Read She's No Angel Online

Authors: Kira Sinclair

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Romance

She's No Angel (9 page)

BOOK: She's No Angel
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Lexi had to agree with him. But now that the blinding need was gone, the unease was there.

They were in the storage room of a public bar.

“Crap, how long have we been gone?”

Through the dark Lexi saw the flash of his frown. “I have no idea. Why?”

“Because someone’s going to miss us.”

Lexi pushed against his shoulders and dropped to her feet to scramble for her clothes. She pulled them on with more haste than finesse.

“So? Who cares?”

She shoved his own jeans and shirt against his chest.

“I do, Brett. I’d prefer it if the whole town didn’t know that we’re sleeping together.”

His eyes flashed fire before turning ice cold. “But we aren’t, are we? So far we haven’t gotten anywhere close to a bed. Maybe we should try that next.” He turned his back and pulled on his clothes.

Part of her felt relief. Anyone could walk in. The rest of her felt cheated that she could no longer see his amazing body. But now wasn’t the time to dwell on that.

“Since you seem so concerned with appearances, why don’t you head back out front? I’ll wait a few minutes and then follow.”

That seemed reasonable. Nodding her head, Lexi reached for the knob, but Brett’s hand wrapped around her wrist stopped her.

He pulled her tight against his chest, and traitor that her body was, it began humming all over again.

“Just so we’re clear, we’re not through yet.”

Lexi swallowed. Her heart responded to the dark heat of his words by thumping erratically in her chest. Nodding, she was relieved when he let her go.

She needed space to clear her head. Hurrying to the table, she scooped up her purse. Hope looked up at her, puzzled. “Where have you been?”

“Bathroom. I’m not feeling well. Gonna head home.”

That got her brother’s attention. Giving her a hard look, Gage asked, “You okay to drive or do I need to take you?”

Shaking her head vigorously, she said, “No, I’m fine.” She fought down the blush that would give her away. Her military-trained brother and her journalist best friend were both too sharp not to notice and wonder what had flustered her.

With one quick glance back at the hallway, she sped to escape before Brett followed her out. Once past the plate-glass windows and any prying eyes, she sagged against the old brick wall.

Good Lord. She’d just had sex in a public place. Before tonight that’s not something she’d ever wanted to do. But she’d enjoyed it. Her body shuddered with memory. More than enjoyed it.

What was this man doing to her?



to walking away from sex feeling slightly disappointed, even a day later. Oh, Lexi had been amazing, but the way she’d skulked away like he was some secret vice she was ashamed of...yeah, he wasn’t used to that.

He didn’t understand why she cared what anyone else thought.

But today he was determined to find out. Maybe now that they’d gotten some of the heat out of the way he could concentrate when he was around her.

Although, if the explicit dream he’d had last night was any indication, maybe not.

He still wanted her. Desperately. But it was more than sex. He wanted to know
Not just the sound she made when he touched her, but what her childhood had been like and why she felt the need to deny the passionate side she kept buried deep inside.

And he didn’t want to learn those things from a dossier.

So, bright and early, Brett found himself standing outside Sugar & Spice. The front door was locked, and the sign said she was closed on Sundays, but her SUV sat in the lot so he knew she was there.

Walking around the building, he found the alley behind and the back door to her place. Unlocked.

Brett shook his head. Turning the knob, he stuck his head inside and hollered softly for her. “Lexi.”

But there was no answer.

He walked inside. The scent of something heavenly wafted to him from the ovens. Where was she? She wouldn’t leave the ovens unattended. Not intentionally. Brett’s heart fluttered uncomfortably in his chest and a sense of dread suffused him. Something wasn’t right.

Suddenly a sound caught his attention. He noticed a door nestled between two stainless-steel shelves full of ingredients. Crossing, he tugged it open and nearly swallowed his tongue.

It was a small office. A desk was bumped up against the far wall. An open door showed him a full bath with a tiny glassed-in shower. But what took up most of the space was an industrial-strength treadmill. A yoga mat rolled into a long tube and a medicine ball sat against the far wall.

Brett leaned against the open door, enjoying the view. Lexi hadn’t noticed him, probably because the machine was whirring. The treadmill was angled at an incline that mimicked running up the side of a mountain. It faced away from the door, in front of a small TV mounted on the wall. The sound was muted, but one of those do-it-yourself home shows flashed across the screen.

Oh, he’d bet she was good with her hands.

Her feet hit the mechanized track with steady, even strides. Her skin glowed pink where it was bare beneath the tight exercise shorts and T-backed running tank. A damp line arrowed straight from her nape, down her spine to disappear at the rounded curve of her ass.

He wanted to touch her there. God, he’d never found sweat sexy before, but on Lexi...

Her body was beautiful, the strong muscles bunching and releasing. He could stand there all day and watch her, but eventually she would stop and he’d get caught. Although at the moment, he didn’t care if she knew he was staring.

Two nights ago she’d been stretched out before him, a virtual smorgasbord of delight. She was gorgeous then. Last night she’d been so passionate. But now, seeing her body in motion was like watching an artist at work.

He appreciated line and form. Lexi Harper had them in spades.

He waited until her pace slowed a bit. She took a sip from a bottle of water lodged in a holder in front of her. Reaching for a hand towel draped across the bars, she ran it over her face and neck.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he said, “You should really lock the door. Anyone could walk inside.”

She yelped and spun around so quickly she nearly fell. The belt beneath her feet kept moving even as she tried to punch the stop button and find solid ground on the runners on either side.

Brett surged forward, trying to steady her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Shaking off his hands, she glared at him. “Then what exactly were you trying to do?”

Brett shrugged lazily. He watched her. “I wanted to see you.”

“And calling wasn’t an option? You had to sneak in the back door and scare the hell out of me?” Her hand pressed tightly between her breasts, as if she were trying to hold her galloping heart inside her chest.

All the gesture did was draw his attention down to her breasts. The tank she was wearing was cut low, revealing the swell of them. The center of his palm tingled with the need to touch her.

But that wasn’t why he was here.

Dragging his gaze away, Brett looked into her dark-chocolate eyes and tried to remember why he was here. But it was hard.

And, frankly, so was he.

Obviously, Lexi noticed because her eyes narrowed and her mouth thinned. “If you came for another quickie then you’re going to be disappointed.”

He stalked forward. Lexi shuffled backward on the treadmill until her back hit the instrument panel. Instead of stopping, Brett followed her up onto the belt. His palms gripped the cool bars, bracketing her. But he didn’t touch.

“I didn’t come here for a quickie, but we both know if I had neither one of us would be disappointed.”

Fumbling behind her, Lexi slapped at the button that would start up the belt. Without even blinking, Brett jumped up, letting the bars take his weight as he planted his feet wide on the runners.

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

“Why are you here?” Lexi breathed. Her pulse fluttered at her throat, begging him to bend down and taste. Somewhere he found the will to resist.

The sweet scent of her tempted him. It was stronger. Was it her or the store?

“I wanted to see you. Spend the day together. Get to know you.”

That wasn’t what she’d expected. Her eyes widened with surprise. She shifted nervously on the treadmill and looked away. He didn’t understand her reaction.

Brett grasped her by the chin, gently tugged until her gaze met his again. There were golden flecks in her eyes, a warmth that he hadn’t noticed before. He liked them.

“Do you want me to leave?”

He watched the war inside her and waited patiently for her to decide. He didn’t want to go, but if that’s what she wanted....

Licking her lips, Lexi parted them. Without moving anything else, she brought their mouths together. Heat and need blasted through Brett, but he didn’t move. Instead, he let her control the kiss.

When he was afraid his restraint was about to snap, Brett pulled away.

She panted, her eyes glowing with a need that he understood all too well.

Shaking his head, Brett took a step away. It would be too easy to give in, but that wasn’t why he was there.

Lexi’s face blanched and his chest tightened. Dammit! He was out of his depth with her. He had no idea what she wanted or how to give it to her.

“That’s not why I came here, Lexi. Believe me, I’d like nothing better than to boost you up onto the bar of this treadmill and take you right now. But I’m not going to do that.”

“You’re not?” she asked, her voice rough with desire.

“No. I’m going to help you with whatever you had to do today. And you’re going to tell me all about your trip to Switzerland and culinary school. I’ll tell you about the dog I hid in my room for two weeks before my mom discovered he was there.”

She studied him for several moments. “How do you know about my summer in Switzerland?”

Brett swore silently. He tried to control his expression. He’d been staring at that damn dossier too much.

“You told me. I think during dinner at your house.”

Lexi’s eyebrows crinkled. “I don’t remember that.”

He shrugged, hoping the motion came off as negligent. “Maybe your mom mentioned it. Someone told me, how else would I know?”

That seemed to satisfy her. She nodded. “No sex?”

“I didn’t say that. But the next time I touch you there’s going to be a bed very close. And I want to take all night.”

Lexi sucked a breath through her teeth. The sound of it echoed through him making all the muscles in his belly clench with yearning. He wanted that now. But he was nothing if not patient.

And he knew it would be worth the wait.

For the next several hours he watched Lexi work. He was surprised at just how time-consuming everything was. She was a perfectionist, testing and tasting until she was satisfied.

At one point she cut her eyes to him as she was pouring crushed herbs into a mixture. “Are you going to admit my aphrodisiacs worked?”

“Why would I do that?”

Lexi’s mouth pursed and she shot him a pointed glance.

Setting a hip to the counter beside her, Brett crossed his arms over his chest. It was either that or touch her. And he was trying so hard to be good.

“If I remember right, you were the only one who couldn’t keep her clothes on.” He leaned closer, filling his lungs with the scent of Lexi and chocolate. “And if memory serves, you didn’t have a single chocolate.”

Lexi closed her eyes. A shiver quaked through her and Brett bit back a groan. Her grip tightened on the spoon she was using to stir the concoction. The memory of that fist slipping up and down him last night slammed through him.

Swallowing, Brett tried to think about anything but how she’d felt sheathed tight around him.

Her soft voice shocked him. “If either of us had a condom you’d have been naked, too.”

Leaning closer, he let his mouth trail just above the curve of her neck. His words caressed her. “True, but that had nothing to do with chocolate and everything to do with the beautiful woman I was sharing dinner with.”

“Why do you keep saying that?” She shifted away from him, putting inches between them.

But there was something else.

“What do you mean?”

“Why do you keep saying that I’m beautiful?” She glanced at him through her lashes and Brett was shocked to realize they were a shield.

“Because you are.”

“I’m not. You know you don’t have to lie to me and tell me pretty things to get into my bed.” With a sigh, she turned back to the chocolate she was stirring. “I can’t seem to keep my clothes on around you anyway.”

That pissed Brett off. Terribly. His hand grasped hers, stopping her relentless rhythm. Slowly, he peeled her fingers from the spoon and set it aside. Gripping her shoulders, he forced her to turn and look at him.

“Nothing I’ve said to you is a lie, Lexi.” Brett’s conscience twitched, but he ignored it. Nothing important had been a lie. “You are gorgeous. But I’m not just talking about your body and face, although you have no idea how tempting those are. You’re generous and sweet. Passionate and talented. You’re the full package.”

Lexi jerked her chin from his grasp. Her skin flushed red but he wasn’t sure if it was embarrassment or something else. Beneath his hands her shoulders were taut with tension.

She didn’t believe him.

“I don’t understand why you can’t see yourself clearly.”

That got her attention. Slowly, her head swiveled so that she was staring at him with big brown eyes. What he saw there made his chest tighten. Wary disillusionment. Sadness. Defeat.

It was so wrong. And so not the passionate and feisty woman he’d begun to know.

She was going to say something, but before he could find out what, a loud knock boomed through the kitchen.

The knob rattled and turned. Lexi took a step away from him and he let her go.

“Jesus, Lex, you shouldn’t leave the back door unlocked when you’re here alone. No telling who might...”

Gage’s voice trailed to nothing. He halted, half in and half out, his hand still gripping the doorknob.

To her credit, Lexi pretended that nothing was amiss. “This isn’t Afghanistan, Gage, it’s Sweetheart. Nothing ever happens here. Ask Hope, she’ll tell you.”

Flashing her a pointed glance, Brett had to side with Gage. “You should listen to your brother. Bad things can happen anywhere, even here. Lock your door.”

Lexi’s gaze bounced from him to Gage and back again. With an exasperated sigh, she threw her hands up and took the spoon he’d placed on the counter to the sink.

“Whatever,” she mumbled.

Closing the door behind him, Gage walked into the middle of the kitchen and stopped with heavy arms crossed over his chest. “I distinctly remember breaking a guy’s nose in this very kitchen only a few months ago, so I wouldn’t say nothing ever happens here.”

“Yes—” Lexi threw a dark glance at her brother “—but that had nothing to do with my back door. He was here because I wanted him to be and in fact, if it had been locked you wouldn’t have gotten the chance.”

Gage’s big shoulders lifted and fell. “True.”

“What are you doing here?” Lexi asked.

Her brother countered, gesturing at Brett with his chin as if he wasn’t standing there listening. “What’s he doing here?”

“None of your business,” Lexi snapped.

Gage’s eyebrows spiked up before slamming down into a dangerous V. He stared hard at Brett, raking him with the kind of expression he’d undoubtedly used to get wayward soldiers under his command into line.

Brett wasn’t a soldier, and he’d stared down worse things than Gage Harper’s laser-focused gaze.

“What are you doing here?”

Mimicking Gage’s posture, Brett crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you sure you want the answer to that question?”

Lexi growled deep in her throat. “Brett, stop tweaking him.”

His gaze traveled slowly from the stern expression on her brother’s face across to Lexi. She frowned, but a blush covered her skin.

“I just asked a question.”

She snorted. “Yeah, right.”

Gage surged forward, his fists curled into tight balls that Brett instinctively knew would pack a hell of a punch. But he didn’t make it to the target.

Lexi stepped in front of her brother. Slamming her palm against his chest, she stopped Gage in his tracks.

“Move out of the way. I’m going to wipe that satisfied smirk off his face.” Gage glared down at his sister.

She surprised them both by responding, “I like his satisfied smirk. I put it there.”

Brett nearly choked. God, she was a puzzle. He had a hard time reconciling the woman who’d just refused to meet his gaze when he told her she was beautiful with the woman who stood unblinking between him and a massive guy trained to kill with his bare hands.

BOOK: She's No Angel
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