Sentinel: Reckless Desires (Wolf Shifter Romance) (Alpha Protectors Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Sentinel: Reckless Desires (Wolf Shifter Romance) (Alpha Protectors Book 2)
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Then we were alone.

Chapter Twenty-Two


ngel in wolf
form came to my shoulders, his furry shape huge and black and wickedly handsome. We stood silent as we waited for the stragglers to clear the courtyard, the tension in the air palpable.

Bumping my side, he trotted off into the meadow, away from spying eyes.

I followed, my mind spinning.
He had lied to me. After everything we’d been through…
A part of me understood why he’d chosen to go along with my father’s ruse, but a large part of me wanted to dig my heels in and stubbornly refuse to forgive.

The air rustled, heat spilling over me in a warm wave, and then he was human again.

Gloriously human and completely naked.

“It’s not fair,” I muttered, studiously staring at the ground.

“What isn’t?”

I saw his feet move forward, heading toward me.
Dammit, even his feet were gorgeous. Shapely and golden and not the least bit hairy.


“Sorry, you’ll have to be a little more specific.” His tone was teasing, but underneath I could hear a tremor of uncertainty, a flicker of worry.

My head whipped up, skimming past acres of golden skin and firm muscles to land on his face. Though the journey was burned into my mind, teasing glimpses begged for a thorough perusal. “You make it so hard for me to hate you.”

“Good.” His voice was a hoarse whisper.

“Good?” It came out in a screech, the stress and worry of the last hour finally catching up with me. “You lied to me, let me believe my father was dying!” I shoved him in his ridiculously toned chest, my fingers curling with the need to stroke and caress. “And you shared your power with me!” And there it was. The
problem. He could have dealt with Smith all on his own, but he hadn’t. He’d taken a step back, supporting me and giving me the means to rescue our daughter, even though it had left him weak. Defenseless.

I wanted to hate him for lying, but I couldn’t.
I loved him.
And that was the problem.

Tears threatened to spill, stinging my eyes as I blinked furiously.

Strong hands clasped my shoulders, and then I was pulled against his chest, the warmth from his skin seeping into my bones, burning away the chill that had taken root the second Smith had threatened my baby.

“You... I—” I couldn’t get the words out over my snuffling.

“I will always protect you, Chloe. I can’t help it, it’s built into me. But I will
smother you. I don’t want to own you, or control you. I want us to live and grow together, support each other. Laugh and love and even cry together. I want
, exactly the way you are.” He chuckled, the vibrations echoing through the walls of his chest directly into my ear. “And you can’t stand the fact that you might have been wrong all this time.”

“I can’t stand the fact that you seem to be able to read my mind,” I snapped out, though it lacked bite.

“Get used to it. I’m good at my job and a part of that is reading people. Though I must admit, you’ve had me guessing for a while.”

“And now you have me all figured out?” I said, hating the waspishness of my voice.

“Hell, no! I wish! But I’d love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life trying…”

Feminine mystery reaffirmed, I whispered into his skin, “You shouldn’t have lied to me, but I understand why you did it. My dad can be very persuasive.”

He cleared his throat, the sound uncomfortable. “I’m not going to go blaming it on your father, sweetheart. I agreed with him, and though I fucking hated it, it had to be done. I promise you—I’ll never lie to you again.

His emphatic promise brought a smile to my lips, though I hid it from view. It wouldn’t do to let him know I’d already forgiven him, and that his refusal to dodge blame solidified my decision.

Now all I had to do was let go of my fear and trust what my heart was telling me. What it had been telling me all along.


He smoothed a hand over my hair, his other hand sidling down my side to rest possessively on my hip. “Yes, sweetheart?”

“I... I might have been wrong about us.” There. I’d said it.


I glared up at him. “Is that all you’ve got to say?”

His blue eyes danced with silent laughter. “What should I say? Yes, you’re right? You were wrong? Nope, not falling for that one.”

He stopped me from pulling back, tucking me tighter against his body. “I want everything. The whole shebang—you, Maisie, our mating. I told you I’m not letting you run away again, and I’ll promise you anything you want, but in return I want
. All of you.”

I reached up, stroking a finger down his jaw, a small smile threatening to burst free and ruin everything. “You promise not to control me?”

“I promise.”

“To not hold me back?”


“To always support me?”


“And to do everything I ask.”

“Of course— Hey! Wait a damn minute!”

I stretched up onto my tiptoes and kissed the indignant outrage from his lips. Taking advantage, I stroked his tongue with mine, coaxing him carefully like the dangerous predator he was.

His fingers dug into my hips, hoisting me against the long, hardening length that was trapped between us, his growing thickness rubbing between my legs in delicious teasing strokes.

“Chloe—” He broke away on a low groan.


“Does this mean what I think it does?”

Words escaping me, I nodded, deciding to let my body do the talking for once. Taking a step back, I indulged myself, drinking in the sight of him. My mate was in his prime, his body hard and powerful with an air of uninhibited masculinity. Sinuous muscles curved around long limbs, his chest decorated with black ink.

“What does that mean?” I asked, nodding toward his chest.
Veni. Vidi. Vici.

He stroked the words, his brow furrowing. “I came. I saw. I conquered.”

“Hmm,” I murmured, tugging my top off over my head and letting it drop to the floor. “And did you?”

His eyes widened a fraction, then narrowed in appreciation. “I thought so, back then.”

“When you were special forces?”

“Yeah. After—” He broke off abruptly.

“After me?” I supplied, unbuttoning my jeans.

He winced, but nodded. “It was like having a punchline tattooed onto my skin.”

I peeled my jeans down over my generous hips, wriggling to ease the denim on its journey. “And now?”

He strode forward a step, his cock thickening before my eyes. “Now? Nope. It’s still not right.”

My surprise must have shown in my face, because his smile widened.

“It should be: I came. I saw.

“How about we conquer each other?” I quipped, shooting him what I hoped was a sultry smile. I stepped out of reach as his arms grabbed for me and unsnapped my bra. My heavy breasts swung loose, my nipples hardening in the soft breeze.

He sucked in a breath, his nostrils flaring.

“But you’ve got to catch me first.” No sooner had I said the words than I turned and ran, the thrill of the mating hunt riding me.

Chapter Twenty-Three


er legs were
a blur as she raced away from me, red hair streaming out behind her in a flaming cloud, her ass bouncing with each step. Calling to me, enticing me.

The need to chase thrummed through me, the call of the wild clawing at me. My wolf surged forward, a howl ripping from my throat.

And then I was running, my feet smashing into the lush grass, the wind buffeting my face and carrying her luscious scent. I thundered into the forest.

A flash of skin ahead spurred me on. A laugh of pure joy echoed on the air and reached my ears.


Giving up all pretense at humanity, I surged forward in a spurt of speed.

And then she was there.

Like I’d known she was.

We came together in a crash of limbs, flying through the air, twisting at the last minute to cushion the fall. Soft breasts crushed against my chest. I rolled, trapping her beneath me.

She pushed out, straining to regain control.

My heart thundered in my ears, my cock sliding between her legs, searching.

She licked her lips, her mouth parting as a shudder ran through her.

Gripping her face between my hands, I brushed my lips against hers, nibbling at her plump bottom lip before giving it a sharp tug.

She moaned, her back arching, nails scraping down my back, pulling me closer as she let her legs fall apart.

“I love you, my mate,” I groaned, then surged forward, driving my cock deep inside her.

Her eyelids fluttered shut, dark lashes dusting her flushed cheeks. Then she answered, her voice a guttural whisper, “I love you too, Angel.”

“Gabriel. To you—I am always Gabriel,” I corrected, my hips rocking against hers, her pussy pulsing around my shaft in exquisite torture.

Her eyes flashed open, burning with desire and her wolf. “Gabriel.
” The word was like a prayer on her lips, an invitation to heaven.

” I echoed, dragging my hips back and thrusting forward into her scalding heat.

She wrapped her legs around my hips, arching forward to meet the invasion, her head falling back and revealing the long line of her throat.

Rearing up to kneel between her legs, I stroked in shallow thrusts, my hands trailing down her neck to cup her breasts. Hunching over, I brought one rosy peak to my mouth, tonguing the sweet flesh in lazy swirls, my hand molding and squeezing gently, worshiping. Switching my attention to her other breast, I sucked and nibbled, my hips continuing their surge back and forth, her flesh stroking and hugging my straining shaft with exquisite friction.

She gasped at the feel of my teeth on sensitive skin as I gently bit down, her core flooding with heat.

“My turn.”

It was my only warning before she flipped us, using her strong legs to pin me down.

I almost choked on the sudden loss.

Straddling me, she gripped my cock, smoothing her hands up and down my stiff shaft in a deliberate slow slide that left me gasping.

“Chloe…” her name was a low growl, a warning not to tease.

She gripped me tighter, rubbing her thumb over the sensitive ridge of my cock. “Yes, Gabriel?”

My reply was a strangled garble of nonsense as coherent thought evaporated. My jaw strained as I gnashed my teeth together to keep from howling my pleasure into the silent forest.

She moved on top of me, positioning herself above my straining cock. Then she lowered herself inch by slow inch, until she had taken all of me.

Sweet motherfucking hell…
I fought the urge to explode beneath her. I wanted to see my mate in action, let her control the ride.

She flashed me a grin, letting me know she recognized my valiant struggle, and then she started to move. Her hips rocked forward, her nails digging into my chest, her breasts swaying and hypnotic.

Sweat poured off me as she wrung groan after groan from my lips, her hips rocking and squeezing with maddening control, working her way up and down my shaft until I couldn’t take any more.

Clasping her hip, I speared her damp curls with a finger, swirling through her slick heat until I found what I was looking for.

* * *


is finger rubbed
against my clit, the insistent pressure sparking another roll of heat that gathered in my stomach, coiled, then erupting out through my limbs.

Friction built, the slap of flesh against flesh echoing in my ears, my moans merging with his low groans, driving me higher and higher toward ultimate release. My hips moved in a blur, rocking and lifting and grinding against him.

His lips peeled back in a grimace as he thrust up inside me, the tendons in his neck bulging and shoulders straining. His stomach looked to be carved from granite, each rippling ridge of muscle flexing with each powerful roll of his hips.

“Gabriel,” I whispered, a soft plea that he immediately understood.

In seconds he had placed me on my knees.

I dug my hands into the soft forest floor, bracing myself.

He didn’t disappoint, entering me in one smooth thrust and hitting me deep inside, even deeper than before.

Lips nuzzled at my neck, his breath a hot whisper. “You okay?”

He was so big, so thick in this position, he filled me completely. I forced myself to relax. Tilting my head back, I captured his lips, conveying just how
I actually was.

than okay. I was fan-

On a growl he tore his lips away, his hands anchoring onto my hips, body curving around mine and blocking out the world.

Everything blurred, and his scent surrounded me as his touch obliterated my ability to think of anything but
Nothing else existed, or mattered, just us. Together. Joined.

“Harder,” I moaned, my hips bucking as my spine arched.

His answer was a grunt, but he complied, pushing me higher still, his hips pistoning in punishing plunges.

I pushed back, craving even more, a tight coil of heat pulsating deep inside me, dragging at me. My vision clouded, sparks of light shimmering and dancing before my eyes. Throwing my head back, my mouth gaping open, a low feral groan erupted from deep inside as I came, hurtling over the edge of oblivion. My head whipped around, my teeth sinking into his neck without hesitation, claiming him as he had once claimed me.

With a roar, he bucked above me, his hips jerking, his fingers digging into my hips as he held on. Through gritted teeth he growled the words binding us together. “I take you, Chloe, to be my mate. We will live and love and laugh together. Always.” His spine arched under the weight of the bond completing.

His words…perfect.

I waited until his eyes had blinked back open. “And I take you, Gabriel, to be my mate. We will live and love and laugh together. Always.” The bond slammed into me, searing a pathway through my soul and linking us together. Joining us heart to heart. His emotions crowded into my mind, tantalizing glimpses of my mate.

With one last thrust, he slammed into me, his body spasming as he came in hot thick spurts, his breath ragged in my ears. Echoes of his completion careened down the bond, hitting me with a force that sent waves of heat crashing through me, curling my toes and depleting the last of my strength. I collapsed onto the soft sweet scented ground, my soul singing and heart full of hope.

Collapsing next to me, he tugged me over, bunching up his bicep to make a pillow for my head. He looped his other arm around me, hugging me into his side with a contented murmur. “What are you thinking?” His voice was low with a sleepiness to it that had me stifling a giggle.

“That I wasted a hell of a lot of time.”

“Yes. You did. Don’t worry, I plan on making up for it.”

I arched a brow, too tired to actually move. “You do?”

I felt him nod, his hand trailing down my side to my caress my stomach. “I think Maisie needs a brother.”

I pinned him with my best glare. “Or a sister.”

“Or both,” he answered with a suggestive leer.

I sighed, contentment threatening to turn me into a big pile of mush. “Or both.”

BOOK: Sentinel: Reckless Desires (Wolf Shifter Romance) (Alpha Protectors Book 2)
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