Saving Charlie (Stories of Serendipity Book 9) (19 page)

BOOK: Saving Charlie (Stories of Serendipity Book 9)
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“Only you can do that, and you know it. But I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.” He brushed a piece of hair away from her face. “You’re determined, intelligent, and extremely loveable.” Her eyes fell at that last one and he sighed, turning his attention back to the road.

She broke a long silence with a small laugh. “You know, I didn’t notice one the other night, but that’s probably because I was too busy studying your impressive cock.”

He swallowed, aroused and uncomfortable at the sudden turn in the conversation. “What?”

“A vagina. It’s obvious you’ve got one down there somewhere.”

Laughter barked from his throat as he pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

“Impressive, huh?” What a way to change the subject. He had to hand it to her.

“Don’t let it go to your head,” she muttered.

“Too late.” He shifted in his seat, absurd pride at the compliment swelling said member.

Driving from Big Spring to Serendipity was typically a six hour trip. Towing a full trailer, they managed to make it in eight, and the hours flew by. Talking and joking about music, past relationships, and the possibility of Les actually having a vagina made it seem like no time at all. When he pulled up in front of his house to unload the truck and his own purchases, Les felt deflation.

“So, the end of the epic quest has finally arrived,” he said with gusto he didn’t feel.

“Yeah.” She got out of the truck and walked to the trailer to start untying ropes. They unloaded everything in silence and when it was over, Les pulled Charlie into a hug.

“I had a wonderful time.” He kissed her fully on the lips and reveled in the sensations of her fingers tangling in his hair as she pressed her body against him.

“Me too,” her words were breathless as she broke the kiss. “I’m tired. Going to go home and sleep in my own bed. That just sounds amazing.”

“Yeah, it does, doesn’t it? Sleeping in your bed sounds like every man’s dream.” He grinned before kissing her again. It was like the goodnight kiss at the end of an epic date. And what a rollercoaster of a date it was.

Chapter 16




“I got busted…”


“So, I’m in county.”

“Good. They’ll feed you.”

“But it would only be $500 to get me out?”

(laughter) “Sorry, Baby, not gonna happen. Just do the time, and call me when they let you out. It’ll only be a couple of days.”

“I’ll work harder. Do better. Please don’t make me stay here… Hello?”

The next morning, when Charlie woke up, she had to remind herself she was home. As memories of her trip filtered into her consciousness, she remembered everything that had happened between them, as well as the phone call, and what it meant. It means The Man had her number, and most likely knew where she lived. She quickly searched her house, looking for any sign of him, knowing how subtle he could be. But she didn’t find anything that pointed to The Man’s intrusion into her domicile. Double-checking all her windows to make sure they were locked, her mind ran over her relationship with Les.

She had to end it now. As soon as The Man found out about him, Les would be in danger. Fifteen years ago, he’d threatened Adam. Who’s to say he wouldn’t make do on the threats with Les? He wouldn’t like it. In fact, he’d probably fight her tooth and nail on the issue, but she cared too much about him to let him get dragged into her bullshit drama.

She went downstairs to unlock her business and found a wholly unwelcome site. Justin was sitting on her steps.

“What are you doing here?” She interrupted him staring into the distance with a dreamy look on his face. He jumped up and ran to her, gathering her in his arms.

“I’m so glad you’re finally back. I wanted to take you to breakfast.”

Pushing away from him, “No.”

His eyes reflected hurt, and he asked, “Why not?”

“Because we are not an item, and I’ve told you this.” Why didn’t he understand? Exasperated, she ran her fingers through her hair, realizing it was a trait she’d picked up from spending so much time with Les.

“But we’re so good together!”

She wheeled around on him. “Listen, Justin, and listen carefully. This is the last time I will say this. We. Are. Not. Together. And we never will be. You have to leave now.”

“It’s him, isn’t it?”

If this is what it would take, she’d go for it. “Yes. Les and I started something while we were on our trip.” She still had no idea what it was, but for these purposes, she would run with it. “Les and I have something you and I will never have.” Jeez, was he crying?

A movement over Justin’s shoulder caught her eye and she focused on Les, walking up the steps. He’d heard every word. It was obvious from the upturn of the corners of his mouth, as if he were trying not to smile. Justin hadn’t seen him yet, so he had absolutely no reason to do what he did next, except for insanity.

Justin took two steps toward Charlie, who backed up against the door, and reached for her. Before he could grab her and kiss her, his obvious intent, Les was on him with a snarl.

“Didn’t you just hear what she said? Get the hell out of here.” Dragging him back by the collar, Les tossed him down the steps, surprise etched in Justin’s features. And then his mouth was on Charlie’s, sucking all breathable air from her insides.

He pushed her inside, kissing her fiercely, and turned the lock on the door behind them. His hands were everywhere, and Charlie didn’t know how to stop him, didn’t think she wanted to. She arched into him, pressing her needy breasts against his chest as he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth.

“Brought a condom this morning.” Desire flamed inside her at his words, and suddenly she wanted nothing more than him inside her.

“Oh God…” was all she could manage as their hands impatiently ripped at clothing, tossing it haphazardly all over her office. Les toed off his boots and shucked his jeans before lifting her by her rear and leaning her against the door. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he sucked a nipple into his mouth, sending a ripple of electricity straight to her core, eliciting a groan from Charlie. “Fuck me, Les. Please.” At least she would know what it was like with Les before she told him goodbye…

Spinning her around, he walked over to her desk, dumping her unceremoniously on the desktop before sinking his mouth back to her skin. She was feverish and impatient, arching her back and trying to slide her heat against him. Finally, she grabbed his hair and tugged, pulling his face up to hers. “Now, Les,” she growled at him.

A low noise sounded from the back of his throat, and he pulled her toward the edge of the desk, propping her feet up on either side of her ass, holding her open to him. He looked at her, squirming under him, and she saw the possessiveness in his features, the longing to own her, it was written all over his face before he spoke his next words.

“You’re mine.” Les’s mouth was a snarl, growling the word, and it reminded her of The Man, saying the same thing to her, reminded her that she really shouldn’t be doing this.

She opened her mouth to tell him she wasn’t, but with one swift thrust, he was inside her, filling her, and she was rendered speechless. Clawing at his arms, she could only feel him stroking her insides with each feverish thrust, each murmured, ‘mine’ he spoke. His grip on her hips bit into her skin, and she loved every second of it.

She could feel him, rubbing at her interior walls as he thrust in and out of her, each stroke out was an absence she could feel. Then he was back in, filling her completely.

“Oh God, Les!” she cried out as he continued his frenzied thrusting, veins popping out on his forehead and neck. His finger stroked her rosy pearl and Charlie felt her imminent release. She continued to spiral higher, her feverish skin craving his touch everywhere. As if he could read her mind, he reached his other hand to her nipple and squeezed it gently, causing her to come undone.

She shrieked his name and went limp, as Les continued thrusting inside her before finding his own release with a shuddering groan.

He lowered himself to her for a kiss, swirling his tongue around her mouth, leaving her breathless before getting up to remove his condom.

She got dressed, gathering her clothes from the far reaches of the room. “Les, we need to talk.”

He was on her in a heartbeat. “No. We don’t.” He kissed her forcefully, silencing her.

Pushing away, she said, “I don’t think I can do this.”

“You don’t tell a guy that after the first time you’ve had sex with him, Sweetness.” He was trying to joke, but she could see the pain in his eyes, and it hurt her, too. “Besides, I heard what you said to your ex, and it’s true.”

“No, it’s not, Les. I was lying.” Was she? Or was she lying to herself? “Even if I wasn’t, I’m still not sure I can do this.” She gestured between the two of them and watched as Les silently shoved his feet into his jeans.

“Yes, you can. You’re just scared. I understand, although I have no idea what you’re scared of. But I want to try.” He was pleading with her, and Charlie’s heart broke as she uttered her next words.

“I can’t. I’m sorry.”

Les yanked on his boots and shoved his arms into his shirt before speaking again. “Look. There’s only so much a man can say. Eventually, you’ve got to have the faith. Faith in us, Charlie.”

She watched him silently as he buttoned his shirt. “I didn’t come over for this, anyway. I wanted to give you something.” He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and tossed it on the desk. “There’s the money I owe you from the trip. And there’s one more thing.” He stalked out the door, slamming it in his wake. He returned less than a minute later with the stained glass piece she’d been after.


“I bought it while you were on the phone at the auction. You refused to talk about it every time I brought it up. It wasn’t supposed to be this huge secret, but you were insistent.” He carefully laid it on the desk. “There’s a life lesson in here somewhere, I’m just too upset to talk about it right now.” He kissed her one more time, less forcefully, before storming out the door.

It was a kiss goodbye.

Charlie touched her lips with her finger, idly realizing tears tracked down her cheeks. She heard the diesel rumble in the driveway, and knew she had time to catch him. But her feet wouldn’t move.

What had she done?

Her complete inability to communicate had done this. She had no idea if it was ingrained from experience, or fear, but she didn’t talk about things unless she was forced to. And she didn’t deal with things. Ever. His words about life lessons were hitting her pretty hard right now. And she knew it.

When Adam had rescued her, she’d been diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder. Attention-seeking teenager she was, she had researched the symptoms: irrational and impulsive behavior, severe emotional mood swings, inappropriate sexual behaviors, suicidal tendencies, cutting, extreme relationships. As a teenager, she’d read the list and immediately had a set of rules to follow to exceed expectations of her from the counselors and doctors at the facility. And then the medication had evened it all out.

She still took most of the medication, but wondered how much of her reactions to Les was due to her fucked-upedness. Was she being unreasonable? Was this something she really could do?

The fact was, Les was exhibiting behavior she hated. He was getting possessive, as displayed by that little claiming ritual he’d just done on her desk. He saw Justin, and immediately went into caveman mode, staking his claim on her in her office. He probably would have done it, even if Justin hadn’t left, just to prove to him that she was his. It was equivalent to whipping it out and pissing all over her to leave his scent, mark his territory.

But wasn’t that all part of the whole relationship thing she said she would try to do with him? She hadn’t really lied to Justin about having something with Les.

In Charlie’s adult life, she’d prided herself in the fact that she’d risen above her circumstances. She’d left the whole victim mentality behind and moved on to become a successful human being. In the last two weeks, she’d succumbed to that mentality again. And she didn’t know why. Everything was all about her past suddenly, everything reminded her of it, it kept coming back. And she couldn’t figure out Les’s role in everything.

She had a sudden urge to talk to somebody, but the only person familiar enough with her past was Adam. And she hadn’t initiated a conversation with him in a decade.

Nope. She needed to figure this out on her own.

Les was right. She was scared. The closeness she felt with Les was terrifying. She wanted to lose herself in him when he was around. She wanted to be someone different around him. She wasn’t herself. Coils of fear wrapped around her at the thought that she wouldn’t be just Charlie anymore. She’d be a part of something else. Something bigger.

Charlie spent the day organizing her purchases and calling Mr. McMannis about his piece. She cleaned it and got it ready for him to pick up on Monday. She put her new flooring and windows away, as well as the staircase. Throughout the day, she continuously looked over her shoulder, watching for anything out of the ordinary, certain The Man was watching her. Waiting. Biding his time.

BOOK: Saving Charlie (Stories of Serendipity Book 9)
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