Read Seduced By My Doms BN Online

Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tags: #BDSM, #BDSM Erotic Romance, #Erotic Romance, #Menage, #MFM, #Bondage, #Spanking, #Dominant, #submissive

Seduced By My Doms BN (10 page)

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Anal? Oh, lord. Of all the words he could have chosen,
he just had to pick that one, didn’t he?
The air stilled in my lungs and
for a brief moment all I could envision was James balls deep in my ass.

“Would you like a tour?” I asked, forcing a nonchalant tone.

“Maybe later.” A devilish smirk curled one side of his
mouth. “If you show me your bedroom, we won’t make it out of house.”

And that would be a bad thing how?

Biting my tongue, I gathered up my phone, dropped it into my
purse then slung the strap over my shoulder. “I’m ready if you are.”

I was ready all right. Ready to drag him to my bed. Nixing
the idea of attacking him like a sex-starved nympho, we walked out the front

James held the door while I settled into the soft, leather
seat of his enormous, black truck. The air inside the cab smelled like new
leather and there wasn’t a
of dust or dirt to be
‘I’m a bit anal that way, myself.’

“God I hope so,” I muttered under my breath as he rounded
the front of the vehicle and climbed in behind the wheel. “Your truck is
beautiful. Is it new?”

“Picked it up two days ago.” He preened. Turning the key,
the engine roared to life.

“It’s very nice.”

“Thanks. My friend Ian—well, actually he’s my boss now—has a
cabin in the woods about an hour from the city. I bought it to haul all our
fishing stuff when we go up there to relax and discuss clients. Hey, do you
like to fish?”

“I used to. I haven’t been in years.
and I took a trip to the Ozarks, down in Missouri. We rented this big houseboat
and spent a week cruising up and down the lake, fishing and swimming. The lake
is beautiful. It’s a great vacation spot.”

“It sounds like it. Ian and I will have to check it out
sometime if we want a change of scenery.”

“So your boss, Ian has a cabin? It sounds rustic.”

“It’s more like a house. A
house. In fact, a
few months back, eight of us stayed there quite comfortably. We used it as a
safe house for a couple friends of ours.”

“A safe house? Who were you hiding them from?” I gaped.

“A mentally deranged submissive and the hit man she hired.”

“You’re kidding, right? I didn’t read anything about
mentally unstable subs on line, just predators.”

As the confession that I’d been researching the lifestyle
rolled off my tongue, I quickly snapped my lips shut and reached for the dial
of the radio—hoping to mask or distract my comment. Lightning fast, James
snatched my wrist and pulled my hand to his lips before brushing a sweet kiss
over my knuckles. A tingle of need twisted in my belly, and his lips curled in
a knowing smile.

“So you’ve been researching BDSM online, huh? You know,
there are a lot of unreliable sites out there.” His voice was low and
inveigling. “If you have questions, I’ll be more than happy to tell you
anything you want to know.”

How kinky are you?
The question sat on the tip of
my tongue, but I was too unsure to ask. Besides, delving into sexual fantasies
on a first date seemed far too forward.

“I appreciate the offer, but I was only curious about the
kind of things that go on at Mika’s club. That’s all,” I lied.

“My offer to show you still stands.”

“I appreciate that, but I’m not into those kinds of things.”


Untangling my hand from his, I clasped my fingers together
and laid them in my lap, while I nervously worried my thumbs together. James
didn’t respond, simply focused on the road, letting me stew in my own anxiety.
I desperately wanted to broach the topic of fishing again, or baseball, or the
weather…anything. But my thoughts were absorbed with images of ropes, knots,
and bondage.

Stopping at a red light, James turned and held me with a
quizzical gaze. “Did you read about safe, sane and consensual?”


Cocking his head at my timid reply, his stare grew more intense.
“Does the thought of giving your power to someone offend you?”

“No, I’m not offended. I—I just don’t think BDSM is my cup
of tea.”

It wasn’t sensible or proper either. Of course, hoping to
get laid on a first date wasn’t sensible or proper either, but—at least in my
mind—it was far more acceptable than waltzing into a BDSM club. What if I ran
into someone I knew? I’d die of embarrassment if rumors filtered through the
hospital that I was a ‘
head nurse
’ in every kinky sense of the word.
I’d probably lose my job. I needed to steer clear of Club Genesis at all costs.

“I see.”

A slight scowl wrinkled his forehead as the light turned
green. James eased into the flow of traffic, openly wearing his disappointment.
I felt bad that I’d lied to him, but also worried I’d just screwed up my chance
of getting laid to boot. He drove several blocks as a long, uncomfortable
silence enveloped the cab.

Finally, James cleared his throat. “Answer me honestly, Liz.
about the lifestyle that intrigues you? Not even the
slightest bit?”

Be honest? Shit. Some of the things don’t intrigue me…
They turn me on like a damn light bulb. But they’re too damn embarrassing to
tell you.

“If you’re frightened, don’t be. It’s not like I’d drag you
into the club then walk away. I’d be right by your side and explain everything
that’s going on.”

I didn’t think for a second that he’d abandon me…at least
not there. “I’m not frightened,” I lied.

“You are, but I think you might be too proud to admit it.”

“I am not,” I challenged, lifting my chin.

You are. And you’re lying to the man…every time you open
your mouth—or so it seems. At this rate the date will be long over before you
have the chance to eat.

“Good. Then we’ll stop by after dinner, and I’ll show you

Hadn’t he heard a single word that I’d said?
Of course
he did. He knows you’re full of shit and he’s calling your bluff.

A punch of anxiety made my heart accelerate. My thoughts
blurred, like the cars parked along the curb that we flew past. My little white
lies had come full circle and sunk their wicked fangs into my ass. How the hell
was I going to finagle myself out of this mess?

As James drew closer to the hospital, I continued pondering
schemes to bypass Genesis. I thought about stalling at dinner with meaningless
conversation, but sooner or later his Dominant side would take over…unless I
to the chair. But he probably wouldn’t allow that to happen.
Tossing the idea away, I decided that drinking a little too much wine with
dinner might make him take me home. Then I could seduce him and not have to
worry about stepping foot into a kink club. Out of the two plans, the latter
had the most potential. Of course I could always fake a headache. I’d end in
bed all right—alone and horny as hell.

James wound the truck to the top level of the parking
garage, far from other vehicles. I didn’t blame him for not wanting door dings
on his new ride. Turning off the engine with a solemn expression, he swiveled
in his seat.

“I can’t change who I am, Liz. What you see is what you get.
I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not.” The sincerity written over his face and
suffused in his tone was impossible to miss. “I promise I’ll be open and honest
with you, whether we’re just friends or evolve into lovers. The only thing I
ask is that you reciprocate, and are honest with me, too. Will you do that?”

He knew I’d been lying through my teeth, and I felt guilty
as hell. Every article I’d read earlier stressed the importance of trust,
honesty, and communication: the cornerstones of a healthy BDSM relationship.
But we weren’t even in a relationship, BDSM or vanilla. Surely he didn’t expect
me to split myself open and show him every vulnerable piece of me from the
start…did he? And why did James act as if this thing between us was more than
simple lust? Did he want to connect on something besides a purely physical
level? It certainly felt like it, but maybe it was all in my imagination. I
didn’t want to do something stupid, like set myself up for another fall. But
hope spread its wings and took flight inside me, regardless, fluttering its
wings deep within my heart and making it hard to breathe. Staring at his
hopeful expression, I nodded.

“Say it out loud, Liz.”

“I promise,” I whispered.

“Good.” He grinned. Prying my fingers apart, he threaded his
hand with mine and gave a light squeeze. “Let’s go see Trevor.”

After opening my door like a quintessential gentleman, we
made our way toward ICU as James’ broad hand settled at the small of my back.
Tiny pulses ignited within me and I hoped my body would never grow accustomed
to his touch in that regard. Once inside the ICU waiting room, James sauntered
to a cluster of people gathered in the far corner. A petite woman with huge
boobs and long blonde hair spied us first, and rushed toward us on a pair of
stilettos that made my feet cringe.

Her face softened, and she gave James a loving smile. I
immediately wondered if she were a special sub in his life and if my being with
him would upset her. The woman stared up at him and a frown tugged her small
mouth. “You look tired, honey. Did you sleep at all?” Her tone held an
unexpected motherly tone, far different from that of a concerned or slighted

“Yes, I did,” James sheepishly replied. “Liz, this is
Sammie. Sammie this is Liz.”

“Oh, so
is Liz?” the blonde replied with a
knowing inflection. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, honey. Drake’s done nothing
but sing your praises since I got here. Thank you for taking such good care of
our Trevor. That poor baby. It just breaks my heart what he’s been through.”

Tears swelled in her pale, blue eyes and her chin slightly
quivered. Sliding his hand from my waist, James pulled Sammie into his chest
and gave her a compassionate hug.

“No tears. Trevor is going to bounce back from this and you
know it,” James soothed.

Pulling away, Sammie nodded as she drew a slender finger
under each eye, catching her tears. “I know, but he’s such a sweetheart.”

“Yes. He is,” James agreed with a sympathetic smile.

Relaxing a bit, I spied Mika as he jerked a nod in greeting,
and Julianna, who smiled and gave a little wave. Several others began to notice
our arrival and seemed to swarm around both James and me, extending
introductions and smiles. James didn’t stray; he stood right by my side—hand
molded at the slope of my spine—as he introduced me to his friends. A proud
sexy smile seemed frozen on his lips, making me weak in the knees, and
decidedly harder for me to focus on anyone but him.

I tried not to stare at his friends, all whom I assumed were
members of the club by their strange and unusual names: Ivory, Dark Desire,
Ebony, Silver Sin, Tiffany, Master
, Destiny,
Twisted Top, Jade, Strict Master, and several others. So many, in fact, that I
had a hard time keeping their names straight.

On a barely perceptible exhale; James seemed to relax when
he first introduced me to a tall blonde man named Joshua, and Mellie, a
beautiful brunette standing by his side. Next I met Tony and
—who had recently gotten married—James informed me. I
could tell. The dark
body-builder and his
tiny, blonde wife seemed to glow in newlywed bliss. I got the distinct
impression that this smaller group of friends held a special place in James’

A handsome man approached our little group, but his leering
gaze caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. My woman’s
intuition kicked into high alert as James’ body tensed. I knew the man standing
before me was no friend.

“And who is this lovely little beauty?” The man asked,
brazenly undressing me with his eyes. “My, my. Where did you find her?”

The man’s smile resembled a smarmy sneer and I inched closer
to James’ side.

“Kerr,” James replied tightly. “This is a friend of mine,

I could feel a hostile undercurrent from everyone around me.
No doubt James omitted extending me an introduction to Kerr on purpose. Not
only did the man give me the heebie-jeebies, he didn’t mention a word about
Trevor…unlike the rest of James’ friends. I plastered on a false smile and made
a mental note to ask James about the creepy dude later.

“I must mingle,” Kerr announced. I got the impression he
held himself far above the others. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, girl. I
look forward to seeing a lot
of you in the near future.” His
words slithered out on an insidious purr, and his intimation was clear: Kerr
wanted to see me naked. Suddenly, I had the urge to take another shower and
wash off the film his vile innuendo left behind.

Flashing a nervous glace at James, I noticed the same ‘
want to rip your head off and shit down your throat
’ expression he’d worn
when the security guard had held him at gunpoint. The hand he had splayed at
the base of my spine curled into a fist. I was just about to lean up and give
him a kiss when Mika stepped between James and Kerr. Leaving no question to the
hierarchy of command, Mika darted a dismissive glance at Kerr before he wrapped
me in a welcome hug.


“Don’t let Trevor’s extended family overwhelm you,” Mika
whispered in my ear. “Even the ostracized ones.

I was grateful that the club owner pre-empted what I feared
might turn into a knock-down drag-out between James and Kerr. Mumbling a few
curses under his breath, Kerr walked away. Like a raptor stalking its prey,
James kept a keen eye on the man as he ambled over and stopped to talk to a
pretty young blonde named Destiny, if I remembered correctly. Her brittle
expression all but screamed she was less than thrilled to have garnered Kerr’s

“Have you been back to see Trevor today?” I asked Mika as
Julianna glided in beside him.

I softly strummed my fingers up his back in an attempt to
soothe him and coax James into the conversation with Mika and Julianna. James
snapped his gaze off Kerr and turned toward me. A twinkle of pride darted across
his dark eyes as he pulled me closer against his side.

“He was in a lot of pain earlier,” Julianna began to
explain. I bit back a smile as Mika arched an incredulous brow at her. “But
they increased the intervals on his morphine pump. He seems to be getting on
top of the pain, and sleeping more comfortably now.”

“I believe Liz asked me, precious,” Mika chastised in
something close to a growl.

“Oops,” Julianna giggled. “Sorry, Sir.”

“Are you a nurse, too?” I asked, trying not to laugh at her
flimsy attempt to appease Mika.

“No,” she replied, sobering. Her mournful, green eyes came
to rest on her Dom. He slung his arm around her shoulder and placed a
heartfelt, kiss on the top of her head. “Mika was shot last year. I learned all
about morphine pumps and pain management the hard way.”

“Shot?” I blanched as I gaped at Mika. “You mentioned you’d
been in ICU, but I didn’t know you’d been shot.” Turning my attention to
Julianna, my heart went out to her for the terror she must have gone through.
“Oh my god, you must have been out of your mind with worry. Did they catch the
guy that shot him?”

With a nod, Julianna huddled in close to Mika.

“I killed him,” he announced coldly. “It was
self defense
. But yes, we both had a hell of a scare.”

“Scared shitless is more like it,” Julianna whispered.

“Precious.” Mika scowled as he pinned her with a look of
warning. “Do I need to find something to shove in your mouth to keep you from

“No, Sir.” Shaking her head, Julianna’s red ringlets bounced
wildly. “Because we both know a ball gag isn’t what I want you shoving in my
mouth.” She flashed him a seductive smile and winked.

“Sassy wench,” he chastised with a grin then kissed her hard
on the lips.

Releasing his girl, Mika and James shook hands before
sharing a manly hug and slapping one another on the back. James whispered
something in Mika’s ear, and as they pulled away, the amber-eyed man flashed me
a wolfish grin.

“We’ll look forward to seeing you at the club tonight,

No. No. No. Dammit!
James was making it nearly
impossible for me to weasel out of that part of our date.

“Is anyone back with Trevor beside Drake?” I blurted out,
redirecting the conversation.

“Dylan, Nick, and Savannah are with him and Drake now,” Mika
replied as he glanced at his watch. “They should be coming out soon.”

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“Hey, have you seen Ian today?” James asked.

“Yes.” Mika nodded. “He was here earlier but said he was
heading back to the office.”

Ian? Oh yes, James’ boss and fishing partner.

“I’ll check in with him later.” James nodded, then scanned
the waiting room. “I guess we’ll find a seat and wait our turn to go back.”

Remembering how easily James had obtained my address, I
smirked. “I can sneak us back now if you’d like. I know people, too,” I teased.

“It’s nice having friends in high places, isn’t it?” James
quipped with a grin. “Let’s go.”

Walking toward Trevor’s room, James’ palm still singed the
small of my back. I garnered several raised brows from my fellow nurses, but
expected as much. I’d always kept my personal life separate from my
professional one.
Let them gossip. Hell, let them drool.
A sly smile
tugged at the corners of my mouth.

Pausing at the entrance to Trevor’s room, Drake sat on the
bed, brushing his thick fingers through his lover’s golden hair. A tall,
handsome Native American man had his arm slung around the waist of a curvy,
dark-haired woman. Flanking her other side was an equally attractive blonde
with Caribbean-blue eyes. He too had his arm around the girl. Trevor said
something, and they all started to laugh before, one by one, each man pressed a
steamy kiss over the woman’s mouth. It was obvious the two handsome men shared
the pretty young woman. More than a little shocked, I tried not to stare.

Cindy wasn’t going to believe this when I told her, but…no.
What the hell was I thinking? I couldn’t tell her anything. Drake trusted me to
keep their secrets, and I would.

As James inched us further into the room, the Native
American man turned, then greeted us with a wide smile. I wondered if it were a
prerequisite that every Dom from Genesis had to be drop-dead gorgeous.

“James, my man. Damn good to see you,” the blue-eyed man
exclaimed. A sexy little dimple sank deep into the side of his cheek as he
settled an inquisitive gaze on me.

Thankfully, he didn’t make my skin crawl, like Kerr

James introduced me to Dylan—the sexy blonde, and Nick—the
swarthy Native American, as well as Savannah—the pretty young woman/submissive
they shared.

Drake rose from Trevor’s bed and wrapped me in a tight hug.
“I’m glad you came back. I’m truly sorry if I upset you yesterday,” he
whispered in my ear.

“You didn’t. Don’t give it a second thought,” I assured him
in a voice only he could hear.

Drake released me and gave James a solid smack on the
shoulder. “Glad to see you both.”

I smiled down at Trevor, his blue eyes sparkling with joy.
“How are you—”

“Thank you so much for…everything,” Trevor gushed. Though
his words still held a slight slur, he was forming sentences much better than
the previous night in the ER. “I would have gone out of my mind if it hadn’t
been for you.”

A lump of emotion lodged in my throat.

the angel,” Savannah exclaimed, looking
at me in awe. “Trevor’s told us all about you.”

Feeling unnerved and self-conscious, I shook my head. “I was
just doing my job.”

“The way Trevor tells it, you did a hell of a fine one,”
Nick touted as he and Dylan continued to hold Savannah between them in shared

I’d never met a real-life ménage couple before. Sure, I’d
read about them in books. Hell, I’d fantasized at least a zillion times about
being taken by two men at once, but I never suspected trios actually existed.

I couldn’t help but stare at Savannah. Aside from being beautiful,
she looked wholesome in an almost innocent way. She didn’t look the least bit
skanky. In fact, there was nothing about her that came close to fitting my
preconceived notions. She might fuck two men at the same time, but she didn’t
look at all like a slut or a whore.

Judgmental much? Mother Sally would be proud that she
raised you so well.

The thought of my mother having any speck of influence on my
life sent my stomach pitching, in a slow, sickening slide. Cringing inwardly, I
forced a soft smile to hide my shameful prejudices I realized I was still

“Thank you,” I shyly replied to Nick and his compliment.

Trying to keep from ogling the trio, I focused on Trevor.
Stepping close to the side of his bed, the nurse inside me wanted to check his
tongue, the stitches on his head, and the site of his surgical incision.
Instead, I placated myself by inspecting the rainbow of colors painted over his
narrow face. Dark purples, edged in hues of crimson and indigo, indicated the
outward healing process was well underway. Except for the blood, Trevor now
looked somewhat worse than he did when he arrived in the ER.

“How’s the pain?” I asked.

As if my concern touched him, a slow smile curved one corner
of his mouth. “Comes and goes. Daddy watches the clock and pushes the pump for
me.” Trevor’s blue eyes brimmed with love as he stared at his compassionate
lover. “The cops came in early this morning. There was a witness.”

A fact I knew from the EMT’s run report.

“Some woman was driving home and saw what was happening,”
Trevor explained. “She pulled into the parking lot next door and called the
cops on her cell.”

Closing his eyes, Trevor stopped talking. His chin quivered.
I knew he was reliving the horrific event. I reached down and squeezed his
hand, then glanced up at Drake. His jaw ticked in anger and his eyes brimmed
with tears.

“When the assholes heard the sirens coming—” Nick’s deep
voice was filled with anguish as he continued Trevor’s story. “—the stupid
fuckers ran right past her car, and she was able to get a good look at each

“Hell of a woman,” Dylan interjected. “She was mad, so mad
she spent the rest of the night at the police station pouring over mug shots of
college-aged men. She positively identified two guys who had been arrested
about six months ago. One for pissing in public outside a bar, the other
asshole happened to be out on bail. He’d smacked his girlfriend around a couple
of weeks ago.”

Trevor had nodded off as Dylan recanted the information.

“Do you know who’s working the case?” James asked solemnly.

“Your buddy, Tommy’s roommate. Detective Wheeler,” Dylan
informed him with a furtive arch of a brow.

“Good. There won’t be any fuck ups.” James assured grimly.
“Have charges been filed?”

“No,” Drake replied. His tone was bitter and angry. “Not
yet. They want to bring all of them in together, so the witness can ID the rest
of the pricks.”

“I’ll make a couple of calls. See if they can speed that up
for you,” James offered.

“Thanks man. I…” Drake trailed off as he watched Trevor sleeping.
“I just want five minutes alone with those motherfuckers.”

“So do we,” Dylan affirmed from across the room.

“No.” Drake turned and snarled. “They’re mine!”

Wincing at the feral promise in his tone, I knew the big man
would make good on his word. Inwardly, I hoped he would. There wasn’t an ounce
of compassion or sympathy inside me for the men who had brutalized Trevor.

“Thank you, Sir,” Savannah said. Her tone was pithy as she
looked pointedly at Drake. “After Mellie and Joshua’s nightmare, I just got
Dylan back from the dark side. I’d rather not lose him again.”

“I was never lost, kitten. I simply closed off compassion
for a few days, to keep our friends safe,” Dylan proclaimed. Leaning in he
kissed the tip of her nose.

Savannah narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth. Dylan
cocked his head and issued a look of warning so stern, it gave
chills. She snapped her mouth shut, but rolled her eyes in a silent, ‘

With a low growl, Dylan swatted her soundly on the butt. I
sucked in a startled gasp as Savannah let out a squeal then giggled. Trevor
jerked and issued a low groan, and Nick’s laid-back expression morphed into a
thundercloud of disapproval.

“It’s time to go,” he admonished with an unhappy frown.

“That wasn’t my fault, Master,” Savannah huffed, placing her
hands on her hips.

Nick arched one brow and raised his chin, as if daring her
to continue. Savannah didn’t try to persuade him further; she simply exhaled a
perturbed sigh. “May I say goodbye to Drake, Sir, please?”

“Make it quick,” Dylan warned.

Savannah hurried to Drake and planted a kiss on his cheek.

“I’m sorry that you and Trevor have to go through all this,
Sir.” She frowned.

Drake nodded in thanks, then a mischievous smile spread over
his mouth. “Enjoy your spankings for him, girl. Remember, he likes a lot of

“Oh, my.” A playful grin lit up her face.

“What makes you think we’re going to let you enjoy it,
little one?” Nick warned.

I bit my bottom lip wondering what Savannah’s
had in store for her. She didn’t seem the least bit
worried, but my mind busily conjured up all kinds of painfully wicked

One by one the men shook hands and said their goodbyes.
Savannah wrapped her arms around me. Caught off guard by her affection, I
tensed and held her a bit longer than normal.

“Are you going to be okay? They’re not really going to hurt
you, are they?” I whispered in her ear.

Her body shook as she held in a giggle. “No. Never. What we
do is totally consensual. If they ever purposefully hurt me, I’d have to hurt
them right back.”

Pulling away, she grinned and gave me a wink before
strolling out the door with her
. A
strange sort of envy filled me. I wondered what it would be like to be...

“I’m glad you both are here,” Drake announced, dousing out
the lurid fantasy catching fire in my head. “It means a lot to Trevor and me.”

“Wild horses couldn’t keep me away. He’s in much better
spirits than I expected,” I replied. Drake nodded and I flashed him a sassy
smile. “I told you so.”

“Told me what?”

“That you were the best medicine he could have.”

“Yes. You certainly did.” Turning his attention back to his
boy, the memory of walking into the trauma room played over Drake’s face.
“Goddamn it.”

His voice cracked and I couldn’t help but wrap my arms
around the burly man and hug him.

“Stop beating yourself up and be gentle with you. Healing
takes time,” I whispered.

“I know.” Drake sniffed as I slowly released him.

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