Read Some Like It in Handcuffs Online

Authors: Christine Warner

Tags: #General Fiction

Some Like It in Handcuffs (28 page)

BOOK: Some Like It in Handcuffs
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Within minutes of arriving at the precinct, the officer led Sunny through the front room. It was deserted. They headed toward the area where the detectives were housed, and at this time of day, during shift change, she wondered where everyone had gone. Everything was so quiet if a cricket chirped, she’d hear it.

She tripped on her shoe lace as she turned toward the officer. Her mouth opened then closed, knowing he wouldn’t answer any of her questions. Something odd was going on.

As the officer ushered her into the interrogation room, a prickle of unease flecked her skin. She stood in the same room she’d been in all those weeks back when she’d met Judson.

“Someone will be with you shortly.” With controlled movements the officer removed her cuffs then closed the door.

Sunny rubbed her wrists and glanced around the familiar room before she pulled out a chair to sit. This must involve her brothers. She bent to tie her shoe, unable to figure out what they were up too. They’d accepted her work, congratulated her on a job well done, and offered her full access to their records when she worked her next case.

The door opened, closed and latched shut as a leather clad foot, about a size twelve, came into view from underneath the table.

With bated breath Sunny straightened, her gaze following the gray pant legs up to the badge clipped on a narrow waist, hands with neat trimmed fingernails rested on the hips of a broad shouldered, dark haired man with a lopsided grin and a tuft of hair fanning his forehead.


After all these weeks his hair had grown to a respectable length. Her stomach flip flopped when he brushed his hand through the thick strands, pulling it from his face. Within seconds it settled once again over his forehead.

He flashed his blue-gray eyes over her. His gaze traveled—ever so slowly—from the top of her head to the soles of her sneakers. Heat followed his inspection. With a casual gait he strolled to stand in front of her in two long strides. He exuded confidence and power.

Glad she remained seated, her knees quaked then knocked together. She forced herself to blink and focus in on his handsome face.
Damn, I’ve missed him.


Damn, I’ve missed her.

He hadn’t realized how much until she sat staring up at him. Thinner, with dark shadows under her wide eyes, they matched his own. But unlike him, it gave her a look of delicate innocence. The blue button down knit top matched the electric shade of her eyes. His fingers dug into his palms in an effort to stop himself from dragging her into his arms and kissing her until neither of them could breathe.

“Judson, what—”

He held up his hand. “Ah ah ah, I don’t want to break out the muzzle.”

Sunny’s eyes twinkled. She thrust out her chin and exaggerated the biting movement of clamping her lips closed.

“Good. Glad to see we understand each other.” With controlled ease Judson sat on the table top in the direct line of her gaze.

He brushed away the hair covering his eyes as he gazed at her upturned face. He was in no mood to have his view of Sunny obstructed.

Although she appeared relaxed, the pulse at the base of her neck gave her away. He continued his visual exploration, memorizing every feature on her breathtaking face from the curve of her cheek to the tick of emotion crossing her face. But when she flicked her tongue to wet her lips, the swell against his zipper forced him to stand and move across the room. If he wanted to get any words out he better keep a safe distance.

The beat of his heart matched the rhythm of an athlete finishing a triathlon. His hand shook at the idea of saying what he’d been waiting to say for weeks. Even though Craig assured him she felt the same way for him as he did for her, he couldn’t get over the case of nerves invading his body.

“I have a few things I want to say—”

“Me too,” she said.

“But I want to say them without any interruptions. Clear?”

She nodded.

“First off I want you to know you did a helluva job on the case. You worked hard and not only proved yourself to your family and me, but all the guys in the department.”

A slow smile spread across her lips and her stubborn chin tilted with pride.

“After what happened to Rox I wasn’t thrilled about a woman choosing this career, and even less thrilled with having her be my partner. You really helped me work through it, Sunny. Male or female, you proved anyone with drive, ambition and inner strength could do this job. Knowledge comes as you go. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks. That means a lot to me, Judson.”

He held up his hand. “Next, I want you to know while we were working together, the feelings I had in the beginning changed. At first I thought you’d be a lead weight to drag me down, always having to watch over you and explain things you’d never understand. Again, you proved me wrong. You took the lead and even though I’ve been a detective for years, I learned a few things from you. I now not only believe in gut instincts, but a woman’s intuition.”

“I did mess up in thinking Slater killed Karina.”

“It was an easy mistake to make, but it all worked out. Glen has his answers and the case is solved.”

“Thanks to Slater and Maggie.”

Judson nodded. “You’re very thorough and you deserve the recognition for a job well done.”

“There’s no way I could’ve done it without you.”

“And finally,” he swallowed then cleared his throat. “I’ve missed you, Wildcat.”

“You’re not the only one.” Sunny rose from her seat, her gaze locked onto his. She moved toward him with slow, even steps.

Her words, paired with her shiny eyes and tongue kissed lips shook him to the core. Judson backed against the wall and held his hand up so she’d stop.

“Give me a minute, woman.”

She stopped and frowned.

Judson shook his head. “I didn’t say I don’t want you in my arms. I do, but if you’re wrapped around me like a warm blanket on a cold winter night I’ll never be able to get out what I need to say.”

Sunny issued a sultry giggle. “Am I making you nervous, detective?”

“I don’t know if I’d call it nervous, maybe more like—”

“Anxious, excited, breathless…”

“Lovesick.” As his word registered with Sunny’s brain his heart melted at the look on her face. Her teasing eyes and smile were replaced by a heated expression. She grabbed the back of the nearest chair as if to steady herself. Then damn it if she didn’t flick that darn tongue over her lips again.

“What did you say?”

“You heard me.” He stepped toward her, wrapping her in his arms, reveling in the feel of the small tremors dancing across each part of the skin he touched. “If you need me to say it again, I will. I’ll tell you I love you every hour of every day until you’re sick of hearing it.”

Sunny ran her hand down the side of his cheek. “I’d never get tired of hearing it. I love you too. I love you more than you’ll ever know, or understand.”

Judson lifted her from the floor as she arched her neck back to meet his mouth with her own soft, ready one. Sunny flicked her tongue over his bottom lip as she pulled his head closer to her own. The pressure of his mouth forced hers apart and their tongues met and slowly reacquainted.

It took several moments before they broke for air, but when they finally did, Sunny spoke first. “What happened to Montana? I had no idea you were still in town.”

“There was no way I could leave you. After you refused to see me at the hospital I was more determined than ever to wait you out. I can be just as stubborn as you.”

Sunny brushed her fingertips along his jaw. Her touch did crazy things not only to his heart, but his attention span.

“I turned down the position on the reservation.”

“You were just biding your time?”

“Derek assured me you’d see me…eventually.” He ran his hand through his hair. “It took a lot longer than I expected.”

Sunny giggled. “The Kennedy’s are a stubborn bunch. I couldn’t risk seeing you, not if I wanted to get over you.”

“Get over me?” He stopped tracing the heart shaped pattern he drew over and over on the back of her neck.

“After we made love I thought you felt guilty, like you’d cheated on Roxanne. I couldn’t compete with a dead woman’s memory. I made my mind up right then. As soon as we finished the case you needed to leave so I could start to heal my heart.”

Judson ran several light kisses along the side of her temple as she spoke. “And that’s why you refused to see me in the hospital.”

“I had it all wrong. Some investigator I am, at least when it comes to matters of the heart.”

“I had no idea you thought Rox and I were involved until Craig told me.”

She ran her fingers through the back of his hair. “I take it Craig called you after him and I talked today?”

“From the way he told it, he was dialing my number as they were pulling away from the curb.”

Sunny giggled, resting her forehead against his chin.

“I’m sorry we wasted so much time over a misunderstanding.”

“Me too.” With slow movements she raised her head and touched her lips to his.

After a few moments he pulled away, although their lips still lingered. “But what about after you’d been shot? You asked me to leave so you’d be happy.”

Sunny shook her head. “No, now you’re the one that has it wrong. I wanted you to go to Montana, so
be happy. It killed me that you were leaving, but I only ever want your happiness, Judson. It comes before mine.”

Judson cupped the back of her head in his hand and drank from her honey sweet lips in deliberate slowness. Savoring the feel and taste of her. His heart filled with love at her words.

“I’m sorry about Roxanne and your pain,” Sunny said when he let her breathe again.

“Guilt over Rox hit me so hard because not only did I lose a good friend and partner, but I took her away from my friend, her fiancé.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I know. You showed me that. You and Rox are a lot alike. You helped me to see she wanted to be treated like everyone else on the force, not like a woman, but a detective.”

“But I know it’s still hard. It’s never easy to lose someone you care about,” Sunny murmured.

“After we made love, I was unsure of where we stood. I didn’t think I stood a chance. Even though I hadn’t put the L-word to my feelings for you, I knew I couldn’t lose you.”

“You’ll never lose me. I hate to break the news, but you’re stuck with me now.” Sunny touched her lips to his in a brief, feather-like kiss.

“And here I thought you were more focused on your career and I wouldn’t stand a chance of you letting me in.”

“We’ve wasted so much time, not just personally but professionally,” she said.

“Is that your way of offering me a job?”

“More like a partnership.”

“With fringe benefits.”

“Detective, what are you suggesting?” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip and relished the light blush that climbed up her neck, glided across her cheeks and became hidden in her hairline.

“How about we share our lives at the office and at home? As in man and wife.”

Sunny dragged his mouth down to hers, a soft squeal squeezed passed her lips and she kissed him solidly.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Judson said when she released his mouth to take a breath.

“Definitely.” Sunny stood on her tip toes, her breath fanning across his cheek before she kissed his jaw.

“When did you know you wanted to stay?” Sunny whispered, her lips trailing heat along his chin.

Judson grinned and pulled away, gazing into her bright eyes. “As soon as you kicked Derek and me out of your kitchen I knew I didn’t want to lose you. I confessed to your brother on the porch I felt something for you, but I couldn’t put a name to it. I know now why he rolled his eyes and got that ear to ear grin. He knew before I did that I loved you.”

“Leave it to Derek to be the first one in the know.” Sunny rolled her eyes.

“How about you, when did you know?”

“I panicked when you didn’t show up at the bar to pick up the cassette. I kicked myself for not listening to you when you’d called earlier. Mad at myself for trying to teach you and Derek a lesson. Afraid it might have cost me more than I’d imagined. As soon as you walked through the door that night, it was the best moment in my life.”

Judson’s heart thumped against his chest when Sunny ran her hands up the nape of his neck, caressing his scalp with her fingertips.

“And to think my meddling family brought us together when they forced you to work with me.” Sunny scooped in a large breath.

“I was never forced into helping you. I wanted to.”

With Sunny still in his arms he stepped toward the table, pulled out a chair, and tugged her into his lap.

They were face to face, only a nose apart.

He cupped one of her cheeks in his palm.

She pressed into it, never taking her eyes from his face.

“Before this goes any further, I have something for you.”

Judson slipped his free hand into the front of his jacket and pulled out a box.


Sunny followed his hand. It reached into his jacket pocket to pull out a long red velvet box. She glanced at the box, then him. Her lips trembled when she reached out to touch his hand, her fingers curling over the rectangular box. A shudder ran up her arm.

When she revealed the golden heart pendant and necklace glimmering inside she gasped. She blinked several times to clear the tears from her eyes.

“Jud…Judson, how—when did you find this?” She looked at the necklace again and ran her fingers over the smooth heart pendant. Relief ran through her, she’d never expected to see it again. Judson not only had it repaired, but he added another pendant to the chain. The second one was two hearts intertwined together.

“I watched how you played with it whenever you were nervous, upset or scared. I knew it was important to you. Hell, I was downright jealous of it sometimes.” He chuckled. “After things calmed down I went back to the store and searched for it.”

“You have no idea what this means to me.” A tear trickled down her cheek and she brushed it away with trembling fingers.

BOOK: Some Like It in Handcuffs
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