Seduction and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Seduction and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Series)
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He just didn’t get it.

Most women loved it when he took an interest in them, and he’d never had anyone complain about him trying to help out financially. So why the hell did it infuriate Emma? He knew what it was like to not have the funds when the bills kept coming, and he was happy to take some of that off her plate. Yet it did nothing but piss her off.

“I don’t know…I guess my mind’s just elsewhere today.” He checked the time and wondered what Emma was doing.
Damn it.

“Don’t suppose it has anything to do with this building you had me buy?” When Quinn glared at him, Gabe laughed and shook his head. “Who are you trying to help, Quinn?”

“You think you’re just so fucking smart, huh?” Quinn tried not to give anything away, but he knew Gabe wasn’t buying it.

“It’s like those strays of yours. But you can’t save every mutt out there—just like you can’t keep everyone’s troubles from creeping up on them by buying and renovating their buildings.” Gabe ran a rough hand across his stubbly jaw. “At least we’re on track for the Rush Street project. Everything’s been finalized and our investors are excited to have it completed.”

“Wait…Rush Street?”
That was the building with Emma’s restaurant. “What the hell do you mean it’s been finalized? We have another month before we sign off on that deal. I’ve made other plans for one of the storefronts.”

. You’re fucking killing me. Everything’s been finalized, man. One of the investors had to bump up the date so he could take off to China, and since there wasn’t any reason to delay it and everyone else was fine with signing early, I took care of it. There’s no way to change the plans now. It’s not going to happen—and our investors aren’t people we want to jerk around or piss off.” Gabe shook his head and cursed under his breath.

. Quinn hadn’t expected Gabe to push the plans through so quickly. He couldn’t do this to Emma. Not when he’d given her his word. “Do what you have to do to make it happen, Gabe. I
that storefront. It’s important, okay?”

“I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to persuade them to change their minds, but this is business and it’s a done deal, so I make no promises. You’ve been distracted, Quinn—and it’s affecting your game. And maybe soon, your reputation.” Gabe got to his feet, shaking his head and tapping the papers Quinn gave him on the edge of the desk. “You know where to find me if you need to talk.”

Quinn tried to clear his head and wrap up the contracts he’d been trying to work on, though all he’d managed to do was wrestle with his thoughts of Emma. There was no way he could go back on his promise to her. That just wasn’t an option. Not when he was finally getting somewhere with her. Yet, he knew that these sorts of deals could be complicated and it was pretty much a certainty that he was fucked. All he could do was try to make it happen, and if not, he had to find an alternative.

Finally giving up, he turned to his computer and pulled up her lease, making the necessary changes that would extend Emma’s lease on the restaurant. He’d given her his word, and he couldn’t have her second-guessing him. He knew he was taking a huge risk with the latest developments, but he would find a way to make it work. He
to. And yet…knowing there was a chance he might have to break his word to her, it’d be irresponsible for him to not put a clause in. If need be, he’d move her restaurant. A better location, no expense spared. And in the meantime, he’d do his damnedest to make sure she could keep her space.

By the time the day wrapped up, Quinn couldn’t wait any longer to see Emma. He was completely distracted and tense, desperate to see her after the way she’d left. He needed to know where things stood—and needed to make sure he did whatever it took to get her back in his bed. One night had been nowhere near enough.

When he arrived at the restaurant, there were a handful of diners there catching an early meal, and the hostess, having recognized him, was happy to point him towards the kitchen. Excitement thrummed in his chest as he looked for Emma in the open kitchen—only to find her sitting at a table with a good-looking man, her head propped against his shoulder as she laughed and kissed his cheek, her hands wrapped around his muscular arm.

It struck him that he’d never seen her look so carefree and genuinely happy, and damn, but that only added to the sudden jealousy that reared deep inside his chest. The thought of her with another man, with another man touching her, tasting her, fucking her… It didn’t matter that they’d only been on a few dates: in his head, to his body, in his
, she was already his—and his alone. Every cell in his body wanted to claim her as his own, wanted to possess her so she could think of no other man but him.

Yet he had to wonder…was this other man the reason she’d left in such a hurry? Had she lied about not being in a relationship? He’d fucking murder the bastard for touching her, for taking her away from him.

He thought about walking out of there without saying a word, but he wanted to see how she’d react. All he’d asked for was honesty between them, and he wanted her to know she’d been caught.

Doing his best not to deck the guy, he approached the table, her paperwork in hand. “I don’t mean to interrupt your date, but I thought you might want a copy of your new lease.”

He tossed the papers onto the table in front of her, despite wanting to keep a cool head, and then spun around to leave as she called out to him. It didn’t take long for her to catch up to him and grab his arm, but he was damned if he could control his jealousy. “Now’s not a good time, Emma. Just go back to your boyfriend there.”

“Ew!” She was already dragging him off to a quiet area where they could be alone. “That boyfriend just so happens to be my brother, Nate—and you’d know that if you’d stuck around long enough for me to introduce you, instead of taking off like a jealous ass.”

Her brother

He wanted to groan. She couldn’t have been more right—he had been a jealous ass. “Well, I wouldn’t be acting like a jerk if you hadn’t bolted out of my bed this morning. What the hell was that about?”

Her eyes clouded over as she looked away and said nothing for far too long. “What does it matter, Quinn? It’s not like I have any delusions about your lifestyle. I know that I’m one of many and what we have is short-lived.”

It wasn’t as though he could deny his past relationships, and yet things felt completely different with Emma. “That’s my past, Emma, and I’ve done nothing to make you think that there’s anyone else or that I’m looking for a quick fling. Am I not allowed to want more?”

“Your past—as in…what? A week ago?” She shook her head and backed away. “Look, I get that you want more, but my life is too crazy for me to be taking those sorts of risks. And you
a risk, Quinn, because after last night…” She let out a weary sigh and looked away from him. “I could really fall for you.”

“For fuck’s sake, Emma, then take a chance. What do you have to lose?” The woman was making him crazy.

“My heart and my independence, for starters.” She shook her head and turned away from him, but he was having none of it.

“I refuse to let you go without trying to make this work.” He couldn’t quite believe he was going down this road, but he couldn’t get her out of his head. Cupping her face in both his hands, he pulled her close and kissed her, sweet and tender, his lips lingering on hers as if she was the only thing that could sustain him. “I don’t care if it sounds insane—and I don’t blame you for doubting this could work—but I don’t give up easily, and I’m not taking no for an answer. Not until you’ve given us a fair shot.”

“If Emma says no, then that’s the answer you’re taking, whether you like it or not.” Anger laced the newcomer’s voice, and Quinn turned to find, not just her brother, but Emma’s sous chef, Jake.

Perfect. What a way to win her over and make a good impression on her friends and family. Well, he didn’t care. Emma was all that mattered.

However, he hadn’t expected Emma to step up to them. “I appreciate you worrying about me, but this doesn’t concern either one of you. I can take care of myself.”

“No one’s saying you can’t, Em.” Jake shook his head at Emma and then shot Quinn a glare. “But we’re not—”

“But you’re not going to get involved in something that’s none of your business. Now if the two of you don’t mind, I’m trying to have a private conversation.” Emma was certainly in her no-nonsense chef mode, and he doubted there were many who’d stand up to her when she was like this.

And damn, but that was a total turn-on. He’d always been authoritative and in control, whether with business or women, but he liked that Emma was just as headstrong as he was, and the challenge she offered him. Yet, annoying her brother and friend wouldn’t do him any good either.

He ran a gentle hand down her arm. “They’re just worried about you, Emma. And rightfully so, since they don’t know me. I had just wanted to drop off your new lease—not to interrupt your time with your brother. I’ll swing by later when you get off work.”

She pursed her lips as if thinking it over and then nodded. “I still have your car, so I’ll drop by your house with it.”

Not exactly an enthusiastic yes, but he’d take anything he could get right about now. “Look over the lease and let me know if you have any questions. I’ll see you later, love.” He kissed her, letting his lips linger, marking her as his since he knew full well that Jake was watching. “Gentlemen.” With a brief nod in their direction, he headed out the door.

Except that a simple getaway wasn’t in the cards for him that evening. He walked out into the brisk evening air and ran into the one person he truly despised, ruining his budding good mood as he cursed under his breath.

“Ryker…” Vince Capaldi shook his head with a cocky smile. “Back at the Old Port again? You’re starting to become a creature of habit. Is my restaurant not good enough?”

“I like the steak here. You should try it.” Quinn tried to rein in his annoyance, not wanting Capaldi to see he’d had any effect on him.

Though Capaldi had a few restaurants in Portmore—one just down the street, as a matter of fact—he also made a variety of other investments, which often led to him and Quinn bidding on similar properties and contracts. Yet it was his supposed ties to the mob and the fact that Capaldi was a complete ass that fueled his dislike of the man.

“Probably doesn’t hurt that the chef’s a looker.” Capaldi gave him a shit-eating grin, while tilting his head towards Emma, who could still be seen through the large glass windows of the restaurant. “That piece of ass? I’d have her bent over on all fours as I gave it to her good. And it’d serve her right for opening up this yuppie dump next to my place.”

Quinn saw red as the image of Capaldi fucking Emma invaded his mind. “You fucking bastard…”

“Hit a nerve, did I? So, you’re fucking that ballsy whore? Well, by the time I’m through giving it to her—”

Quinn’s fist connected with Capaldi’s fat face, his muscles coiled and ready to attack again, as the man reeled backward. “You touch her, you so much as look in her direction, and I’ll fucking kill you.”

Capaldi wiped the blood from his split lip. “You’ll pay for this, Ryker. I’ll burn you and everything you own and care about to the fucking ground.”

“I’d like to see you try.” Quinn dodged Capaldi’s blow and pushed him aside, just as Emma and Jake burst out of the restaurant.

Jake made a grab for Capaldi, as Quinn stood in front of Emma to keep her from getting hurt. Capaldi wasn’t exactly fit, but he was a big man, and though Jake seemed capable of leveling him, Quinn wasn’t taking any chances. “Get inside, Emma.”

“What the hell is going on here?” Emma was tugging at his arm, trying to get answers.

“This isn’t fucking over, Ryker. You and your whore will both pay.” Capaldi shrugged free of Jake’s grasp and stalked his way across the road, his curses shattering the quiet of the evening.

With Capaldi gone, Quinn turned around to face Emma, his heart racing as Capaldi’s threat ran through his head. He cupped her cheek and stole a quick kiss. “I swear, if that bastard comes near you, I’ll fucking kill him.”

“What the hell happened? Are you okay?” Emma searched his face, looking worried for him. And damn, but it made him happy that she cared.

“I’m fine, love. I’ll let you get back to work, but if Capaldi shows up again, you’re to call me immediately.” He’d murder the bastard if he laid a finger on her.

“I don’t know what happened between you and Capaldi, but he’s not an enemy you want.” She shook her head, her eyes filled with worry for him.

“I’d take on an army of men like Capaldi to keep you safe, Emma. He’s been warned.”


Chapter Eleven


“I don’t want to hear it—from either of you. My personal life is no one’s business but my own.” With the adrenaline still racing through Emma’s body from the fight, she was in no mood to be grilled by her brother and Jake, her emotions running high.

“We’re just worried about you, Em.” Nate grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I don’t know him, but the fact that he’s brawling on the sidewalk outside your restaurant doesn’t exactly impress me.”

“I don’t know what they were fighting about, but I can tell you that the guy Quinn punched is the biggest ass I know. And you know what? Quinn’s been nothing but helpful and considerate and sweet.” How the hell was it that she was now defending Quinn, when just days ago, she’d thought him a bastard?

“Well, you know him best, Em. And I know better than to tell you what to do.” Nate grabbed his jacket and shrugged into it, his movements still stiff and painful from the accident.

She had to resist the urge to reach out and help him, knowing it’d only frustrate him that he needed help for such a simple act. That was why it was so important that he get the type of physical therapy he so desperately needed—and soon. The longer they let things go, the more permanent the damage could become. Not to mention, he was a shadow of his former self, the carefree man she loved now haunted by far too much. And it was killing her to see him like that. “Call and let me know what the doctor says. And if you need me to come with you, I can get someone to cover me here.”

BOOK: Seduction and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Series)
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