Read Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series Online

Authors: Laura Charles

Tags: #alpha male, #hot, #erotic romance, #sexy, #erotica, #contemporary romance

Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series (30 page)

BOOK: Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series
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Jessica took a sip of her wine and looked out the window as they flew over the expanse of crystal blue water.


“It's so beautiful down there.  How long are we going to stay?”


“I'm not sure yet.  A few days; maybe longer.”


“Where will be staying?  A hotel, I assume?”


“Actually, we'll be staying in a condo on the beach.  I think you'll like it.”


“Sounds nice.  I love the beaches there.  What kind of business do you have in the Caymans?”


“It's pretty simple this time.  I have to retrieve something from a safe deposit box at a bank.”


“That's it?  Just get something out of a safety deposit box?  Why hire you?  That sounds like something anyone could do.”


“It's complicated, Jess.  I'll explain it later.”


Ryan went back to reading his magazine.  Jessica kept staring out the window at the beautiful sea.





They arrived in Grand Cayman in the early afternoon.  They took a taxi for the ride down the beach to the condominium.  Jessica was astonished at the site of the luxurious condo; it had three bedrooms, a modern kitchen, a huge bathroom with marble fixtures, and a patio that faced the beach.  The condominium was fully furnished, and all of the furniture looked brand new, as did everything in the kitchen.  The crystal blue water of the Caribbean was just a few yards away, and Jessica could easily see herself spending her days sitting on the patio with her Kindle.


“The beaches are so pristine here.  I just love them,” she said.


nice, and I know how much you love coming here,” Ryan replied.


“I like coming here for several reasons.  Yes, it's beautiful, but I also like it because we spent an amazing day here once.  That day was special, and I'll always think about it any time I visit here.”


“Do you like the condo?”


“It's wonderful.  It's huge.  It's right on the beach.  I love it.  Are you sure we can only stay a few days?”


“We can talk about that later.  Why don't we go up to the bedroom and unpack?”


The master bedroom was on the second floor, and had a balcony that looked over the beach.  Jessica was so taken with the first floor of the condo that she hadn't even noticed that there was a second floor, let alone one with a huge master bedroom, an incredibly large and luxurious bath, and that balcony that had a view that stretched for miles.


If it were possible to stop time, she'd do it now so that she and Ryan could spend the rest of their days there.


They spent a few minutes unpacking their suitcases and getting accustomed to their surroundings.  Jessica stepped into the bathroom for a few minutes and returned wearing a skimpy, two piece bathing suit.


The look in Ryan's eyes told Jessica all she needed to know.

“I take it that you like the suit?” she asked, as she turned around for him to see all of it and all of her.


“I do.  Wow.  You look beautiful.  Is that new?”

“It is.  I bought it just for the trip.  And for you, of course.”


Jessica spun around on her heels in order to give Ryan a full 360 degree view.


“You look amazing, Jess.  Why don't you come here so that I can get a closer look?”  Ryan had a gleam in his eye that suggested that he had more in mind than just getting a look.


Jessica walked over to Ryan, who was standing next to the bed.  He took her hand, put his arms around her and pulled her towards him.


Their lips met in sizzling fashion, and Jessica got goosebumps from head to toe, her skin tingling at his very touch.  His lips were so soft, and so tender, yet his kisses always had a desperate urgency to them, as if he thought this would be the last time he'd ever get to kiss her.


Jessica hungrily responded to his passion, sharing her tongue with him and returning his kisses with an equal intensity of her own.  She wished she could somehow merge with him, for them to become one.


Ryan's fingers worked their way to the knot that held her bikini top fastened, and deftly untied it.  The top fell to the floor and Jessica barely noticed.  She was completely lost in the kisses.  They might have been in the condo, or on the beach, or at the South Pole for all she knew.  For her, the world where her lips met Ryan's was a world that only they inhabited.


Ryan's nimble fingers worked their way to her breasts.  He began to softly run circles around her areolae with his index finger, and her nipples grew harder with every motion.  He held her close to him, with his other arm reaching around the small of her back.


He leaned forward and gently kissed her erect nipples and Jessica sighed.  “I love your breasts, Jess. They are perfect.”


Jessica could feel herself growing wet as Ryan's erection pressed against her mound through her skimpy bikini bottom.  She pulled away slightly in order to put her hand on the growing bulge in his pants.  He let out a soft groan as she touched him through his pants.  Jessica took that as an invitation.  She gave Ryan a quick peck on the lips and then she dropped to her knees and unzipped his pants.


“I want to taste your cock,” she said, as she pulled down his underwear.


Ryan's throbbing cock burst out as though it had been held prisoner.   Jessica wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft as she lovingly licked the salty drops from the tip.  She slowly licked around the head with her tongue, giving special emphasis to the sensitive underside.  The primal sounds coming from Ryan suggested that she was pleasing him.  


Jessica continued, working her hand up and down the shaft, occasionally giving attention to his firm balls.  She would take the head into her mouth, first just a bit and then some more, teasing him by pulling it out of her mouth every now and again to simply admire the beauty of his cock.


Then she'd resume the teasing - a little bit of licking, a little bit of light sucking, and then just a bit of taking him deeper.  Every time he started to thrust, she'd pull his cock out of her mouth. 


“You're teasing me, Jess.”


“Yes, I am,” she said, returning her attention to his cock.


After a few minutes of this, Ryan could stand no more.  He was going to come soon, and he wasn't ready.  He took Jessica by the hand, helped her up, and placed her on the bed on her back.


He pressed his mouth against her bikini bottom, stimulating her through the thin material with his lips.  Jessica moaned and began to writhe a bit as he continued, rubbing her hard clit through her bathing suit.  After a moment, he slipped a finger under her bikini bottom and inserted it into her slick pussy, rubbing her wet flesh and reaching for her aching G spot.

Jessica gasped.  She'd certainly experienced this before, but it felt amazing every time Ryan did it.  She decided to make his work easier, untying the side of her bikini, pulling it off, and throwing it nonchalantly on the floor.  Ryan responded by rapidly licking her pussy, giving special attention to her hard, throbbing clit.  His tongue darted in and out, exploring every crevice of the wet folds of her flesh.


She thought she would come instantly, as he licked her with his talented tongue while stimulating her with his finger, but she tried her hardest to stave off the inevitable outcome, wanting to savor the pleasure for as long as possible.  With each pulse of his tongue, Jessica felt a wave of pleasure washing over her, much like the waves on the beach just outside their room.  Ryan continued licking, probing and stroking, and Jessica found herself on the precipice of pleasure.  She grabbed the pillow with both hands, grabbing so tightly that her fingers hurt.


Jessica didn't want to be selfish however; she wanted to share this moment.  She grabbed Ryan by the hair and pulled his head away from her wet, swollen, mound to get his attention.


“I need you inside of me.  Please fuck me,” she begged.


Ryan leaned over to kiss her, his tongue flicking in and out of her mouth as he slowly crawled on top to mount her.  He found her wet entrance without taking his eyes off of her, slipping his cock into her slowly and deliberately.  Ryan wanted to please Jessica in every way, and he was going to take his time in doing so.  She squirmed with every stroke.


He thrust slowly but forcefully, his eyes locked on Jessica's.  With every thrust of his cock, Jessica felt a growing climax within her, starting with small pulses, but gradually increasing in intensity.  Ryan may have intended to take his time, but Jessica couldn't wait.  She knew she'd be overcome with ecstasy soon.


She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him ever deeper into her wet, throbbing pussy.  Jessica began to dig her nails into his back, as the series of small waves soon became an intense cascade of pleasure that felt like Niagara Falls.  Ryan continued to thrust slowly and rhythmically, as though nothing could distract or deter him. 


Jessica knew that she'd soon be helpless against an orgasm of blinding intensity and she tried her best to be patient as Ryan kept his deliberate pace.


At last, Ryan's pace increased, his thrusts both quicker and deeper, his breath increasingly fast.  Jessica wrapped her legs more tightly around him, knowing that at any second they would both soon reach the heights of ecstasy the both craved so desperately.


It came but a moment later, a sudden detonation like a ton of TNT.  Jessica exploded as a torrent of indescribable pleasure washed over her.  She moved her hips to match his thrusts, hoping to bring him to orgasm so that they could share this incredible moment.


Ryan found his release a few seconds later, coming hard as he offered one final, desperate thrust within her.  He groaned loudly as Jessica felt the heat of his essence filling her, and she came yet again in unison with him as he collapsed in exhaustion upon her. 


They lay there in bed, hot, wet, fully satisfied and completely spent.  Ryan gave her a gentle kiss and said, “I love you, Jess.”


“I love you, too,” she said, and then collapsed into a well-deserved nap.




Jessica spent the remainder of the day sitting outside on the patio, enjoying the sea breeze, and catching a bit of sun.  Ryan went to the store and picked up a few groceries, thinking that a romantic dinner at the condo might be nice, given that they'd had a long day of travel.


Ryan baked some fish and some potatoes, and opened a bottle of wine that he'd picked up on his shopping trip.  He and Jessica dined outdoors as the sun set, while the waves from the sea crashed behind them.


“This is delicious, Ryan.  Thank you so much for cooking dinner,” she said, in between bites of fish.


“Not a problem.  I like to cook and I knew you were tired.  It's a long trip, and with security and customs, it's easy to get worn out.”


“Our little adventure in bed took what little energy I had left,” she said with a wink.


“Since we'll be here for a few days, I went ahead and bought a few groceries.  We can go out for dinner, if you like, but I thought it might be nice to have breakfast here at the condo.”


“That's great.  I like having a cup of coffee handy when I wake up in the morning.  So, what's the plan for the rest of our time here?”


“I just need to visit a particular bank and get something out of a safe deposit box.  It shouldn't be a big deal.”


“This doesn't sound like your regular work.  How are you getting into this safe deposit box?  To whom does it belong?  Are you stealing something?”


Ryan laughed.  “I'm getting in to this safe deposit box using a key.  No, I'm not stealing anything.  The remainder of the explanation will have to wait.”


“Ryan, you do this
every time.
  There's always some aspect of these adventures that you won't tell me until 'later.'  Do you have any idea how frustrating that can be?”

BOOK: Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series
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