Read Settling Down Online

Authors: Nicole Forcine

Tags: #gay romance

Settling Down (7 page)

BOOK: Settling Down
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His fingers stumbled over the keys.
Yes, Sir.

He wasn’t going to ask questions. Not when the need was this bad. Hell, Jae could bend him over the counter for all he wanted. He could delete that footage off the security feed later.

Right as he turned off the lights and was locking up the front door, Jae’s car pulled up, parked behind his, and he strode out with a purpose. It all happened so fast. Jae’s hand was in his hair, his mouth devouring his. Tim’s back hit the glass of the door, and he held Jae’s face close, returning that kiss with his own hunger and eager submission.

“Your apartment,” Jae growled against his lips, and Tim fumbled for the correct keys and led them to the outside door. Jae smoothed his hands all over his body as he unlocked it, then locked it back up again once they were inside. The journey up the stairs took far longer than it should have, with exchanged kisses and Jae starting a trail of Tim’s button-down and the tank he wore under it, then his belt, which clanged on the threshold in front of the second door to the apartment proper.

“What did you tell your mom about the candles?” Tim asked, gasping for air. There was something else he wanted to ask about Sun, but he couldn’t remember, not when Jae felt that good against him.

Jae shoved him against a stack of boxes, and before he could worry about gravity taking its course, Jae was back on him, licking, nipping, and chewing on his collarbone. There wasn’t enough room in this space for them both and their passion. Tim felt dizzy from the heat as Jae dragged him from the boxes and farther into the space that was his bedroom, cordoned off by a bookshelf and more damn boxes.

“Told her they were yours.” Jae dropped to his knees and yanked Tim’s jeans down his legs, taking his underwear with them.

Tim obediently stepped out of them and was rewarded with Jae snaking his tongue up his upper thigh to his hip. All thoughts of mothers, candles, or just how he was going to answer any questions about candles to a mother flew out of the window. “Sir,” he whined.

“Don’t have a lot of time,” Jae grunted, wrapping one hand snugly around Tim’s cock. “Fuck, pet, I need you.”

Tim looked down, running his hands through Jae’s hair. “May I suck you off, Sir?”

Oh yes, that hit the spot in more ways than one. Kneeling, taking care of Sir, getting off.

Jae was on his feet in no time, and Tim helped him undress, taking more care with each article than Jae did with his. Finally they were both nude, in the bedroom area proper, and Jae was sitting on the creaky twin-size monstrosity Tim called a bed. Of course it protested a larger person on it loudly, but they both ignored it.

The first taste of Jae’s cock made him groan. Jae didn’t guide him, allowed him to playfully flicker his tongue over the prominent vein on the underside, bathe the tip clean of bitter fluids, and then slide the head into his mouth.

Tim remained on his hands and knees, the only position where he could reach his prize, given how low the bed had Jae sitting. Jae stroked the top of the cleft of his ass, making goose bumps wash over his skin.

“You know, if you get me off like this, I won’t be able to pound your ass,” Jae purred, sliding his finger farther into the cleft.

Tim moaned. Both sounded lovely, but it would take time for Jae to recover to fuck him properly. But what if he didn’t
to recover?

He jerked his head toward his nightstand until Jae looked in that direction. While he was figuring it out, Tim took more cock into his mouth and hummed when he heard the top drawer open.

“Oh, you are well-prepared,” Jae half chuckled, half gasped. “Close your eyes and let me see what I want to play with.”

Tim did as he was told, focusing on tightening his lips and increasing the suction. He heard Jae fumble around for a few moments, then close the drawer. Curiosity almost made him disobey orders, but it would be a lot more fun to see what Jae had taken out. Was it one of the dildos? A vibrator? Beads, maybe the heavy steel ones that never failed to make him come screaming when he pulled them out of his own ass?

Jae then grabbed a handful of Tim’s hair and pulled him forward on his prick. “Get ready and keep your eyes closed. I’m going to fuck your mouth.”

Did Tim just moan too loud? The sound filled his ears with anticipatory delight.

The thrusts started off slow, withdrawing just to the crown and then pushing in nearly to the root. Tim could very well take all of Jae’s cock, and Jae knew it. This was teasing.

He wanted to open his eyes, but orders were orders, and the thrusts were steadily speeding up until all Tim could do was clutch the rug under his hands and hang on. Jae didn’t say another word, just grunted and groaned and took his pleasure from one of his favorite holes. The bed squeaked with each forward lunge, and Tim didn’t have time to wonder how Jae was managing to move faster and faster still.

When he came the only warning was a choked gasp, but it was enough for Tim to be ready to accept the first shot of come on his tongue. He opened his mouth completely, knowing Jae liked watching each shot coating the pink muscle. Jae stroked himself, coaxing the last of his seed, then released Tim’s hair. Tim bowed his head and swallowed, awaiting his next order.

The mattress creaked, and then Jae spoke. “Open your eyes and come up here.”

Jae lay on the bed, resting against the headboard with pillows keeping him up. His legs were spread, one against the wall and the other off the bed, knee bent, foot on the floor. He patted the space between them, and Tim carefully sat there, back to Jae’s chest. Jae wrapped his arms around Tim and held him close, kissing his ear.

“You’re so damned amazing, pet. Now it’s your turn to get off. Will you scream for me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good, look on the bed stand and see what I’ve got for you.”

His trusty Fleshlight, black, sat next to a bottle of lube. The insert was of a mouth. Tim shivered, anticipation and arousal making him downright giddy.

“Get it prepped and give it to me.”

Easy enough. Blobs of lube into the faux mouth. His dick would do the work of making sure it got all inside. Tim’s hand shook as he passed the device over to Jae, who kissed his ear again and chuckled.

“Tell me when you’re about to blow.”

And with no other warning, Jae slid the Fleshlight over Tim’s cock. Tim reared up and gasped at the sudden chill of the lube, but Jae’s smile against the back of his neck told him the beautiful bastard did it on purpose.

Besides, as hot as Tim was, it would take a lot more than some cool lube to make him soft. Jae pulled the Fleshlight back a few inches.

“Now fuck it.”

Jae’s voice was a husky rasp in his ear, and Tim’s hips shot up on their own accord. Tim threw his head back against Jae’s shoulder and moaned helplessly. The lube warmed up with his thrusts, and the inside of the Fleshlight had just the right amount of sensation rubbing against his cock—he chose this model well. Customized from trial and error from all of the extras to get him in all the best places.

“Ah, that’s so pretty. Faster, pet, just like how I fucked your mouth.”

Tim had to brace one foot over Jae’s leg on the bed and the other right on the edge to comply, shoving his hips into the air and into Jae’s strong grip. He rested his hands on Jae’s thighs, flexing his fingers with each wave of sensation.

He felt Jae stiffen as one of his nails dug in, and before he could check in, Jae had wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him back into his lap. He worked the Fleshlight up and down, doing the work while Tim squirmed and bucked in his hold. It felt even better this way, just giving in and letting Sir take care of him. Good, because the bed was getting louder than his moans with them both moving.

“So good,” he gasped loudly. “Oh fuck, Sir. I’m close.”

Jae snarled, his voice as passionate as Tim felt. “Good, good boy. Come nice and loud for me.”

Tim couldn’t refuse that request, not as close to the edge as he was. He met the toy for two, three more thrusts, and then he felt everything explode and rush out of his body. He swore his voice broke with the cry that poured out of his mouth, and he barely heard Jae’s answering groan over it.

He collapsed against Jae, twitching and gasping as Jae pulled the toy free and set it back on the nightstand. Jae wrapped both of his arms tightly around him, and Tim shamelessly snuggled back. In that space surrounded by boxes and boxes, he was warm and safe.

“How do you not feel completely claustrophobic sleeping in here?” Jae asked quietly after they both had a moment to catch their breaths.

Tim shrugged. “Gotta put the shit somewhere. Wish I could live with even less space so I can bring the boxes from my office in here.”

“Don’t let Dad hear you say that. He’ll tell you about the apartment he lived in when he was in Tokyo for college. It always gets smaller every time he tells it.”

“It took some getting used to, but you do what you gotta do, right?” Tim pressed his nose against Jae’s neck. “God, I missed this.”

He tightened the hug. “I know, pet. I was going nuts with wanting you.” Jae shifted, and the mattress creaked. “So how do you manage to sleep on this? The noise would keep me up half the night.”

“So that means you won’t be staying over, then?” Tim asked, half-joking. The mattress would not fit the two of them unless they slept exactly like this. Tim hadn’t exactly decorated with having company in mind when he first set the place up.

“I can’t. Surprised I haven’t gotten a call asking where I wandered off to.”

“How’d you manage to escape, anyway?”

Jae sighed. “I lied. Had to get edits to my client right away.”

Tim sat up a little and glanced at Jae over his shoulder. “And that worked?”

“I didn’t stick around long enough for them to remind me that e-mail is a thing.” Jae grinned sheepishly. “It’s a weird writer-for-a-living thing, right?”

Jae cupped Tim’s cheek and murmured. “Are you going to be alright? They’re only here for a couple of more days.”

At least both sets of parents would be heading out the day of the Leather Ball. Then they could have Jae’s bed with no worries.

Except for Max. And just like that, the calm and peace of orgasm and being held close vanished.

Jae pulled him back into the circle of his arms before he noticed his own shudder. “Tim, it’s going to be alright. I’ll be there with an eye on you. He won’t get anywhere near you if I have anything to do about it.”

“It’s not that I’m worried about him hurting me. He can’t do more than he’s already done,” Tim grumbled.

“And since no one’s said anything about telling you to stay away, I think he’s not telling anyone about it either.”

Tim covered his face with his hands, trying to stem off the sudden well of fear. “But he could. He could. He says I ruined his life. He could very well ruin mine.”

Suddenly he had to get up. Do something. Anything. He couldn’t just sit and shake like a puppy left out in the rain.

He broke the hold and got on his feet. With Jae calling behind him, Tim went to the kitchen area, yanking the dishwasher open. He started unloading the machine, barely paying attention until Jae took a glass out of his hand. “Tim!”

“What?” Tim tried to keep the growl out of his voice. Barely. “I can’t fix this shit with Max, but I can at least make sure I have clean dishes for breakfast.”

A little part of Tim craved Jae’s hand on him, setting him straight, distracting him, taking care of shit with and for him. After having a taste of actually living Domestic Discipline, he needed a Head of the Household so badly. But Tim knew they were putting that on hold, and he understood why. That part needed to shut the fuck up, or it would drive him even more up a tree.

And from the look on Jae’s face, set and ready to do something, anything, Tim thought it was the same.

Then Jae’s phone went off in the bedroom area.

Jae hissed and let the glass go, marching around the bookcase to go answer it, leaving Tim feeling so off he nearly fell over. Were his glucose levels okay? He should check them. Now.

He was in the bathroom slipping a bloodied strip into the meter when Jae walked through the open door, fully dressed. “Spoke too soon. I need to get back. We….” He ran a hand through his hair. “Tim….”

“It’s alright,” Tim said, and the meter beeped. One hundred mg/dL. Good enough. “I’ll see y’all for dinner tomorrow, right?”


“Jae, please. I need to get a handle on this, okay? I’d like a kiss good-bye, though.”

Jae did just that, and Tim put on his bathrobe from behind the bathroom door to follow Jae out. Once all of the locks were secure and he was back in his lonely, crowded, tiny space, sitting on his tiny couch, he could let the tears fall and the shakes hit him fully.

He was such a mess, a grown man crying like a child bereft of his favorite blanket. Maybe Max was right. Maybe he was too much work to deal with. His needs were so strange and weird that no one really deserved to have to put up with him. What kind of pathetic creature was he to need such discipline, to have his needs considered? Max expected what most Dominants expected of their subs: obedience, deference, a willingness to take punishment. Until that night Tim was certain he met all of those requirements. That he was a good sub.

Then he woke up in a hospital. No, that wasn’t it. It was when he spoke out after receiving nothing but an e-mail from Max that didn’t bother apologizing for nearly killing him. It was all Tim’s fault, and he was too much of a chore to play with anyway, so he was being released from his service.

Released. Like Tim broke protocol, topped from the bottom or something. It devastated him. More than having that talk with his poppa to assure him he wasn’t at the mercy of some horrid pervert. That he was just as horrid and pervy.

Poppa finally got it. Max, well, it seemed he never would.

And now here he was, unable to be good for another Dominant. Unable to be “normal.” He never blamed himself for his limitations, his allergy, his diabetes until two years ago. Now all he could see were limitations, and how they would never allow him to be with anyone long-term.

BOOK: Settling Down
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