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Authors: Wynter Daniels

Shades of Sexy (19 page)

BOOK: Shades of Sexy
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Pleasure spiraled through her. She rolled her head back and savored every flick of his tongue, every nip. He carried her to the shallowest part of the pool and set her on the top step. She stretched her arms along the deck and spread her legs apart, hungry for his touch. The water line sat just below her opening, but cooled her enough so she could bear the overpowering heat in her core.

Nick kneeled on the lowest step and grinned at the sight of her bared sex. A shiver of awareness rolled over her skin. He moved closer and glided a gentle finger over her intimate lips. Easing her thighs farther open, he gave her folds a long, slow swipe of his tongue, then rolled circles around her nub.

She grasped the concrete edge to keep from bouncing off the step as little shockwaves of delight rippled through her. She bit back a gasp as he slipped a finger inside her while he licked her folds, end to end. He added another finger and moved them in and out and in and out.

The pleasure overwhelmed her. She rocked her hips as she neared the precipice of delight. Desperate cries filled the air and she realized they were hers. Delicious, lustful emotions filled her head, sent her brain into a joyful frenzy. She perched on the edge of her climax, ready and willing to drown in bliss. Her rhapsody hit like a tsunami, rushing ecstasy through her, to every cell, every nerve.

Wave after wave of delight washed over her, singeing her flesh, despite the cool temperature of the pool.

Nick shifted against her and then his lips were on hers. She detected the taste of her sex on his tongue.

He broke the kiss and scrambled out of the pool. She was vaguely aware of him running across the deck. Her orgasm had barely receded when he returned seconds later leading with his condom-wrapped erection.

He took the first two steps into the water then set his hands on her waist and rolled her over so she was on all fours. Positioning himself behind her, he spread her lips apart and she felt the crown of his shaft pushing against her entrance.

Grasping her hips, he slid deeper, deeper. She tightened around his erection and he let out a low growl. As he grazed calloused fingers over her back and stomach, he stroked into her, slow and sweet. He caught her breasts and shaped them in his hands, tugged gently on her hard buds.

She shut her eyes and concentrated on feeling him slide inside her, the smells in the air, the sounds. Never before had a sexual encounter engaged all her senses like this, lifting the experience to a new, higher plane.

Nick leaned over her and covered her back with moist kisses, tender and loving. She surrendered completely and a deluge of arousal throbbed within her. Nick’s hot breath gusted over her skin and the hair on the nape of her neck rose.

She teetered on the edge of the abyss, so close that a gentle breeze would send her tumbling into the silken pleasure below. Another thrust and she glided into the hot oblivion of orgasm. Ripples of bliss went on and on, lifting her higher.

Nick’s every stroke, every touch seemed better than the last. Each kiss grew hotter than the one before.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she moaned long and low, drifting on an erotic flood through heaven. Her pleasure crested and she let out a desperate whimper.

Gripping the edge of the pool, she absorbed Nick’s harder, faster thrusts. She recognized his strangled growl. He was moments from coming.

“Oh my God.” He plowed into her with a burning intensity then stroked a few more times. He stilled, buried inside her.

She constricted around him, determined to heighten his joy as he did hers. He collapsed onto her back, panting. She sighed contentedly. His heartbeat resonated inside her and she knew she’d never be able to give him up.


Staying with Nick wasn’t an option.

He kissed her skin again then eased away. “I’ll be right back.”

As he strode toward a grouping of furniture on the other side of the deck, she slipped into the pool to cool off. The water was perfectly clear and cool so she swam a lap then returned to the steps.

When she came up for air, Nick stood above her, a towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hand. “You want to stay in?”

She nodded. “For a few minutes. Do you mind?”

“Not at all. Enjoy it. There’s a soda on the table for you. I’m ready for a nap, though. Would you join me upstairs after your swim?” He set a folded towel on a nearby chair.

She smiled up at him. “Sure.”

After a few more laps she glanced up toward the sun and decided to get out so she didn’t get sunburned. Wrapped in a big, fluffy towel, she grabbed the drink he’d set out and headed inside.

Her stomach growled as she entered the kitchen. She opened the fridge and returned the soda can to a low shelf then helped herself to a slice of cheese. She noticed a stack of mail on the counter. Too wide awake for a nap, she swiped a magazine from the pile then strode into the living room. She settled onto one of the folding chairs and absently paged through the magazine.

Gasping when she noticed the abundance of pictures of nearly naked women, she turned to the cover. The sexy blonde on the front wore a low-cut blouse that revealed her cleavage. The shot was similar to ones on the magazines in the salon waiting area. But this one was titled Top Shelf Playmates. She rolled her eyes. “Men,” she said aloud in the empty room.

She glanced toward the staircase. The house remained silent. Sure she wouldn’t be discovered, she returned to the pool deck and settled onto a lounger under the awning. She paged through the magazine, curious about Nick’s taste in periodicals. A few articles were scattered between scads of photos of nude and nearly nude women in various poses. She wondered how she compared to some.

Turning a page, she found a picture of a man spanking a woman. She studied the shot a long moment. Heat bloomed in her cheeks when she realized her nipples had grown hard and her sex practically ached with longing.

Am I some sort of degenerate?

She wriggled when she felt moisture pooling between her legs. But the more she thought about being spanked—particularly by Nick—the more her cravings intensified. She opened her towel and let it fall away. Then she touched her finger to her slit, felt the heat and the moisture there.

One hand on the magazine and the other on her mound, she started rubbing herself. Desire mixed with shame as she squirmed and writhed under her touch. She laid the issue on the cushion and strummed her nipples. Shutting her eyes, she pictured herself draped across Nick’s lap. He whacked her buttocks, again and again and each time felt better than the last. Her skin stung but she didn’t care.

Her breath caught as she neared her climax. She increased her pace and imagined Nick lifting her to sit on his lap, then pulling her onto his stiff shaft. She clamped her jaw tightly when her orgasm hit. A current of joy rose inside her and spread through her body. Pleasure pounded a heavenly beat.

Quietly sighing, she basked in perfect satisfaction as her delight slowly ebbed.

“That was beautiful.”

She gasped and opened her eyes to find Nick standing above her. Grabbing the edge of the towel, she covered up. Uncomfortable heat washed over her.

How long has he been here? Watching me?

“Don’t be embarrassed. That was a total turn-on.” A lascivious grin lifted one corner of his mouth.

That only made her humiliation worse. She scuttled off the chair and found her clothes on the table. “I…need to go home. I have a-a thing tonight.”

He folded his arms over his chest and nodded. “A thing, huh?”

She raced past him into the house and shut herself in the guest bathroom. After she emerged minutes later, he ushered her to his bike. She settled her arms around him, but said a silent prayer for the loud roar of the bike, which made conversation nearly impossible.

When he dropped her at her apartment, she couldn’t get off the motorcycle fast enough.

“I’ll call you,” Nick said as she fumbled with her door lock.

She waved then hurried inside. Dropping her purse on the floor, she made a beeline for her bed and collapsed onto it. With all Nick’s furniture on order, hopefully she’d never have to see him again.

The receding rumble of his bike sent an unexpected shard of pain to her gut.

Too bad.

She’d just have to deal with going on without him. He was all wrong for her anyway. Better to end it now than suffer even more later.



Chapter Five


Nick parked behind Salon on the Avenue a few minutes after five. He hoped April would agree to at least get into his truck. Otherwise, all his plans would be for nothing. With any luck, he’d be able to show her just how exciting a little sexual deviance could be.

He shouldn’t have surprised her like that on the pool deck a couple days ago. Their relationship was too new for her to be comfortable with him watching her private moment. He mentally kicked himself.

When he’d picked up the magazine she’d been looking at, he noticed she had the page open to a spanking scene. Maybe that had compounded her embarrassment. But the notion of taking her over his lap, buck-naked for a little playful corporal punishment stirred his libido.

Hell, any excuse to get the woman’s clothes off turned him on. He reached across to the passenger seat and tucked the exposed part of the handcuffs under the armrest. In his head he ticked off his list of preparations—restraints in truck, rope secured to bed, props in dresser. He sure hoped all the trouble would be worth it, hoped she’d enjoy it.

Not that she was that important to him. Hell, she was just another woman.

So why does the thought of never seeing her again tear me up?

When he’d dropped her at her apartment Sunday, he’d worried about her the rest of the night. But he’d chalked up her cool demeanor to her embarrassment and when he’d called her yesterday, she’d seemed several degrees warmer than the day before. Shrugging, he climbed out of the truck, straightened his pants and his tie, then started inside.

The whistles and hoots that greeted him made him chuckle. But when April’s jaw dropped, now that was worth dressing up for.

God, she looked adorable. She had her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail and she wore a floral patterned sundress, which was plenty short to show off those mile-long legs. She had a broom in her hand, but she’d stopped sweeping when she caught sight of him.

“What are you doing here?”

Not the greeting he’d hoped. “Some of the furniture was delivered today. Mind swinging by the house and telling me what goes where?”

“I made diagrams, remember?” She swept up the last remnants of hair from the floor then leaned the broom against the wall. “They’re in your kitchen drawer. The one under the coffee maker.”

He shook his head. “I don’t get the configuration.” Striding toward her, he detected up her strawberry scent.

She eyed him skeptically. “You don’t look dressed to move furniture around.”

“I won’t be moving it tonight. I only need you to explain a few things to me.” He’d worn one of his new suits because he’d seen how much she liked him in it. He pointed to his collar. “I even got the knot right.”

She zeroed in on it, inspecting. “So you did. But I…” She lowered her gaze. “I have plans.”


“It’ll only take a few minutes of your time.” About a hundred and eighty.

She shifted from foot to foot.

He grabbed her hand. “Come on.”

Bristling, she reached for her purse. “Fine. Good night, Devon.” She waved to the curly haired woman seated behind the nail table.

“Night, y’all,” the woman called.

He ushered her out the back door then helped her into his truck. His heart thudded wildly as he slid  behind the wheel.. What if she didn’t like the game he’d arranged? Would he lose her forever? Shoving away his doubts, he leaned over her. “That’s not shut all the way.”

But instead of opening her door, he hooked a finger through the handcuff and clicked it around her wrist. Before she could protest, he covered her lips with his and gave her a slow, tasting kiss.

Her hesitation evaporated. The instant he broke away, she jerked her wrist and realized what he’d done.

“What the—”

He set his hand on her knee, slid it higher. Grazing his fingers along her thigh, he smiled and his cock grew hard. “You’re my captive.”

Her eyes grew huge. She yanked her hand, then tried the door.

“I’ve disabled the door lock.” He started the motor. “Tonight you’re mine, April. Totally and completely mine.” Backing out of the space, he grinned when she huffed several times.

“You can’t do this. It’s-it’s illegal.”

He turned onto the street and merged into traffic. “Here’s what I have in mind. When I get you to my house, I’ll carry you upstairs to the bedroom. After I get your wrists tied together, I’ll strip you, or cut your clothes off if the mood strikes me. Then I’ll play with those delicious nipples for a while. Once I’ve gotten you good and wet, I’ll turn you over my lap and I’ll spank your beautiful ass. I can’t wait to see your lovely white buttocks turn pink.”

Stopping for a red light, he ventured a glance at her. Her mouth was open and her chest heaved. A bead of sweat slid down her chest into her cleavage.

The light turned green and he stepped on the gas, suddenly in a bigger hurry.

“You can’t just kidnap me, Nick. I could…I could…”

He laughed. “You didn’t let me finish. After a sound spanking, I’ll slide my fingers along your pussy lips and spread them apart. Then I’ll dip one through your glistening red folds, soaked with your cream.”

He heard her breath catch and out of the corner of his eye, saw her squirm in her seat. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll push a finger inside you. But if you’re extra good, I’ll use two or three. After I make you come, I’ll lay you on the bed and eat all that delicious cream. And I have other yummy surprises for you.” He thought about the blindfold and the assorted household items he’d stashed in his dresser to tease her.

A tiny squeak escaped her lips.

“After that, I might spank you some more. I want you good and wet before I fuck you. Then I’ll tie your wrists to the headboard.” He shrugged. “Maybe I’ll also secure your ankles to the footboard. If the mood strikes me.” He steered around a curve then passed an eighteen-wheeler.

“I think I’ll make you suck my cock. But not for too long. Because I want to fuck you. Hard. While you’re tied up and completely at my mercy. But before I do, I might play with your pussy for a while, make you beg me to fuck you.” He hit his right blinker to signal his lane change. “What do you think?” He glanced at her and stifled his grin.

Her lips moved, but no sound came out.

“Speechless, huh? That’s okay. We’re almost there. No need to say a word. But if you’re not onboard with this, say so now and I’ll drive you straight back to the salon.” He waited but she held her tongue. Pressing harder on the gas pedal, he sped up. He couldn’t wait much longer to begin the game.

April’s pulse raced. Every cell in her body vibrated with erotic need.

Nick shut off the engine and hit the button to close his garage door. He turned to face her and unsnapped her seatbelt.

His carnivorous stare sent quivers of anticipation through her. Her breath grew ragged as she replayed his script of what he planned to do to her.

A flash of silver caught her eye. Faster than she could react, he grabbed her free wrist and popped another handcuff on it. Reaching over her, he unlocked the first set then took her arm and fastened both her wrists together.

She could hardly suck in a breath as she watched him climb out of the truck, circle around the front then open her door.

“Put your arms around my neck,” he ordered.

She hesitated, wondered if he wanted her to resist. But he didn’t wait for her to decide. Scooping her up like a sack of potatoes, he slung her over his shoulder and started into the house.

“I was going to do what you said.” She gritted her teeth, although this game was growing more and more exciting. “You should have given me a second to—”


The shock of his slap to her rear end made her gasp.

“Do what I tell you to do immediately. Understand?”

She gulped. “Yes.”

He negotiated the kitchen, the living room and the foyer to the staircase. Then he adjusted her like a cumbersome burden and climbed the steps. Once he reached the second story, he stopped and pushed up the back of her dress.


She flinched at the unexpected sting. “Hey! What was that for?”

His chuckle vibrated through his torso. “I just felt like it.” He continued on toward his room. “Here we are.” He flipped her onto the bed.

She spotted a length of rope on the nightstand. Her mouth watered and her chest heaved when she thought about being completely at his mercy.

He took her hands and stared into her eyes. “You’re going to enjoy this.” Before he removed the cuff, he used the rope to bind her wrists together in front of her. Setting the handcuffs aside, he slid his gaze over her and the temperature in the room rose about a hundred degrees.

His eyes narrowed to slits. “How does this thing come off?” He tugged at her dress’ straps, which tied at the back of her neck. “I’d hate to have to rip it off you.”

She loved the dress, but compared to how much she yearned for his touch at the moment, well, she wouldn’t bat an eye if he tore it to shreds. .

“In back.” She twisted on to her side as best she could.

Nick slowly pulled down the zipper then untied the straps. He peeled the dress away, leaving her naked except for her pink panties. He rolled her on to her back and grinned down at her. “Exactly how I like you best.” Bending over her, he planted a kiss on her lips. Far from gentle, this kiss was hard and possessive and made her feel like his slave. A zing of excitement danced up her spine.

Her sex tingled and her taut peaks ached for those lips, that tongue.

Nick hooked his fingers through the elastic at the sides of her panties and pulled. The material strained, complained, then snapped. “I want you naked when you’re with me. All the time. Understand?”

Mortified by the rush of heat inside her, she mutely nodded.

Nick loosened his tie, then opened it and dropped it on a chair. He shrugged out of his jacket, unbuttoned his shirt and removed the gold cufflinks. His shoes and socks came next, but he left his pants on. That amazing chest, those muscled shoulders, Lord, the man was fine.

He crossed the room to his dresser, set the cufflinks on top, then pulled open the top drawer. Turning to face her, he held a black scarf between his fists.

Did he mean to… No sooner had the thought crossed her mind, he started toward her, his eyes ablaze with a fire she’d never noticed before. She gulped. He tied the fabric over her eyes and checked it twice. She couldn’t even make out a shadow.

His hands circled her waist. “Stand up.”

She let him help her up. But she didn’t remain standing for more than a second before he laid her face down her over his lap. Calloused fingers rasped over her nipples in turn, teasing and pulling until pleasure took root at the spots and swirled all through her.

He pushed her legs apart a few inches then skimmed his hand lightly over her mound, gone too quickly. Another tease.

Not knowing what came next only heightened her excitement. He swept her hair back from her neck then the crack of a slap landed on her buttocks. She flinched and felt the painfully slow advance of molten desire between her legs.

“You like this, don’t you?” His voice was part honey, part sin.

When she didn’t answer right away his hand came down hard for another swat. The exquisite sting flooded her with longing. “Yes. I-I love it.”

Three hard slaps followed and she writhed with a mix of shame and desire. Her backside had to be bright pink by now.

Just like the woman in the magazine.

Long fingers lightly stroked the crack of her buttocks. Then several more spanks. Her nipples throbbed, her sex ached for satisfaction. Without warning he picked her up and set her on the bed flat on her back. He yanked on her bound wrists then tethered them to something over her head.

The mattress shifted. Footsteps retreated. Wood scraped.

“Keep your pussy warm for me, would you? And wet.”

She heard him lower his fly then stride closer. He skimmed his hand up her calf, along her thigh. One finger traced the edges of her swollen lips then retreated. He climbed onto the bed and grasped her breast, kneading and shaping it. Then he strummed her nipple and twisted it. Hot strands of delight streamed from the spot directly to her entrance.

She bit down on her tongue so she didn’t scream.

Something soft and cool whispered over her breasts, down her belly to her nether lips. Back and forth it glided along her sex.

Oh God, she’d explode if he didn’t touch her. She whimpered and yanked at her tethers, lifted her hips in a futile attempt to coax him along. “Please, Nick.”

“Please what?”

She realized he’d been dragging a feather over her skin. He slid it back up to her breasts and circled the peaked points.

“Say a nasty word, April. The filthiest word you can think of. Start talking dirty to me or I won’t fuck you. In fact, I’ll take you to the brink of climax but I won’t let you come. And I’ll do that over and over until you talk dirty to me.” He pinched her nipples painfully.

And she liked it. Shame swirled inside her, but she didn’t care.

BOOK: Shades of Sexy
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