Read Savannah Past Midnight Online

Authors: Christine Edwards

Tags: #'vampire, #deep south, #georgia, #plantation house, #alpha male'

Savannah Past Midnight (17 page)

BOOK: Savannah Past Midnight
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For the first time since we’ve met, Cosette looks
mortified, and as the catcalls and snickers continue she half drags
me by the forearm out of the impressive dining room and down the
hallway back toward the elevator.

I pull her into my arms and drop a kiss onto the tip
of her nose. “Hey, look at me. I think things went okay, don’t

She brushes a strand of hair from her face and sighs,
“You’re right. I just hate going ’round and ’round with no answers
about these attacks. It stresses me out. I just want things to be
how they were before I ever dated Tristan and this mess with my
family began.”

“Well, let’s see if I can change that.”

The elevator door opens and I pull her in with


“Two ways. By slowly rebuilding the bridges that dick
ex of yours burned and by distracting you in incredibly creative
ways, my sexy little wildcat.”

I land her with a crushing kiss as the door closes
tight and we begin to move up toward ground level.


His body positively radiates heat as he claims my
mouth with natural dominance. I can taste the wine on his lips as
he pulls me deeper against him, one hand sliding down my back to
give my ass cheek a possessive squeeze. I writhe hard against him,
loving the feel of his rigid sex that’s straining hard against the
confines of his dark denim.

I’d planned on taking him down to the secluded lake.
Now I’m not so sure that we’re going to make it that far. The car
is looking like a damned viable option at this point. The seat does
recline pretty far back …

The elevator halts and the steel door slides open,
followed by the hidden wooden panel. I’m still wrapped securely in
his arms when his lips pull away and he begins to walk me backward
into the dark hallway.

His voice is low and husky as he asks, “So, exactly
where are we headed, lover?”

Playfully I answer, “Someplace
private—a hidden location where I can have my wicked way with you.
Don’t you like surprises, cowboy?”

“If they have
to do with your naked
flesh exploring mine, then hell yes. Never met a woman so damned
hungry as you, baby.”

“You bring out the vixen in me, Colton. It’s

We make it to the bottom of the worn steps when he
holds me firmly by my upper arms and tells me in a thick rasp, “I
plan on doin’ just that, repeatedly, until you beg for mercy,
darlin’. Rest assured, I’m a man of my word.”

I blink in astonishment as he releases me and turns
around, dropping down into a crouch. “Here, hop up on my back,
sugar. I like the idea of those long, bare legs you have going on
tonight wrapped around me on the way to our little adventure.”

“Are you always this bossy?” I joke as I hop onto
him, twining my arms around his neck and my legs around his taut

“Yep, and you’re gonna learn to love it.”

“Or else?”

“There’s no other option. I see the desire in your
eyes when I take you, wildcat. You love how it is between us, can’t
get enough of it. Same for me and there’s no denying that. Stone
cold fact.”

Oh my God.

“Nice property. Private. I like that. Which way?”

I use my index finger to point across the shadowed
lawn. “There, off to the right, you’ll find a path. It leads
directly down to the lake.”

He begins to walk at a leisurely pace and within
seconds the oppressive heat and humidity causes the skin on his
tanned neck to break out into a light sweat. I watch his veins
pulse and lick my lips at the thought of sinking my fangs into his

After giving it a lot of thought, I’ve come to the
conclusion that deep down I know there is no way I could ever drain
him to the point of death. I’ve matured a lot from that girl I was
back in Spain, and even if I was starved, I’m far too disciplined
and my feelings for him are too strong—growing stronger with each
passing day. He’s the first man, and a human one at that, who has
ever has the ability to dominate me, not only sexually but
emotionally. My encounters with the others in my past were
passionate, true, but always lacking depth and long term potential.
He’s the tamer and I’m his willing trainee. No, I would sooner take
my own life than end his.
But I won’t drink from him tonight
unless he asks me to

We enter the edge of the forest and his head shifts.
“You’re awfully quiet. What’s goin’ in that sexy head of

“I was thinking about you and how things were before
I met you.”

“Yeah? What about it, exactly?”

“That you’re what I’ve always dreamed of but didn’t
dare long for.”

His steps slow and quietly he says, “We’re good
together, Cosette, no matter that we’re a different species. We’ll
work out any issues that come along, like we have from the
beginning. I’m a man of honor—you’ll see that over time—and you’ll
come to understand that I don’t invest my time or energy in things
that aren’t worthwhile and valuable.”

His words are flowing through my mind as we make our
way down the trail and finally to the edge of the tree line, where
he steps out onto the narrow dirt embankment of the lake. The full
moon is reflected in the copious ripples, making the blue-black
water sparkle. He heads over to the dock, which juts far out over
the water. When he’s walked us the full length of it he stops,
gently sets me down onto the wood, and turns to face me. “Before
you even ask, know that
the most priceless thing
that’s ever entered my life.”


“Shh …. I love how you say my name, babydoll,
seriously I do, but the time for chattin’ is over and done

I’m silenced with a kiss that is so consuming that
all I can do is rock forward into his powerful body while his
fingers do their work, dragging possessively up my neck, never
stopping on their quest until they finally clench into two fists in
my hair. I sigh into his mouth, lost in the bliss that he alone
produces in me. Without warning that greedy tongue slides in, so
demanding and seeking that I can only acquiesce, giving him
whatever he wants to take.

Take it all, Colton. I’ve waited for you for what
seems like forever.

I have difficulty holding back. My hands are itching
to explore every inch of his body as they slip to his waist and
under his fitted shirt. His ripped stomach quivers at the initial
contact of my fingers, which move with the lightest touch. Placing
both palms flat I begin to ever so slowly roam and explore,
savoring this man who reminds me of a Spartan warrior. He
personifies cool, controlled power, and I crave to unleash it upon
my body.

Time to tease this aggressive tiger.

One of my hands slides around to his lower back as
the other begins its wicked descent toward the front of his jeans.
I’m eager to feel his pulsing heat pressing against the inside of
my palm. The growl comes low and fast. I flinch for a split second
as his fingers close tighter in my hair, the hold nearly punishing,
but the effect utterly intoxicating. Instead of pulling back, I
grip him firmly through the soft denim and begin to stoke slowly,
down and up.

His mouth is devouring mine, forcing me to taste him,
to accept the kiss that nearly brands me. My thoughts are turning
hazy, driven headlong toward lust-filled madness, when I feel his
hand drop down, lock onto mine, engulfing it completely, stilling
me immediately.


The throaty groan belongs to a tense male on the edge
of sanity.

Before I can utter a word, his hand moves lower, a
smooth glide up and under my dress. Two thick fingers press firmly
against the silk of my panties. My needy wetness is undeniable. His
appreciative all-male throaty purr comes a second before his hand
switches directions, fingers clutching the front band of the
panties as they’re torn roughly from my body.

I can’t hide my gasp of surprise or the response that
comes right on its heels as I pull away from his lips. “Hey! I
those panties, thank you very much.”

His eyes gleam like a feral predator’s. “So did

My lips part in shock as he lifts the scrap of
material to his nose and inhales deeply before shoving them into
the back pocket of his jeans, a victorious smile on his stubbled

This man is relentless in getting his way.

He ever so slowly leans into me, bending slightly to
grab the back of my bare thighs, hoisting me up against his front.
I hold tightly to his neck as my legs wrap around his waist. He
eases down to sit on the end of the dock. I watch him lean back
casually on his forearms, stealthily observing me from below.

I narrow my eyes and can’t resist saying playfully,
“You are a very determined man, aren’t you, Mr. Brennan?”

His eyes roam my face he replies thickly, “When I
need to be, yes, Cosette, I am.”

I can feel his cock between my parted legs, irritated
that a few millimeters of clothing are keeping us separated. I was
ready for him before we even entered the house tonight and now my
lust is reaching explosive levels.

How in the hell can he have this amount of patience?

The words fall quietly from my lips, “What do you

“What do I want? Angel, I wanna own every ounce of
passion that you have stored up in that magnificent body of yours.
I want to replace each and every powerful orgasm that I give you
with others that are a hundred times stronger. I want to possess
you, Cosette, and I know for a fact that you want to be owned by
me. I can hear it in the cries and moans that are torn from your
mouth when I make you cum for me, and I see it in the way you stare
at me when you think I’m not lookin’. It may not have been long,
but I know you, and I’m one hundred percent certain that I’m the
man to give it all to you.
is what I want.”

My trembling fingers reach out to caress his left
cheek as I stare into the face of the one man who has touched me
this deep—straight to my core.

A thousand unspoken words flow between us, the
connection is so profound.

His voice is soft and quiet, but its clipped
intensity leaves little room for misinterpretation as he says,
“Need to have you. Right now. Not waitin’. Take me out.”

Yes, yes!

Still straddling him, I lift up to create a few
inches of space and make quick work of his belt buckle and jeans.
The dark fabric of his boxer briefs is the last barrier between me
and his gorgeous sex. He lifts his hips a bit as I drag his jeans
down to the top of his thighs.

My breathing is shallow, the anticipation of having
him inside of me irresistible. I try to recall the last time I ever
wanted anything this badly. Not one thing comes to mind. Using my
index finger I trace down the cotton, and his thick length jerks
hard at my touch.

My eyes fly to his and the molten stare that meets me
is shocking. His chin dips once, his signal for me to get on with
it. He doesn’t have to ask twice. The tips of my fingers pull the
waistband out and down, not stopping until they’re settled against
his thighs.

The moonlight casts a delicious glow across his
exposed skin. His hard body truly is a work of art, and I can’t
help but nibble my bottom lip with my left fang at the sight of his
impressive cock.

I’m just about to lower myself down onto him when I
hear him rumble, “Wait.”

My eyes are questioning as he comes up to a full
sitting position. He pulls his shirt over and off his head. His
stomach muscles ripple and flex as he rests back onto the wood,
saying quietly, “Get up here. I need to taste that pussy, baby.
Starvin’ for it.”

He doesn’t have to ask twice.

I shimmy forward on my knees, and once I’m directly
over his mouth I lift the sheer layers of my sundress up,
immediately feeling the brush of his hot breath against my aching

“Oh God,” I whimper in absolute ecstasy as his hands
reach out, locking onto my hips, to pull me the final inch or so
down onto his awaiting mouth. It’s exactly like his kisses, all
swirling tongue and sensuality. The wet sound of him lapping firmly
against me blends with the water that’s relentlessly hitting the
posts of the dock as I become lost for him, pulled effortlessly
toward a mounting orgasm that he’s right on track to deliver.
close … so delicious … oh, yes, anything. Just never

I frown in disappointment as his mouth moves away
mere seconds before I shatter and he slowly retreats a few inches
then comes up to a sitting position.

“Let’s get this dress off you. I wanna watch as you
sink down and cum on top of me.”

Hell yes.

He helps me pull the airy dress off, tossing it
behind him on the dock. I’m aching for him to fill me as I move
back and slowly lower myself to connect with the head of his
straining sex. My ass gently bumps first against his fingers, and I
realize that he has slid his hand down to grip the base, providing
the perfect position. The stretching is immediate as I begin to
sink down onto him, my body slowly yielding to his, taking him inch
by magnificent inch. I stop midway and marvel at our impatient,
breathy sounds becoming tangled together in the stillness of

“I wish there was a way to show you how fuckin’
amazing you feel wrapped around me, Cosette. It’s absolute

He removes his hand and I’m so lost in the moment
that all I can manage is a low sigh as I edge my knees out wider to
sink lower, struggling to take all of him in one final smooth
glide. We both gasp at the intense sensation of his

“Beautiful,” he hisses low.

I lever upward, wanting, craving that potent friction
of him moving inside me. My hips find a rhythm and begin a smooth
circle. With each downward stroke I moan at the way he fills me to
the hilt, so completely that I struggle to hold back, to savor the
connection, to draw it out and not cum too quickly.

BOOK: Savannah Past Midnight
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