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Authors: Anita Cox

Saving Grace (16 page)

BOOK: Saving Grace
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Grace saw Nala and Colin skid to a halt at the forest’s edge. The Centaurs came through slowly. The one in the lead had bronze skin, blonde curls and muscles galore.

No wonder women throw themselves at the Centaurs!

“Is this our new Queen?” he asked.

Grace approached. Lycans began throwing down growls. She turned and waved at them to be calm.

“I am the Lycan Queen, yes. Your queen, no. And you are?”

He shifted from the half-human, half-horse form into an all human form and walked toward her. “I am Zoltar, King of the Centaurs.”

“And I am Beauregard, King of the Fae.” Another race approached through the forest.

“Remind me to fire security,” Grace said to Roman who walked up next to her in his shifted form.

“I am Oden, King of the Dwarves!” A short but wide man yelled, pounding his chest.

Roman shifted back into his human form. “Why are you crashing our wedding day?”

“Because, Roman, King of the Lycans, we have come to understand our Queen has a plan.” Zoltar bowed to Grace. “And we’re here to help.”

“Impregnate our women,” Roman cursed.

She looked around at the Lycan men, who all looked as if they were about to attack. She almost laughed, but covered it by clearing her throat.

“Seems if you want to chat, your race is going to have to keep their cocks firmly tucked away in their…whatever.”

Zoltar smiled at her.

She could smell his arousal.
Damn these Lycan senses.

He turned to his clan. They all shifted to human form.

“It is understood. Your women are off limits, much to the dismay of my people.”

She noticed Roman’s shoulders inched down. and waved Wendy over to her. Her mouth hung slack as she approached, not taking her eyes off of Zoltar. “What can I do for you, Grace?”

“Let’s prepare the hall for our guests.”

Colin and Nala approached her, holding hands. She looked like she was trying to pull her hand free, but Colin wasn’t letting go.

“Can I, uh, borrow Tom for a few days?” he asked Roman.

Tom was head of security and a mountain of a Lycan.

Roman looked as if he may throw up.

“Right now?”

Colin nodded.

Roman looked at Grace, then at the fifty or so guests. “Now is a bad time.”

“Take him,” Grace said. “No one is here to cause any trouble. Right?” she asked looking at Zoltar.

He raised his hands. “We’re only here to talk, to help, and to aid in the raising of a college and government.”

Grace smiled. “News travels fast.” She waved Tom over. “Go with Colin and Nala.”

“But,” he tried to protest.

Her eyes flashed violet at him.

He looked down at the ground. “Yes, ma’am.”

Grace and Roman led their guests to the hall. She could feel the anxiety pouring out of her mate.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to bang the centaurs,” she teased.

He gave her a weak smile.

By the time they sat down, Grace and Roman had been introduced to the Kings and leaders of the Centaurs, the Fae, the Dwarves and the Pixie Queen. They all had companions, of varying positions that Grace could not keep straight in her head.

“Lycans are pack entities,” Zoltar started. “But our hope is to integrate all of our species for a more peaceful time. It appears you have the same goals.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Grace held up her hands. “For education, yes, but I take issue with integrating into our packs. You cannot expect Lycans to—I”

“No one is saying that Lycans cannot live in a pack, Grace. What we’re suggesting is we stop fearing one another.” Zoltar leaned in. “All of us, we have feared each other from actions of our past. My race was responsible for causing heart ache within many species. Our numbers were low and we took what we wanted, seduced women into having our offspring, tearing apart solid relationships. For that, we are truly sorry. But we have changed our ways. We have hid in the hills of Scotland for some time and we have learned to propagate our species in a much less aggressive way.”

“And we,” the Fae King spoke, “have used our powers to our advantage as well. We have spied. We have used our abilities to continue these wars as a way of keeping our power. This needs to stop.”

The leaders went around the table confessing the sins of their people.

“The point is,” Ella, the Pixie Queen addressed Grace. She was tiny, maybe ninety pounds with spiky black hair, alabaster skin and piercing blue eyes. “We have enough problems with the humans. We do not need to be at war with one another.”

Gustav had joined them, but remained quiet through much of the discussion.

Finally, he stood and spoke. “Grace and Roman, your union has been prophesized for quite some time. It was said you would bring peace to our kind. We had waited for so long, dwindled in numbers that in the last decade, we have begun making new progeny. We too have learned from our past transgressions. But it appears the prophecy is true. You were recently bonded and I am witnessing what should have taken place hundreds of years ago. Just know, whatever you need from the Vampire race, is within your grasp.”

Grace did not let it show that she was feeling overwhelmed. “Very well, I propose we form a real government and a real judicial arm. We cannot allow these atrocities to continue and if we don’t step up together, it will continue.”

Everyone knocked on the table twice.

“I am forming a university, so our young ones can receive an education around those of their own kind, other supernaturals, if you will. Human college isn’t meant for us. It makes us feel lost, unwelcomed and abnormal. I have spoken with others who have attended and they felt much the way I did, though for me, I had no idea why I always felt out of place. For them, they did know, and it only added to the agony of being away from mother nature and their packs.”

She remained with a calm exterior. Though she could feel nervous vibrations coming from nearly all of her guests.

Nervous vibrations? How can I feel this?

“It is who we are now.”
Her wolf answered.

“Grace,” Ella interject, “may we set up camp for a few days while we work together to refine the details of your plan? I think I speak for us all when I say we are all invested in the outcome here.”

“You’ll do nothing of the sort. You are our guests and I won’t have you sleeping outside.” Roman stood and flagged Wendy over. “Wendy will make arrangements with our pack mates to find a spot for each of you.”

Wendy smiled. “Give me an hour.”

Roman patted her on her shoulder, before noticing an intense gaze between Wendy and Zoltar.

He glanced back at Grace and pushed toward her,
“seems Wendy has very strong feelings toward the Centaur King.”

“I’d say,” Ella blurted.

Oh now Ella can hear me too. Great.

Roman snickered.

Wendy rushed off to make the arrangements.

“Ella, I’d be honored if you’d stay in the main pack house. With Roman and I married now, we have a room to spare.”

Ella batted her eyelashes.

Grace’s heart fluttered in unison. Heat pooled between her legs.

What the fuck?

Roman smirked sensing his mate’s arousal.




“Why did you ask for yet another Belfast pack member, a male no less, to come to my pack?” Nala demanded.

“Look, he’s head of Security. He has a ton of combat experience. You’re an Alpha now. You need to be able to fend off challenges to your seat.” Colin picked up a box of his things from the back of the truck. “And it will be Lycan men challenging you. You need to learn proper combat skills.”

She put a hand on the box he was trying to carry, keeping him in place. “Excuse me, but I handled myself fine against Jagger.

“With the help of our new Queen,” Colin added.

She burned with rage. “Move your own damned boxes. I’m going for a run.

She shifted and headed into the woods, her paws not moving fast enough for her. She ran as fast as her legs would take her to dispel of the anger surging through her veins.

She wanted Colin there to help, not dictate to her. Dictating he was. He was dictating who was going to train or, that she needed to be trained at all, and the terms of her winning her position as Alpha.

Her rear haunches burned. She had no idea how long she’d been running. She slowed down to a trot before she started pacing.

He asserted over and over again that he didn’t want to be Alpha, but it certainly felt like he was giving her orders.

She felt a nudge on her shoulder. She jerked her lips up, showing her canines and whipped around to see a large silver and black wolf staring back at her.

When the wolf shifted, it was Colin who sat on the ground.

“I owe you an apology.”

She shifted. “No shit.”

“I overstepped.”

“At the risk of repeating myself, no shit.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“There are qualities in me I cannot change. I know we are not yet mated, nor have we bonded, but it’s inherent in me to protect you. So, maybe I was a little overzealous. But when I saw the Centaurs and Fae, my first thought was for your safety. That’s why I asked Tom to come.” He took a deep breath and let it out.

“You have every right,” he continued, “to be pissed at me. Just know this is new to me too. I’ll do my level best to show you the respect you’ve earned.”

She wanted to yell at him, but what was there to say? He’d acknowledged his fault. He’d promised to show more respect. Above all else, he wanted to protect her, even if it were a business arrangement and not a real marriage.


He raised a brow. “Any time a woman says ‘fine’, it’s never fine. But it is a good sign that I should retreat.” He turned to walk away from her and said over his shoulder. “I apologize.”

He shifted and headed off in a slow trot toward the cabin.

She shifted back to wolf form and sat. She watched him trot away.

Centaurs. Would her pack survive a centaur invasion? Could the women mentally survive a seduction of that magnitude after the abuse they’d suffered?

Grace’s plan had better work. Her reign as Alpha wouldn’t last long if she were constantly defending against attacks. The Centaurs weren’t known for being physically violent, but they were powerful creatures. Her grandfather once told her he’d seen a Centaur rip a Lycan in two during a battle.

Her stomach flopped. How many of her women would survive? How many men did they have left?

She shifted back to human form to take a much slower stroll toward the cabin. She watched her feet as she plodded along. They did need more men. They’d have to integrate them into the pack or the pack wouldn’t survive. They still needed to propagate the species.

Pups. She sighed. Would Colin want them? Would she finally have pups of her own? Probably not. What sort of Lycan man would want to breed with a woman such as her?

Lycan men liked their women to follow them around, dote on them, treat them like kings. She just didn’t have it in her to do that. She wasn’t a doormat.

A tear streaked down her face as she approached the cabin.

“What happened?” Colin startled her.

“What?” She cleared her throat. “Nothing, twig got me in the eye is all.”

Colin narrowed his eyes.

“Let me help you with your boxes.”




“You really didn’t know?” Roman asked.

“It took me a minute, you know, for the blood memories to surface. I had no idea.” She gulped.

“You basically invited a Pixie to our bed on our honeymoon.” he laughed. “Ah, the life.” He threw himself on the bed and stretched out.

“I’m glad you think this is funny. From what the ancestors tell me, she’ll wear us both out and beg for more.” Grace rolled her eyes.

“It’s gonna be a hellova honeymoon.” She shook her head. “This is stupid. I’ll just go talk to her.”

The door creaked as it opened. Ella stood at the entrance to their bedroom. “You summoned me?”

Grace looked at Roman, then back to Ella.

“You mentally called out to me.” She floated in, feet barely moving.

Immediately, Grace wanted to tear her clothes off and devour her. She blinked a few times and shook her head.

“I’m sure, by now, you realize I’m unfamiliar with some of the customs. The old memories take a while to surface.” Her heart slammed in her chest. The mere presence of this woman in the intimate setting had Grace’s skin ablaze.

What the hell is wrong with me?
Grace licked her lips. “What I mean to say is, there has been a misunderstanding. I did not intend to, uh, invite you to our bed.”

Ella smiled. Her crystal blue eyes cutting into Grace’s chest. “Your mouth denies what your body requests. I can think of better things for those beautiful lips to do than to tell lies.”

Grace heard Roman choke back a laugh. She’d have to punish him for that later.

“Do you have powers, like the Centaurs, to seduce other beings?”

Ella leaned in, her lips nearly touching Grace’s ear. “Do you mean other than my delicious pussy, my perky tits and a skilled tongue? No, I have no seductive special power.”

Grace sucked in a breath.

“Why do you deny yourself the simplest of pleasures?” Ella circled Grace again. “Does your new husband have an issue with this?” She glanced over at Roman. “The bulge in his pants says otherwise.

“Not fair. This is hot.” Roman blurted.

Grace shot him an I-will-chop-off-your-balls look.

“You smell like heaven. I can smell your arousal.” She sniffed around Grace. “Your mind is playing pictures of the three of us, all succumbing to pleasure.”

She hated that the Pixie was having this sort of effect on her.

“Ella, I cannot deny my arousal.”

“But you deny pleasure. Why?” She sucked on her bottom lip as she caressed Grace’s bare arm.

She had no answer. She studied Ella as the Pixie pouted and circled her.
It could be fun.

She thought about what a wild honeymoon night it would be for her lover to be devoured by two women, one who might just be a nymph.

Ella licked her lips.

She hadn’t been wrong. There had been so many naughty thoughts running through her mind she found it hard to form a complete sentence.

“What the hell. It’s our honeymoon to do as we please.”

She could feel Roman celebrating internally. Ella snapped her fingers and the three were instantly naked.

“Well that helps with the awkwardness of undressing,” Roman said.

Grace giggled. “Yes. It does.” She turned her gaze to Ella. “Come here, you little vixen.” She grabbed Ella and moved her against the wall. She kissed her softly, then with more passion. When Ella started to whimper, she moved her fingers down her stomach until she reached the Pixie’s bud. It was already swollen and needy.

Roman stood from the bed and moved next to the women. Ella reached out and wrapped her cool, but small hand around his cock and pumped the shaft.

He let out a breathy groan, then set to kissing Grace’s neck and stroking her slit. She was aroused in a way she hadn’t been before. Her blood felt like icy cool heat running through her veins. Her senses were heightened. Ella stroked Grace’s nipple with the back of her hand and Grace’s legs shook. How could something so simple feel so exquisite?

Grace abandoned Roman’s fingers and dropped to her knees. The Pixie was totally hairless, her lower lips small and drawn in. She explored her with her tongue. Ella opened her legs and tilted her hips, granting Grace easier access.

“What is that?’ Roman asked. Grace didn’t look.

“It’s a Pixie’s version of a condom,” she panted.

“I don’t feel a thing.”

Ella giggled. “Hmm, that’s the point.”

Grace saw Ella grab hold of Roman’s arm to steady herself.

“That’s so nice.”

Grace stood.

Ella whined at her abandonment.

“Let’s move to the bed, where we can get more comfortable.”

Ella was there in a flash.

Roman scooped up Grace and carried her to the bed, placing her next to the Pixie Queen. He caressed them both, running his hands down their legs. Grace rolled toward Ella, and took her perky breast into her mouth.

Ella squirmed.

Grace glanced down. Roman had a devilish smile as he moved in. He had a thumb on Ella’s clit, stimulating her, then placed his mouth on Grace’s. Both women gasped and moaned.

Ella giggled and threw something into the air. Little sparkles floated down on them.

“What was that?” Grace whispered.

“Pixie dust.” Ella wiggled her brows. “Just wait for it.”

The three all gasped in unison. Their already heightened senses were at Defcon 5. Ella flicked her tongue over Grace’s nipple. Her pussy twitched in response.

“Oh my God.”

Roman hummed as he pleasured Grace. It sent her through the roof. Her orgasm surprised and overwhelmed her.

Roman barely crawled up on the bed when Ella’s tiny frame mounted him. “Ooh,” she moaned as she stretched around him.

“What the fuck?” Grace felt something strange happening with her clit. It was swelling. It was growing.

Ella giggled. “When it’s done, stick it in my ass.”

“Done doing what? What is happening?” She started to panic. The growing and swelling wasn’t hurting, but it felt foreign and scared her.

“Sweetie, I’ll explain it to you later. Just put it in my ass.”

Roman must have been to consumed with his own pleasure. He didn’t notice his wife was growing her own cock right in front of him.

This is what I get for turning men into women.
She thought it had to be karma.

Roman must have finally heard her, because he looked at his wife in astonishment.

Ella giggled again. “Don’t worry, wolfie. It’s temporary.”

She looked over her shoulder at Grace and wiggled her ass. “Whenever you stop panicking…”

Grace reached down and stroked it. It was sensitive, but in a pleasurable way. She licked her palm, then wrapped it around her new appendage.

“Just don’t poke me with it,” Roman said before turning his attention back to Ella.

Ella cooed as Roman sucked one tit, then the next. She eased up and down on his cock, panting with pleasure.

Grace decided not to panic, and enjoy what was happening now. Ella snapped her fingers. A thin skin suddenly covered her new appendage. It sealed the hole at the tip. She figured this must have been what Roman asked about it.

She stroked herself again, noting she couldn’t even tell she had been sheathed with anything.

She licked her hand again and stroked herself to be certain she had it lubed up, then placed it at the Pixie’s opening.

“Oh, yeah,” she stopped her movement to allow Grace to slowly enter her.

Feeling the Pixie’s tight, warm body enveloping her new member sent her over the edge. She felt tiny explosions rippling through her body.

“Grab my hair,” Ella demanded.


“Pull my fuckin’ hair!”

Grace smiled at Roman, then fisted Ella’s hair.

“Pull it. Don’t be a wuss. Fuck my ass and pull my hair!”

Grace gulped at the tenacity of this little Pixie. She had never had a penis before and wasn’t sure what to do but move it in and out. But the sensation of the Pixie’s tight ass moving up and down Grace’s temporary shaft was divine. Too divine. Grace was sure she was about to explode.

Then she noticed she could feel Roman’s cock inside the woman as well. She could feel the ridge of the tip through the thin veil between them. She felt pressure in her new member. “God, I cannot hold on!”

“Fuck me. Do it! Hard!” Ella demanded. “Both of you. Hard. Now. Fuck!” She panted as Grace and Roman both gave it all they had. Roman was fucking her so hard from below his balls were smacking Grace at the base of her own member.

In unison, they all released. Grace’s temporary cock disappeared but left her clit quite tender.

“Oh thank you!” Ella collapsed on the bed. “I haven’t been properly fucked in ages.”

Roman grabbed her. “How long does this thing last?” He pointed at the coating on his cock.

“You’ve got about an hour. But you can wash it off with soap if you wish.” She smiled at them both. “I’ll leave you two to enjoy the rest of your night alone. Thank you.”

She bent down and sucked on Roman’s bottom lip. She released his lip but looked him deep in the eyes. “You have a magnificent cock. Lycans make fantastic lovers.” She sat up on her knees and kissed Grace. “That was your powers, not mine that gave you the cock. I haven’t seen it since your Great-Grandmother was around but it’s nice to know the skill didn’t die with her. I can teach you to access it whenever you want.”

Her face burned red with embarrassment. “Thank you.”

Ella walked out of the room in her birthday suit and closed the door behind her. Within minutes they heard voices moaning from the room next door.

Roman laughed. “Told you. They’re insatiable.”

“I guess. So, you’re not, uh, freaked out by what just happened?”

“Look, I’m not anti-gay or anything, but I have no interest in that sort of sex. You can use it all on the women or men you want, but not on me. It just doesn’t do anything for me.”

“But,” she bit her lip, “you’re not turned off?”

He grabbed her hand and put it around his already-hard-again shaft. “No, not turned off. Incredibly turned on. Maybe it’s the Pixie dust.”

“It has to be. I’m sore and I still wanna fuck.” She looked down at Roman’s hard shaft. “Let’s take this to the shower.”

He followed her as she moved with urgency toward the bathroom. She turned on the water and stepped in, pulling him behind her.

She grabbed a bar of soap and let her hands wander round Roman’s body, making sure to pay special attention to his cock, soaping it thoroughly.

He kissed her gently while taking the soap from her and returning the favor. His strong hands cleaning her from head to toe.

They embraced under the water, rinsing away the soap. She tipped the showerhead to spray against the wall and pulled him to the shower floor. She eased herself on his erection and moved with fervor. Roman grabbed her hips and pumped into her from below.

“Oh the Gods,” she gasped. She could feel every hair sweeping across her back. Her breasts felt like they were engorged deliciously tender. She could feel every inch, every crevice and vein in Roman’s cock. Her toes curled and she clawed at Roman’s chest as the swell came and exploded within her.

Roman grunted and gasped as his own climax came to pass.

“That was insane.” Grace gasped.



BOOK: Saving Grace
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