Read Sexual Shift Online

Authors: Beverly Rae

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

Sexual Shift (8 page)

BOOK: Sexual Shift
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He cooed soothing words and held her, stroking her hair. She moved closer, wanting him, needing him.

“Hilly, I know this isn’t the time, but I need you. I want you.”

She lifted her lips to his again. He groaned and slid his hand under her nightgown. He was firm, yet gentle, asking permission in the pauses he took. She clung to him and opened her legs.

“This is the time. I need you, too,” she murmured. He was her reality, her way to get rid of the lingering effects of the dream.

He ran his hands over her back, somehow comforting her and reviving her at the same time. She lifted up, pulling the nightgown off, then tugged him on top of her.

He scanned her body, hunger evident in his quickened breathing. “You’re beautiful.” He sought her eyes, then cupped her cheek. He feathered kisses along her cheek to travel down her neck to her shoulder as he tugged her panties over her knees. She kicked them free and pulled at his shirt.

His chest was hard, giving her the comfort she needed. A sprinkling of dark hair traveled over the ribbed abdomen to the patch of hair exposed when he pushed his slacks down.

Desire surged into her, sending away all thoughts except those of him. She laughed, tunneling her fingers through the thick mass that was so much like her own hair.

Tanner chuckled and kissed her breasts, then flicked his tongue over each nipple. He gripped her buttocks and kissed her again. She took him in, dragging his zesty scent inside along with his tongue. Their kiss intensified, need taking over, and they stroked each other.

As one, they matched strokes, their rhythms syncing. Breaking the kiss, they gazed at each other, watching as the lust flamed to life on their faces. She shuddered as a small orgasm broke free.

“Let me taste you.” Without waiting for her answer, he slid his tongue between her breasts and made a slow, tantalizing path down the middle of her torso, over the swell of her stomach. He paused before slipping between her legs, warming her already wet pussy.

He swept his tongue over her skin, skimming over the tender flesh of her folds, then moving on. She groaned and gripped the sheets. One touch and he’d stolen her strength to sit up. Inside, she was already an inferno blazing hotter than any sun.

Tanner slid his hand up to cup her breast. He blew against her clit, then pressed his tongue to her, flattening against her aching flesh. He stroked her with his thumb, pushing against the butterfly muscles spreading outward from her clit. She bucked as a stronger orgasm raced into her abdomen.


His voice, so manly, so possessive, sent shivers to dance along her spine. He sucked on her, dragging her tender nub into his mouth, and she cried out.

She helped him slide her legs over his shoulders. He renewed his sucking on her pussy, licking, pulling until she couldn’t tell where one orgasm ended and another began. She shouted, at once begging him to stop the amazing torture and wanting him to go on.

He grinned, his black eyes sparkling as he lifted her legs off his shoulders and moved up her body to kiss her. The kiss was tender, sweet, loving. She kissed him back, brushing the tip of her tongue along his lower lip.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, he moved into her, slowly at first, then picking up speed.

“You look amazing. I love seeing the need in your eyes.”

She mewled as he pushed into her again and she covered one breast, pinching her nipple. He groaned, his focus centered on how she teased her nipple.

He took her other breast in his hand, pinching her nipple between two fingers, mimicking her. Delightful pain flowed into her breasts.

She closed her eyes, wanting to concentrate on the heat rushing through her. She could hear the pounding of her heart and reached out, finding his chest to flatten her palm against. The rapid beat of his heart matched hers.

“Damn, you’re tight.” His voice was low and harsh, coming between pants.

She growled, letting her baser instincts run free. She yearned to run her tongue along his skin, over the muscles in his stomach, his arms and his chest. The thought alone captured her desire, flooding her pussy.

He pushed into her and rubbed her clit with his fingers, bringing her higher than before, only to force her over the edge into another orgasm. She cried out, but he didn’t slow down. He rammed into her again, holding on to her legs to keep from shoving her body away from his.

She gripped his arms, hanging on as though she’d fly away if she didn’t have him to anchor her to the earth. He pushed into her again, and she shouted her release, shudders making her limbs tremble.

He matched her shout, his body stiffening to herald his release. Grinding his teeth, he snarled, then let his climax shake through him. His body jerked as each quiver swept from him into her. Spent, he hung his head. His hair, straight and silky again, fell forward, blocking her view of his face.

She opened her eyes. Gasping, she held her breath. Brilliant black wings spread outward from his back. The feathers glistened blue-black in the candlelight, and the wings flapped once, then stretched to their full width.

“Tanner,” she whispered.

He opened his eyes and saw her watching him. In a whir of motion, the wings disappeared.

“Tanner…your wings. They’re incredible.” She’d gone still, unable to think of anything other than the magnificent wings.

“Damn.” He scrunched his features in anguish. He took a breath, then released it in a long shudder. “I didn’t want you to find out this way.”

She touched him, her palm against his cheek. “I want to know you. All of you. Don’t be afraid to show me.”

“I don’t want to frighten you. Not after…”

She shook her head, refusing to let the nightmare keep him from telling her what she needed to know. “I want to see. Show me.”

“Are you sure?” The lines in his forehead deepened.

“Yes.” She gripped his arms. “I have to know. I have to see.”

He slid away from her, coming to stand beside the bed. “All right. But please remember. I would never hurt you.”

She nodded and held her breath, struggling against the fear threatening to take over.

A surge of power burst from him to pulse through the air and into her. His hair flew out around him, surrounding him with a black halo. His magnificent black wings spread out behind him. Claws sprang from his fingertips.

Hilly gaped at the transformation and fought to stay calm. He was both terrifying and amazing. Tanner changed, yet the sparkle in his black eyes remained.

“This is what I am.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You knew I was more than human.” His expression cut her to the bone with its vulnerability.

“Yes. But what are you?”

He touched her cheek, reminding her of the man she’d made love to. “Do you remember when you asked me if I was a sorcerer or a warlock?”

“Yes. Or something else.” Alarm tightened her neck and she slid out of bed, every instinct telling her to run. Did she really want to know? Or was ignorance really bliss? Yet she’d never been one to shy away from the difficult things in life. “Go on. Tell me. What are you?”

He tied back his hair, then stepped away from her. “I’m not either of those things. But I am supernatural. I do have powers.”

“Keep going.” Her jaw hurt from clenching her teeth so hard.

“My father is an angel.” His eyes, now a dark gray, lightened with every second that passed.

“An angel? Seriously?” Her heart leapt at the news. Surely having an angelic father couldn’t be bad. “So you’re an angel?” She gaped at him. “Oh, no. I’m going to hell, aren’t I? I am. I just had sex with an angel, and I’m going to hell.”

“No, no. You’re not going to hell.” His smile helped ease her distress, but his expression still managed to stay ominous. “But now that you mentioned hell…”

“What?” Her heart pounded. “Don’t leave me in the dark.”

“Have you ever heard of angels and demons having children?”

She inhaled and wished she’d heard him wrong. “Do you mean a Nephilim? But isn’t that the offspring of an angel and a human?”

He shook his head. “I’m not a Nephilim. I’m different. Something no human has ever heard of because, as far as I know, I’m the only one of my kind.”

She couldn’t stand the suspense much longer. “Please just get to it, okay?”

“I’m the offspring of an angel—” he paused and took a breath, “—and a demon.”

She swallowed as though trying to keep the words inside her. “No. You can’t be.”

She hadn’t meant to step away and hated herself for doing so. The hurt she saw in his face had her moving toward him.

“Tanner, I’m sorry. Please…”

A bright light surrounded her, blinding her. She held up her hands and squeezed her eyes shut against the brilliance. When she opened them again, she was standing in the middle of her bedroom.

Chapter Six


Hilly pushed the tray of freshly baked cinnamon rolls into the display case and tried to remember the many chores she had to do. Yet she couldn’t focus on anything other than Tanner. Her thoughts slid back to the memory of how he fondled her breasts and the way he looked at her as though he could see straight into her soul. Just thinking about him made her yearn for him. She sighed, then rested her hands on the counter and bowed her head.

She could still see the pain on his face. If only she hadn’t stepped away, but she’d reacted before thinking. If she’d taken him into her arms as she’d wanted to do…


She jerked her head up to find Tanner standing in the doorway of the bakery. “Where have you been? I didn’t know how to reach you.”

He remained silent, his hardened features making her heart ache. For a moment, concern eased the hardness.

“Are you all right? Have you had any more nightmares?”

“No. No more nightmares.” It was both a lie and the truth. Memory of the nightmare had lingered, resurfacing in her sleep. But the nightmare was always cut short with his coming to save her.

Several customers in the bakery turned toward them, their eyes wide, their faces filled with curiosity. Although she wanted to feel his touch, she stayed behind the counter and plastered on a smile.

“Miss Hilly, is there something I can do for you?” Shana, the high school girl Hilly had recently hired to work part-time, hurried to stand next to Tanner. She studied him, her eyes lighting with interest.

“Yes, there is. Would you mind handling everything out here for a bit?”

Shana’s toothy grin grew wider. “Sure. No problem.” The young girl batted her eyelashes at Tanner, then twirled around and rushed to take care of a customer.

“You didn’t answer my other question. Are you okay?” His concerned expression remained.

“I’m fine.” She lowered her voice so the others couldn’t hear. “Are you?”

He glanced away and when he looked at her again, his face was composed. “Of course.”

“Tanner, I’m sorry about how I reacted. But before I could say anything you were gone.”

“Don’t worry about it. I understand. I shouldn’t have overreacted, either. It’s not every day that a woman hears that the man she’s just made love to is part demon.” The corners of his mouth tipped up in a rueful smile.

Her spirit lifted. “You can say that again.”

He searched her face. “Can you handle knowing what I am?”

“Yes. I think I can.” She shrugged. “We all have faults, you know.”

His laughter gave her butterflies. She reached out to him, then dropped her hand, unsure if he’d fully forgiven her. Still, she had to ask the question that had plagued her since he’d sent her away. “Why didn’t you let me explain why I reacted the way I did?”

He took her hand. She closed her eyes for a moment and let relief wash through her. “After the way you stepped back, like you were afraid…” He shook his head. “I hadn’t planned on showing you that side of me. At least not yet.”

Seeing his wings had frightened her, but her amazement, her interest, had been greater than the fear. “I’m glad you did.”

He glanced at the customers. “Can we talk somewhere private?”

She bit her lip, fighting against her urge to grab the collar of his black shirt and slam her mouth to his. “Sure. Follow me.”

“Lead the way.”

She took him down the hallway and into the office, and closed the door.

Tanner opened his mouth to speak, then groaned and cupped her neck, tugging her to him. His mouth crushed against hers, and she leaned into the kiss. Heat flowed from him into her. She responded, her body melting under his touch. Their tongues intertwined. She drank in his spicy taste, sucking on his tongue, then letting him suck on hers.

A trace of the nightmare flicked at the edges of her mind, and she tensed. But just as before, the image was soon followed by the vision of incredible dark wings. He held her, the urgency of his touch wiping away the memories.

She clutched his back, her fingers running over the smooth surface of his shirt to feel the rise and fall of his muscles. He broke the kiss, then lifted her, setting her on top of the desk.

BOOK: Sexual Shift
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