Read Scion's Freedom (Siren Publishing Classic) Online

Authors: J. Annas Walker

Tags: #Romance

Scion's Freedom (Siren Publishing Classic) (3 page)

BOOK: Scion's Freedom (Siren Publishing Classic)
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He drew in a long breath and let out a half-moaned sigh as he palmed her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath the halter top. He dropped his arms and allowed the coat to slip off. She reached up and untied the top behind her neck. It dropped down, exposing her hard nipples. He rolled them between his thumbs and forefingers. She shivered with delight. He mistook the tremor for being cold.

“It’s chilly out. Do you want to get in the car?” His hands didn’t leave her breasts.

“No. I’m fine right here.” She undid the hooks on his pants and opened the fly. As he twisted and rubbed her, she slid both hands down the front of his undershorts and gently kneaded his balls.

“Mmm…That feels great,” he sighed. Moving his hands down to cup the base of her breast, he bent his head low and ran his tongue across one nipple and then the other. He began sucking her breasts in turn. She turned him loose and arched back to lift her chest higher.

He put one hand between her thighs. Cassy’s skirt was short. There was nothing to lift to gain access. His fingers brushed her neatly trimmed bush. He glanced up at her in surprise.

“No panties. I hate ’em. They get in the way,” she whispered. He hummed his agreement against the breast he still had in his mouth. She parted her legs enough for him to explore her further. This brought more humming.

Fingers slid across her sensitive pearl and down to her waiting pussy. First one, then two found their way inside her slit. She was so wet he hardly had to try working them in. As he fingered in and out, he started kissing his way up her neck. A thrill ran through her when he lingered over her carotid artery, kissing and licking it before moving up her jaw line.

He slipped his fingers out of her and released his stiff cock from its confinement. Gripping the base, he whispered in her ear, “Do you want to suck this? Or do you want me to fuck you?”

Too hot and eager to care about anything else, she begged, “Fuck me. Just fuck me, please.” Something about this man was unexplainably magnetic. He drew her in, made her want him. She was impatient to have him take her. She would have loved to suck his dick, to roll her tongue across the head and taste his sticky pre-cum, but the burning need to have him in her snatch overrode everything else. Fangs and sucking cock were tricky things to juggle when the need to fuck raged like an internal wildfire.

“That’s what I like, a woman who knows what she wants,” he purred. Pinning her body against his car, David pushed into her dripping cunt in one long stroke. Cassy pulled one leg up over his hip and curled it around his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders to hold him steady against her. “Good girl,” he cooed. The praise sent a shiver up her spine. She wanted to open herself to him completely, to let passion consume her.

He braced one hand on the car and the other on her raised leg for more support. Once balanced, he pulled almost all the way out and thrust back in as deep as he could. Cassy let out a soft moan. He could feel her pussy quivering and gripping his cock, almost begging for more. Her juices flowed down over his balls. She was ready.

“Yes, please yes! Please, please, please,” she begged in a loud whisper. She laid her head back against the roof of the car and closed her eyes.

“Happy to oblige,” he said and started stroking her long and hard.

She bucked her hips in rhythm to his thrusts, taking him in as deep as she could. Her breasts bounced in time like a metronome for their sex. As he pounded her, she pulled the collar of his shirt open. Lifting her head up to him, she nuzzled his neck the way he had hers, licking and kissing his pulsing artery. Her nipples rubbed against his chest as they bounced. They stiffened into harder peaks, like rosy pink pebbles. She sucked the throbbing flesh into her mouth and released it a few times. She knew he was getting close to coming. His thrusts became shorter and faster as he came. He cried out between clinched teeth. She could feel the creaminess pumping into her. It allowed her to drop the one last barrier, the one that separated the sex from the blood.

Cassy’s lusts took over. As he climaxed, her fangs ran out and, without warning, she struck. The exertions of sex had his heart pounding. The initial spurt into her mouth nearly choked her, but she managed to swallow it all. He tried to pull away, but she had her arms securely around him. Her crooked leg prevented him from pulling away. He was hers. She dragged him down to the pavement and stayed on top of him. His cock filled her pussy as his blood filled her mouth. It was bliss. A few good minutes passed before she came up for air. Pricking her tongue with a fang, she smeared her blood over the wound. It almost completely healed but not all the way. She had not used enough, but the flow had stopped.

Blood ran down her chin and dripped across her heaving breasts. Her nipples were still hard. There was a fine line between sex and blood. Tonight they mingled into one thing. Cassy looked down to ensure he was still alive. He had passed out. His breathing was shallow but steady. Getting up, she allowed his cock to slide out of her dripping snatch. Taking a pack of wipes from her purse, she cleaned up and redressed.

She wiped David off and rearranged his clothes. As she did, he started coming back around. Thinking quickly, she reached up and hit his side mirror, breaking it. With the side of her longest nail, she scratched the side of his jaw and went over the puncture wounds she had made. The line looked like a single cut and not two holes. She shoved the used wipes into her purse.

He moaned and opened his eyes. She pressed her face in close to his, fixing her gaze on his. She pushed her will into his mind. “You will remember nothing from the time we left the bar. You had too much to drink and fell against your car.” His eyes slid out of focus and then back. She knew it had worked. He gave his head a few shakes.

She exclaimed, “Oh, you poor baby! Let me help you up!” Tugging at his arms, Cassy helped David into a sitting position. He put one hand to his head and squeezed his eyes tight.

“What happened? How did I get down here?” He looked around and then up at her. He made to push himself into a standing position. She helped steady him and picked up his coat. Holding it open for him, he slipped it back on without asking how he had lost it in the first place.

“You fell against you car. How much did you have to drink? I don’t think you should drive home.” She stooped down and picked up his keys. He followed her motions but didn’t look back up when she stood. He was fixed on the broken mirror pieces. Fingers touched his jaw and throat.

“Sorry. I couldn’t catch you before you fell. I think you’re OK. It seems to be just a scratch.”

“Whoa. I didn’t think I had that much. Maybe you’re right. I think I’ll call a cab,” he muttered. He seemed more disoriented than anything. Cassy was sure he was going to be fine in a few days. He pulled out his phone and started dialing. “Want to share?”

“Oh, no. My car is one floor up. I’m fine to drive. Sorry about your evening, but I think I’ve had all the excitement I need for one night. Good-bye.” She waved and walked away.

Erica sat in the driver’s seat of her car waiting with the engine running. “Have a good time? Your cheeks are nice and rosy,” Erica teased. The smile on her face was more of a gloat. At least she did not add the phrase, “I told you so.”

“I did. He was a very good time. How about you?”

“You should have been there. Frankenstein was good, but Little Boy Blue knew how to blow his horn,” she winked. “They were delicious. A positive, my favorite!”

“Thanks for talking me into coming out tonight. I needed it more than I thought,” Cassy said with her best smile.

“You’re welcome. What are friends for? Now let’s go. I feel the sun rising.” Erica peeled out of the parking garage, and they headed home for the day.

Chapter 3


Over the next few weeks Cassy noticed Erica spent all her time with the box of files and her laptop. Peeking in her room revealed Erica’s face hidden by paperwork or with a perplexed look and a pen crossways in her mouth. She had chewed through half a dozen pencils before switching to ink pens. The only time Cassy could remember her so focused was when she worked on a story about the impending economic collapse later called The Fall. The story had been stifled by an editor bent on not panicking the public with the truth.

Cassy heard a gasp and a heavy thump from Erica’s room near sunrise. Moving quickly to see if there was a problem or to help clean up the mess, Cassy followed the noise. Papers were everywhere. The box had fallen into the floor. Erica, however, sat motionless on the bed staring at her screen.

“Erica? Are you okay? I heard…Erica?” Cassy could see her eyes flying back and forth across the screen. She was reading at top speed. There was no point in trying to talk to her when she was like this. Cassy bent down to rake the scattered papers into a pile.

The one on top caught her attention and froze her mid-motion. It was a list of names with dollar amounts beside them in one column and dates in a third. The headline was partially covered with correction tape, but the words “Quarterly Payout” were still visible. She stood with it clutched in her right hand.

“What the hell is this?” Erica did not look up from her work. “Erica, what have you been sent? Erica Jordan! Answer me, please,” Cassy demanded. She fixed her silvery gray eyes on Erica’s face in an effort to compel her. The weight of her demand fell on Erica, forcing the transfixed woman to lift her head in response.

“You know I hate when you do that. I’m in the middle of reading something important.” Erica turned one corner of her mouth down in disapproval. “Do you need something?”

“Not really. I thought you might want help cleaning up the mess when I found this.” She lifted the top page. “What is this? What are you working on? There are names on here that could get you in a lot of trouble.”

“Do you remember the story I did predicting The Fall? The one that never went to print even though they paid me for it?”

“Sure. How could I forget? We had to hide out for years after The Fall. Is this related?”

“Yes and no. I think The Fall was orchestrated by the same people who are in charge of the current rebuilding projects and social reconstruction,” she said with a very sober look. There was nothing in her face that held anything short of certain conviction.

“But…how…why…why would anyone do that? So many people died because of it. All those poor children starved amidst the food riots. Whole cities burned to the ground when firemen couldn’t communicate or get fuel because the power grid went down. Filthy untreated water killed countless numbers of sick and elderly. Who would do such a thing? Why would anyone want to do such a thing?”

Cassy was flabbergasted. The thought of any one person or group of people causing so much devastation was horrendous. It made her head spin.

“Monsters, that’s who,” Erica replied, “And not all of them were the supernatural kind.”

Cassy sat down on the edge of the bed. There wasn’t enough support in her knees to keep her standing. Whatever Erica knew was dangerous, very dangerous.

“It’s almost sunup. Let’s get this cleaned up and go to bed. I have to go into the office at nightfall, and you have people to help employ,” Erica said and gave her a smile. It was clear she was dismissing Cassy, as politely as she could.

The room was tidied up in no time. Erica put the box in the kitchen to take back to the office. Cassy tucked the laptop into a padded messenger bag.

“Happy dreams,” Erica called as she shut her door.

It sounded to Cassy as if there was something final to the way Erica said it. It felt more like a good-bye than a well-wish. A shiver ran up her spine at the thought. The women had been best friends since Cassy was born. She and Erica had grown up together like sisters.

“Happy dreams to you, too,” Cassy replied. There were so many unsaid things between them. Cassy almost went back to Erica’s room to say them all. Before reaching her bedroom door, the sun touched the horizon. Cassy felt weak and sleepy. She knew it was unwise to remain up, pulled the shades, and lay down.

Cassy awoke to silence. The usual beeping of an alarm was absent. A quick check of the clock told her why. It had been unplugged and the alarm turned off. Annoyed, she jammed the plug back into the wall. The battery backup had held the time. She was thirty minutes late!

“Crap, crap, crap!” Cassy hated being late. Somehow it made the whole day feel off. She scrambled around the room pulling out the first pantsuit and shoes she could find. Her hair went into a loose ponytail. The makeup went into her purse with the intent she would apply it at work.

Until she reached the front door, it had not occurred to her she was alone. Erica and her box were gone. The alarm clock had been unplugged to ensure Erica could leave by herself. A sinking feeling settled into her center. Something was very wrong.

Cassy went to work not caring about being late anymore. She arrived to a line waiting for the door to be unlocked. The day went by almost on autopilot. She assured those still waiting at the end of business day that they were free to take home an application and drop it by the next evening. Saddened faces mirroring her own took the forms and walked away.

The ride home felt like it took days. There was a mixed feeling of dread and anticipation about what might await her return. Would Erica be there? Would she be okay? Would the apartment be ransacked? Cassy rarely worried about things in such a fashion. She was almost grateful for the heavy traffic.

BOOK: Scion's Freedom (Siren Publishing Classic)
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