Read Speak to the Wind Online

Authors: Mary Tate Engels

Speak to the Wind (30 page)

BOOK: Speak to the Wind
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"But I would be able to stay in it?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "Maybe it could be slated for VIP use. For you or others who come to the reservation, like dignitaries who might attend special events.
Or teachers presenting special workshops.

Or f
or the newly elected chairman to live in?"

, it’s not for me
. I'm building my own place. I don't need it. Another thought is that it could be used by people, maybe kids, who live on remote parts of the
reservation and come to the Cul
tural Center for classes or special events. Its use could be monitored by a committee to make sure it's kept in good shape. And it could continue to be a special place." Joe
ed his hands
his knees and g
azed at her expec

She sighed and rubbed her forehead with two fingers. "I don't know what to say."

"Say yes."

She bit her lip and leaned back. "I need

"I know, I know. You need time to think about it." He stood up and stuffed his hands into his hip pockets.


"I understand. Well, think about it, Maria. I suggest that you work up a plan and prese
nt it yourself at the next coun
cil meeting. This whole proposal will be more effective if it comes from you."

"You're probably right." She stood up to face him. "I'll... I'll let you know."

"The meeting is in two weeks, on Thursday night." He dropped his hands to his sides and took a few steps toward the door. "I

ll support you any way I can. You can rely on my yes vote."


He stopped and turned around.


He nodded silently and started toward the door again.

"Joe..." She waited until he faced her again. "Would you... like to stay... for dinner?"

He chuckled. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but no, thanks. I have an appointment with a local TV station. They're going to tape an interview about the project. It should air this weekend on one of those noon talk shows."

"Afterward?" She twisted her fingers together.

He gazed at her for a moment and knew he could take her in his arms right now. She'd come willingly. He could see the desire in her eyes. But now was not the time. And this was not the way. He wanted it real, wanted their differences aired and settled, wanted her love, not just their lust. "No, Maria. Not this time. We need to think about it."

"Maybe you do."

"I wouldn't want any regrets tomorrow. Two volunteers, remember?"

She nodded. "Okay. I'll
let you know about the counter

"Call as soon as you've decided. We'll need to put you on the agenda."

You sound as though you're organized."

He pre
ssed his lips together.

Yep. We
organized and goal
oriented. I had a good instructor.
The best.

She smiled and he slipped out the door. Without a kiss. Without another word. She watched through the window as
his shiny red Jeep drove away. Unbidden tears filled her eyes and overflowed down her cheeks.


In two days,
Maria and her secretary, Letty, had developed a roughly outlined idea for s
everal one-day self-esteem work
shops and two week
long communications workshops for teenagers. They were innovative and unusual, filled with fun activities that were geared to interest teens yet designed to instruct. She was proud of what they'd developed so far. By the end of the week Maria had decided to do it, to give it a whirl.

"Letty, would you call the tribal council and tell them to
put me on the agenda?"

"So you're going to go for it?" Letty beamed at her boss. "Atta girl!"

Maria nodded. "I don't know, Letty. Sometimes I think it's futile."

"Go for it, Maria!" Letty gave the air a punch. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Maria smiled at the familiar
and gave one of her own
“This is certainly a last ditch effort.”

Plus, a
little vacation in the mountains," Letty agreed. "That's what you need.
Get out of this heat. Maybe see Joe. . .

Maria shook her head.
is no
vacation. I've never been under tighter stress. This is one presentation I have to ace." She whirled her chair around so she could look out the window and nervously hugged her arms.
“And no desire to see Joe. Again.”

Not much pressure, Mar
ia thought miserably as she lis
tened to Letty's call to the High Meadow tribal office. This is the most important presentation of my career. Everyone will be listening and observing. Joe will be there. And everything hangs in the balance.


in the hallway outside the council room. She didn't know when she'd
been so nervous
before a presentation
. She smoothed the skirt of her carefully chosen dress, a
shirtwaist with a wide belt
took deep breaths and
tried to make herself calm. But the herd of buffalo in her stomach wouldn't settle down.

As she waited, Maria mentally ran down her list of tips for good presentations. Act relaxed and confident, even when you aren't. Be concise and
specific. Deal with hostile re
marks in complete composure. Inhale for five seconds, then exhale slowly. She practiced her breathing.

The door opened and a dark-haired woman motioned. "
Eden? You can come on in.
They’ll hear you now.

Maria breathed again and plastered a confident smile on her face. She clutched her
computer, which would provide visuals
to dem
onstrate her presentation,
details of what she'd be teaching.

The circle of dark-haired men gazed solemnly at her when she entered the room.
In a group of eight men, there was only one woman.
She spotted Joe at the far side and he winked and gave her a thumbs-up sign. Maria
set up her computer and the first slide of her PowerPoint presentation went up on the screen

he smiled
at the group. She was too nervous to realize she'd already captured their attention with her striking blond-haired
They were with her before she even opened her mouth.
But when she started talking, her confidence and enthusiasm for her project took over.

"Gentlemen, thank you for having me here tonight and for being willing to listen to me. I know yo
u all have special feel
ings toward your ancestors. Well, I have ancestors, of course. And my feelings toward them are very special, too. So maybe you can understand when I tell you how I feel about the cabin my father built...."

She had touched a nerve. They listened to every word
, down to the last, “
. . .
so this is what I propose as multi-use of this beautiful cabin.
To keep it for good use and not to be destroyed.
Thank you very much.”

When she was finished, Maria gathered her
and stumbled from the room. She was flushed and excited and had suddenly forgotten everything she ever knew about remaining calm.

Joe followed her. "Why don't you wait in my office, Maria? The council needs to discuss this proposal and take a vote."

She looked at him, a question in her intense eyes.
“Now? Tonight?”

"You did fine." He nodded, then looked at the woman who'd escorted Maria in and out of the room. "Rona, would you please get Ms
Eden some coffee? And she can wait in my office."

"Yes, sir." She smiled at Maria. "Come with me, please."

As if in a daze, Maria followed. In another few minutes she stood in the middle of Joe's office, her paraphernalia piled on his desk, a Styrofoam cup of coffee in her hand. She sipped. The coffee was almost cold. But she didn't care. She drank it, anyway.

"Anything else I can get you, Ms
Eden?" Rona stood by the door.

Maria smiled wearily. "If you could influence their
vote that
would be appreciated."

"I wish I could," Rona admitted with an encouraging smile. "I just want you to know that I think your program sounds wonderful, especially the part about building self-esteem. I have two teenagers, and I would want my children to take your class

"Why, thank you, Rona." Maria sighed a little in relief. "I... I know it's something the elders have probably never considered, but I feel it's extremely important these days. Especially for the young."

"As a mother, I think it's very important, too. I hope they accept your plan,
Eden. I think it would be good for all of us."

"Thank you."

Rona closed the door quietly and left Maria alone. She paced the room, then sat down, crossing and re
crossing her legs, trying to stay put. But soon she was pacing again. Thirty minutes seemed like forever. She downed the coffee, then decided she had to go to the bathroom. She waited. What if she were in there when Rona returned? Finally she could wait no longer and used the facility adjoining Joe's office.

She hurriedly returned to the empty office. Still nothing. She checked her watch. It had been an hour. Dammit, what was taking so long!

Then the door opened, and Joe stood on the threshold.


Chapter Fourteen


What took so long?”

Some discussion

"Wh-what did they say?" Maria looked at him, searched his face for an expression that would tell her something.

His swarthy countenance was impassive. Joe closed the door and walked slowly into his office. "They said, 'How many rooms does this cabin hav
e?' I said, 'It has a large liv
ing-dining room combination, a kitchen, a bath and two bedrooms. We can add bunk beds if we need to sleep more.'"

She took a shaky breath. "And..."

"I told them the fireplace was hand built from native rocks and so sturdy it might last forever."

She swallowed hard. "Joe—"

He walked slowly toward her.

They said, 'What is this self-esteem she wants to teach our children?' I said, 'She will teach our children to be proud Apache and to lift their heads high. And how to speak in public with confidence.'"

Maria nodded, feeling somewhat frantic. "Yes..."

"And they said, 'How does she know about the Apache and what will make them proud
?' I said, 'She knows about peo
, all people

"Oh, Joe..." She wrung her hands.

He stopped a few inches from her.

They said, 'Can she teach us to make a speech so that everyone will listen as we listened to her
' And I said,

Yes, each and every one of you.
This woman
knows her stuff.'"

"Joe, you're driving me crazy! What did they say about saving the cabin?"

He paused and smiled slightl
y. "They said yes."

"Oh, Joe! Thank you!" She bubbled with joy and in her exuberance threw her arms around Joe's shoulders and hugged him with all her might.

Joe's strong arms curled around her back and held her to him, relishing the sensuous pressure of her body against his for the first time in
s. He held her tightly, even after she'd begun to let go.

When Maria realized that she'd flung herself into his arms, her body went rigid and her hands rested on his shoulders. "Joe
, sorry

"Maria, don't let go. I can't..."

She turned her face up, and his ebony eyes drank in the sight of her alluring blond hair, brown eyes gleaming with tears, creamy-smooth cheeks, slightly smiling strawberry lips. Impulsively he kissed her, long and hard.

BOOK: Speak to the Wind
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