Read Souls ReAligned Online

Authors: Tricia Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Souls ReAligned (25 page)

BOOK: Souls ReAligned
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Chapter Twenty-Three

It was a tiring afternoon. Several attempts at correcting the software failed. Hours of textbook reading and telephone calls followed. All the while, she thinks of Ethan and what he’s hiding. The last thing she wants to do tonight is take a dance class. Climbing up two flights of stairs, she opens the door marked ‘Miss Maddie’s Dance Academy’.

“Olivia!” Maddie squeals, as she glides across the floor. Throwing her arms around her, she squeezes her tightly.

“Hi, Maddie.”

“I’m so glad you’re taking lessons. I was able to convince my best instructor to stay late to work with you for the next couple of weeks.”

“Oh?” Olivia is surprised that she’d go through that much trouble. When Maddie finally releases her, she stands back and introduces her, “Olivia James, this is Michael Kelly.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet ye,” he says, in a voice that would challenge Ethan’s reign of sexiest Irish brogue. Welcoming her with the most incredible smile, he extends his hand. Staring at his warm brown eyes and dazzling dimples, Olivia suddenly feels shy.

“I… It’s...” stumbling with her words, she feels embarrassed. “It’s been a long day,” she explains, taking his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry you have to work extra hours because of me.”

“Now, don’t worry your pretty little head about that. I’d do anything for Maddie. Have you ever waltzed before?”

“No, never,” she says, as her eyes take inventory of his assets. She can find no fault with his body. Michael is tall, fit and toned. He has a dancer’s body, with lean hungry muscles, not to mention an incredible ass, and powerful thighs. His shoulders and chest are not broad like Ethan’s, but Michael is undoubtedly strong and capable of impressive stamina. Olivia begins to feel a little warm.

“No worries at all. We’ll start from the beginning.” Michael gives her a stomach clenching, dimpled smile that puts her at ease, “Do you have dancing shoes with ye?” he asks curiously.

Dancing shoes? Olivia looks over at Madison in her tights and heeled dancing shoes and then down at her sweat pants and Converse high tops. “Oh, I don’t have dancing shoes,” she says embarrassed.

Madison gives her a sweet smile, “It’s okay. You can dance just as well in what you have on. Right Michael?”

“Of course, whatever you’re comfortable in.”

“Let’s get started,” Maddie suggests, “Ethan wants us to meet him for drinks after he goes to the gym.

“Well, then,” Michael lifts his arms. “Let’s start with the proper hold.” Smiling, he waits for her to accept his hand, “Just walk forward and follow my lead. Right foot begins,” he advises.

Feeling awkward, Olivia tries to follow the simple instructions; right, left, right, left, stumble. Gah! “I’m sorry,” Looking up into his gentle, forgiving brown eyes, she sighs her frustration.

“No need to be sorry, love.” he says, patiently. Holding his hands up again, he waits. “We’ll begin again. As many times as you need, until you’re comfortable.”


Pushing through the crowded bar, Maddie and Olivia find a table and wait for Ethan to join them.

Sitting back with a drink, and a few appetizers, they indulge in a little girl talk.

“Ethan tells me that you aren’t seeing anyone right now,” Olivia says.

Maddie blushes, and looks around uncomfortably, “That’s true. I’m single.”

“When was the last time you were with someone?”

“What do you mean?” Wondering what exactly Olivia knows, Maddie shifts uncomfortably in her seat.

Looking perplexed, Olivia clarifies, “How long ago has it been since you were in a committed relationship with a man?

“Oh,” Maddie says, looking relieved, “Well, I’ve never had a boyfriend. If that’s what you’re asking.”

“How is that possible?” Olivia asks in shock, “There isn’t a man in the place who hasn’t looked at you. They’re practically drooling.”

“Well, trust me,” Maddie begins, looking around the room, “none of them will come anywhere near me. I’m too busy to date, anyway.”

“Really?” Olivia asks, bewildered. “I wonder why? You’re a beautiful girl. I can’t believe you’re almost thirty and you've never had a steady boyfriend.”

“Well, that’s because you didn’t grow up with Ethan O’Connell for a brother,” Maddie mumbles under her breath.

Trying to hear her over a loud obnoxious voice from the back of the room, Olivia leans in, “What?” she asks.

“Nothing.” Signaling for the waitress, Maddie refuses to repeat herself.

“Well, what about Michael? He’s hot, and he seems to like you a lot,”

Shrugging, Maddie frowns, “Well, there was a time he was interested in me.”

“What happened?” Olivia asks, curiously.

Maddie doesn’t want to come right out and say it, but it feels good to be able to talk about it. “One night we were all here after work. Ethan had a little too much to drink and got into it with Ian.”

Olivia looks up at the waitress as she puts another drink down in front of her. “Ian? What does that have to do with Michael?” she asks, wrinkling her nose.

“Ian was showing a little too much interest in McKenna. After a few drinks, Ethan decided…
nobody messes with my little sister
, and kicked Ian’s ass. Until then, Michael was interested in me. He was very sweet and attentive toward me. The next day, he barely looked at me. After that, he gradually put space between us.”

The loud obnoxious voice roars through the room again, followed by laughter. Recognizing it this time, Olivia turns, looking through the crowd.

A sinister grin curls across his lips from across the crowded room. Starting toward her, his malevolent plan begins to unfold.

“Shit!” Olivia blurts out, “Where the hell is your brother?” Looking down at her phone, she checks for messages. Feeling the man’s menacing presence, she raises her eyes to see a pair of dirty, torn jeans standing in front of her.

“Hello, Olivia.”

“Hello, Griff,” she responds, hitting send on a message to Ethan. Looking up she meets with Griff’s ice-cold stare.

Looking over at Maddie, he nods. “Madison.”

“Hi, James,” she says, before nervously surveying the room for security.

“Can I buy you ladies a drink?” he offers, glancing between the two beautiful women. “How about a glass of your favorite wine?” Locking on to Olivia’s gaze, he waits for her answer.

“Thanks, but I don’t like wine.” Glancing at her phone every thirty seconds, she watches for Ethan reply.

Griff looks at her confused, “You don’t like wine? Hmmm. Weren’t you drinking wine the last time I saw you?”

Olivia looks at him perplexed, “At the grand opening? NO! It wouldn’t have been me. Wine gives me a headache.”

Griff scratches his head and gives her a puzzled look. “Right, I’m sorry. It wasn’t you. It was that blonde girl that Ethan was with the night we landed at the airport.”

Color rapidly draining from her face, Olivia looks over at Madison, “Jessica?” she asks, hesitantly.

“Christ, no!” Griff falsely assures her, “She wasn’t in Canada. It was just some little blonde girl that had too much to drink. He took her up to her room. I remember now. She was the one that was drinking wine.”

Remembering that night, Olivia starts to feel sick to her stomach. That was the night that Ethan was missing in action. All his texts messages stopped and he didn’t return any of her calls. Olivia frowns, concerned now, that this blonde might be the secret that he’s keeping?

Looking up at Griff, Maddie gives him a venomous look. “Olivia,” she interjects, “I know what you’re thinking right now. I also know my brother. There’s no way that anything happened with that girl. Ethan would rather die than hurt you.”

Olivia wants to believe, she really does. History often has a way of repeating itself. Olivia knows very well, words that sound convincing can sometimes hide deceit.

Griff looks up as the roomful of rowdy patrons parts. Watching Ethan head straight toward them, he tries to clear his virulent expression. Ethan doesn’t take his eyes off Griff as he pushes his way through the crowd. Even from across the room, he sends a very clear warning to him.

Reaching the table, out of breath and soaking wet, Ethan stands toe to toe with Griff.

“O’Connell,” Griff says, nodding his head. “I was just leaving.”

“Good,” Ethan says, the tension in his muscles twitching as he watches Griff walk away.

“Thank God, you’re finally here!” Olivia says feeling exasperated, “Where were you?” Moving over in the booth, she lets Ethan slide in beside her.

“And why are you all wet? Is it raining?” Madison asks.

“I was boxing, at the gym,” he explains. “As soon as I saw your message, I ran all the way here. I didn’t stop to change.”

Both girls scrunch up their faces, “Ew!”

“So, you’re all sweaty?” Olivia asks, moving further away from him on the bench.

Grabbing her arm, he stops her from moving. “I ran, all the way here to make sure you were safe,” he says grinning, “I think I deserve a kiss.” Leaning in he puckers his lips and waits.

Olivia looks over at Maddie and rolls her eyes.

“Come on, Woman! Right here,” he insists, tapping his lip with his finger.

When Madison giggles, Olivia gives in. Leaning in, she brushes a quick kiss across his lips. When she leans back, he reaches up, wraps his hand around the back of her neck, and pulls her back to his mouth. This time he kisses her as if he means it: rough, possessive… panty melting.

“How was your dancing lesson?” he asks, when he finally pulls away.

“Oh, she did great!” Madison answers.

Olivia makes a face, causing Ethan to give her a questioning look. “She’s being polite,” Olivia explains. “I suck at dancing,”

Ethan chuckles, “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”

“Oh, it was. Even with a very patient teacher I managed to fuck it up.” Glancing over at Madison, she feels a little embarrassed. “Sorry about the F-word, Maddie.”

Madison waves it off, “Honestly, you did fine for your first day. After a few days with Michael, you’ll get it.”

“Michael Kelly?” Ethan confirms, “Those guys are good teachers. Give him a chance.”

“What do you mean
those guys
?” Madison asks, curiously.

“Homosexuals,” Ethan says, helping himself to Olivia’s drink.

Madison and Olivia look at each other baffled.

“What makes you think Michael is gay?” Olivia finally asks. Stunned at the inappropriate nature of his comment.

“You know,” Ethan says, as he picks at the rest of the appetizers, “he teaches dance for a living.”

“Michael is NOT gay. I know that for a fact,” Madison says blushing.

Biting her lip, Olivia desperately tries not to laugh.

Tossing the last appetizer in his mouth, he swallows, and then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “For real? He’s not gay?” he says, surprised.

“No, he’s not,” Madison insists.

“Well, I’ll be fucked.” He shrugs, looking over at Olivia. A thought enters his mind, and his head snaps quickly back to see Madison’s expression of guilt. “Wait! How the fuck do you know that for sure?”

Madison picks up her purse and gets to her feet. “It’s getting late, I better get going.” Walking toward the door, she avoids her brother’s inquisition.

“Maddie?” Ethan calls after her, still waiting for an answer.

Olivia gives him a look of disapproval. “Really, Ireland?” she asks, shaking her head, “You have to ask how she knows?”

Ethan’s eyes open wide when he realizes what Olivia is suggesting. “Madison!” he yells, as he gets to his feet to pursue her.

Olivia grabs at his arm and holds firmly. “Leave her alone, Ethan.”

“She’s my sister,” he protests, looking down at her.

“She’s a grown woman, and it’s none of your business,” Olivia insists, getting to her feet.

Griff wanders past them, giving Olivia a villainous grin. The uneasy look that washes over her face confirms his success. The seeds of mistrust have been planted. All he has to do now is wait.

“Can you just take me home?” she asks Ethan, trying to ignore the jittery feeling in her stomach. “I’m tired, and it’s been a long day.”

Ethan looks toward the door for Maddie but she’s long gone. “Okay, Sweetheart. Let’s go.”


Sitting on the side of the bed, Olivia waits for Ethan to finish his shower. Griff’s comment has been eating away at her all the way home. Every day is a struggle to keep from re-building those walls. The past few days have been filled with secrets. Hidden truths are no better than lies. Asking is the only way she can settle her mind.

Entering the room, Ethan glances at her, as he wraps a towel around his waist. “Are you okay?” he asks, noting her expression. “Have you been taken the antibiotics, as directed?”

“Yes, I have.” Watching as he gets his stuff ready for the morning, she tries to decide if this is the right time to bring it up.

Having already selected a dark grey suit with black pinstripes, he holds up two ties for her perusal.

BOOK: Souls ReAligned
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