and let her thoughts roam.

Flashes of her alternating sucking both of those hard cocks into her throat and then sandwiched between them while they plunged into her had her struggling to breathe.

"Do you need to lie down, small hunter?" Tirin's voice was in her ear. A flush crept up her neck.

Cian moved in, sliding the robe down her injured arm, pushing her into Tirin with his approach. "We should see that you are healed well, Keer Teho."

"You should see to more than that, hunter." Keer thought,
grinding her teeth.

Cian's eyes flicked to Tirin, who had raised a brow. "You are injured, mate. We can only come to you when you are in a less delicate…state." Cian growled.

"We?" The peak might be upon her, but she heard clearly through the fog. Hunter’s balls, she had been fantasizing about both of them and no doubt they saw it all! It was one thing to picture raw sex with both men, but entirely another for them to think it could happen.

Keer pushed against Cian's chest with her good arm, but he did not budge. He stood legs apart and waited while she tried to move away from him. She only succeeded in becoming more entangled in Tirin's rear reaching embrace. She twisted in his arms and looked up at Tirin, trying to back out of his grip.





"Listen to me, both of you. Go find an Etah sex bot if that's what you are after for relief. I do not participate in ménage with subter…"

She struggled to think of a suitable insult. "Cave dwellers!" Tirin laughed, holding her loosely. He let her pull away and into Cian's waiting arms. She was like a child's toy, passed between them.

"Believe us, Keer, we feel your frustration, but it will only grow."

Cian's voice was firm and assured as he spoke.

"I'm not fertile. You are wrong! Wrong! There are no pheromones. It's only sexual peak. I have the heat every fifteen moon turns. That is what you feel! I swear on the gods' pact!" She was nearly hysterical, turning back and forth to look at both warriors.

BOOK: Salvation for Three
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