Read Sculpting a Demon Online

Authors: Lisa Fox

Tags: #General Fiction, #Erotica

Sculpting a Demon (11 page)

BOOK: Sculpting a Demon
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“My underwear!” she said, gaping at the empty space where they had been seconds before.

“You can have them back when I’m done. Now come to me,” he said, and spread his arms wide.

She didn’t hesitate, stepping willingly into his embrace. His arms folded around her and then he let his hand lazily skim down over her ass, lifting her skirt, exposing her hot, wet flesh to the cool air. His fingers teased her from behind and she arched her back, his moan mingling with hers as he slid one finger inside her. With a long sigh, she rested her head against his chest and trembled in his arms.

“You’re so tight,” he breathed against her ear. “Relax.” His other hand caressed her stomach, her thigh. “You have to relax or this won’t feel nearly as good as it should.”

Her head came up and swung around again. She was all too aware of the multitude of people, the fact any one of them could walk out any moment or glance out their windows.

“Shh,” he said, gently caressing her, soothing her. “Just relax. I promise I will not allow anything bad to happen.”

She knew he meant it. She knew that whatever happened, he would keep her safe. Secure in that knowledge, secure in his arms, she closed her eyes, breathed in the intoxicating scent of him and let the tension flow out of her. Her legs relaxed, spreading wider for him, and he pushed deeper inside, grazing her special, secret spot, making her shudder violently.

“There,” he said, hot satisfaction in his voice. His thumb circled her clit as his finger tormented and teased her from within. So good. So incredibly good. Her eyelids fluttered as a deep moan escaped her lips. Her pussy throbbed, her insides on fire as her inner muscles gripped him, stroke after stroke. She grasped his shoulders, rocking along with his steady, demanding rhythm.

“Yes,” he said. “That’s it. Come for me, Lila.”

Her hand moved down his arm, her fingernails digging into his wrist as he made her pant and gasp. “I—” she began, but had to swallow hard to force moisture back into her mouth. “I need you inside me.”

He smiled down at her. “I am inside you,” he said, and slipped another finger into her. “Can’t you feel me?”

She felt him all right. Felt every astounding caress, every probing thrust. The spiraling, swirling heat in her belly. The shockwaves every time he flicked her clit. “That’s not what I meant.”

His smile grew wider. “What did you mean?”

She ran her fingertip over the length of his erection. “This,” she said, cupping him. “I want this.” His cock was hot and heavy in her hand.

“Soon, my sweet,” he said, and then it was his turn to shudder as she stroked the swollen head. “Very soon.”

He nipped her lips, her throat, sucking and licking as he took her, his fingers pushing deeper into her wet, wanting flesh. Her climax built, the tightness in her belly too overwhelming to hold back, and she trembled with unabashed ecstasy as the fiery, cataclysmic orgasm washed through her. Her legs buckled and he held her tight while she fought for breath, the frantic hammering of her heart slowly subsiding.

“Now,” he said, and spun her around so she was facing the window, pressing against it, and he ran his hand down her back, over her ass, between her thighs. She looked out onto the dark street, and despite her nervousness, she felt a sudden, unbelievably exhilarating and erotic rush. She hadn’t felt anything like this since she was a teenager, back when sex was new and thrilling and forbidden.

He kissed the nape of her neck, pushing the skirt up higher. She watched him pull off his shirt in the window, revealing his magnificent chest. The sound of him unzipping his pants sent a jolt straight to her pussy. She met his eyes in the window and he grinned back at her. His hands roved over her, his fingers opening her folds for him to enter. He pressed the head of his cock against her clit and then rubbed it back and forth over her entrance. Devastating, breathtaking coils of fire and need made her aching pussy come alive with deep, pulsing tremors. She moaned as the head of his cock pushed against her opening, teasing her with the promise of what was about to come.

His hands moved up and, gripping her waist, he slowly sank into her. The overwhelming feel of him filling her hit her in a fiery rush and she pushed back against him, wanting more. He let out a low moan and she felt him shudder when her ass touched his stomach. His hand drifted down and his fingers began to massage her clit as he pulled back and then thrust into her again. She gazed at their reflection, at the sight of their bodies meeting, again and again, thrust after thrust, and the sheer ecstasy on his face as he watched her watching him made her even wetter, more needy.

He took her quick and hard and fast, his breath hot on her neck. He was so deep inside her, she swore she could feel him all the way to her throat. Waves upon waves of mind-shattering pleasure rolled through her and the hard slap of his body against hers, his deep, breathless groans brought her to sizzling heights. She could feel her release just over the horizon and she ground against him, needing more. More, more, more.

He slammed into her, his fingers digging into her hips, his biceps straining, his abs flexing in the reflection as he rode her harder, faster. Molten fire surged within her, her mind reeled and she had no words, only low, needy moans as he took her again and again, bringing her up and up and up until finally the entire world seemed to explode in a thousand, million pieces and she cried out as great shuddering, clenching spasms overtook her.

Another wave of pulsating pleasure hit her as she felt him quake. He let out a deep, guttural groan, and with one last powerful thrust he emptied himself into her. Together they panted, slowly coming down. His fingers began to relax, loosening their tight grip on her hips. His hands glided over her waist, her thighs, back up again. Then, with a soft gasp, he pulled out of her.

Taking a deep breath, she turned to face him, using the window as support. He stood before her, grinning widely, her panties dangling from his fingertips.

“Would you like these back now?” he asked.

Her eyes trailed over him, a smile blooming on her face. “Maybe you ought to put your cock away first.”

He broke out in delighted laughter. “Are you sure you want me to?”

She laughed along with him. “For the moment.”

He handed her the underwear and reached for his pants, but then stopped. With a flick of his wrist, their clothes disappeared. “We won’t be needing those.”

“No?” she asked.

“You didn’t really believe that was the end, did you?”

“It better not be,” she said mischievously.

“Fear not, my sweet, there is much I still have to show you tonight.” He took her into his arms, kissed her deeply and lifted her so her legs wrapped around his waist.

And as the night wore on, he showed her many, many things indeed.

* * * * *


There was something small and heavy on the bed. Something…wriggling. Lila shifted in Arien’s arms as she came awake and his leg lashed out, punting whatever it was off the bed. As it flew through the air, it let out a high-pitched screech that made Lila’s ears want to bleed, and then it hit the opposite wall with a loud thud.

She bolted upright in bed, clutching the sheet to her chest. Arien waved his hand and the loft was flooded with light. Lying in the corner, its hand on its head, was a short, round, purple creature with batlike wings and a long curly tail.

Arien was out of the bed in a flash, crossing the room to confront the creature. He grabbed it by the throat and lifted it to its feet.

“Not so rough,” it said, twisting out of Arien’s grasp. “Not very nice, Arien,” it said, its round belly jiggling as it righted itself. “No way to say hello. No indeed.”

“What is that?” she asked, gaping at the little creature.

“Oooo, sexy lady,” it said, moving toward the bed, but Arien grabbed it before it could advance. It snarled at him, but then turned back to her with a wide grin. “I am The Scourge of the Light, The Infernal Bane of All Goodness, The Assistant Overload of the Dark Realms, The Arch-Imp Iim!”

Lila blinked hard, trying to absorb all those titles. “Seriously?”

“Where’d you get ‘arch-imp’ from?” Arien asked. “There’s no such thing as an arch-imp.”

He stuck out his tongue at Arien. “The boss was an archangel, so that makes me the arch-imp.”

“He’s so cute,” Lila said.

“A woman of discriminating taste,” Iim said, and then looked back at Arien. “Can’t imagine what she’s doing with

“Don’t encourage him,” Arien said. “He’s the furthest thing possible from cute. He’s Lucifer’s sidekick and all-round flunky.”

“Why is he here?” Lila asked.

“Good question. Excellent,” Iim said, grinning broadly. “I’ve come for Arien. Come to take him back to hell.”

“I’m not going, Iim,” Arien said. “Tell your Master I refuse.”

“You refuse?” Iim asked, and laughed so hard he fell down on his round butt. “You broke the rules and now you gotta go, Arien. There is no refuse.”

“If he’s so serious about this, why’d he send you? Why not Klathgore?”

“Who’s Klathgore?” Lila asked, trying to follow their conversation and figure out what was going on.

Arien glanced over at her and then back at Iim. “Hell’s assassin.”

Iim blew out a raspberry, eyes rolling round and round in his head. “Please, Arien, overestimate your own worth much? It’s not like you caused world peace or anything.” He giggled madly. “What if he did send Klathgore? You’re not a warrior anymore. Haven’t been for millennia.” He tilted his head from side to side. “And I might I add that you could use a few rounds in the gym. Getting a bit flabby there…”

“You little—”

“But even if you were a warrior, which you are not, what do you think you could do in that pitiful human form against Klathgore? Huh? Huh?” He grabbed his toes and spun around in a circle. “Nothing! That’s what you could do! Nothing! He would break you and make you cry!” Iim’s laughter filled the loft. “’Sides,” he said, “the boss figures he owes you one for that time in Sodom. Good times. Lots of laughs.”

The muscle in Arien’s jaw twitched. “If it’s so
, then why does he even care?”

“You broke the rules and that can’t go unpunished. Makes the boss look bad.” He screwed up his face as he looked Arien over. “Nope, never do,” he muttered, and snapped his fingers. Arien changed. Transformed. If he was merely beautiful before, he glowed now, a radiant, shimmering light encompassing him. And he had wings. Huge black wings, blacker than the darkest night. “Can’t stand looking at you, all human and stuff,” Iim said. “Much better now.”

“Is that really you?” she asked breathlessly. She couldn’t get over how magnificent he was, how truly glorious.

“Yes,” he said. “This is me.”

“You’re beautiful,” she said. She tossed the sheet aside and got out of the bed, wanting to touch those gorgeous wings, see if they felt as soft as they looked.

Iim’s eyes bugged out of his head and he made a high-pitched whistling sound. “Yes, yes, sexy lady, come to Iim,” he said, wriggling his hips in a little dance.

“You,” Arien said, pointing at Iim, “don’t get to look at her.” He flicked his wrist and Lila found herself clothed in a full-length nightgown-dress thing. It was hideous and it covered her from her chin right down to the floor. “And you most especially don’t get to touch her.”

“What rules is he talking about?” Lila asked when she reached his side. She ran her hand down his arm and grasped his hand. “Arien?”

“I—” Arien began then stopped and ground his teeth. He met her eyes for a brief instant and then quickly looked away. “I should not have answered your call.” He tried to pull his hand away, but she held fast.

“Yes!” Iim chimed in. “Tell her, Arien.”

“I’m a demon, Lila,” he said, and glanced back at his wings. “Your spell wasn’t meant for me. I had no business interfering with such an innocent request.”

She suddenly felt as if there were a lead weight on her chest, crushing her heart, stealing her breath. “What are you saying?”

He took at deep breath. “Hell has domain over all things evil, selfish, malicious. We answer when humans seek personal gain, power, wealth or influence for their own greedy and avaricious ends. Your spell was none of those things.”

“But it was,” she said. “I selfishly asked for someone to be sent to me. I asked for love for my own personal gain.”

“No,” he said. “It’s never selfish to want love if you are willing to love in return. Your goal wasn’t to manipulate anyone, to force them to feel for you things they would have never otherwise felt, to rob them of their free will for your own desires. Your spell was merely a plea for assistance to manifest what could be and therefore outside the purviews of hell.” He sighed heavily and shook his head. “And that’s what he meant when he said I broke the rules.”

“But I want you!” she said, desperation making her voice climb. “You’re everything I asked for. Doesn’t that mean anything?”

“It means everything to me,” he said softly. “But it doesn’t change the fact I was not your original aim. Do you see the difference? Intent, Lila. That’s what makes one spell white magic and another black.”

“Tragic,” Iim said. “So tragic! Like
Romeo and Juliet
. I can’t take it, it’s breaking my heart.” He clutched his chest dramatically.

BOOK: Sculpting a Demon
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