Read Semper Fidelis Online

Authors: Morticia Knight Kendall McKenna Sara York LE Franks Devon Rhodes T.A. Chase S.A. McAuley

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Semper Fidelis (34 page)

BOOK: Semper Fidelis
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“Ropes.” He’d barely been able to gasp out the word. Sweat dripped from his forehead along the sides of his face. “Tie me down. Show me how much you want my tight, hot hole.”

Yeah, he knew he was a power bottom. But Kirk had assured him more than once that whenever Shane lost himself in a pure frenzy of lust, it completely turned him on.

Kirk’s heated breath tickled his ear canal. “Your wrist…”

“Other one. I’ll hang on to the one that’s tied.”

Kirk nuzzled him behind his ear, a shiver running down his spine as he growled against his skin.

“And you won’t let go no matter what, right?”

“I won’t.” Shane whimpered, a wave of neediness passing over him. “You don’t let go either.”

“Never. Gonna hold you down so you can’t move, can’t speak. You’ll only be able to take my cock as I slam it into your ass over and over.”


Words were lost to him, his thoughts garbled. He wanted Kirk to do that to him, couldn’t wait any longer. Kirk lifted off him and the sudden loss of his lover’s weight left him feeling as if he were nothing, as if he wasn’t even there at all. It made him ache.

Kirk yanked him back by his belt until he was on his knees. Shane went lax, his signal to his lover that he could manipulate him how he wished. Kirk removed his clothes, his movements jerky and harsh. Once he was completely nude, Kirk pushed him back onto his stomach. Logically he understood that Kirk would also have to remove his own clothing, to be unable to touch him for a brief moment, but it didn’t stop Shane from missing their connection.

Closing his eyes, he made himself wait for whatever Kirk wanted to do to him next. He liked to demand what he wanted at the beginning but then he would be ready for Kirk to take over. The sound of the closet opening and closing, the drawer sliding open then snicking shut—each movement by Kirk meant there was something delicious in store for Shane.

Kirk wrapped the terrycloth belt from his robe around his good wrist then secured it to the corner post of the maple headboard. Kirk made a point of placing Shane’s hurt wrist over the tied one then loosely wrapped the remaining tail of the soft belt around it.

“Remember what I said. No letting go.”

Shane nodded. “You too.”

Kirk turned Shane’s head and captured his lips for a brief, but hungry kiss. “Me too.”

He sat back on Shane’s calves, Kirk’s nut sac hot on Shane’s legs. Moisture from the slit of Kirk’s dick trailed on Shane’s skin and a fleeting thought of it being wasted ran through his mind. He sucked in a sharp breath. Kirk had parted his cheeks and was vigorously fingering him, slicking him up, readying him to be breached.

Shane was flush to the bed, his nuts and stiffened flesh pressed into the mattress. It didn’t hurt—in its own way, the restriction gave him comfort—but there was only the barest hint of friction. Certainly not enough to give him any relief.

As Kirk readjusted himself, Shane anticipated Kirk dragging him to his knees or putting a pillow under his hips. Instead, with Shane completely flat, Kirk lifted himself just enough that Shane could feel Kirk’s hard length glide along his crease. Kirk had liberally greased Shane’s crack, and the more Kirk slid back and forth, back and forth, the more his pucker loosened until at last, his lover’s sheathed cock punched into his channel.

Shane hissed, the position creating more burn than he was accustomed to. Kirk lay across his body, covering him, allowing his weight to press his ample length deep inside Shane’s passage—deeper than he’d ever felt a man before. It was intense. Full. Too much, but not really, not when all that Shane craved
too much. Kirk spread his own legs enough to cage Shane’s thighs. He reached around and clamped his large hand over Shane’s mouth, Shane’s nose exposed so that his air wasn’t completely cut off. Kirk lifted his pelvis in the slightest then slammed home. Shane grunted against Kirk’s palm.

It was the only warning Kirk gave before the relentless pounding began. It was exactly what Shane had desired—being held underneath Kirk, restrained by him, muted by him. It had reduced his entire world to one tiny spot in his body, the place where Kirk claimed him over and over with harsh thrusts.

Sweat pooled between their bodies, their skin slippery. Their flesh slapped together as Shane allowed Kirk to have his way, to control him completely. Kirk’s fucking turned erratic, his stabs more shallow. He seemed to angle himself so that his next thrust hit Shane’s gland perfectly. He cried out against Kirk’s palm at the electric jolt of it. Kirk did it again. And again, each nudge bringing him higher.

Shane’s balls tightened without warning, his climax surging through him in an explosive wave. He came so hard, so fast, he thought he might faint from the intensity of it. Almost immediately, he felt the warmth of Kirk’s release in the condom inside him, and he clenched his inner muscles to milk Kirk’s dick even more.

Once they’d settled next to one another, and after Kirk had untied his one wrist, Shane curled into Kirk’s side. Kirk enfolded him in an embrace and Shane had all he’d ever need.


* * * *


Kirk woke up to the sounds of water running in the kitchen. Shane’s wicked demands had worn him out. He sat up, rubbing a hand briskly through his hair. He stood then grabbed the robe he’d stolen the belt from, his gaze falling on the blue piece of cloth still tied to the post. It made him smile. Hell, pretty much everything he did with Shane made him smile.

Entering the kitchen, he was thrilled to see that Shane had everything put together for them to share a hearty meal—fresh crab, baked potato, garlic bread and string beans. There was even a nice white wine. Kirk chuckled at the scene. Shane sauntered over to him and lazily kissed him, his lips moving slowly, wetly.

“Thank you. It’s nice not to have to cook sometimes.”

As much as Kirk loved his job at the Lighthouse Grill, loved cooking, he also appreciated a night off now and again.

Shane laughed and indicated to the chairs. “Let’s feast then.”

They sat down and dug in, Kirk not realizing until he’d taken the first bite of the sweet crab meat how hungry he really was. Shane knew how to give him an appetite. They ate in happy silence for a while, Kirk noting how ravenous Shane was as well. Sitting back, Shane picked up his wine glass then took a good swallow.

“Did everything work out at the insurance office?”

Kirk couldn’t contain his grin. “It’s all settled. Now all we have to do is decide what to do with the money. I already told you I’m done with fishing.” He paused. “Well, commercial fishing anyway.”

Shane regarded him with confusion.

“What is it sweetheart?”

“You said ‘we’.”

Kirk had already anticipated Shane’s reaction. “Yes. We. You and me.”

Shane chewed at his lower lip, frowning. “But…”

“Cut it out.”

Shane glanced up at him.

Kirk continued. “You said to me yourself that you’ve put money away to get a house for both of us. Why wouldn’t I also use this insurance money to enhance our future? We’re a family, Shane. Partners. So we should discuss how we plan on using

Shane stared at him as if he had some mysterious agenda he’d been keeping hidden. “In that case, did you ever ask old Monty how much of a deposit he needed for you take over the Lighthouse Grill?”

Kirk straightened. He’d assumed Shane would want to discuss what type of house they wanted to get. Ever since his request for permanent orders in Astoria had been granted, they’d talked about it quite a bit. The way Shane had been saving his money, he’d told Kirk that they’d have enough for a hefty down payment within three or four years, depending on the size of the home. With Kirk’s insurance money, they wouldn’t have to wait. Of course, Kirk’s income stream had dwindled now that he was out of the fishing business.

“What are you saying, Shane? I thought you wanted us to get a house together?”

Shane reached across the table to take both of Kirk’s hands.

“Of course I do. I want that very much. But we can wait a few years. There’s plenty of time. Although, if you’re pulling in enough from the Lighthouse, we may not have to wait too long anyway.”

“Shane…I… That was just a pipe dream. I don’t know if I’d be any good at it.”

“You know all their popular dishes, right? You know how much the place takes in, all of that. It’s a local hangout, Kirk. You said yourself that everyone there likes it when you’re the one cooking. Now you can be there all the time. Monty’s going to retire and sell that place to someone. What if the new owner changes everything or no longer wants you to cook for them? Besides, Joel needs a place to work if he ever has any chance of paying you back for the boat.”

After a long, serious discussion regarding responsibility and consequences for one’s actions, Kirk and Cindy had told Joel that he needed to pay back the insurance deductible. Joel had readily agreed, apologizing over and over for not standing up to his friends when they’d egged him on about going out and enjoying the storm waves. Kirk still marveled that things hadn’t turned out worse on that awful day.

An even nicer outcome of everything was Joel’s newfound respect and admiration for Shane. His mom’s boyfriend had drummed it into his head that gay men were too weak to serve in the military—that they never should have been
to serve. In the aftermath of the storm, Joel had told Barry what he thought of his opinions. It hadn’t gone over well, and it had come down to Barry giving Cindy an ultimatum—either him or Joel. It hadn’t been a difficult choice.

Shane stared at him in that way he had when he wanted Kirk to do what he said. It was like he was power bottoming him over the idea of restaurant ownership.

What the hell. It can be the new family business.

“You think I can do it?”

“You’d better fucking do it.”

Yeah. Power bottom.




About the Author


I love all things book. I have a passion for creating stories—the more fantastic the better—and used to spend hours as a little girl drawing pages of pictures and then putting captions to them. I love reading and writing several different genres, but I recently put my more mainstream paranormal romances aside for naughtier tales.

I also enjoy music from Imogen Heap and Nine Inch Nails to Mozart, and love horror and sci-fi films from cheesy to terrifying. I must also confess that I am a huge LOTR (Lord of the Rings) geek.


I currently reside on the northern coast of Oregon, where the constant rain and fog reminds me of my visits to family in England and Scotland when I was a child.


[email protected]


Morticia loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at





Also by Morticia Knight


A Spirit of Love

Uniform Encounters: Set Ablaze

Uniform Encounters: Arresting Behavior

Uniform Encounters: Lust Emergency

Uniform Encounters: Guarded Desires

Uniform Encounters: Secret Fire

Uniform Encounters: Dangerous Wish

Gin and Jazz: Hollywood Bound

Gin and Jazz: Razzle Dazzle

Gin and Jazz: Tarnished Glitter

Gin and Jazz: Starring Role

Gin and Jazz: Studio Orders

Gin and Jazz: Casting Call

Gin and Jazz: Play Acting

Sin City Uniform: All Fired Up

Sin City Uniform: Copping an Attitude

The Hamptons Road Club: Hesitant Heart

The Hamptons Road Club: The Rules of Love

Clandestine Classics: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Clandestine Classics: The Fall of the House of Usher

All Together Now: The Perfect Third

Hard Riders: Biking Bad

What’s his Passion? Rockin’ the Alternative



Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:


Hard Riders

Jenna Byrnes, L.M. Somerton and Morticia Knight





Excerpt from ‘Clear Blue Sky’ by Jenna Byrnes


“No one will ever love you as much as I do.” The ominous words echoed in Sky Warren’s head as he tossed and turned. The shadowy figure stood directly in front of him, reaching for his arm, and once again he felt the painful snap of a broken shoulder. Sky groaned and sprang up in bed, sweat pouring down his face.

He glanced around the dark room, trying to get his bearings. It was just a dream. He was used to them. Sleep was tenuous most nights, with nightmares just a whisper away from his consciousness.

Sky’s bedroom door opened and his cousin Billy moved in front of him, a beer in one hand and a plastic bottle of water in the other. “Bad dream again?” He held out both drinks.

Sky accepted the water and chugged down half of it. He wiped his mouth with the back of his arm and looked at Billy. Curly blond hair gave his cousin the perpetual appearance of bed head, no matter what time of day. A soul patch below the lower lip was his only facial hair, and there was usually a cigarette hanging from the edge of his mouth. Tonight was no exception.

BOOK: Semper Fidelis
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