Scattered Thoughts (Betrayed by Love Book 1) (32 page)

BOOK: Scattered Thoughts (Betrayed by Love Book 1)
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Chapter Thirty Two




The house seemed bigger somehow as we pulled around the fountain in the middle of the driveway. The ground was wet, evidence of a recent rain that had cleared, and a cool breeze was left in its wake. It passed over my legs, sending a shiver through me.

Alec put his arm around my waist. “Welcome home, baby,” he said then kissed me on the lips. A soft, gentle kiss that made my knees buckle. He scooped me up and carried me through the front door.

The windows were open and the sound of the ocean surrounded me, that familiar sound of home. Being on the beach was all I could think about at that moment. “Let’s go for a walk on the beach,” I said suddenly.

Alec tilted his head to one side.

“Please, Alec. I’ve been cooped up for so long. I really need some fresh air.”

“Okay, but I’m coming with you.”

A half smile half smirk crossed my face. I was expecting a lecture on safety or something after just getting out of the hospital, so his answer surprised me.

He pulled me into his chest. “Is that a problem for you, Isabella?” He kissed me hard on the mouth.

My eyes widened, my heart rate increasing. There was no hiding my crimson cheeks then and I nervously bit my lip.

“We won’t make it to the beach if you keep looking at me like that, baby.”

I looked away, rolling my eyes as I did. Alec bent down and wrapped his arms around my legs, lifting me over his shoulder. “Alec!” He smacked me playfully on the butt. “Put me down!” I tried to sound annoyed but only ended up laughing.

“Am I amusing you?”

“Yes!” It was funny how much I’d missed his controlling ways. Even as much as I resisted them, there was something comforting in knowing Alec was in control.

Alec carried me all the way to the kitchen where Mrs. Peters was busy preparing dinner. “Don’t mind us, Kim. I’m just getting some wine.”

He pulled the bottle from the refrigerator, and when he turned around I could see the grin on Kim’s face. I was so embarrassed. I wanted to object, to insist Alec put me down, but I didn’t. The last thing I wanted right then was to make this any worse than it already was.

When we reached the patio, Alec finally put me down. Holding on to his shirt, I waited as the blood slowly returned to my body. Alec poured two glasses of wine, handing one to me, and then clasped his hand around mine. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” That wicked grin crossed his face, and suddenly I didn’t care where he was taking me. He led me to the water’s edge where we walked quietly along the shoreline, slowly sipping our wine, until I was totally lost in the sound of the ocean as the waves broke on the shore.

We started back toward the house and I noticed two chairs sitting near the waterline which hadn’t been there an hour earlier. I paused, looking up at Alec, silently wondering when they’d gotten there. I’d given up asking how months ago.

“I thought you’d like to watch the sunset,” Alec said, answering my unspoken question.

A smile crossed my face. He knew me so well. I threw my arms around his neck. “Oh, Alec, thank you.”

He kissed the top of my head. “I love you, Isabella. I’d do anything for you.”

After refilling my wine glass, Alec motioned for me to sit in one of the chairs. I shook my head. I’d been trapped in that hospital bed for days and was enjoying the feeling of the sand beneath my feet.

“Isabella, sit down,” he said, his voice stern.

My cheeks heated and instinctively I looked away so he couldn’t see the effect he had on me.

Alec grabbed my chin and tilted my head back until I was looking right at him. “Don’t hide from me, baby.”

I took a deep breath, his smell intoxicating me. My breathing increased, my insides started to tingle. He kissed me hard on the lips.

My knees giving out, I stumbled, spilling wine all down my shirt. “Shit!”

“Here, let me help you with that,” Alec said. I could hear the humor in his tone. I shot him a dirty look, but that only made him laugh.

“My shirt. It’s all wet.”

“That’s what you get,” he admonished, as he took the glass out of my hand, preventing me from spilling the rest of it. “You should have sat down when I told you to.”

Two towels rested on the back of one of the chairs. I snatched one off the chair in a mock huff before sitting down in it, doing my best to dry my shirt. When I’d finally given up, Alec handed me my glass, still laughing.

I took a long drink, draining what was left in the glass. “Are you laughing at me?”

“Yes. That’s not problem for you, is it?”

“It’s not a problem for me, Mr. Payne.” I set the glass down in the sand. “But it might be for you.”

Jumping up from where I was sitting, I moved quickly toward his chair. Climbing on his lap, one leg on each side of him, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him toward me, kissing him hard on the lips. He dropped his glass and ran his hands up my back, kissing me too, a deep, passionate kiss.

In one swift move, Alec lifted me off his lap, depositing me gently on the sand, my arms pinned above my head. “What were you saying about a problem?”

Pulling on my arms and kicking my legs, I tried to wiggle free but he tightened his grip, kissing me on the forehead, the nose, the chin. “Because this is definitely not a problem for me,” he whispered against my lips.

I raised my head to kiss him but he moved just out of my reach. My insides were on fire, I needed to touch him. “Alec, let go.” Tugging against his grip, I simultaneously bucked my hips trying to push him off me.

He let go of my wrists and straddled me, his knees buried in the sand. “Let’s get this wet shirt off you.” Sliding my cardigan over my shoulders he lifted my shirt over my head, dropping them both in the sand. His eyes were fixed on mine, his stare intensifying as I squirmed beneath him. Pulling his shirt off, he dropped it next to me, too. His chiseled chest glistened in the fading sun.

I reached up to touch him, but he caught my hands, pinning my arms back onto the sand, kissing me in the process.

“Don’t move,” he warned as he took his hands off my wrists. Instinctively, I pulled my arms to my side.

With narrowed eyes Alec lifted my arms back above my head. “Don’t. Move,” he said again.

Alec ran a finger from my temple, down the side of my face, to my chin, slowly down my neck, between my breasts, circling my bellybutton as he moved toward the waistband of my pants.

Arching my back I moaned as I did my best to absorb the pleasure. My insides quickened as Alec trailed kisses along the same path his finger just took making me moan even louder. Bucking my hips, my sex rubbed against his growing erection.

“You’re moving, Isabella.”

“Stop teasing me.”

“Oh, baby, I’m not teasing.” He arched his eyebrows then leapt to his feet, dropping his pants in the sand.

Kneeling between my legs Alec ran his thumbs under the waistband of my pants and pulled, sliding my pants past my ankles, tossing them to the side, straddling me once more.

I moved my hands to the waistband of his boxer briefs and ran my finger along the edge as he’d just done.

Pulling my hand toward his mouth, he slid my middle finger inside, his tongue circling my long digit. “Do you ever do what you’re told, Isabella?”

After two weeks away from Alec, his touch was like fire burning me up inside. I closed my eyes, arching my back, absorbing every ounce of pleasure. “Alec,” I panted, my insides quickening.

Slow down, Izzy, he hasn’t even touched you yet
, my inner voice snapped. I took a deep breath, doing my best to calm my screaming libido.

“You are so sexy, baby. I’m going to take you. Right here, right now.” In one swift move, he was lying on top of me, spreading my legs with his. Poking his thumb through the lace in my panties he ripped them off, tossing the useless fabric onto the sand with the rest of my clothes before freeing his erection from his boxer briefs.

He slid a finger inside me. “Ahhh,” I moaned loudly.

Pulling his finger out he said, “You are so wet, baby.”
my libido screamed.
Don’t stop.

Alec rubbed the head of his erection against my sex, pushing the tip inside me. I moved my hips to meet him, but he pulled back. Leaning down, he kissed me, a deep passionate kiss, his tongue finding mine, twisting, turning, leaving me breathless when he pulled away.

His hands moved between my breasts along the fabric of my bra, pulling it down until they popped out. I arched my back, moaning even louder still. My nipples hardened as he rolled them between his finger and thumb, taking one in his mouth then the other, gently tugging with his teeth.

“Alec! Please. I need to feel you inside me.”

“Not until you come, baby.”

I bucked my hips, begging him to touch me again. Alec flicked my nipple with this tongue, trailing his finger on my inner thigh, back toward my sex, before slipping it back inside me again.

“Ahhh!” I screamed, my insides quickening as my release hit, unable to resist any longer.

Passion burned in Alec’s eyes. He rubbed the tip of his erection against my sex again, only this time he entered me, moving slowly at first as I adjusted to his fullness. Picking up speed, he quickly found his rhythm. I moved my hips to meet his, wanting him more than I ever imagined I could. I dug my nails into his flesh as he buried himself deep inside me, hitting that special spot over and over again until I was begging for release a second time.

“Come for me, Isabella. Come for me again.”

His words were my undoing. My insides quickened as my body unraveled around him, his release soon following.

Kissing me softly on the lips, Alec eased himself out of me, collapsing beside me on the sand, his arm draped around my waist.

“Alec, that was incredible.” I turned my head so I could see his face. He was propped up on his elbow, his head resting in his hand, an ear to ear grin on his face.

Leaning forward he kissed me again. “Yes. It was.”

After tucking himself back inside his underwear, Alec grabbed our clothes. “Put this on,” he said handing me his shirt before sliding his pants back on. I lay still, not wanting to take my eyes off him for even a second. “Isabella, put it on.” His eyes moved from me to the shirt I was holding then back again.

Reluctantly, I sat up and adjusted my bra then dusted the sand off my body before pulling his shirt on. Alec helped me to my feet so I could put my pants back on too. I tightened the string around my waist, and when I looked up Alec was standing in front of me, beads of sweat still covering his chest.

I reached up and touch his toned muscles and Alec wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in to him. His husky voice sent an unexpected wave of pleasure through me. “I love you, baby.”

I looked down at his feet, his sexy, sand covered feet, but Alec wasn’t having it. He grabbed my chin, lifting my face as he’d done before then kissed me softly on the lips. “You, Isabella. I. Love. You.”

Finally, Alec sat down on the sand taking me with him. The clouds had completely cleared, revealing an amazing red-orange sunset. We sat side by side, his arm around my shoulders, my arms around his waist, silently watching as the sun faded below the water. I leaned against him, realizing how much I loved being next to him.

“I love you, Isabella,” he said again then kissed me softly on the lips. “And I want to spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

Closing my eyes, I snuggled up next to him, feeling safe and happy and confused by how much he meant to me after such a short time. As I sat there, wrapped in his arms, I realized how much I loved this man. Mr. Control Freak, my control freak.

“I love you too, Alec Payne.”



HD Kelley


[email protected]











Betrayed by Love Series

Shattered Dreams

Broken Promises (Winter 2016)


USF College Series
(Coming Soon)







BOOK: Scattered Thoughts (Betrayed by Love Book 1)
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