Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One (2 page)

BOOK: Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One
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Chapter 2

Melanie sat in her chair in the corner, she watched everyone dancing and
drinking and tried to keep a fake smile plastered on her lips. It was bad enough
that she was totally miserable; she didn't need to let the whole room know how
pathetic she was. It was a good party.

course, Karen always threw good parties. Her parents travelled a lot and always
left her cash for "necessities." Only the household staff was left to
keep an eye on her, and she had them wrapped around her little, gold-plated
finger. Despite being wealthy and popular, she was really nice and always
invited everyone to her parties.

the huge ballroom- Melanie still couldn't believe this house actually had a
ballroom! -the music system was blaring the latest pop song. People were
swaying and sweating and bumping to the beat. There was a huge buffet table set
up on the right hand wall, filled with chips and pretzels, mini sub sandwiches,
and sodas of every variety.

was also a punchbowl filled with pink lemonade that Melanie had helped herself
to earlier. She had taken one sip and spewed it all over the beige and white
Persian carpet. Someone had spiked it with vodka. She shivered at the memory.
She hated vodka. Gross.

and Chris were having a great time. Melanie had seen them sneak out the French
doors at the back of the room about twenty minutes earlier, obviously looking
for a private place to make out. Tara would never go up to one of the many
empty bedrooms with him. They had just started dating and she wasn't ready to
take that step yet, but she never turned down a good make out session. That
girl loved to kiss, and Chris didn’t disappoint.

was quite the catch. His parents were travelling abroad and had actually rented
him his own apartment their hometown of Amblin, Georgia. At eighteen, he was
obviously able to take care of himself without any adult supervision. His mom
was Jeremy’s mom’s sister, and they lived in up-state New York before he moved

he looked scrumptious, in black jeans and a black t-shirt. His black, inky hair
was wavy and fell in slight curls around his ears and neck. Melanie was sure
every girl at Baldwin High had at least a slight crush on him, including
herself. He had bright brown eyes and dimples so pronounced that you could see
them even when he wasn't smiling, which wasn't often. He was happy-go-lucky,
always laughing, a real charmer.

he had picked Tara! Melanie was truly happy for her best friend and would only
admit to herself that she was a bit jealous. Not jealous that Tara had Chris,
in particular, but that she had a boyfriend. Someone she liked, that liked her

her seat in the corner, Melanie had a clear view of the front door through the
archway that led into the foyer. She could see everyone that came in or went
out. Every time that door opened, she perked up and held her breath, only to
slump again and sigh when it wasn't Jeremy who walked through. He still hadn't

are you doing sitting over her by yourself?"

rear came about two inches off her seat. Tara had snuck up and startled her, no
doubt on purpose, when she was intently focused on yet another group of new
party-goers showing up that did not include Jeremy.

my God, Tara! You have a humongous hickey on your neck!"

Where?” she exclaimed while trying to cover her entire neck with her hands.

laughed. "Gotcha!"

you little-"

now," Melanie cut her off, "don’t forget I'm your bestest best

smiled at her. "Well, at least you haven't lost your sense of humor
sitting over here by yourself."

well, that's all I've got"

words trailed off as the front door opened again, and Jeremy walked through. If
this was a movie, a romantic power ballad would've been playing and he'd be
walking in slow motion with wind blowing his hair. Melanie straightened her
spine as her face lit up.

God, he is beautiful
, she thought.

dark brown hair had this gorgeous curl that flopped onto his forehead that
Melanie always wanted to smooth back. His eyes were dark too, almost black,
like dark chocolate. Paired with dark eyebrows, a straight nose, lush lips, and
a square jaw, he was perfect in Melanie’s eyes.

mouth started watering. Her eyes moved down to his body. It was toned and
muscular. This was a mystery to Melanie, because he didn't play any sports or
take any weight lifting classes.

Maybe he works out at home.

eyes seemed to glaze as she stood up and started to wave him over. They were
friends, after all. That wouldn't be too weird. Her hand stopped half way up,
then fell back to her side. Her face fell, and she slumped back down into her

looked over to see what caused Melanie's reaction. She saw Jeremy, then saw
someone behind him clasping his hand. As he turned and the person attached to
that hand came into view, she got a disgusted look on her face and balled her
hands into fists.

Woods. Her friends called her Sissy. Everyone else called her bitch. If you're
not her friend, then you're her enemy and she would do everything imaginable to
make your life a total hell. Jeremy put his arm around her waist and Melanie
threw up a little in her mouth.

started to panic, slightly hyperventilating. "I've got to get out of

Mel," Tara whispered. "He's already seen us and they're headed this
way. Do
let Queen Sissy see you react. You know you have to stand up
to her. Plus, you'll hurt Jeremy's feelings if you bolt. Just stay put and let
me do the talking."

tried to control her breathing. Sometimes it seemed like Sissy's goal in life
was to make her miserable. It had been that way since kindergarten. Gorgeous,
curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes, killer body- everything Melanie was not-
worked in Sissy’s favor to get her everything she wanted. Melanie concentrated
on keeping her feet planted and her face neutral. She focused on Jeremy's face
and not on his arm around Sissy's waist.

Tara. Hey Mel," he said as he stopped in front of them grinning.
"Great party. You guys know Sissy, right?"

we know her," Tara gritted out. "Hello Stephanie."

nodded at Tara, but was already zeroing in on Melanie with an evil glint in her
shining blue eyes. She could sniff out insecurity like a hound dog and didn't
miss a chance to take full advantage.

Piglet," she sneered, "having a good time? But wait, where's your
date?" Melanie flinched a little. "No, don't tell me you're alone,
again?" She dripped with venom filled honey. "Such a shame. I'm sure
you could find some lonely math club dork to come with you to these parties, if
you paid him enough."

eyes were burning as she fought to hold back the tears. Stephanie and her
friends had started calling her "Piglet" in middle school. It didn't
really bother her that much anymore, but to have Jeremy right there, to witness
it, was beyond humiliation. His arm dropped from Sissy's waist. Small

the hell up,
." Tara stressed the name as if it were an
insult. "She's not here alone. She's here with me and Chris."

I am so sorry, Melanie. My mistake. I had no idea you had a date. Wait, make
that two dates. Can you say 'third wheel'? How exciting for you! Maybe you can
just live vicariously through them, since nobody wants to date the fat

that parting shot, Sissy sashayed off to her circle of friends who were
giggling just a few feet away. She said something under her breath, and they
all burst into peals of laughter.

all bitches," Tara said as she put her hand on Melanie's arm and gave it a
light squeeze.

had been stone silent through the whole episode. They turned their eyes on him
and finally noticed that his face was all red, and for once, he was not

here," he said through gritted teeth. "I'll be right back. Don't go

was staring into Melanie's eyes, willing her not to run. She recognized that he
was not happy, pissed even, but her own shame was too great to realize it on a
conscious level. He turned on a heel and stomped over to Sissy.

grabbed her wrist roughly and started to drag her away, towards the back door
where Tara and Chris had gone earlier. They disappeared through the door and
into the night.      

turned to Melanie and placed her hands on her shoulders. "Mel-"

Melanie interrupted. "Don't. I'm okay. Really. I just need to get the hell
out of here. Like, right now."

Just give me a minute to find Chris and I'll drive you home."

no. You stay. I'll be okay. A walk will do me good. Fresh air, clear head, and
all that."

just give me five minutes. I don't want you to be alone right now."

Tara, really. It's only three blocks. I'll be fine. I
to be

you sure? You're gonna be okay?"

sure," she said with a forced smile. She gave Tara a hug and started for
the front door. After a few steps, she stopped and turned back around. "If
Jeremy asks, don't let on how badly this upset me. Just tell him I got a headache
or something, okay?"

gave her a weak smile. "You got it."

Melanie headed for the front door, Tara started searching for Chris to tell him
what happened. She stepped out the French doors onto the back veranda and heard
Stephanie's whiny voice coming from the other side of the garden fountain. She
crept over, and hiding in the shadows, proceeded to shamelessly eavesdrop.

answer me. Why did you do that? You hurt my wrist!" The sentence rose in
pitch until the final word came out in a screech. "What is wrong with
you?" Sissy demanded.

wrong with me?" he asked incredulously. This time louder: "WHAT'S
WRONG WITH ME?! What the hell is wrong with
, Sissy? Do you treat people
like that all the time? Do you treat Melanie like that all the time? She. Is.
My. Friend. I can't believe you just did that." Tara heard him groan. She
peeked around the fountain and saw him pacing in agitation.

did I do?" Sissy asked sweetly. "I only teased her a little bit. If
she got upset, it's not my fault. She needs to put on her big girl
panties." Then she laughed nastily. "Oh, wait, she can
big girl panties." Another snicker.

ground her teeth to keep from lashing out and betraying her hiding spot. Before
she could take a calming breath, she heard a squeal. She took another quick
peek and saw that Jeremy had Sissy by her upper arms and was giving her a
little shake. With satisfaction, Tara heard the other girl’s teeth click

the hell is the matter with you?" he demanded. "No, wait, don't say
anything." He shoved her away from him. "If I had known what a bitch
you are, I would never have agreed to this, this date, or whatever you want to
call it. All the flirting and laughable seduction tactics in the world will
never get you my company again!"

huffed. "I will not be talked to-"

SHUT UP!" Jeremy cut her off. "Don't you ever talk to me again. Don't
even look at me. And if I
hear of you tormenting Melanie again, so
help me-"

she interrupted snidely. "What are you going to do about it?"

let out a low animalistic growl. Then, "Try me."

heard heavy footsteps heading her way and ducked further into the shadows.
Jeremy stomped towards the house without even glancing in her direction. Sissy
went in the opposite direction, toward the side gate, presumably to go around
the outside and re-enter from the front. Or maybe, hopefully, to just get into
her car and leave. Tara waited a few moments, digesting all she'd heard. With a
thoughtful smile on her face, she went back inside to resume her search for


Melanie slowly walked down Tanglewood Road towards Cedarwood, Sissy's nasty
remarks rolled through her mind over and over, like a broken record. She
couldn’t stop her thoughts from spinning erratically.

Would anyone ever want to be with me? More specifically,
would Jeremy? Probably not, especially after that horrific scene.

stopped crying, but was still sniffling as she made her way down the quiet
street. Most of the houses were dark. It had to be going on 10:30, and this
neighborhood was mostly elderly people. Their neatly tended yards and colorful
flower beds seemed deathly still and quiet, and she was getting a bit jumpy.

had never liked the dark. She wasn't scared of monsters, like little kids, it
just made her feel a bit uneasy. Thank goodness for streetlights. She sped up
to reach each circle of light reflected on the ground. It just felt better

BOOK: Shadowed Strength: Shadowed Series Book One
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