Second Chance at Love (Love Conquers All) (7 page)

BOOK: Second Chance at Love (Love Conquers All)
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“Girl, what’s wrong?”


“Oh my God, girl let me get off this phone. This girl is putting butter in NJ’s hair. And he’s just sitting there letting her.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you later.” Starr fell over in another fit of laugher. She could hear her goddaughter’s cute little voice before the phone disconnected. “NJ said I could make him pretty if I let him have my cupcake.”
Chapter 9



Dinner with Dom, his parents and Zoe had gone extremely well. Janet put Karen at ease the minute she walked through the door by inviting her into the kitchen to help finish with the dinner preparations. Karen took this as a good sign. One thing a black woman didn’t do was invite you into her kitchen – unless she liked you. A woman’s kitchen was her sanctuary. It also didn’t hurt that the kids were well behaved and displayed their best manners at the dinner table. And to boot, everyone raved about how delicious her red velvet cake was. So yes, Karen was feeling pretty good about how the evening had turned out.


After dinner, the children asked to be excused to go watch Spongebob Squarepants. Janet and Karen had begun to clear the dining room table. Dominic watched his son as Dom’s eyes followed Karen’s every move. For several weeks he noticed how smitten his son was, not only with Karen, but her children as well. He hadn’t said anything to Dom about his attraction to Karen, but he knew he had to have a few words with him. His son was playing a dangerous game. And if he wasn’t careful, a lot of people could get hurt.


“Come on Son, we need to take a walk.” Dominic said as he stood, pushing the chair under the table.


Dom tilted his head to the side as he gazed at his father. From the tone of his voice it definitely wasn’t a request. What did he have to say to him that required the
take a walk talk
? Dom refused to revert to feeling like a teenager. He was a grown man. Squaring his shoulders he stood fully erect as if he was trying to lengthen his six-two frame. Following his father’s earlier movement, he pushed the chair under the table. “Let’s go.”


Returning to the dining room, Janet’s gaze fell on her husband, then on her son. “What’s going on?”


“Nothing, baby. Dom and I are just going for a walk.”


Janet lifted a brow. “A walk?”


“Yeah, a walk. We’ll be back in a little bit.” Dominic said as he nodded his head toward the door.


Karen eased up beside Janet as they watched the men leave. “What was that all about?” she asked Janet as she picked up a tray from the table.


“I don’t know. But I’ll tell you one thing, I’ll find out before this night is over.”


Karen tried to shake the feeling that she and her children were the reason for the men’s sudden need to take a walk.






Dom pulled up the collar on his leather jacket to stave off the night chill. So far he and his father had been walking five minutes and the old man hadn’t said one word. Just as he was about to clear his throat and ask his father what all this was about, Dominic came out of left field with the craziest question.


“Son, what are your intentions with Karen?” Dominic’s inquiry came across as non- confrontational. At least that’s what he’d hoped.


Dom stopped dead in his tracks.
Whoa, where’d that come from?
“Excuse me?”


Dominic stopped walking as well and pierced his son with a penetrating stare. “You heard me. What are your intentions with Karen?”


I don’t believe this. I know my pops isn’t trying to get all up in my business.
“With all due respect Pop, that’s not your concern. Karen and I are both adults. Our relationship is our business.”


A wry smirk twitched at Dominic’s lips. “Son, it is my business if I think you’re going to hurt that beautiful girl and her children.”


Okay, again where was all this coming from? Dom’s parents never interfered when it came to his romantic interests. This line of questioning was totally out of line as far as Dom was concerned.


Clearly insulted, Dom clenched his jaw in anger as he demanded, “Pops, what are you talking about? I would never hurt Karen or her kids.”


Shrugging his shoulders with his palms up in the typical Italian ‘whatever you say’ gesture, Dominic said, “Son, I know that wouldn’t be your intentions, but—”


“But what, Pop?”


“Wasn’t it you who was just ranting a few months ago that you weren’t ready to be tied down to one woman?”


When Dom didn’t say anything, his father pressed on. “And in case you haven’t noticed, those kids are crazy about you. And I believe their mother is headed in that direction if she already isn’t there. All I’m saying son, is that you are playing with fire if you’re not seriously considering committing to Karen and her children.”


Dom let out a frustrated sigh as he started to walk again. His father followed suit. Did his dad really think he would hurt Karen or her kids? He was just as crazy about them and their mother as his father so eloquently pointed out. Just being around Karen and her children made him feel like a whole man. For once he felt a strong sense of possession when it came to Karen and the children.


“Pop, you’re worrying for nothing. My intentions toward Karen, Ashley, and Kyle are for the best.”


Dominic gave his son a sideways glance as they rounded a corner. “You sure about that, son?”


Mimicking his father’s glance, Dom assured him, “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”


Digging in even more, Dominic flashed a grin. “I know you’re ready to be Karen’s man. What man wouldn’t be? The woman is drop dead gorgeous with curves in all the right places.”


“You noticed?”


“I noticed.”


A smirk curved Dom’s lips. His dad was too much. Dude still thinks he has his player’s card from way back in the day. “Pop, don’t be trying to push up on my woman.” Pointing a finger at his father, he threatened, “Don’t make me tell Mom on you.”


Laughter twinkled in his dark eyes. “You wouldn’t do that to your old man. You know your momma has a mean streak.”


“I know. So watch your step old man.” Dom teased, sharing a laugh with his dad.


After their laughter had waned Dominic turned serious again. “Are you ready to be a father to Ashley and Kyle?”


Putting his hands in his jacket pockets, Dom stared straight ahead as he answered his father. “I’m way past ready.”


Slapping his son firmly on the back, Dominic couldn’t keep the pride out of his voice. “Good answer, son. Good answer.”

Chapter 10



Janet stood in the archway of her bedroom door. Her presence remained unknown as she watched her husband lounging on the bed, glasses halfway down the bridge of his nose as he read the Sports section of the Sunday paper. Tilting her head to the side, she wondered how long she would have to stand there before he noticed her.


Before the thought could take hold long enough in her mind, Dominic looked up at his wife. After all these years, she was just as beautiful as the day he met her at his family owned construction company, Peretti Construction. That particular day he had been irritated to no end. His father, Luka Peretti, had decided that out of his three sons, Dominic would be the one getting groomed to take over as president. His brothers, Pauli and Carmine, would remain in their perspective positions as electrician and foreman. He was not ready to give up his job as a structural engineer. Sitting behind a desk was not Dominic’s idea of working in construction.


Dominic’s first task at upper management was to interview the new candidate for the administrative assistant position. Glancing at the resume, Dominic was sure he wouldn’t hire the candidate, Janet Covington. She was a new graduate from Pierce Junior College with no experience. And to boot, she wasn’t even of legal drinking age. A girl that young would definitely be harassed by the sometimes out of control, rowdy construction workers. Dominic wasn’t in the mood to play babysitter and protector.


Having made up his mind, he entered his office, ready to dismiss the young lady. But a funny thing happened the second his eyes locked with hers. He fell in love and remained that way until this very moment.


Taking off his glasses and folding the paper, Dominic set them on the nightstand table. Patting the bed beside him, he gave his wife a sly grin. “Come on to bed. I promise not to bite…tonight.”


Janet’s laugh was throaty, sending musical notes into the air. Dominic became hypnotized by the sway of her hips as she made her way to him. The silky, ivory nightgown she wore made her cinnamon skin glow. “Promises, promises,” she sassed, ready for whatever loving he had in store for the night.


Easing on the bed in the spot he’d just patted, Janet leaned over and brushed her lips across Dominic’s. God, she loved this man. They had had some rough times during the early years. Many of those times weren’t anything of their doing, but rather others. Both sides of their family had a hard time accepting their love and had no qualms about letting the couple know how they felt. When it became apparent that Dominic and Janet’s love was there to stay, their families had no choice but to accept it.


Snaking a muscular arm around her slim waist and pulling her close, Dominic countered, “I got more for you than some promises.”


“Dominic, cut it out.” Janet playfully chided as she pushed out of his embrace. Sitting up, she ran her fingers through Dominic’s salt and pepper hair. All traces of playfulness vanished as she gazed into her husband’s dark eyes. “Honey, why did you take Dom out for a walk? Did it have something to do with Karen?”


He knew this was coming. Nothing got past Janet. The concerned look on her face hadn’t gone unnoticed as he requested his son take a walk with him. Dominic’s infamous walks were his way of getting his son alone to have a man to man talk. Usually it was a talk he didn’t want his wife privy to. But on this occasion he saw no need to withhold the conversation from his wife.


Taking Janet’s hand in his, Dominic kissed her palm. “It had everything to do with Karen and her children.”


Janet nodded. Just as she figured, it had to do with Karen. It hadn’t been lost on her how smitten Dom was with Karen, Ashley and Kyle. She remembered the stolen glance the younger couple gave each other at Ava’s wedding. Janet was also aware of how long her son had been trying to capture the young widow’s eye.


Janet pulled back the covers and got beneath them. Settling against the mounds of pillows resting against the headboard, she made herself comfortable. “So what did Dom have to say?”


Joining his wife beneath the covers, he pounded a pillow as if it wasn’t fluffy enough. “Apparently our son is ready for a serious relationship.”


Excited, Janet bolted up from her reclining position. “I knew it! I knew it! Did you see how they were looking at each other all through dinner when they thought no one was paying attention?” Janet clapped her hands. “Oh, this is wonderful news! I just love those kids and Karen is so good for Dom.”


Dominic chuckled. “Calm down, love. Don’t go pushing them down the aisle.”


Giving her husband an incredulous look, Janet put her hands on her hips. “Of course I’m going to push them down the aisle. That boy is thirty-two. It’s time for him to get serious and settle down. And that girl is too young not to have a man in her life.” Lifting a perfectly arched brow, Janet stressed, “A woman has needs you know.
those kids need a father.”


Collapsing against the pillows, Janet crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her nose in the air. “Humph!”


“Well I guess you got this whole thing figured out, huh?”


Feigning innocence at Dominic’s teasing, Janet said, “Yes, I sure do, Mr. Peretti.”


Pulling his wife to rest against his broad chest, Dominic kissed the crown of her head.


“Baby, I agree with you. But I hope Dom is ready to take on a ready-made family. It’s a big responsibility. You know that son of ours doesn’t exactly have a stable record when it comes to women. I don’t want to see Karen or those beautiful children hurt.”


Although Dom assured his father he was ready for a serious relationship, Dominic wouldn’t fully rest until he saw a ring on Karen’s finger and a wedding date set. It wasn’t that Dominic doubted his son’s sincerity, he just wasn’t certain Dom had fully grasped what it meant to be fully committed to not just one individual, but three.

BOOK: Second Chance at Love (Love Conquers All)
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