Read Spark (Heat #2) Online

Authors: Deborah Bladon

Spark (Heat #2) (5 page)

BOOK: Spark (Heat #2)
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"You're sure you've got it all, Cadence?" Hunter asks, walking over to the makeshift make-up area. "The fire was caused by faulty electrical wiring in the wall of the apartment above Nova."

It's the first I've heard of it. I expected Tyler to tell me once he knew but I realize that he's been juggling a lot the past couple of weeks. "I got it. Electrical fire."

"We hope to open in six weeks." He looks at his watch. "We're going to honor all of the reservations that were in place before the fire.  Make sure you mention that."

I look toward the front doors. "Are you sure he's not coming?"

"There's an emergency with his niece." Hunter rests his hand on my shoulder. "He wants to be there for his sister. He's counting on you to pull this off."

Everyone is counting on me to pull this off since Maribel started breathing heavily into a paper bag. She hyperventilated when Hunter told us that Tyler was a no-show. That left me to take center stage to talk about Nova's rebuilding.

"Why don't you appear with me?" I straighten, glancing at my reflection in the hand held mirror the make-up artist gave me when I sat down on this folding metal chair. She's highlighted my eyes and lips with colors that complement the dark green, sleeveless blouse I'm wearing. I paired that with jeans and nude heels. "It's your restaurant. I'm sure the viewers would love to hear from one of the owners."

"I'm strictly behind the scenes." He studies me. "I can see that you're nervous, Cadence, but you're a natural. All you need to do is talk about what we lost and what we're doing now to rebuild."

I nod. He's right but the problem is that this is not my restaurant. I'm not even a senior or head chef. I'm a junior chef who has no inside knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes to rebuild Nova. I'm one of the last people who should be doing this interview.

"The interior designer is on her way over." He glances at his smartphone. "If she makes it in time, we'll let her on camera to talk about the redesign details. If not, focus on the employees and how much it means to all of you to have Nova back."

I'm quiet while he speaks to Barbara, one of the producers who just walked over to us. I rally my courage hoping that when the camera starts rolling I'm not going to fuck this up.




"I have a feeling this piece will go viral." Pamela wipes the remaining tears from her cheeks. "I felt like I was there with you, Cadence, watching Nova burn to the ground."

I rub both my hands over my face, clearing off my own tears. I planned on staying on course. I wanted to convey all the information that Hunter gave me but that went to hell when a video clip of the restaurant burning was shown to the viewers. I watched it on a monitor that the crew had set up for Pamela and Percy.

I felt overcome almost instantly and when she turned to me, after the clip ended, to ask what I was feeling when I watched Nova being destroyed, I let it all out. She expertly guided me through a series of questions that I know weren't scripted.

I talked about the fear I had when word spread that someone was trapped inside. I spoke about what a great place it was to work and about Tyler and Hunter's vision for the new restaurant.

When she asked if we all planned on sticking together I told her that the tragedy had created a stronger bond and that we were all eager to get back to work to show our appreciation to Chef Monroe. I was adamant when I explained that we were determined to help rebuild his dream.

My gaze follows Hunter as he strides quickly across the room toward me.

Fuck. Just fuck.

He doesn't look thrilled. He doesn't even look happy. I messed this up because I couldn’t keep my emotions in check. He counted on me to be a professional and instead I was emotional and sentimental.

"Mr. Reynolds," I spit out his name as he nears. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" He pulls me into his chest, his large arms circling my shoulders. "Cadence, you were incredible. I'm so proud of you."

I reach up to clench the front of his dress shirt in my hands. I don't have a brother. If I did, I'd want him to be just like Hunter Reynolds. He's strong, successful and his bear hugs chase all the bad bits away.

"I didn't talk about the new design." I pull back. "I meant to but then I saw that video clip from the news."

"You put a real face to our story." He rests his hands on my shoulders. "You helped everyone understand what we lost, what Tyler lost."

I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I had a job to do and I lost sight of that. "You're not upset? I didn't screw up the relaunch?"

"Hear that?" he asks at the ping of his phone. "That's Tyler. He's been messaging me non-stop since you went on the air."

My stomach drops. "His niece? What's happening with her?"

He tugs his phone from the front pocket of his trousers. "She stumbled over her own feet this morning and hit her head on a wooden chair. My wife was working in the ER when Kayla and Tyler took her in."

"Oh no," I wince. "How is she now?"

"Emerson is good. When she saw her dad's face she stopped crying."

I know her dad is a doctor. I heard Kayla telling Tyler that her husband, Ben, would have a look at his hand after he scorched it on the door handle at Nova. I didn't know that Hunter's wife worked with Tyler's brother-in-law. "I'm glad. Your wife works at the hospital too?"

"Dr. Reynolds," he says proudly. "My wife Sadie is a doctor."

I smile at the expression on his face. There's little doubt that he's in love. I can only hope that one day a man will look that in love when he says my name.





"Cadence Sutton." Tyler cups my face in his hands. "What have I ever done to deserve you?"

Taking a deep breath, I answer. "You cooked me the most succulent roast chicken that I'll ever taste in my life. There's not a woman alive who wouldn't give you anything you want after a meal like that."

"Jesus." He exhales harshly. "I think there's a chance I might get laid tonight."

"I'd say it's a very good chance, Chef."

"What are you wearing under that dress?" His eyes fall to the red halter dress I'm wearing. I'd gone home after my appearance on the morning show. Tyler called me just as I stepped out of the shower to invite me to have dinner with him. I accepted immediately. I've missed being with him. The past week he's been devoted to working on Nova's rebuild and that has meant no time for the two of us.

"If dessert is as impressive as dinner was, I'll show you later."

His lips press against my cheek. "What if I told you that I didn’t make dessert?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a pink pastry box. I know the logo on the top. It's from Dobb's bakery in Brooklyn. It's a small place, outside the scrutiny of New Yorkers who think that any food worth eating is in Manhattan. I've never tasted a chocolate cake as delicious as the one made at Dobb's.

"I'd tell you that I'm angry that you didn't share whatever was in that box from Dobb's with me."

"I didn't hide that box?" His eyes stay trained on my face.

My hands drop to my hips. "It's in full view. My mouth is already watering just looking at it."

"I know the feeling." He reaches to brush his fingers against my bare shoulder. "I've wanted a taste since you walked in. Don’t make me wait a minute longer."

I don't. I reach back to pull on the tie at the base of my neck so the dress slides off my body.




"Tyler," I gasp as he bites my nipple.

"When you move like that, I can't control it." He circles his hips, his cock plunging deeper inside me. "I don't want to come yet. You have to slow down."
I can't. We were both desperate for one another even before we made it to his bedroom. The trail of our clothing that litters the hallway is testament to that. I'd yanked on the hem of his T-shirt before he reluctantly broke our kiss so he could tug it over his head. My hands had already fallen to the zipper on his jeans by then.

My panties were lost in the frenzy. He'd fisted them after he cupped my ass cheek, ripping them from me. I groaned at the snap of the fabric against my skin before it gave way to the force.

He hissed when I took the condom from him and sheathed his thick cock myself. I ran my hands over the length before I angled myself on top of him. I pressed the thick crest to my pussy, moaning when I lowered myself onto him. The pain was pure pleasure, the sensation of being torn apart too delicious to make me stop.

I rode him shamelessly, my fingers focused on my furled nipples, my head thrown back in ecstasy as he chanted my name over and over with each upward thrust of his hips.

He took advantage when I slowed, flipping us over effortlessly with his cock still inside me.

"It's too good," I pant out in shallow breaths. "You're so fucking good."

His mouth slides over mine, his teeth claiming my bottom lip as he pumps into me. I purr from the pain in my lip and the exquisite ache in my core that's building, rushing to the surface.

I don't have to tell him I'm close, he can sense it. I know by his body. His thrusts slow to an easy rhythm, his cock almost sliding out before he pushes deep.  Each withdraw draws a whimper, every plunge a moan.

"Cadence," he whispers. "Baby, come. Let me hear it."

I climax from it all, his perfect cock inside of me, the seductive sound of his voice and the sight of his face as his lips part when his own release consumes him.





I offer the tablet to him. "You should take this back, Chef."

He steps closer, his gaze on my face. "Nothing has changed since I gave that to you."

"I thought you might want it back."

"Why?" he asks incredulously. "Has something changed between us?"

Yes. My heart is opening and it's scaring the hell out of me, Chef.

"Nothing has changed," I lie. "Maribel mentioned that you were planning on some new items for the relaunch menu so I thought you might need this."

"Maribel needs to mind her own business." His gaze falls over my shoulder. "She almost left Nova. She got a job offer from a place in Brooklyn."

My brow furrows. "How do you know about that?"

He manages a small smile. "The owner called me after the fire. He said Maribel had applied there. He wanted to know if she was as good as she claims to be."

The fact that she was offered the job means that Tyler sang her praises. I can't help but wonder if he ever discussed it with her. "She told me about the offer."

"Did you consider leaving Nova after the fire?"

"No." I smooth the skirt of my sundress. I'd put it back on after we made love when Tyler went into the kitchen to take a call. "I want to work at Nova."

He moves to sit in one of the oversized chairs in his living room, motioning for me to do the same in the matching one next to him. "I'm glad. I was worried that you'd get scooped up by another restaurant. You're the most talented junior chef that we have."

I sit, crossing my legs at my ankles. I always wear panties and without them, I feel exposed even though Tyler's seen, and touched, everything under my dress. "I wouldn’t have accepted another offer, even if one was made. I like working at Nova."

"Our new location seats more so I'm hiring more staff.  I need at least one more senior chef and a few more juniors."

I knew that. Maribel mentioned it and then I heard Hunter telling Percy and Pamela about it before my interview. I don't know how many bodies he's bringing on board but I know that they'll fall into step with the rest of us quickly. I have no qualms about welcoming new chefs, as long as I still have the opportunity to move up the ranks.

If he's bringing in seniors chef that means that he won't be offering promotions to the staff he has now. I'll just have to work harder to prove that I deserve it so when he does consider moving someone from junior to senior chef in the kitchen, my name will be considered.

"More junior chefs?" I ask with a grin. "I don't have to share my station with a guy, do I?"

"I'm personally assigning work stations. There won't be a man within twenty feet of you."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding, Chef?"

I can't keep up the straight faced banter. I crack a smile. It's only the second time he's called me that. It may trump the 'baby' that fell from his lips when he was inside me earlier. "I can never tell with you."

"If I could get Hunter to agree to a separate prep room just for you, I'd make that happen." His gaze locks on mine. "I know you'd never go for that. You like being in the trenches."

"I love being in the kitchen." I hold tightly to his tablet. "I feed off the energy of everyone else in there."

"I know that feeling." His expression softens. "My first job was at a bistro in Boston. I never wanted to leave that place. I would have slept in the middle of that kitchen on a cot if the owner wouldn't have ordered me out each night."

I nod, confirming that I know that feeling. "It was the same for me. I've been in professional kitchens all my life. I took my first steps in one. It's in my blood."

"You took your first steps in one?" He tugs on the drawstring at the waist of the black sweatpants he pulled on after we got out of bed. "Nova doesn't hire anyone under the age of five. They usually can't stay awake through dinner service."

I realize my slip at the same moment he jokes about it. I try to edge my way out of it by joking too. "At least my knife skills have improved since then."

It doesn't work. His face has changed. It's impassive now. The playfulness has slipped away and a mask of seriousness is in its place. "Did you inherit your talent from your mom or your dad?"

I skip over that generation when I answer. "My grandma was a pastry chef. She taught me how to love and respect food."

"So you can bake?" He looks at my hands. "You're more gifted than I realized."

I sigh inwardly, grateful that I navigated my way around any questions about my parents. "I can bake you a cake, Chef, but there's a condition."

"What might that be?" His brows rise with the question.

"You'll let me feed it to you on your birthday." My chin lifts. "That's a week from Wednesday."

"Who told you it was my birthday a week from Wednesday?"
I laugh and tilt my head to the side. "You know who told me that."

"Maribel?" His mouth curves into a sly grin. "I should fire her for that."

"You should thank her for that, Chef."

"I should thank her? Why would I do that?"

I rest the tablet on the coffee table before I push to my feet. "You should thank her because on your birthday I'll be feeding you the most delicious cake you've ever tasted while I wear my birthday suit."

He stands, pushing his sweatpants to his knees in one fluid movement. His long cock is hard, curving toward his belly. "I'd give anything for an early gift. All I want is a taste."

"This time it's my turn." I move quickly, dropping to my knees in front of him. I catch him between my hands, before I slide my mouth over the plush crown.


BOOK: Spark (Heat #2)
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