Serving the Wolf's Den (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Serving the Wolf's Den (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Nice tits,” he said as if he had just complimented her hairdo. She wondered if he really expected her to say thanks for the vulgar compliment. She remained silent. He might be the “best fucking boss” Katie ever worked for, but he was obviously a man who left a lot to be desired when it came to his regard for women or at least this woman.

Without commenting on her appearance further, he pushed himself away from his desk and walked to where she was standing. His body towered over hers. She was five foot seven and another couple of inches with heels. He had to be over six feet. His body was so close to hers she could smell the aroma of his woodsy cologne. It would have been better for her nerves if he smelled of sweat and beer.

“Walk for me,” he ordered, leaning back against the desk with an attitude of indifference that only served to increase her discomfort.

She turned and walked toward the door, then pivoted and walked back without tripping. He didn’t say anything, so she walked around his desk a few times. She hid her hands behind her, hoping to still their shaking.

“Sit down, Maura, before you fall down,” he ordered. He sat back down behind his desk. He didn’t look impressed.

“I’m not usually this nervous on interviews.” She tried to defend herself, sliding into the chair in front of his desk. “It’s just that I’m not used to…”

“Having a man’s eyes roam up and down your body to see if you have a nice ass that wiggles or firm tits that jiggle when you walk on those long legs that a man would love to have wrapped around him while he fucks you?”

“Something like that,” she whispered, feeling herself blush. No man had ever spoken to her with such insulting vulgarity except Tim, and that had only been in the heat of passion. She didn’t like it. She looked down at her lap that was barely covered and wished there was a hole for her to crawl into. Under different circumstances she would have walked out of the interview without ever looking back.

“You’re going to have to get used to being talked to and looked at like a sex object if you want to work here. It’s part of the job. And when someone’s speaking to you, for God’s sake look at them,” he ordered. “Don’t shy away like a schoolgirl who’s never heard the word ‘fuck’ before.”

“What?” Maura’s head snapped up, her eyes now locked with his in shock and embarrassment. They were the clearest blue eyes she had ever seen, and they were looking into her very soul.

“It won’t only be men ogling you. It will be women, too. They’ll all want to feel that firm round ass of yours when you walk away from them and touch those hard nubs that will make their mouth water when they push money between your tits.” He paused for a second. She forced herself not to break eye contact with him.

“And you will let them,” he said stressing each syllable. “But that’s as far as it goes. I don’t allow anything more than some cheap feels, you understand? I’m not asking you to prostitute yourself. This is no brothel. I am, however, selling overpriced booze and food, and it’s my Bitches that keep my customers coming back to the Wolf’s Den for more. That fact is I shouldn’t even be considering someone your age for this job. But then again, you’ve got the physical attributes, and maybe,” he said, dropping his voice an octave, “you’ve secretly wanted to get paid to flaunt that beautiful body of yours.” He leaned back in his chair, watching her, waiting for her response.

“That’s not true. I never thought I’d work in a place where I would dress like this or be talked to like a low-class tart and told that I was expected to allow men or women to touch me because it was all part of the job. However…”

“However,” he said, his eyes as cold as his voice, “you said exactly what I thought you would. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. You’ve wasted enough of my time.”

Chapter Three


Damn him for baiting her into providing an excuse to end the interview. She knew he was right, she should leave, but she wasn’t giving up without a fight. She was already behind on her rent, and she desperately needed to put her bank account right. He had no idea how badly she needed this job. She was pretty much alone in the world with no one to turn to for help.

Rhonda had told her she could move in with her until she was back on her feet, but that really wasn’t an option. She’d seen Rhonda’s small but homey apartment that was barely big enough for Rhonda and her family. Maura couldn’t let this opportunity just slip through her fingers because she was thought to be too young or inexperienced.

She had to do something to turn the interview around and fast. It was obvious by the stack of applications on his desk that he had plenty of women to choose from. She had to convince him to hire her, and if it meant humbling herself to do it, then that’s what she would do. Besides, she only had to stay long enough to get out of debt and then she could tell him exactly where he could put his job.

“You still here?” Max looked up, his expressive blue eyes flashing with annoyance.

“I want this job,” she said, standing up, putting both hands flat on his desk.

She looked directly into his eyes. “I can do this. Just because I said it wasn’t something I’ve done before doesn’t mean I can’t do it and do it well. I appreciate your honesty about what to expect, and now I’m going to be honest with you. I’m an excellent server, and I know how to handle myself around men and women when they’re happy, sad, angry, and/or frustrated.” She bit her lip, not breaking eye contact, daring him to tell her to leave.

“Is that right? Well, you could have fooled me. I don’t hire women who don’t have a clue what it’s like to work in a bar that caters to an after-hours crowd.”

“I just need a chance to prove myself. You know Rhonda wouldn’t recommend me if she didn’t think I could do the job. Believe me when I tell you that I will not only be one of the best Bitches you’ve ever hired, I’ll be the best. In fact, if after the first week, you don’t think I’m good enough, I’ll give back all my tips.”
Where did I find the courage to say that?

His stare was hard and unnerving, but she didn’t back down. She had to make him believe she wasn’t some naïve kid who couldn’t handle herself when confronted with his more-than-rowdy customers. He continued to stare at her.
Don’t cry, or it will all be over.

“I know you think I’m too young or inexperienced or whatever it is you think, but I’m a lot tougher than you could possibly know. I’ve been on my own since I was eighteen years old, and I know how to take care of myself. I had a lot to learn and I did so in short order, and I’m the better for it. If I have what it takes to make my way alone in this world, I have more than what it takes to work here. You won’t find anyone better.”

Why wouldn’t he say anything? Had she finally shocked him into silence? Those beautiful eyes that had reflected annoyance a few moments before had now changed to something else she was hard-pressed to identify. Finally, when she couldn’t stand his silence any longer, she spoke. “Does this mean you don’t want me?”

“Oh, I want you.”

She felt a slight shiver run up her spine. She could see why women acted foolish around him. He could turn on the charm like a light switch, and to her embarrassment, she felt her nipples harden again. She hoped he hadn’t noticed.

“Take off your shirt, Maura.”

She was stunned by his demand, but instinctively she knew if she didn’t do as he said, she could kiss any chance of getting the job good-bye. However, if she did, he would accuse her of being the kind of woman that would do the same for his customers, and that would be reason enough not to hire her. He had once again deliberately put her in a no-win situation. She wasn’t going to run out the door, so that only left her one option.

She looked down at her breasts. Her nipples were pushing painfully against the lightweight material of her T-shirt. She looked back up to see his eyes glued to her nipples. She weighed her words carefully.

“Okay. If baring my breasts is the only way to prove to you that I can be one of your Bitches, then I’ll do it. But I’ll never strip for you again, Mr. Andrews, so enjoy the show.”

“You must need the money pretty bad,” he said, and for the first time, she heard a softness creep into his voice that was practically her undoing. She bit her lip, this time almost drawing blood. With hands that shook, she started to pull the material away from her body.


Unwanted tears began to well up behind her eyelids. She felt her breasts lift upward and then fall as she pulled the material above her head. She knew her nipples, surrounded by her large, dark areolas, were rock hard for his viewing pleasure. The last thing she wanted was for him to think she was enjoying this. She thought she heard him curse.
I won’t cry. I won’t give him the satisfaction.

“God damn it. Didn’t you hear me? I said that’s enough.”

Confused, she quickly pulled the T-shirt down to cover herself before she collapsed back into the chair. She forced herself to look at him. It took all her willpower not to burst into tears. She thought for a moment she saw sympathy in his eyes, but it was probably just the lighting.

“I didn’t expect you to do that, Maura.”

“Didn’t you? You wanted to know how much I wanted the job, and now you know.”

She watched him run his hands through his hair before he let out a sigh. “My gut tells me not to hire you. The women that work here are tough and know their way around drunks who want more from them than a drink.” He stopped, closing his eyes. “But Rhonda said you were very smart and quick and that it wouldn’t take long to train you.”

“She’s right. I’ve always been able to pick things up quickly.”

He opened his eyes, looking toward the ceiling, talking to himself as if she weren’t there. “She wouldn’t send me someone she didn’t think could handle the customers, or at least learn to.”

“Please, Mr. Andrews, you won’t be sorry. I promise.” She hated begging, but at this point, begging was nothing compared to what she had just done. Her frayed nerves were making it difficult for her to sit still. It seemed forever before he finally looked at her.

“You’re hired. When can you start?”

Before she could answer him, the door to his office swung open and the young man from the bar walked in. He stopped short when he saw her.

“Sorry. I forgot you were interviewing.”

“Toby, this is Maura Dow, our new Bitch.”

“Seriously? You hired

“I just said that.”

“Well, I’d say this place is moving up in class.” Toby laughed and stuck out his hand toward Maura. “Welcome to the Wolf’s Den, Maura. I’m Toby.”

“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you, too. I’m sure we’ll being seeing lots of each other since I’m one of the bartenders.”

He looked over at Max. “I’d be happy to help train her. She’s going to need to learn about all the special drinks we serve, and I know how hectic it can be on the floor. It’ll take some of the pressure off the girls.”

“I’m sure you would, brother. But between Katie and Rhonda and the other girls, I’m sure she’ll get whatever training she needs, and from what she tells me she’s a quick learner. Besides, you haven’t worked here that long yourself. I consider you still in training.”

“Ouch! You sure know how to make a guy look bad.”

“What do you want, Toby?”

“I was just going to tell you to add a few more bottles of rum to your liquor order. Seems that some of our women customers have been drowning in those sweet drinks lately.”

“Thanks, I’ll make note of it.”

Toby smiled at Maura. “You like strawberry daiquiris? That seems to be one of the favorites with the ladies.”

Max shook his head. “What Maura drinks is nothing for you to concern yourself with. Now, is there anything else, Toby?”

Ignoring Max’s dismissal, Toby said to Maura, “When do you start?”

“We were just about to discuss that when you came barging in here unannounced,” Max snapped.

“Well, then I guess I better leave you two to work things out.” Toby turned to leave but turned back to Maura with a grin on his face. “And Maura—such a pretty name—when you’re done working things out with Max, stop by the bar. I’d love to hear how you convinced him to hire someone under the age of thirty.”

Max just glared as Toby gave Maura an exaggerated bow before he walked out the door.

“That,” Max said, “is a good indication of what to expect when you meet the rest of the staff. He’s right, there isn’t one person working here who’s under the age of thirty except him, and the only reason he’s here is because he’s my brother.”

She should have known from their eyes. There was a definite physical resemblance, but from the few moments she had just spent in Toby’s company, the two men had totally different personalities, and that, she thought thankfully, was a good thing. Max would be hard enough to work with on a regular basis. Two like him would have been a nightmare.

“However”—Max’s voice took on that silky quality that made her heart skip a beat—“you’re not my sister. So you better keep your promise to be the best Bitch I’ve got working for me, or you’ll be gone so fast it will make you wonder if you ever worked here at all.”

Maura pasted on a smile. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Mr. Andrews.” She made a mental note to pick Rhonda’s brain later for anything that would help her stay one step ahead of Max.

BOOK: Serving the Wolf's Den (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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