Read Send Me a Cowboy Online

Authors: Joann Baker

Tags: #plus size romance, #bbw romance, #rubenesque romance, #curvy romance, #full figured romance, #bbw billionaire romance, #bbw western romance, #bbw cowboy romance, #bbw office romance, #bbw rancher romance, #curvy billionaire romance, #curvy cowboy romance, #curvy office romance, #curvy rancher romance, #curvy western romance, #full figured billionaire romance, #full figured cowboy romance, #full figured office romance, #full figured western romanc, #plus size billionaire romance, #plus size cowboy roance, #plus size office romance, #plus size rancher romance, #plus sized western romance, #rubenesque billionaire romance, #rubenesque office romance, #rubenesque rancher romance

Send Me a Cowboy (6 page)

BOOK: Send Me a Cowboy
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“Almost thirty.”

“I’m thirty-nine.”

“So.” Katie’s brow wrinkled in confusion. Why
was he talking about age?

“So, that’s ten years difference in our

That unblinking, intense stare almost robbed
her of a smart retort. She had no problems with their age
difference. She disliked dating men her own age. Most of them were
too immature to maintain a simple conversation. Or was that simply
another of John’s warnings that he wasn’t available?

“Is the vet married? Maybe he’d like to go
out with a younger woman.”

She almost smiled when she heard him give a
little growl.

“Sit up.” Without giving her time to comply
with the brisk order, he hooked his arms through hers, pulling her
into a sitting position against the upholstered headboard. The thin
cotton of the t-shirt he’d loaned her stretched across her chest,
revealing the fact that she wore nothing beneath. She hastily
pulled up the covers to hide her evident arousal, tucking the
fluffy comforter beneath her arms.

She nodded toward the tray of food. “I really
don’t want anything.”

“Well, I do.”

That was the first time that she noticed
there were two plates on the tray. With the delicious smelling fare
so close, Katie’s stomach apparently couldn’t hold out any longer.
It growled, the sound loud in the quiet room.

To his credit, John didn’t smirk or even
crack a smile. He pulled a leather chair over to the bed and took a
seat. Along with the mouthwatering steak, there were bowls of
steamed broccoli and buttery baked potatoes. Two glasses of water
and a heaping bowl of fresh fruit completed the meal.

John didn’t say anything even though Katie
sensed he wanted to. He cut off a small piece of steak and held it
up to her lips.


With an obedience quite outside her nature,
she opened her mouth and took the small morsel inside. Flavor
immediately burst on her tongue and she tried not to moan. She
couldn’t prevent her stomach from growling even louder than

He cut another piece, a bigger piece, and
took a moment to chew it before cutting another piece for her. As
she took the second bite, he finally spoke. “I don’t like it when
you lie to me, Katie. I don’t like it when anyone does.”

She had to swallow before she could answer.
“I didn’t lie.”

“You’re hungry. Any sane person would realize
that. It’s late in the afternoon and we skipped lunch.”

He gave her some broccoli then took another
piece of steak for himself.

“You don’t have to feed me,” Katie said, even
though she was loving every minute of it.

He smiled and it was so wicked that Katie
wanted to sigh. “No. I don’t.”

They were silent for several moments as John
continued to feed her.

“I see Marcia gave you my t-shirt.”

“I, um…thank you.” She pulled the comforter
tighter, anchoring it with her arms. “My sweater was a little worse
for wear.”

John’s hand tightened on the silverware in
his hands and his lips thinned. “If you ever do something that
stupid again, Katie Lenard, I will put you over my knee and spank
you until you can’t sit for a week.”

Kate bit her lip, surprised at the violence
in his expression. “It wasn’t something I planned.”

“Dammit, Katie, just promise me you won’t put
yourself in danger like that again.”

“I won’t,” she whispered, her heart beating
faster at his evident concern.

He let out a deep breath. “Good. Cause I’d
hate to have to feed you my prize bull.” He held out another bite
of steak, laughing softly at her horrified expression.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, Big Ben is safe.

He took a drink of water then held the glass
out to her, not bothering with the second glass. She shivered at
the intimate gesture.

“But if he’d harmed one hair on your head, we
be eating him right now.”

“John!” She almost choked on the small

He laid down the utensils, staring at her
intently. “I was never so frightened in my life, kitty-cat.”

What had he just called her?

She’d never had a nickname in her entire
life. At least not any sexy or cute ones. “I…you think I’m like a
cat?” She set the water glass on the tray, her eyes never leaving
his face.

Cats were sleek, fast…haughty.

“That’s what you are,” he whispered, the
sudden fire in his eyes scorching her. “A kitten begging to be

He set the food aside carefully and rose from
the chair to sit on the side of the bed. His hot gaze caressed her
skin, skimming along her body as if he could see beneath the
comforter and shirt to her puckered flesh. She responded to his
blatant look, her blood heating, pumping madly through her wildly
beating heart.

Too soon, too soon, her inner voice

But she wasn’t listening as John leaned
toward her.

“Kiss me, Katie-cat.”

She stared at his mobile lips with hunger,
her woman’s body responding to his request even as her rational
mind asked why a man like him, wealthy beyond belief, charming and
sexy as sin, would look at an overly abundant woman like herself.
He could have any Barbie-sized woman he wanted.


“Shhh,” he whispered as if sensing her need
to protest. His arm curled around her, moving her down until she
was flat on the bed and pulling the comforter out of the way. She
didn’t protest as he bent to kiss her. She couldn’t. She wanted
this too badly. She hadn’t been this hungry for the food.

When his tongue parted her lips, thrusting
inside, she gave herself over to the moment. It was one that might
never happen again.

Where she was inexperienced, his movements
were strong and sure. He was demanding, dominant, feeding her
desire while fueling her need. She moaned, aching to be closer.
She’d never felt like this before. As if she was exactly where she
needed to be.

Katie felt like she’d come home.

She wanted to tell him how she felt, but all
she could do was whimper as his lips continued their delightful

“It’s okay, baby,” he groaned, his touch
turned urgent as she pressed into him. She heard his breathing
change as his lean fingers traced lightly down her chin and across
her throat. They lingered lightly over the hard tips of her breasts
before skimming over the soft mound of her belly where his
wandering hand found its way beneath the hem of her shirt. Slowly,
he drew the cotton garment up, baring her rounded stomach, then
higher, revealing the lacy cut of her bra. The simple cotton
material pressed the impressive mounds together, and for once she
was glad of her size. She lay naked before him, bare from the waist
up except for her plain white bra. She wished she’d had the nerve
to wear the black satin underwear hidden in the corner of her
dresser drawer.
Maybe if there was a next time…

John’s arm curled around Katie again, moving
her further down until she was flat on the bed. He unfastened the
front catch of her bra and slowly pulled the little bit of nothing
apart. He’d always been a breast man and Katie’s did not
disappoint. They were large and firm, and perfectly formed. A man’s
fantasy come true. Keeping his eyes on her, he reached up to
unbutton his shirt then lowered his body to hers—skin to skin. He
groaned at the indescribable feelings. Katie’s nails bit into his
shoulders, adding to the erotic sensations. “Dear God, Katie, you
feel so good,” he groaned against her mouth.

“John!” Katie gasped, her body arching up and
into his.

He pulled away to look at her. Her nipples
were large, their dusky color reminding him of ripe berries. His
need to taste them could not be denied and she cried out as his
mouth covered her. The keening cry cut through his sensual fog. He
drew back, sucking in a deep breath in an effort to rein in his
quickly unraveling control.

Katie tugged his head lower in an attempt to
get his mouth closer to where she needed him.

He grabbed her wrists, putting them above her
head. “Don’t,” he ordered harshly. “You’ll make me hurt you.”

“I don’t care,” Katie groaned, her body
aching in an unfamiliar way.

John’s hands went to her hips, pulling her
roughly against him. His palms caressed her generous curves as he
ground his body against her softness. Katie delighted in the feel
of his muscular strength. She was on fire everywhere they touched
and her only thought was to quench the flames. She touched him, her
hands moving over the hard planes of his body in anguished delight.
It felt as if a part of her, the part that always held back, always
stayed aloof, fell into place, making her whole for the first time
in her life. They were pressed together so tightly that nothing
could come between them. She felt, heard, saw nothing but John. Her
whole world had narrowed to the feel and warmth of his big

“I want you, Katie Lenard.” His groan sent a
stab of pleasure straight to her womb and her confidence spiked as
she realized she was arousing him, making
body ache. For
her. She smiled against his lips.

Her body rippled with delicious, sinful
sensations. She wasn’t a virgin. She’d had a man in her bed before.
But she’d never had John Kinkaid. And she’d never known that
intimacy could be this…explosive. She’d somehow known this man
would spoil her for any other man, any other lover. She moved her
hips in a sweet, slow rotation against his. Wherever he led, she
would follow.

“Do you want me, Katie?”

“Yes. God, yes.” Her body craved him. She
shifted, moving in an attempt to tease his long fingers closer to
aching breasts that yearned for his touch.

“You are so beautiful.” Complying with her
silent request, his warm hands squeezed the tight buds lightly
before trailing down her lush body to find her center. All that
separated them was a thin barrier of silk. He cupped her, caressing
her roughly while his hot mouth took hers, swallowing her cries.
She lifted against him rhythmically as her body sought

When he stopped, Katie cried out.

“Don’t worry, honey. We’re not done.” He
pulled the loosened shirt over her head, taking the bra with it.
Katie shivered with excitement. Her panties came off slowly, his
gaze devouring the newly exposed flesh.

“I’m going to take you Katie. If this is
something you don’t want, tell me now.”

His head rose, his intense gaze searching her
face for any sign that she wasn’t right there with him. Katie could
only nod her compliance. If he stopped now, she would surely

He stood up to undress, his breathing harsh
in the quietness. She could see the shudders that racked his strong
frame. She didn’t know what to say or what to do. She’d never had a
man look at her with such intensity, such raw need.

“Last chance,” he grunted even as he came
back to bed, the pressure of his powerful legs parting hers.

“Do you want me to beg?” she whispered
saucily, winding her arms around his neck to pull him fully against

“Oh, honey, you’ll be begging me before we’re
through,” he replied wickedly. His lips met hers and she returned
his kiss hungrily. He demanded; she gave generously. The feelings
he aroused so easily had her clinging to his strong arms. This
was…overwhelming. He moved insistently and her body responded,
following his lead and longing for the pleasure he promised.

“That’s it darling,” he whispered. “Just like
that.” He gripped her hip with one hand, teaching her. She moved
her hips, meeting the thrust of his. They both groaned as they
found the perfect rhythm.

“John,” she gasped as she felt that slow
spiral of satisfaction low in her belly. He made her ache so

He kissed her as he increased the pace. “Let
go, Katie-cat. I’ll catch you, sweetheart.”

Those words, spoken with such passion in his
deep voice, carried Katie over the edge and she cried out as the
world exploded into a riot of color behind her closed lids.

He joined her moments later, her name a
hoarse sound of need on his lips.


When Katie woke some time later, it was dark
outside. She snuggled under the covers, feeling on top of the
world. John was gone, but she could still feel his presence. The
time they had spent together, well, Katie couldn’t begin to
describe it. They’d made love the first time and it had been
amazing. When they’d had time to breathe, he’d become concerned
about her ankle. When she’d admitted it was hurting again, he’d
quickly gotten her another icepack. Funny, she’d completely
forgotten about the pain in their initial discovery of each

He’d also brought them more food, telling her
she was going to need every ounce of energy for the long night to
come. Of course, the food had again been quickly forgotten and he’d
taken her for the second time. She shivered as she remembered. John
was a demanding lover; a sensual lover. As he’d taken her, he’d
described in elaborate detail all the ways he planned on having her
before the night was over.

A soft knock sounded on the door. Thinking it
was John, she sat up on the bed, pulling the cover beneath her arms
to cover herself. He’d had to leave their bed to return a call to a
Japanese buyer. She combed her fingers through her hair, wishing
she’d taken the time to go to the bathroom and freshen up when
she’d first woken up. Too late now.

“Come in.”


Katie pulled the covers up to her chin when
she realized the person behind the door was James.

“Can I come in?”

“I, umm…”

He didn’t wait for her okay, just came on

“How is the ankle?” He sat on the edge of the
bed like a long lost friend and Katie smiled. Everyone had been so

“It’s starting to hurt,” she admitted. She
moved the appendage slowly, wincing as the pain deepened. She
probably needed to put some more ice on it and see if she could
find some more aspirin. What she really needed to do was find her
t-shirt and panties and get dressed. She was nude beneath the
covers and felt extremely awkward with James in the room. Now if it
was John…

BOOK: Send Me a Cowboy
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