Seduce Me Forever (Seduce Me #4) (6 page)

BOOK: Seduce Me Forever (Seduce Me #4)
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Chapter Thirteen


Brandon and I practically fell into our hotel room...


I had mounted him as soon as we reached our door and the hallway was clear of any other guests. He ravaged my mouth with deep, erotic kisses. He dug the room card out of his pocket and opened the door with his right hand as he held his left under my ass.

I traced butterfly kisses along his neck as he pushed the door to our room open. He placed his right arm back under my bottom and resumed kissing my mouth. He penetrated deep with his tongue. I could feel his erection pressing up toward me.

Brandon and I practically fell into our hotel room. We were spinning out of control with hot desire. Brandon moved the door shut with his foot. He carried me to the bed and placed me on top.

I noticed that he had room service turn down the bed while we had been out. I smiled. Brandon had been thinking ahead. He knew I was a germaphobe and how I felt about being on top of hotel comforters – even five-star hotel comforters.

I removed my silk scarf-as-a-blouse and skirt while Brandon undressed. We were both burning for each other. I knew it was taking all of my will power to contain my sexual urges on the cab ride back to the hotel. We were both too excited to participate in the foreplay of undressing.

I was wearing Brandon's favorite black lace bra and panties. He had on his black briefs. He was so hard that it looked like his cock would burst through the cotton. Brandon moved to a small bag that was on the table.

I couldn't read what the store's name meant, but I could tell from the bag that it was something sexy. I was curious what Brandon had purchased. He must have ducked out after his workout before I returned to the hotel earlier in the evening.

He pulled out a black lace blindfold. It matched my bra and panties. He also had a pair of black lace fingerless gloves.

He moved back toward the bed and put the blindfold over my eyes. He then gently lifted my left hand and slid one glove on. He repeated that on my right hand. The lace felt sexy against my skin.

“A little erotic touch tonight?” I purred.

“I thought this was sexier than one of my neckties.”

“The lace feels very sexy.”

“It looks sexy. You are off the charts sexy.”

I heard the familiar sound of a condom package being torn open. Moments later I felt Brandon over me. His hot breath coursing up my legs as he applied gentle kisses to my skin. When he reached my panties he trailed his mouth across the front and kissed the area covering my sex.

He moved up my stomach with a series of light kisses that sent tremors through my entire body. When he reached my chest he kissed lightly around my lace covered fleshy mounds. I squealed with erotic delight as Brandon's teeth took both lace and my swollen bud between them.

Brandon's hand moved around my back. He arched me upward and unclasped my bra. As he removed the thin lace that separated the flesh of my bosom from his bare touch, my excitement grew. As I rested back onto the mattress, Brandon's supple and moist lips kissed and sucked on my aroused nipples.

My body was quickly losing control. With the blindfold on I couldn't see a thing. But I felt everything. The sense of touch erotically heightened.

Brandon glided his right hand down my side. I tingled from his touch. I felt his fingers loop under my panties and then he slid them off. His digit caressed around my sex.

He lifted back my folds and slid two of his digits inside. He encircled and pressed my clit. His fingers worked further into the silky and moist depths of my sex. He added a third digit. He rapidly moved his long, hard fingers.

I thrust my hips upward in concert with his rapid movement. My pussy was dripping wet and I was rapidly escalating toward climax. While he masterfully maneuvered his digits inside of me, Brandon continued to massage my tits with his mouth. Brandon brought me to the peak and my release was dizzying.

After I came, Brandon withdrew his fingers from inside. He tenderly kissed my chest and stomach as I continued to drift back from my orgasm. When I had regained equilibrium, Brandon pulled me further up on the bed. He spread my legs and I could feel his hips move in between.

My core was hot with desire for his cock. Brandon took my right hand and moved it onto his throbbing manhood. I grabbed hold and slid my lace-covered palm along his hard shaft. Brandon moaned with delight.

He gently removed my hand. I could feel the latex of the condom make contact with my slit. With one quick thrust Brandon plunged into me.

“Oh, Yes!” I screamed with delight.

Brandon held my wrists against the bed. His body pressed on top of mine. His rock hard pecs against my heaving breasts.

“Fuck me harder, baby. Oh, Brandon, Brandon, Brandon!” I followed it with a string of “Yes, Yes, Yes!” as Brandon pushed hard and fast into the deep recesses of my sex. I was filled, stretched, and pleasured. It was Fourth of July and New Year's Eve fireworks all rolled into one.

I was breathing so hard I thought I was going to pass out. As Brandon thrust harder he brought me higher and higher. It would take me a week to come down from where he was sending me. I was certain that my moans could be heard all the way atop the Eiffel Tower.

We were getting close. We were both building to the summit of sexual ecstasy. I had been right, once again we were going to Shangri-La. We both cried out in release as we came. It was the most intense orgasm of my life.

Brandon pulled out and collapsed next to me on the bed. I heard his breathing next to my ear. I could feel my breasts moving up and down with each deep breath that I took. I couldn't believe how great the sex just was. Brandon and I were reaching dizzying heights of sexual pleasure.

“Wow!” was all that I could say after I caught my breath.

“Ashley, you are all I will ever need. I love you more than ever.”

I removed the blindfold and looked deep into his gorgeous blue eyes. They sparkled like the Mediterranean. More than that, they revealed a deep love. There was no doubt that Brandon Mitchell loved me. I could trust that I was all that he would ever need.

Chapter Fourteen


We enjoyed breakfast out on the patio with our view of the Eiffel Tower. It was going to be our first stop on day one of our Paris tour. We'd have lunch in a lovely cafe and then take in the Louvre. We would round out our day with dinner and a cruise along the Seine.

“I think I pulled a muscle last night,” Brandon said as he sat at the patio table after tipping the room service waiter.

“Well, you did go at it pretty hard.”

“I like pushing the limits of our bodies.”

“It is thrilling,” I said with a smile.

A gentle breeze moved across the patio. It was a lovely autumn morning. The sky was clear and it would be a relatively warm day. Perfect for sight seeing.

“I am glad we took this little vacation,” said Brandon as he added fresh jam to his toast.

“Me too. It has been good for us.”

“This is what I want life to be for us all the time. Not a permanent vacation, but I want the way we feel toward each other, the way we are with each other, to always be like this,” Brandon said, his voice earnest.

“If we want it to be, I see no reason that it can't be like this.”

“I just want you to know how committed I am to that. How committed I am to you. Ashley, I never thought I would truly love a woman. To be in love with a woman. Let alone feel the deep love that I do for you.”

“I know. I saw it in your eyes last night.”

“Window to the soul?”

“Something like that.” I looked over at the Eiffel Tower. “Is it scary at the top?”

“You're not afraid of heights. So, no. It won't bother you. The view is spectacular. Also, very romantic. Great place to share a kiss.”

“I'll keep that in mind.”

“Please do.”

We finished breakfast, showered, and dressed. We paused for a few minutes in the lobby to play with  Fa-ron.

“Maybe we should get you a cat,” I said to Brandon.

“Not if I have to clean the litter box.”

“It's not that bad.”

“I could have my my maid do it.”

“Do rich people always pay others to do the things they don't want to do themselves.”


“I think it would be good for you to do it yourself. And feed kitty, bathe kitty, and take kitty to the vets.”

“Wait a second. When did I actually agree to getting a cat?”

“Just musing out loud.”

“I like this cat. But I can play with him and someone else is responsible for feeding and everything else. I'm not ready for that level of responsibility with a pet.”

“Cats are pretty low maintenance.”

“Still. Not ready.”

I shrugged. I still thought a pet would be good for Brandon, but I wasn't going to push the issue any further at the moment. We had Paris to see. We grabbed a cab and began our day.

The view from the Eiffel Tower was spectacular. It was romantic. It was also a great place to share a kiss. Or several.

The concierge at the hotel recommended a wonderful little cafe for lunch. It was off the beaten path and filled with neighborhood residents rather than tourists. It was perfect.

We only saw a fraction of the Louvre. We made plans to come back and see more on our next trip to France. The Mona Lisa was breath taking. I didn't realize how much it would move me.

We ate dinner at a restaurant along the Seine and then took an evening river cruise. It was magical. It was reminiscent of the carriage ride Brandon and I had taken through Central Park. We sat close and snuggled and took in the City of Lights as we cruised along the Seine. We noted the sites along the river tour that we wanted to visit the next day.

After the river cruise, we walked back along the Seine arm-in-arm. As we reached the
Pont des Arts
bride, Brandon took me by the hand and led me onto the footbridge. The fence of the bridge had many locks on it.

Pont des Arts had long been known as the “Lover's Bridge.” It was said that if you  shared a kiss on the bridge that your love would last forever. A new tradition had been added to that. Now couples left a lock on the fence of the bridge with a love note before  tossing the key into the Seine. The act was supposed to seal a couple's love forever.

Brandon removed a lock from his jacket pocket along with a note card and pen. He scrolled his love for me on the card. He handed it to me. I wrote my love for him. We attached the note and lock to the fence. Brandon tossed the key into the Seine.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you.”

“I don't want to take any chances,” he said as he took me into his arms.

He kissed me.
We shared our most sensual kiss on that bridge. A kiss to seal forever.



The end of
Seduce Me Forever

Thank you for reading
Seduce Me Forever
and the
Seduce Me
series. Please consider leaving a review.
xoxo – E.J.


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Books in
Seduce Me


Seduce Me
(Seduce Me Part One)

Seduce Me Again
(Seduce Me Part Two)

Seduce Me All Over
(Seduce Me Part Three)

Seduce Me Forever
(Seduce Me Part Four)


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About the Author


E.J. Adams is a romantic at heart who loves, the eventual, happily ever after. Along the way she takes the reader on a journey of exploration. Her characters stretch, grow, and find the true pleasures of a sexual partner – often with an erotic twist.

E.J. lives in Texas and loves travel, reading, movies, and tennis.


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BOOK: Seduce Me Forever (Seduce Me #4)
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