Seduced by the Boss 4: Loving Miss Jones (2 page)

BOOK: Seduced by the Boss 4: Loving Miss Jones
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The two men stared at
each other for a long moment. Jemma held her breath.

Matt’s shoulders slumped for a second. “You win.”
He managed to dredge up a semblance of a grin. “I guess this
means I won’t be seeing you around, Jemma.”

I guess not,”
she replied coolly.

I want you gone by
Thursday,” Adam informed him. “And I
that you’ve left town.”

Fine,” Matt
muttered. “If you two leave, I can start packing.”


Jem!” Adam
strode out of his office. “We got it!”

The Walker
account?” She met his triumphant gaze, her fingers stilling on
the keyboard.

Yes!” He
pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her. “The
biggest account in the city, and we’ve got it.” He
grinned with satisfaction. “And I couldn’t have done it
without you.”

You’re the
one who did all the work.” She reached up to kiss him.

Adam molded her body to
his and deepened the kiss. His hands roamed over her body, causing
Jemma to shiver with longing. She pressed her body closer to his and
inhaled sharply when he lingeringly kissed the sensitive spot on
her neck.

Jemma could feel her
panties start to dampen with arousal. She squeaked with surprise
when Adam swung her up in his strong arms and strode to his inner


His eyes smoldered with
desire. “It’s Friday afternoon. I think we’re
entitled to celebrate.”

Jemma clutched Adam’s
neck as he locked the door. He carried her to the desk and placed
her on the sleek mahogany surface, thrusting his black executive
chair out of the way.
A sensual thrill ran down her spine and
then his mouth covered hers, his tongue demanding entry.

She surrendered to the
kiss, her senses aflame as Adam ravished her mouth. She breathed in
his enticing scent - clean and fresh with a hint of spice. Her hands
clasped his shoulders, her fingers touching the fine linen fabric of
his jacket.

His large hand slid along
her thigh
pushing up her navy skirt and exposing her to him.
He spread her thighs apart and stepped closer, his hard trouser-clad
bulge teasing
her lace-covered mound.

He dragged his lips from
hers and started unbuttoning her blouse. “I want you now,”
he rasped.

Ripples of excitement
surged down to her lower body. She tried to push Adam’s jacket
off his shoulders but couldn’t quite manage it from her
position on the desk. But all thoughts of removing his jacket fled
Adam sucked her nipple through her lacy bra. She gasped
with need, her hands drifting from his shoulders to his belt,
fumbling with the leather loops as she tried to unfasten his belt

Jemma felt moisture
drench her panties when Adam unclasped her bra and gazed at her
hungrily. “Beautiful.” He cupped her breasts in his
hands, his thumbs teasing each nipple. She arched her back, her eyes
fluttering closed, as desire spiralled straight to her clit.

Adam,” she
breathed, her hands clutching his belt buckle.

He sucked on her nipple,
his tongue laving the stiff peak until she thought she was going to
climax right then. His mouth left her briefly, then turned its
attention to her other breast. His teeth grazed her pebbled nub and
she was sure she could feel moisture trickling down her thigh.

Please,” she
begged, grasping his belt buckle so hard the metal almost cut into
her flesh.

His lips trailed down her
body until they met the waistband of her skirt. He swiftly removed
her desire dampened
panties before yanking down his trousers.

opened the desk
drawer and grabbed a foil square, ripping the packet in two and
deftly rolling the condom on his hard cock. Adam grasped her legs
and wrapped them around his waist.

Jemma,” he
groaned as he thrust into her, filling her completely.

Ohh!” Her
hands splayed on the desk, slipping on the smooth wood as he impaled
her. Adam gripped her hips and slammed into her again and again, the
friction teasing her needy clit, until she thought she was going to
die from the pleasure of

Her heart pounded as
Adam’s strokes grew fiercer. Harder, faster, harder, faster.
She panted as the tension coiled in her body.

Jemma cried out as waves
of pleasure coursed through her. She clenched her pussy around
Adam’s cock and he surged into her once, twice more, shouting
hoarsely as he spasmed inside her.

Long minutes later, she
realized she was still sitting on the desk, her legs wrapped around
Adam’s waist. Her breathing finally back to normal, she gazed
up at him, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction.

If that’s
how you celebrate winning the Walker account, what have you got
planned for your birthday tomorrow?”

He grinned and kissed her
damp neck. “You’ll just have to wait and see. But I
think you’ll like it.”

Adam carefully disengaged
from her, and they started to get dressed. As Jemma buttoned up her
blouse, he cupped her face. “Let’s close an hour early
and go home. I think we’ve got some more celebrating to do.”


Happy Birthday!”
Jemma touched her champagne glass to Adam’s. She leant
forward on the tartan picnic blanket to kiss him, careful not to
spill the bubbly liquid
in her glass.

Adam stroked her hair
with his free hand, deepening the kiss until Jemma almost forgot she
was holding a full glass of champagne.

What do you think
about my surprise?” His smoky voice sparked her nerve endings
as he released her lips.

I love it.”
She smiled. “I never guessed it would be a picnic.”
Jemma gazed at the array of delicious food spread out on the blanket.
Smoked salmon, sliced artisan style baguette, Caprese salad and
chocolate dipped strawberries awaited their delectation.

A gentle breeze caressed
her skin and the warmth of the sun touched her face. She loved it
when the two of them spent time together as a couple, although she
definitely wasn’t complaining about the amazing sex they
enjoyed at the office, which had now become her favorite job perk.

Although Jemma had been
to Adam’s house before, she hadn’t spent time in his
garden - until now. Large and secluded, it was the perfect spot for
a romantic picnic.

A bird trilled in the
distance as she took a sip of champagne.
“So how old
you, Mr Sinclair?” A playful light twinkled from
the depths of her brown eyes as she awaited his answer.


Just the right
age.” She leaned over to kiss him again, breathing in his
scent as she did so. Just being close to him was intoxicating.

I’m glad you
approve.” Adam looked amused.

Oh, I definitely
do.” She placed her glass on the blanket and moved closer to
him. “And now it’s time for your present.”

I thought I said
no presents.”

Jemma reached into her
handbag. “I
to give you a present.” She
took out a small, elegantly wrapped package and handed it to him. “I
hope you like it.”

She watched Adam unwrap
the gift. Pleasure lit his eyes as he looked at the engraved gold

Jem. Thank you.”
He pulled her to him, his tongue gliding into her mouth. The
passion increased until Jemma knew if she didn’t pull away now,
she wouldn’t be able to surprise him with her second and third

She tore her mouth away.
Catching her breath, she said, “I have another present for

Naughty girl.”
His eyes gleamed wolfishly.

Her tongue peeked out and
touched her upper lip. “Since we’re exclusive, I decided
to go on birth control. It kicked in two days ago.” Her eyes
met his. “I was just waiting for the right time to tell you.”

baby.” Adam cupped her cheek and gazed at her tenderly. “I
want you to know that I’m clean, so you have nothing to worry
about.” His lips covered hers, hot and passionate. “But
you have no idea how I’ve been dreaming of the day that I can
make love to you without any barriers.”

Jemma thrilled at his
sensual tone, arousal beginning to tinge her cheeks. If only she had
the courage to tell Adam she loved him, then the day would be
absolutely perfect. Perhaps she could tell him tonight.

She kissed him on the
lips and then stood. “I have one more present for you,”
she said huskily. “I think you’ll approve. It‘s
for both of us.”

Jemma slowly unzipped her
red sundress. Originally, she had thought she would
give Adam this present inside his bedroom, but the tall trees and
bushes surrounding the fence line afforded a high degree of privacy.
She had never made love in the open before, but right this very
moment she wanted to be as close to him as possible and give him a
birthday present he would never forget.

A few days ago, she’d
thought up this idea, and it had immediately sent a flare of
arousal to her lower body. She
couldn’t wait to see
Adam’s reaction.

Jemma shimmied out of her
sundress, trying to move as sexily as possible.

Holding her breath as the
soft fabric caressed her body on its journey
to the picnic
blanket, her eyes snared his.

Adam’s eyes glowed
with arousal as he gazed at her, clad in a provocative red lace bra
and matching panties, a
red silk ribbon tied around her waist
in a fancy bow.

Happy birthday,”
she said softly.

You’re the
best birthday present of all time.” Adam held out a hand to
her and tugged her to the ground. She tumbled into his lap and he
held her tight. “I’m going to have a lot of fun
unwrapping you.”

That was the
plan.” Her nipples tightened under his intense scrutiny and
the scrap of lace that masqueraded as her panties felt damp. She
placed her palms on each side of his face and kissed him.

Adam took control of the
kiss, his skillful tongue causing waves of desire to course through
her body. She clutched his shoulders, her fingers brushing against
the soft cotton of his open-neck shirt, aware of the hard muscles

Adam’s lips trailed
down to the sensitive spot on her neck, licking and nibbling until
Jemma gasped, arching her back in desire.

I think it’s
time to unwrap my present,” Adam said hoarsely, pulling
the end of the ribbon. The bow unravelled, leaving Jemma exposed to
his heated gaze. “My beautiful Miss Jones.”

His fingers traced the
path around her waist where the ribbon had been. Seconds later his
lips followed, trailing a burning path along her smooth flesh until
they reached the red lace of her panties

Jemma quivered, desperate
to feel his lips on her secret nub. Adam oh-so-slowly teased the
scrap of lace past her hips until it dangled from one ankle. His
mouth teased her mound and she squirmed, wanting - needing - his
tongue to suck and lick her clit until she climaxed.

His tongue teased a trail
from her clit to her entrance and back again. “Adam!”
Her hips bucked and she clutched his hair, wanting his mouth even
closer. His tongue caressed her needy clit until she writhed beneath
him, her impending orgasm building and building
until she
suddenly exploded in a frenzy of desire.

Jemma cried out as
delicious sensations coursed
her body. Finally
coasting back to earth, she opened her eyes and found herself looking
straight into his ocean blue gaze. “Wow,” she whispered.
Every limb was in a state of exquisite

His mouth covered hers
and she could taste herself on his lips. When the kiss finally
ended, she unbuttoned his shirt and tried to push it off his
shoulders. Adam shrugged out of it and she drew a breath at the
sight of his bare, muscular chest. Jemma pushed on his shoulders,
trying to flip him onto his back. “My turn.” She smiled
as Adam obliged her, lying with his back on the picnic blanket.

BOOK: Seduced by the Boss 4: Loving Miss Jones
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