Seven Dates: A Different Kind of Hotwife (14 page)

BOOK: Seven Dates: A Different Kind of Hotwife
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Now, look, I wasn’t really considering it. Not really. And if I had just been up to me, that would have been the end of it. But it wasn’t just up to me. Not anymore. Not since I’d co-opted Joanie’s efforts to teach me a lesson and dragged her into my business woes. She had skin in the game, quite literally, and I needed to involve her in the decision.

Except, it shouldn’t have been an
. Even as I worked myself up to talking to Joanie rather than rejecting Tanner’s offer out of hand, I knew I had an ulterior motive. I couldn’t
Joanie to do this. But, what if she
? It surely wasn’t up to me to
her from doing it.

I found her sitting in the kitchen, drinking her morning coffee out of her absurd mug. I just stared at her. I couldn’t quite think of how to broach my topic of my conversation with Tanner. She looked up at me.

“You okay, Kel? You look a little… weird.”

“More weird than usual?”

My lame attempt at a joke fell flat.

“Do you have something to tell me?”

“It’s nothing, really.”

She rolled her eyes. “Get on with it.”

“Well, it’s like this….”

I explained the situation and the offer. Joanie didn’t seem surprised. Or angry. Or, well, anything. She regarded me blankly. It reminded me that she had a rare talent at suppressing her emotions. She’d make an excellent poker player, but it was a problem in a spouse. It was that, in part, that had allowed me to ignore her and take her for granted for so long. Not that I was blaming her for my conduct this past week, but, that said, I realized now that she’d only gone zero to sixty so quickly because she’d spent so long trying to pretend everything was okay.

“Well?” I asked.

“Well, what, Kel? I mean, you want me to do this, right? Be with those
,” she amplified.

I shook my head. “No, no. I just, you know, felt like you should know.”

She laughed. “Bullshit.”

“Joanie –“

“Here’s your thinking,” she began. “You need a new start. The payoff from the allocations gives you a nest egg. Regardless of what job they actually give you at TKD, you know you’ll impress their execs. They’ll move you up. You’ll eat Tanner’s lunch. And as for me? Well, I’ve done worse this past week haven’t I? And this is just one night. Except….”

She hesitated, thinking. I began to speak, but she raised her palm to silence me.

“Except,” she continued, “I can’t see you being willing to have me continue as Tanner’s plaything. So you have an angle on that.”

I sighed.

“Tell me,” she insisted.

“Once the contracts are signed that part of the deal isn’t enforceable. There is no way he can force you do anything with him, or anyone else. The three year contract binds him as well as me.”

She nodded. “Makes sense. $300,000. A new job in the same field. And all you have to do is let a bunch of guys fuck your wife for one night.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want you to do it.”

“No, Kellen, you don’t want to
ask me
to do it. But the cost-benefit calculation argues for accepting the offer.”

“Joanie, I….”

I trailed off. I didn’t know what to say. She was right. The alternative was bleak. I was a flame out, in a field where a new batch of young, hungry assholes gets minted every fucking year. Up or out. And right now, I was hanging on by my fingertips.

I’d already whored her out. Three separate times. I’d thought of her fucking Donald’s big prick on his pool table. Of her riding Tanner in the strip club. Of her, on her knees, Alejandro’s come pooled in her mouth, waiting for his permission to swallow. And what of tonight? Have a few drinks. Let a half-dozen assholes try to perform in public, half of them probably not even getting it up. A couple of hours, three, then a shower, a good night sleep, and it would all be in the past.

I knew it was wrong. I should never have even mentioned it. And now that it was out there, I knew I should squash it. But I couldn’t speak, my silence louder than words.

“Okay, Kellen, I’ll think about it.”

“No Joanie, I… don’t….”

“Fuck off, Kellen,” she snarled. “I can’t stand looking at you right now.”

“I –“

“Seriously, shut up. Go! Do whatever the fuck you need to do to line it up. I need some time to myself. If I decide to do it, I’ll meet you at the bar at the Westin at 9:45.”


But this time she didn’t interrupt me. She just rose and walked away.


Cost and benefit analysis. It’s how rational people make decisions, right? And she’d nailed the fucking CBA. You can’t put a price on pride or virtue or decency. Or can you? $100,000 an hour overcomes a lot of scruples.

I took my computer and decamped to downtown. I found a small, dive bar, tucked into an alley. They looked at me like I was from Mars. Yuppie with a MacBook Pro and a thousand dollar suit ordering three dollar whiskies and typing away like a maniac.

I drafted the contract language, for the job, the non-compete, the allocations transfer. I made sure the terms were favorable. Guaranteed salary. Pay-or-play on the allocations. I sweetened his side on the upside to make that palatable. He’d said the deal was take it or leave it, but face to face with Joanie, his buds clamoring for him to close the deal, I knew he’d accept my terms, if Joanie showed.

If Joanie showed


I ducked into a Kinkos and printed out my documents. Then on to the Westin. I found a seat in the back of the bar with a view of the door.

I sent a text to Tanner, just in case.

[Kellen]: What room?

[Tanner]: 2716. You on your way?

[Kellen]: Guess you’ll just have to wait to find out.

[Tanner]: Tell her to get her asshole ready. That’s where I’m going first.

I shut off my phone. I didn’t need it anymore. Everything from now on was going to be face to face.

Though I was tempted to gulp it, I nursed my drink. If shit went down, I’d need to keep my wits to keep Joanie safe. If I was going to be a pimp, I’d at least be a good one.

I kept a close eye on the door, watching for my wife. But still, I was startled when I saw her. Fuck, she looked good. She was in her little black dress and fishnet stockings. Stiletto heels. All tits and ass and topped with her covergirl face, framed by her long, silky hair. The epitome of a high-class call girl, which I guess is what I had turned her into.

Heads turned to follow her as she walked into the bar. I looked behind me at the emergency exit. I was tempted to flee, unsure whether I could face her, thinking in part that if I disappeared, she too would leave. Nothing would happen, but it was a coward’s way out.

No more games. Whatever happened would happen together, openly and unambiguously.

I stepped out of the shadows and gave her a small wave, relishing the looks of jealousy and anger from the men in the room as she saw her join me. If only they knew what we had planned.

“You look amazing,” I gushed.

“Your friends are paying a lot for me.”

“They’re not my friends.”

She shrugged. “So, the party is still on?”

“Joanie, we… you don’t need to do this.”

“Are you saying you don’t want me to?”

“I don’t…. I’m not the boss of you.”

Joanie’s face twisted into a mask of disappointment at my pathetic dodge.
Yes or no, Kellen. It isn’t that hard
. Yet, it was.

“Fine, then let’s do it. You have the room number?”

“Joanie –“

“Kellen, fucking shit or get off the pot. You have a room number?”

“2716,” I groaned.

“Fine. You going to wait for me down here, or do you want to watch?”

“I want to keep you safe.”

She snorted. “Thanks for the concern, Kellen, but I can handle Tanner and his pasty-ass buddies. They want my ass, not my skin.”

“No, we’re in this together.”

She hesitated, then nodded. “Okay. You’ve seen me fuck three other guys, so I know it doesn’t bother you.”

“It does bother me.”

She laughed, darkly. “Let’s go.”


We approached the door. There was music, loud chatter from inside. I hesitated. Joanie shook her head and rapped on the door.

“Joanie, I love you,” I exclaimed suddenly.

She turned toward me, surprise written on her face.

Then the door opened. Tanner, drunk, dissolute, in his blue suit and crooked tie. He whistled loudly. I was aware that the chatter from inside had died down to nothing, just a low bass beat rumbling in the background.

He took Joanie by the elbow and led her inside. There were six men in the room. Overgrown frat boys. Wrinkled suits, faces bloated with drink and self-importance. Young men who’d gotten too rich, too soon.

“I told you she was a grade-A piece of ass.”

Murmured assent, wide eyes, open-mouthed excitement. I followed them in, and then I saw him, Alejandro, sitting in a corner alone, cupping a snifter of brandy, observing. I felt a surge of anger. It was his fault. Had he signed with me, we wouldn’t be here, at Tanner’s mercy.

Tanner and Joanie stood face to face.

“I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away, baby,” he said. “I knew you’d want more after I fucked you.”

She didn’t deny it, and that was enough to make Tanner’s status rise in the eyes of the other TKD guys. He’d surely been bragging about nailing my wife, and now her silence acknowledged it.

“But, that was just a start,” he continued. “Now we get to finish the game.”

Joanie swallowed loudly and then gave him a quick nod.

“You’re going to give us whatever we want, right?”

She shot me a quick glance. I was paralyzed. She turned back to him and gave him another nod.

“Say it,” he ordered.

“Yes,” she replied in a barely audible whisper.


Another rapid look in my direction.

“Yes,” she replied firmly. “Whatever you want.”

“Your mouth?”


“Your cunt?”


“Your ass?”

She nodded.

“Say it.”

“Yes. You can fuck my ass if you want.”

Tanner smiled triumphantly as his buddies whooped it up.

“Lose the dress, whore,” he ordered.

I expected her to look at me again, but she didn’t. She’d written me off. It was just her and the men in the room.

No hesitation, but a disconcerting blankness on her face. She eased the straps off her shoulder and shimmied sexily out of the dress. More whistles. She’d really gone all out. She was devastating in skimpy, black lace, her breasts overflowing from her demi-cup bra, tiny thong panties, and a garter belt holding up her fishnets.

I looked over at Alejandro and was surprised to see that he was looking at me, his expression at once blank and yet that very blankness seemed to convey an unmistakable message. And I got it, then, really got it. I’m not sure why, but it hit me like a thunderbolt.

Tanner was telling Joanie how he was going to come all over her face. His hand was wedged into her bra, fondling her tit.

“Get the fuck off my wife,” I hissed.

He turned toward me, smirking, his hand still on her breast.

“Don’t be dumb, Kellen, this is the best offer you’re going to get.”

I took an aggressive step toward him. He flinched and stepped away from Joanie. He turned toward her.

“He’s a loser baby. You’ll be selling it for a lot less if you stay with him.”

She looked over at me, her face still blank. And then, suddenly, a smile, growing, brightening. She turned back toward Tanner.

“Probably. But I’ll take that chance.”

I reached down and picked up her dress and pressed my hand against her lower back.

“Come on, honey, let’s go.”

I led her from the room. As she reached the door, Tanner called after me. “I’ll have her yet. She’s a whore, Kellen, a whore. And you’re a loser.”

I looked at Joanie. We couldn’t help it. We both began to giggle, and continued to do so as we heard the door close behind us.


She pulled her dress back on. In the elevator, I pressed 11. She raised an eyebrow at me.

“Another group of men you want me to fuck?”

I grinned. “Just one.”

I walked her into the room I’d reserved, then pulled her into an embrace.

“Joanie, I am so, so sorry. For tonight. For everything. I –“

She put a finger to my lips. “Shh, Kel, shh. It’s okay.”

“You’re not angry?”

She laughed. “I’m fucking furious. And we have a lot of work in front of us. But not tonight. Tonight, I’m here to get fucked.”

I gasped. Where had my innocent Catholic girl gone?

“You said you had a man for me?” she added.

I smiled. “I do.”

I reached down and scooped her into my arms. I carried her over to the bed and dropped her onto the mattress, harder than I expected.

“Shit, sorry,” I gasped.

She looked up at me. “I’m not going to break.”


“Yeah,” she replied. “You just had to ask.”


She hesitated. “I don’t know about then. But I know now.”

I smiled and joined her on the bed. “I don’t want to break you.”

I kissed her, gently, then more passionately.

“Not tonight,” I added.

I slowly stripped her. I’d dimmed the lights, but left enough so that I could see and really admire her lingerie and her body. I worshipped every inch of her. Those big, firm, breasts, her exquisitely sensitive nipples. I massaged her flat belly and slowly peeled her stockings off her toned legs. I licked up her inner thighs, and then gently began kissing her through her sheer panties. When I finally pulled them down, I inhaled deeply of her excitement. I feasted at her gorgeous, shaved snatch. I sucked her clit into my mouth, my tongue circling her swollen bud until she came in a torrent of soft moans and a whole body shiver.

Naked now myself, I slipped up between her legs. As I rubbed my cockhead against her drenched pussy, she put a hand on my chest and stopped me. I pulled back and nodded. She was right. I didn’t deserve that, not yet. I hadn’t made things up to her yet.

But I was wrong. Instead, she flipped onto her stomach and rose up on her hands and knees. She flipped her hair from her eyes and looked back at me over her shoulder.

“Go ahead.”

I glanced down at her perfect ass, swaying gently in anticipation, at her fingers spreading her wet twat.



We’d never done it doggy style. Joanie had told me it was demeaning once, early on, and I hadn’t asked again. I was still reticent. Was this some sort of weird test? And then I realized that no, it wasn’t. She had changed. Become more open through her experiences.

I entered her slowly from behind. She moaned softly. I encouraged her, with soft words, and gentle caresses. But my excitement built. I began thrusting harder. I reached around and cupped her swaying breasts. She’d gone quiet, but I was too far gone to care. And then, suddenly, she shuddered again, her pussy kneading my cock. She looked back at me, eyes glassy, smiling happily. I came, hard, a week of frustration and anguish suddenly evaporating as I emptied myself in my beautiful, amazing wife.


We lay side-by-side, exhausted.

“Would you really have let yourself be gangbanged?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe? I’m finding I like all of this more than I ever thought I would or could.”

“But that still makes you feel guilty?”

“Yeah,” she replied. “Not sure that ever goes away. Not sure I’d want it to.”

I nodded. I understood her worries. I had been very close to doing things I would regret forever.

She broke the silence: “Why did you stop it?”

“I don’t know, Joanie. I really don’t. I’d like to think it was my moral compass belatedly kicking in, but if I really saw a clear path to get what I wanted…. I don’t know. How much does that make you hate me?”

She shook her head. “It doesn’t. Because to tell you the truth, I don’t really know how I feel about any of this myself. We’re just going to need to work on this, I think.”

“I need you to keep me honest, babe. I have trouble doing it on my own.”

“And I need you to keep me a little off-balance, otherwise, I fall back onto how I think I should act. I think I’d be happier with a little more of your lunacy in my life.”

We didn’t resolve anything that night. Or for long thereafter. It was a process. But what we found was that we could help each other be happier, saner, and even more successful if we each took more cues from the other.

BOOK: Seven Dates: A Different Kind of Hotwife
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