Read Seduced by Two Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Fantasy

Seduced by Two (6 page)

BOOK: Seduced by Two
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Waiting sucked. She felt like she’d been waiting all her life. Waiting for her mother to step down, waiting for her life to begin.

She was really sick and tired of waiting.

Her mother was always telling her how powerful she was, how she would be an asset to her people.

Well, this asset was not about to let two innocent men be harmed because of her. She would go to them, get them to invite her back to their house. If the man from the other night attacked again, she’d be there to defend the brothers. Or at least try.

And she’d get to spend another amazing night with the two men who’d rocked her world.

Grabbing her purse, she headed for the door. She wouldn’t think about what she’d do if they didn’t ask her to go home with them. They remembered enough about her to go back to the bar and ask for her. They must want to see her again.

Her heart tripped over itself at the thought. And if she could keep them sufficiently occupied, maybe they’d ask her to stay until Monday.

The man who’d attacked them had said he’d be in touch Monday. By then the de Feos should know who the guy was, what he wanted and who he was working for.

She hoped.

And before she left the Miller brothers, she’d wipe their memories again. She’d do it right this time.

They’d be safe. And ignorant of the magic in the world.

She’d have the rest of her life to regret leaving them. But hopefully she’d have wonderful memories to sustain her.

* * * * *

Tanner walked into the bar, ready for a beer and for Jensen to tell him he’d found the woman.

He hadn’t been in touch with his brother because his cell phone had died. He’d forgotten to plug it in last night.

Another anomaly. He never forgot to plug in his phone.

He found his brother sitting at a table, finishing off a burger and fries. His stomach rumbled.

Jensen looked up as he sat down. “Food’s good.”

Okay, maybe he’d eat. But first, “What’d you find out?”

Jensen swallowed, wiped his mouth with a napkin and settled back in his chair. His gaze slid to the bar for a brief second before he met Tanner’s gaze again.

“We’re not crazy.”

“She was here.”

Tanner didn’t make it a question and his chest tightened with excitement. Which didn’t make a damn bit of sense. They still had so many unanswered questions.

Yeah, but she’s real. And we can see her again.

Jensen nodded as if he’d read his mind. “The bartender tried to bullshit me but he knew who I was talking about. I figure he already called to let her know we’re here.”

Would she avoid them like the plague? And why the hell were both of their memories of last night more like dreams?

Had she slipped them a drug? But why? It didn’t make any sense unless she hadn’t wanted them to remember her. Again, why?

“So now what?”

Sighing, Jensen shook his head. “Tell the bartender we think she’s in trouble but don’t know why? And that we don’t even know her name? Tell him we both had the same dream about her? Which of these don’t make us look like complete psychos?”

“Do you think she drugged us?” Even as he said it aloud, Tanner knew it hadn’t been a drug. He knew what drugs did to the body. Their father had used them often enough on him and Jensen when they were kids that they both knew the effects.

Jensen shook his head even as he said, “That’d seem to be the only rational explanation.”

Maybe rational wasn’t going to cut it for this situation. “Maybe we need to look for irrational explanations.”

“Then we need to get him to talk.”

They both turned to look at the bartender, standing behind the bar, staring at them.

He wasn’t glaring, wasn’t scowling. His expression showed absolutely nothing of his thoughts. Until his gaze shifted and his eyes narrowed. He set down the glass he’d just picked up and walked to the end of the bar.

Tanner turned to look at the front door.

And found himself staring straight into the eyes of their dream woman.

* * * * *

Jensen stood, almost knocking over the chair in his haste as he took several steps toward the door before stopping.

Shit. He didn’t want to scare her by rushing at her like a crazed bull. He didn’t want her to run.

Not that she looked scared. No, she looked…determined.

She must have known they were here because she didn’t seem surprised to see them. He figured the bartender had called to warn her.

And she’d still shown up. Did that mean she wanted to see them again?

Was he nuts to be happy about that, considering he didn’t have a clue what had really happened last night?

Hell, he didn’t even remember her name. But when he looked at her, heat burned low in his gut before flooding through his blood. He wanted her. Hell, he had a hard-on already just staring at her.

His fingers itched to run through that long hair, and he knew it would feel like silk. He knew because he’d had his fingers in it.

Goddamn, what the hell had happened last night?

Behind him, he heard Tanner stand as well.

Her expressive face flashed her every emotion—distress, confusion and a healthy dose of desire.

Then she tilted her chin up and started to wind her way through the tables to them. She flashed a look at the bar and Jensen saw her hold off the bartender with one shake of her head.

The guy looked ready to jump the bar and come to her aid, as if he and Tanner were dangerous.

That, more than anything, made Jensen take a deep breath and a step back.

He didn’t want her to be frightened of them. He just wanted answers.

And he wanted her.

She didn’t smile as she got closer, didn’t try to hide the fact that she was nervous. About talking to them? Why?

When she reached them, she stopped only inches away from Jensen, as if she didn’t want anyone else to hear her. The bar wasn’t crowded but a few of the tables close to them were taken. No one seemed to be paying any attention to them, though.

She tried out a smile but it didn’t quite seem natural. “Hello again, Jensen. Tanner.”

Jensen’s gaze narrowed at her use of “again”. She admitted they’d met.

Tanner stepped forward when Jensen didn’t say anything.

“You have us at a disadvantage,” Tanner said, holding out his hand. “Your name is?”

Her smile faltered and panic flashed through her eyes for a brief second before she blinked it away. “Niccola Donato.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Niccola.” Tanner waved at the table, an easy smile on his face. “Why don’t you sit down and let us buy you a drink.”

“And then,” Jensen said, arms crossed over his chest, “you can tell us why we had the exact same dream about you.”

Jensen practically heard Tanner’s inward groan but he didn’t want to beat around the bush.

Every second counted. He had no idea why he couldn’t get the feeling that every second they stood here exchanging meaningless bullshit, someone was getting closer to her. Someone who wanted to hurt her.

Niccola flushed as she sat. “I don’t know. We talked for much of the night. I very much enjoyed the time we spent together. I asked Teo to call me if you showed up tonight. I hope you don’t mind. I really wanted to see you again.”

Jensen opened his mouth ask her why the hell they’d both dreamed about her last night but Tanner kicked him in the shin and cut in.

“Well, we’re definitely glad to see you again. Jensen, why don’t you order a few drinks.”

“I don’t want a drink.” She looked at Tanner then turned to Jensen, and her gaze practically burned his skin. “I want to take you up on your invitation from last night. I’d like to go home with you.”

Chapter Four


Nica stepped inside the guys’ adorable house after Jensen, her heart pounding, her pussy already wet and aching for them.

The brothers had hustled her out of the bar seconds after she’d dropped her bombshell.

They hadn’t looked surprised. They’d just flashed each other a look then waved her out the door, straight to their car. They didn’t even ask if she had a car, which she didn’t. She’d taken a cab from Sal’s.

Now she wondered if they’d grill her, if they’d ask questions she had no answers to.

She forced herself to stop in the entry as Jensen walked ahead into the small living room to the left of the door, where he turned on a table light.

Tanner pushed the front door shut behind him, the sound of the deadbolt clicking into place deafening in the silence.

Nica stopped in the foyer, attacked by a sudden case of nerves. What if, by going home with them again, she’d drawn the man from the other night back to them? He’d said he’d return for her answer Monday. Why not just wait at Sal’s until Monday, wait for the man to approach her again with the de Feo brothers waiting to capture the man?

Had she selfishly put the Miller brothers’ lives in more jeopardy simply by trying to keep them safe?

And what happened if the spell she’d put on their memories broke by seeing her here, at the exact spot where she’d disappeared last night. She still wasn’t exactly sure how she’d screwed up the spell last night. Maybe she hadn’t really wanted them to forget her.

Hell, there was no maybe about that.


No. She was here now and here she’d stay. Until they kicked her out or Monday arrived.

“Nica, are you—”

“I brought my medical record with me, if you want to see it,” she blurted out, cutting off Tanner before he could finish his question. “I’m safe. And I want you to know…I don’t normally do this.”

She pulled the sheet of paper she made on the computer from her purse. She wanted the men to feel safe with her. That there was no need for a condom. She wanted nothing to get in their way tonight.

She caught and held Tanner’s gaze, saw his gaze slide to his brother. Saw him nod at Jensen.

Tanner stepped forward as she held out the paper to him. He took it though he didn’t look at it right away. Instead he stared down into her eyes, searching for something.

His blue eyes were a little lighter than Jensen’s though no less beautiful. She smiled straight into them and watched them fill with heat.

Behind her, she felt Jensen approach and turned to see him hold out two sheets of paper. He was silent also, but his eyes burned.

Gods, she wanted to throw herself at them right now, make them satisfy the ache in her pussy, the desire.

Instead, she forced herself to take the papers, to read them, even though she knew they were fine.

When she finished, she held them out to Jensen who took them and let them fall to the floor, forgotten as he continued to stare at her.

When Tanner’s hands curved around her hips from behind, she gasped, her gaze still glued to Jensen’s.

She felt almost like last night was repeating itself if not for the fact that Jensen didn’t touch her. He watched as Tanner’s hands flattened on her stomach, drawing her back against his body, pressing his rigid erection into the small of her back.

She wanted to close her eyes, to absorb the sensation but Jensen wouldn’t release her gaze. He watched as Tanner’s hands moved to cup her breasts, kneading them with firm pressure.

Her head fell back on Tanner’s shoulder and she turned to kiss his stubbled jaw.

Closing her eyes as Tanner’s mouth closed over hers, she cleared her mind of everything but the scent of his skin, the pressure of his hands on her and the weight of Jensen’s gaze as he watched them.

Jensen had been the one to initiate their play last night. She wondered if, subconsciously, the brothers took turns going first. The thought elicited a smile that Tanner must have felt.

He pulled back to look at her, an answering grin on his lips. “We haven’t even gotten to the really good stuff yet and you’re already smiling. I hope that bodes well.”

“I’m sure—” She gasped as Jensen picked that moment to cup her chin, turn her and drop his mouth over hers.

Oh Goddess, his kiss. She remembered from last night how forceful Jensen kissed and how it made every muscle in her body tighten in lust.

Except tonight, he acted as if he knew exactly what she wanted.

He kissed her until she actually felt her knees go weak. Tanner held her against him, steadied her as Jensen continued his onslaught.

She let him overwhelm her, let Tanner hold her up. She soaked in their heat, soaked in their energy. And felt herself give up all conscious thought. All she felt was sensation.

Jensen’s mouth as he ravaged hers, Tanner’s hands kneading her breasts. Jensen’s hands on her hips then at the waistband of her jeans, unbuttoning, unzipping, pushing them down, taking her underwear with them.

When Jensen released her mouth, Tanner took the opportunity to lift her shirt over her head then removed her bra. She was naked and at their mercy in seconds.

She only had a second to consider how sexy that was before Jensen went to his knees, widened her stance with his hands and put his mouth over her clit.

She would have gone down in a heap if not for Tanner holding her steady against his hard chest. Tanner’s mouth latched onto the side of her neck, biting her with the same intensity Jensen used on her clit with his teeth.

She shot into a short, sharp orgasm, making her crying out in sheer bliss as the waves radiated throughout her body.

rose and this time she couldn’t corral it fast enough.

It burst from her and into the men, heightening their own arousal. Jensen pulled back, gasping as he stood to rip open his jeans at the same time he covered her mouth with his.

She tasted her essence on his lips as he ate at her mouth.

Behind her, she felt Tanner’s hands releasing his jeans, pushing them down. She thrust her ass against him, seeking relief for the ache in her pussy.

She nearly cried when Tanner lifted her hips and slid his cock into her pussy from behind. She moaned, stretched and full, her sheath clenching around him. Then he moved but not to thrust. He sat on the couch behind him, forcing her to break her connection with Jensen.

As Tanner arranged her on his lap with her legs spread and began to pump, his hands supporting her weight, Jensen pushed his jeans down and aimed his thick cock directly toward her mouth.

When he paused, as if to ask permission, she leaned forward those last few inches and sucked the tip into her mouth. She watched Jensen’s eyes shut in ecstasy, felt his hands cradle her face, then he began to fuck her mouth in slow, deliberate thrusts.

Tanner fell into rhythm with Jensen, a constant thrust and retreat that set her on the fine edge of an orgasm and let her hang there, wanting to fall yet not wanting this to end.

She sucked Jensen to the back of her throat, her hands clenched around Tanner’s wrists as he supported her entire weight. Pulling back, she licked the head of Jensen’s cock before taking him all the way in again and swallowing. It was too much for Jensen, whose cock jerked in her mouth and began to pump his seed down her throat.

Behind her, Tanner bit her shoulder as she came, her sheath convulsing around him until he came with a groan that made her body shudder.

* * * * *

Jensen felt Nica slide from the bed, so slowly it was obvious she was trying not to make a sound.

Tanner was out cold on the far side of the bed. Unfortunately for Nica, Jensen had never been a sound sleeper. You were too damn vulnerable in sleep.

He didn’t move but watched as she gathered her clothes, trying not to wake them.

A hard knot formed in his stomach and he found it increasingly hard to keep his breathing even and regular.

Why the hell was she sneaking out of their bed in the middle of the night after mind-blowing sex?

She was hiding something. Or lying about something. Whatever it was, his bullshit meter had spiked into the red at the bar tonight. That alone should have made him take a step back, or at least slow down. Find out what was going on.

Instead they’d fallen on her like a starving man at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

She’d walked into the bar, crooked her finger and they’d followed her like lovesick puppies.

Okay, not exactly how it’d happened, but as he lay there watching her try to sneak out, he wondered what the fuck was going on.

The sex had been amazing. Volcano-hot and effortless. As if they’d done it before.

Which was just crazy. Yes, he and Tanner had had the same dream about her the night before. But that wasn’t unprecedented. As kids, they’d often had the exact same dreams. As if their brains were somehow connected. It used to freak out their father.

They’d learned early in life not to upset Dad.

Dealing with him had also taught Jensen that lies always came back to bite you on the ass.

Faking sleep, he let her dress then sneak out of the room. When he heard her hit the squeaky step at the top of the stairs, he rolled out of bed and pulled on his jeans.

He followed her downstairs, avoiding all the noisy spots along the way, and caught up with her as she stopped beside the window, as if looking for someone. Or standing guard.

Why would she feel the need to do that?

Jensen had opened his mouth to ask when he heard her sniffle. With her back to him, he couldn’t see her face but he was pretty sure she was crying.

Shit. He didn’t do tears. Tanner always took care of the crying women. Tanner knew how to handle them, how to get them to stop. Jensen thought women used tears like ammunition, just another tool in their infinite box to keep men in line.

But Nica had waited to cry until she thought neither of them would hear her. She wasn’t using it to manipulate them. Something had made her genuinely sad.

And his chest tightened as he watched her fumble with her purse as her shoulders shook.

Fuck it.

Walking up behind her, he put his arms around her, drawing her back against his chest. She jumped a little in his arms, startled, but didn’t pull away when he put his lips next to her ear.

“Don’t go.”

It was the only thing he could think to say that wasn’t a question she probably wouldn’t answer. Or a command she wouldn’t obey.

She shook her head. “I wasn’t. I only wanted…” She stopped to draw in a shaky breath but didn’t continue.

“You don’t have to explain anything,” Jensen said. “Just don’t sneak out in the middle of the night. Are you okay? Are you…scared?”

She laughed, a short, sharp exhalation of air that didn’t sound at all amused. “No, not scared. Not of you or Tanner.”

Jensen heard a “but” in there and his arms tightened around her. If she was afraid of someone else, he wanted her to tell him who. Did she have a boyfriend who would hurt her if he found out she’d slept with them? He didn’t think she did, but maybe she was afraid of her father or a brother or…

Hell, just ask her. “Do you have a boyfriend, Nica?”

She laughed again. “No. There are no men in my life.”

“Then what are you afraid of?”

Her sigh shook her entire body and he had the urge to tell her he’d take care of whatever problems she had. He’d never had the desire to say that to a woman. He was no knight in shining armor.

“Losing my freedom.”

His frown was immediate. “What the— Nica, are you in some kind of trouble?”

She sighed again. “No. At least, nothing I can’t handle. And it’s nothing you can help me with.”

Fine. Everyone was entitled to their secrets. He could respect that. “Stay with us until Monday.”

He swore he felt her stop breathing. Was she considering his offer? Or was she thinking about how to get out of there before he got down on one knee and proposed? Not that he’d do it. Ever. He wasn’t offering anything more than a couple of nights—

“I’d like to…”

Exactly what he wanted to hear. He placed his lips on her neck, just behind her ear. God, she smelled amazing. Sweet and sexy and so damn arousing. After a brief hesitation, she pressed back into him, his hardening cock nestling into her ass.

“Do you have to work tomorrow?” he asked.

She shuddered as he licked a path from her ear to her collarbone. “No. But I’m starting a new job Monday.”

His hands lifted to cup her breasts, thumbs flicking over the tight tips. “Do you have plans for tomorrow?”

Her hands came up to press against his, forcing him to curl his fingers around her breasts just a little harder. “No. No plans.”


He bit her neck, not hard enough to leave a mark but just enough to make her moan. The husky sound touched off a blast of heat in his gut, spreading down into his groin, making his cock pound for her. His arms contracted around her. He wasn’t letting her go without a damn good reason.

When she pressed back into him, rubbing her tight little ass against his erection, he released his control and turned her with a growl.

Their lips met with almost punishing force and her arms wrapped around his shoulders. She pressed against him as if she were starved for him, rubbing her mound against his erection.

Rational thought fled as the heat of her body seeped into him.

Damn, he’d come in her mouth not even two hours ago but he couldn’t seem to get enough of her. He had her jeans around her ankles by the time she kicked off her sandals. When he heard them hit the floor, he lifted her so her jeans could fall off as well. The sexy little motions she made to help get rid of them made it that much more imperative to get inside her.

With one arm wrapped around her waist, holding her feet off the floor, he used his other hand to rip at the button of his jeans. Lust pushed him to go faster. Before he shoved his jeans off, he walked to the couch, set her on her feet and spun her again.

He shoved his jeans to his knees as he bent her over the arm of the couch, his cock throbbing with need. Watching her hands shoot out in front of her to steady herself, he slowed long enough to make sure she was on board.

BOOK: Seduced by Two
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