Read ShadowsofNight Online

Authors: Erin Simone

ShadowsofNight (26 page)

BOOK: ShadowsofNight
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Chapter Twenty-Five


“Did you feel that?” Dane asked as the room vibrated around

“Yeah, what the hell was that?” Christian asked. They all
got up from where they were seated and went over to a set of windows
overlooking the property.

“Unbelievable. Where’s Roman? Find him,” Marcus growled.

“Does he really think blowing a hole in the wall is going to
get him anywhere?” Dane asked.

“No. But if we don’t put a stop to him, and fast, the human
authorities are going to be swarming all over this place. Let’s move!” Marcus

They traced to the outer perimeter just as a second blast
lit up the sky. A horde of vampires came pouring out of the trees.

“We can’t wait for Roman and the others,” Christian shouted.

“You’re right.” Marcus drew his dagger.

With a snarl, Christian leapt forward, meeting his enemies
head-on. His dagger poised and ready, he entered the fray of charging vampires.
His sole focus—find Dorian and destroy him.

He threw off his opponents with ease, realizing rather
quickly they were not skilled fighters. Bloodthirsty, yes, but not trained.
There were a lot of them though. He finished one off and scanned the mass of
bodies, looking for Dorian, but there was no sign of him.

“I should go find Emma,” Christian said as he continued to search
the area. Something about this attack was wrong, made him feel uneasy.

“She should be safe if she’s inside the compound.” Dane ran
over to an unconscious vampire and staked him through the heart. Clouds of
smoke and fire burned all around them even as it began to rain.

Christian hoped she would stay put inside but that didn’t
sound like his mate.

His attention was ripped away by a sudden clash of bodies. There
were no words exchanged, just fists flying, daggers drawn. He took a couple of
hard hits from a male who matched him in size and strength. He blocked a punch
and threw one, hitting his opponent square in the solar plexus. The man went
down but quickly recovered.

More vampires appeared, eyes glowing, blades drawn, and the
fight raged on. He killed another, and yet another, but still there was no sign
of Dorian among the fray.

Where is he?

Dane fought close to Christian’s side, as did Conner and the
others. It wasn’t much of a contest and before long, it was over. These weren’t
Dorian’s men. Why would he send in untrained fighters?

Christian wiped the sweat from his brow. “Something doesn’t
feel right.”

“That’s because we were fighting Rogues,” Dane replied.

“And you know that for sure?” An uneasy feeling came over him.
Where was Dorian’s army?

“I’m a Hunter, remember? I know a Rogue when I see one.”

“You die!” A snarling Rogue slammed into Christian, taking
him to the ground.

“Shit.” He rolled away to avoid being impaled by a stake. He
scrambled to his feet as the burly vamp tried to spear him again. In a blur of
movement, two Sentinels appeared behind the Rogue and staked him. Christian
watched the beast break apart and turn to ash at their feet. “Thanks, guys, for
your help.”

“You’re welcome,” Roman replied.

“Did you see Dorian?” He still couldn’t shake the foreboding
that continued to gnaw at him.

“No, I didn’t.” Roman placed his dagger back in its sheath.

“Not much of a challenge here.” Raven, one of Roman’s men,
appeared next to him and spat on the ground. “If you ask me, it looks like
someone wanted to create a diversion.”

“Who set off the explosives to draw us out and where did all
these Rogues come from?” Christian glanced over his shoulder at the compound
and a terrible feeling of dread swept over him as the pieces suddenly fell into


He quickly traced inside and found the door to Petrina’s
room wide open. There were signs of a struggle.

Marcus, Dane and the others appeared behind him.

“That bastard used the female to gain access to my coven. How
could I have been so stupid?” Marcus snarled.

“No!” A guttural roar of pain broke free from Christian and
he collapsed to his knees. Why hadn’t he gone to check on her first? Pain, both
physical and emotional, overwhelmed him. His enemy had outsmarted them all. He
looked up at the ceiling and let out a stream of curses.

“We’ll find her, brother.” Dane knelt beside him.

“I can’t feel her—there’s nothing. Do you hear me?
I feel
” Christian bellowed, grabbing his brother’s shoulder. He imagined
her being held down while she struggled and screamed. He squeezed his eyes
shut, trying to block the image from his mind.
I’m going to make him bleed.
His heart lurched and he took a deep breath. God, it hurt. He was too horrified
to think about the implications of his mate being in that bastard’s clutches.

“Easy, Christian—we’ll get her back. Roman, you know Dorian
better than any of us. Where could he have taken her?” Dane asked.

“Greece, perhaps. I’m sorry, I haven’t a clue.” Roman
pressed his lips together and frowned.

“Maybe she’s unconscious and that’s why you can’t sense her,”
Marcus offered.

Christian felt his guilt. With hard eyes, he stared straight
ahead for fear he might launch himself at his master and rip his head off.

He was clearly having an emotional reaction. It wasn’t
Marcus’ fault. They’d all been tricked. It didn’t lessen what he felt though. If
anything happened to Emma, he wasn’t sure he could be a part of this coven any

“She would have fought him if he’d tried to take her, so
that makes sense. Maybe she
unconscious.” Christian rose to his feet.
He wasn’t interest in talking anymore. He needed to find her.

I’m coming for you…

Rage simmered just below the surface of his skin as he
stalked out of the room. It was time to suit up for war. Action would be taken,
and punishment would be swift.


Chapter Twenty-Six


Emma’s eyes fluttered open to see a fluorescent glow
illuminating off rocks overhead. Her head felt like a boulder between her
shoulder blades, weighed down by the effects of the drug Dorian had used to
subdue her. Even the slightest movement took effort.

You can do this.

She tried to lift her head but only managed to roll it to
the side. Next she tried to move her arms and legs and realized they were
shackled to a bed.

She looked around, trying to see if there was anything that
might give her a clue to her whereabouts. Shaky, nauseous, she tried to lift
her head again. Condensation dripped from the stone above, dampening the sheet
that covered her skin. Her
skin. She was in a cave of sorts, warm,
with a small pool of neon-blue water.

“Don’t bother trying to figure it out.” Dorian’s voice
echoed off the cavern walls.

Emma froze. She wasn’t prepared to deal with him. Not yet. She
needed more time to come up with a plan.

But how stupid. You’re shackled.

“He’ll find me, you bastard.” She pulled against her

“I highly doubt it. This location isn’t known to many. Not
even your lover will be able to find you here.”

“We’re bonded, asshole, he’ll find me.”
I hope.

“Not through limestone, he can’t.”

“What do you mean?” Fear slithered down her spine.

“This place is impermeable in many ways. Something about the
stone messes with our transmission. I’m not sure why.” Dorian came closer.

“Stay away from me,” she hissed.

Dorian chuckled under his breath. “There is nothing to keep
me from you now.” He sat next to her on the bed.

“Don’t flatter yourself, asshole. I’m not going to make this
easy for you.” She recoiled in distaste.

“I think you will change your mind in a few minutes.” He
grabbed her arm to hold it still and she felt a pinch. She tried desperately to
pull away as clear fluid drained from a syringe into her vein.

“What did you give me?”

“I gave you a breeding drug used by the Anunnaki on females
who don’t wish to comply. It’s quite a powerful aphrodisiac.” He started to
remove his shirt.

“Oh God!” she breathed, her mind reeling. Now what the hell
was she going to do?

“It will make you say yesss,” he grinned, “while at the same
time bringing your body into heat, which is important if I’m going to get you

“Shit!” A sudden dark fear washed over her. “You can’t do

“And what’s to stop me?” He pulled the sheet down to reveal
the swells of her breasts and she watched as his eyes traveled hungrily over
her flesh with greedy anticipation.

He was going to take her against her will. She hissed at him,
baring her fangs.

“Go on, keep fighting the effects. It will work the drug
through your system that much faster.”

“What’s happening?” A feeling of warmth was spreading
through her skin. Her breasts tingled and her nipples pearled into hard points.
She started to pant and moisture pooled in her core.

“It’s useless to resist it. You’ll give me what I want and
beg for more.”

Her head fell back against the bed and her body started to
writhe. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, feeling the warmth of his
breath fan over her skin. Her body tensed and her breasts ached to be touched.
The sensations were maddening. She felt his hand slowly travel over her heated
flesh. She turned her face away and bit back a moan, trying with every bit of
strength to resist arching into his touch.

“That’s it,” he growled, “let go.”

“D-don’t you fucking touch me.” She clenched her teeth. Her
pussy was so wet and her clit throbbed to the point of near pain.

“Mm…I can smell your desire. It doesn’t lie.”

“You bastard,” she panted. “That’s the drug, not me. Not
Oh God, please no. Please stop it.
She knew her body was betraying
her. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She wanted to scream but wouldn’t give him
the satisfaction. Her tight nipples were red and swollen in the humid air.

She’d get through this somehow. It was just sex, nothing

But this isn’t sex—it’s rape. How do you get over that?

Close your eyes and pray that it’s over soon.

When the pad of his thumb rubbed against her areola, she jerked
and arched her back toward his hand reflexively. Disgust at her body’s reaction
made her instantly recoil at the thought of betraying her mate.

“We have time. You won’t be able to resist me much longer.”

She tried not to think about what was going to happen and instead
just breathe through the unrelenting waves of unadulterated lust flowing
through her.
No reaction, no reaction.
She repeated the words inside her
Oh God, no reaction…

Dread pooled in her belly as her mind went blank.

“Tell me you want me,” he whispered next to her ear. “I can
make you feel better.”

“I’ll never give in,” she whimpered, praying she wouldn’t fold.

“Don’t fool yourself,” he rasped, capturing her breasts in
his hands, massaging them gently as he traced her swollen buds with calloused
thumbs. She nearly orgasmed from the touch.

Emma bit her lip to keep from moaning and turned her face
away. She wanted to disconnect from her skin. To go someplace, any place but
here, as his breathing accelerated and his hands trailed lower. She wished she
could close her legs but she was splayed on the bed for his pleasure. Her hips
rolled toward his hand.

Oh God, body, please stop.
She couldn’t give him the
satisfaction of breaking her.

“I will have you, Emma.” He smiled, caressing her thigh
above the sheet.

“My body, but never
.” She glared at him. “I’ll
never be yours!”

He whipped the sheet off her entirely. “We’ll see about

“I hope he tears your heart out!” she snarled, snapping her
fangs. He ran his tongue along his lips and crawled onto the bed between her
spread thighs.

A low growl rumbled in his chest. “You are a sight to
behold. I must taste you now.” He captured her hips, pinning them to the bed.

He dipped his head and Emma screamed. “

“Dorian, your coven is under siege!” Petrina’s voice echoed loudly
off the cavern walls.

He sat up and threw the sheet over Emma.

Oh thank God!

“What do you mean, under siege? Why are
delivering this message? Where is Antonius?” he growled. “Get the hell out of
here before I rip your throat out!”

“I-I’m sorry for the intrusion, but I was sent to retrieve
you. He couldn’t leave. You must come quickly.” Petrina’s gaze fell to the bed.
She covered her mouth and paled.

“Don’t look at her!”

She quickly turned away.

“You better get used to it, Petrina. I plan to breed with
her until I have several heirs. I have no time to coddle you, female. Stay with
her until I return. I won’t be long.” He grabbed his shirt and stalked out of
the cave.

Emma’s head fell back against the pillow, her body so
aroused that even the slightest movement made the sensations worse. She knew it
was a long shot to ask Petrina for help but it was her only hope.

“Please help me,” she begged, her voice ragged.

“I-I can’t.” Petrina leaned against the wall, her head still
turned away.

“H-he doesn’t love y-you.”

“You don’t know that.” Petrina crossed her arms and finally
glared at her.

“Is this love? H-he would’ve raped me if you hadn’t
interrupted,” she managed to get out before she moaned again. “Oh God, this
shit sucks!”

“It’s not rape. You belong to him,” Petrina whispered.

“He doesn’t own me and it wouldn’t be consensual, so what
else would you fucking call it?” She trembled, the lust turning to pain.

“I don’t know what I’d call it either.” She closed her eyes.

Emma sensed pain and conflict brewing inside Petrina.
might be my chance.
It was now or never.

“Petrina, look at me.” She had to reach her before the ability
to think clearly was gone.

“What?” She opened her eyes.

“Y-you deserve better, you know.”
Breathe, don’t lose
your cool.

“What do you know of my feelings?” She scowled at her

“I-I understand the hollow loneliness you’ve lived with all
this time. The pain of our past belongs to us both. You gave me a brief glimpse
into your life and you’ve seen mine. I love Christian. Please, don’t make me
lay with another male against my will, against
, when you have the
power to stop it. Haven’t we both suffered enough at the hands of others?”

“He’ll kill me.” She started to back away.

“And what makes you think he won’t kill you anyway? Wait.
Please don’t leave! I’m in pain. Don’t let him do this to me!”

But Petrina left the cavern. She’d scared her off. Tears
glistened in Emma’s eyes. She’d failed. Her future was going to be a living
hell, unless by some miracle Christian found her before the bastard came back
and raped her. The thought made her cringe inside.

“We’d better hurry.” Petrina reappeared with a set of keys
jingling in her hands.

“You mean it?” Emma wanted to cry.

“Someone told me I deserve better.” Her gaze found Emma’s as
she unlocked the shackles. “And she’s right.”

Emma tried to sit up but the pain worsened. “I-I don’t think
I can move.”

“Yes, you can. Put your arm around my neck and I’ll help

“I can’t.” She drew her knees up to her chest.

“Think of your mate to give you strength.”

Emma nodded, placing her arm around Petrina’s neck and
forcing herself to stand with a groan.

“It hurts.” Tears spilled down her cheeks. Her body was not
her own. Lust, desire and heat coursed through her veins.

“Don’t think about it. Just breathe. Here, I brought you some
clothes. Let’s get you dressed.” She helped her into the lightweight dress and
the material immediately clung to sweat-soaked skin, further heightening Emma’s

“I-I can’t wear this. I have to take it off.” She tried to
pull it back over her head.

“You need to be clothed. Trust me. Now let’s get you to the

“Okay.” She gritted her teeth and let the garment slide back
down her body. With sheer will, she staggered forward, allowing Petrina to hold
her weight. They entered a dark tunnel where the cooler temperature brought her
some relief. The passageway split off into several chambers leading in
different directions. Petrina paused for a second and then proceeded up a steep
corridor that banked to the left and seemed to go on forever. The sound of
rushing water grew louder as they continued to climb.

“Are we close?” Emma groaned as each step sent a jolt of
sensation rocketing through her body. Oh God, she had to get out of here, find


“How much farther?” she panted.

“We’re almost there. See the light?” Petrina pointed

“I have to climb up there?” Emma cringed at the idea of
having to scale steep rocks to reach the surface.

“Do you want to get out of here?”

Emma didn’t like it but it helped that Petrina wasn’t being
easy on her. Instead, she was pushing her to keep going.

“Why can’t we just trace out of here?”

“We’re still too far down and the limestone that surrounds
us acts as a barrier.”

Emma looked up, praying she could find the strength, even
though she was barely hanging on by a thread.

I can do this, I can.

She lifted her foot then placed a trembling hand on one of
the rocks and began the agonizing climb.

BOOK: ShadowsofNight
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