Scottish Werebear: A Second Chance: A BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (Scottish Werebears Book 6) (12 page)

BOOK: Scottish Werebear: A Second Chance: A BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (Scottish Werebears Book 6)
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Stop thinking like that, or I'll give in to temptation right here, and we might have a shifter sex scandal on our hands,
Charlie teased.

She was still the same old Charlie, with whom nothing was off limits. James knew she was only half joking, though. He felt her desire as though it were his own.

So let's get out of here.

He grabbed her hand and took the lead. Out the same double doors which Diane had shown Henry and Gail out from only minutes earlier. Diane's perfume hung in the air, making it easy for James to follow her route. They rushed outside, avoiding the reporters who would have lingered around the main lobby still.

James put his arm around Charlie's shoulder. In good old British fashion, the weather had turned during the two hours they'd spent inside for the conference. An icy cold drizzle was falling now as clouds shrouded the city, obscuring much of the skyline.

"Where to, madam spokesperson?" James joked.

Charlie took out her phone for directions. "This way," she said, pointing up at the road ahead.

He wrapped his arm tighter around her, aiming to protect her from the elements as best he could and off they went.


Charlie wasn't sure what exactly had happened through most of the press conference. Equally, she had no idea how she'd found her way back to her hotel.

But here they were.

She looked at James, who was taking off his coat and hanging it over a chair to dry. Charlie followed his example.

Was this actually happening? The culmination of all those forbidden teenage fantasies was finally coming true?

Her sensible side should have doubts. She should wonder about why she could trust him to stay now after he'd just left the last time. She should equally worry about whether they were even compatible at all. Different species, different backgrounds. She should be concerned about what this meant for the future. Did this mean they could never have a family? Who knew how compatible their biology would be?

But her head wasn't doing much thinking right now; her heart was. And that was convinced that somehow, everything was going to be all right.

James stepped up to her, cupping her face in his hands. She didn't want to wait anymore. This time, nobody and nothing could interrupt them.

She tiptoed to get closer to his level and wrapped her arms around his neck. His scent filled her nostrils. Like a classy aftershave, only better. The anticipation threatened to overwhelm.

Charlie closed her eyes and felt herself become weightless in his arms.

Finally, their lips touched, releasing a decade of tension and frustrations. So soft, his lips were. So gentle.

He tasted even better than she remembered.

Words couldn't describe the feeling of the tips of their tongues dancing around each other. Butterflies? Certainly not. Fireworks? Not even close.

It was as though her whole body was on fire, and the only thing to soothe the burn was him. His kisses, his touch.

Charlie opened her eyes and was instantly mesmerized by the raging inferno in his.

James carried her over to the bed and laid her down gently on her back. She refused to let go of him, forcing him to climb on top of her.

Their hands, now hungry to catch up on lost time, roamed the other's bodies. Discovering, familiarizing, conquering whatever was in reach. She tore at his shirt, which finally gave way at the seams. Meanwhile, he took her blouse in his teeth and ripped all the buttons right off it in one swift tug.

There she lay on her back, exposed. How different their bodies were. Soft curves against hard muscle. Charlie thought again about what he'd said. How shifters were all the same and humans were more beautiful because they were different. It made sense the other way around too.

The body that rested on top of her was uniquely beautiful; a human lover would have been different. Not so strong, so tall, definitely not that muscular. This was a level of perfection you didn't normally find out in the real world.

He dove down and tasted her skin. Nibbling, sucking and licking at her cleavage; leaving sweet pleasure wherever his mouth went.

She couldn't do much more except enjoy herself. She was helplessly at his mercy.

With one hand, he rid her of her bra, giving him even more exposed skin to play with.

Charlie grabbed for his hair, tugging at it playfully at first. But when his lips found her nipple, she lost almost all control.

The rougher she touched him, the more turned on he seemed to get. Still, he took care not to hurt her. Their levels of strength were so vastly different, and yet he knew exactly how to touch her right.

After teasing her nipples, one after the other, he slid down further and sucked on her belly button and nibbled on the skin surrounding it. Charlie wouldn't have expected it to earlier, but even that felt good.

Then, he raised himself off her and looked into her eyes.

"I want to go down on you," he said in a low growl.

It wasn't a question but a demand. Not that Charlie had the self-control or desire to say no anyway.

She bit her lip and looked him over top to bottom. The look in his eyes gave her chills, but in a good way. And that flawless body, was all that really hers to enjoy now?

He was still wearing his jeans, but she'd make sure that wouldn't be the case for long. In the meantime, though, she wiggled out of her skirt and finally her tights and panties.

James didn't waste any time. The moment she was fully nude, he spread her legs apart and dove right in for his first taste of her.

Charlie moaned and clawed at the sheets, so intense was the pleasure he dished out. She closed her eyes, as he licked her deeply, then took her clit in between his lips. He repeated that same move again and again, edging her further towards ecstasy each time.

How was it that he knew exactly what to do? She couldn't have told him this. She had no way of knowing good this would feel.

And yet...

He pushed his tongue into her again, causing her to buck up her hips at him. She had precious little control over herself.

"Oh God!" she cried out.

She had nothing to compare this to, except the occasional illicit dreams she'd had of him over the years. Was it always this good? Something told her that it wasn't; what they shared right now was something special, which most people would never experience.

He got up on one elbow while licking at her clit again. Charlie writhed against the sheets with pleasure. Then he touched her, running the tip of his finger along her folds, and made her cry out all over again.

He inserted one, then two fingers, all the while continuing to lick at her most sensitive spot.
More! Deeper!

Charlie was done for. As he circled his finger over her G-spot, she lost the last shred of control. Her orgasm overwhelmed her before she had a chance to realize what was happening. She cried out his name, her whole body quivering with the aftershocks of her release.

Then, just like that, his two fingers were gone, as was his mouth.

Charlie opened her eyes to beg him for more, when she caught a glimpse of him casting off his jeans. Before she could say a word, he was back on top of her, filling the void his fingers had left with his cock.

Bloody hell,
Charlie thought.
How are you so good at this?

James didn't respond, just looked down at her. From her eyes, his gaze traveled downward to her lips. Charlie wrapped her arms around him and drew him closer.

His rhythm sped up; the slow, careful first movements made way for more urgent, feverish thrusts. It wasn't just her on the brink of pleasure anymore. He was right there with her.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and closed her eyes again.

The strange thing was, she could still see him above her. And she could feel his pleasure, as he did hers.

Faster and faster he thrust into her. Charlie dug her nails into his back, which only seemed to encourage him further.

She started to moan, louder and louder. He pressed his lips against her, muffling her cries. Charlie was on the brink again, when he slipped his hands between the mattress and her back and lifted her up against him. He didn't miss a single beat; going faster, harder, deeper, while she clung on to him, unable and unwilling to let go.

She first felt it in her lower abdomen; a certain tension, which grew until it seemed to fill her chest too. His final push was like a pin prick to a balloon. As his cock pulsated and twitched inside of her, all that pleasure was released, causing it to travel through her whole body. From her abdomen out, reaching even the tips of her fingers, and the soles of her feet. She could keenly feel every nerve, every inch of her skin, as her body celebrated their union.

They stayed like that for minutes, perhaps hours, Charlie couldn't tell anymore. Their bodies entwined and connected, as one.

Charlie blinked a few times until his face came into focus again. There was nothing to say, nothing more to be done. His eyes seemed to smile at her, and she smiled back.

They had come a long way since that first, awkward kiss ten years ago.

Now she knew they were meant to be. There was no turning back, no chance of changing their minds.

Everything was going to be all right.

James had always been the one for her. The one she loved, even when she thought he didn't love her back. And even though he hadn't said it yet, she knew she'd been wrong.

He'd always loved her too.


"Welcome back," the Home Secretary spoke as she entered the room, flanked by two armed guards.

Charlie took a deep breath and got up to greet her along with the rest of them; James, Henry, and Gail.

"Please, take a seat," the woman said as she sat down behind her large mahogany desk. "We have a lot to discuss."

Charlie opened a fresh page in her notepad and started to write. This was her first big job covering a New Alliance story for Penderton, and she wasn't going to miss a thing.

"Thank you for meeting us again," Henry said.

His forced tone amused Charlie, who had learned in the time she'd known him that pleasantries were not part of his usual vocabulary. This was all Gail, working behind the scenes.

"Firstly, we're working on drawing up some amendments to existing legislation which will include shifters at an equal footing with humans. Any rights and duties enjoyed by the citizens of this country will extend equally to your people." The Home Secretary folded her hands and looked directly at each of her visitors. "Of course, this process will take some time, so I ask for your patience in letting the government follow its usual processes."

"Of course," Henry said. "We are pleased to hear of these positive developments."

Charlie scribbled it all down, along with a note to get her colleague Diane to find out which exact laws were going to be amended, and what the implications would be. Governance and politics were her specialty after all.

"Next, Victor Domnall is still in the wind. Ever since that press conference of yours-" The woman put on some reading glasses and adjusted them until they sat on the tip of her nose. "Scotland Yard has been picking up a lot of chatter, but they don't seem ready to act yet. The winds are changing, and the effects are starting to be felt."

Charlie smiled subtly. She could feel James smiling beside her too, which still amazed her. Ever since their first night together - and of course, every other night since then - she'd been able to sense him so much more clearly. She could almost see him if he was nearby, without looking at him. She could feel his presence and hear his thoughts through walls now.

"As long as they're still out there, they pose a threat," Henry said.

Charlie flinched and started to write again.

"Agreed. They've gone unchecked for too long. Sure, you've had your own initiative in place against them, but that's no longer an option."

Henry leaned forward as though he wanted to argue but must have changed his mind at the last moment. He remained quiet for now.

"If your goal is to coexist in human society, it's imperative that you follow human laws. We don't tolerate vigilantism. A crime is a crime, no matter who commits it, or who the victim is." The Home Secretary stared Henry straight in the face now. She wasn't messing around.

Charlie was secretly glad she was only here to observe.

"If our people are in danger, something must be done, though. We must have some recourse," Henry said. His voice, as well as his body language, were tense now.

"I'm coming to that. But first I want your assurance that your people aren't going to go off and take things into their own hands anymore. We can't accept such behavior as part of a civilized society. We don't go around kidnapping and hurting those who disagree with us."

The Home Secretary's tone, combined with those glasses balancing on her nose reminded Charlie of their old headmistress back home.

She looks an awful lot like Mrs. Bunnings,
Charlie thought.

Stop it. You're going to make me laugh,
James responded.

BOOK: Scottish Werebear: A Second Chance: A BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (Scottish Werebears Book 6)
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