Read Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Destiny Patterson

Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)
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“So you are stuck here?” I asked

“I guess so. I mean I’m not the first person this has happened to right? Haven’t you talked to others like me?”

“Yes, although some of them don’t know they’re dead.”

“How could they not know?”

“Maybe they just refuse to believe, I’m not sure. Why don’t you ask?”

“I haven’t left you since it happened and I haven’t seen any around, have you?” Kadence asked puzzled.

I shook my head, “No just you, now that you mention it… That’s strange.”

“Why? Did they come around often before?”

“More than I cared for them to. There are a few regulars that come around, but I haven’t seen any of them since you showed up come to think of it. I wonder why…”

“Huh, guess the
dead don’t like me much.”

“Doesn’t hurt my feelings any.” I admitted honestly.




“Wake up!” Drew shouts at me, “We’re almost there.”

Ugh, Joy!
  “Great.” I fake another smile. I’m getting way to good at this mess.

“Isn’t it exciting.” Mom says all chipper.

“I hope you two like it. There are a few renovations your mother and I plan on doing but for the most part its all modern.” Dad says.

“And we
got it at a steal!” Mom adds like Drew or I really care.

Did you know that Savannah, Georgia is the most haunted city in the United States? I didn’t until I did my research. I just want to tell my parents, thanks. I hope they have a nice psychiatric ward close by because I have a bad feeling I might end up in the nut house. Kadence has made it clear that she will be checking out the area, which I’m not sure if she can do, she hasn’t left me that I know of. I mean I don’t always see her but she says she doesn’t go anywhere and when I leave the apartment she seems pretty darn happy to get out. I don’t understand it; maybe she’s just not trying hard enough. I hate to say it but for the last few months I’ve been wishing a knowledgeable spirit would pay me a visit so I could pawn her off on them for just a little while. The only place she doesn’t follow me is the bathroom and I’m glad she respects my privacy in that sense.

“Wow, look at all the trees.” Kadence says as we pull into the driveway.

I nod my head so she doesn’t think I’m ignoring her, not like that’s really possible or anything.

“Yeah you are definitely getting me a car before school starts. This driveway never ends, I’d have to leave an hour early just to catch the bus.” Drew says leaning forward.

“That’s a bit of a stretch but, yes, we will go looking once we’re settled in.” Dad chuckles as I refrain from smacking Drew in the back of his head.

“Dude, you guys bought a mansion?” Drew says excitedly.

“He’s such a freaktard!” Kadence shakes her head, ”Tell him i
t’s an old southern plantation.”

“Actually, it’s an old southern plantation.” I say in a tone I reserve only for him to let him know I think he’s a moron.

“You are both correct.” Mom informs us, “When it was built in 1774 it was a mansion, it was owned by a wealthy family. From what I understand they are buried somewhere on the property.”

“You’re kidding right
?!” I ask quickly and annoyed.

“Not at all Journey. It was common in those days to have a family plot on your land.”

“This is just faneffingtastic!” I huff flopping back in my seat.

“Watch your mouth young lady!” Dad warns glaring through the rear view mirror.

“Yes sir, I’m sorry.” But not really, it’s like they want to drive me crazy… My thoughts have been confirmed.

“This is going to be interesting.” Kadence whispers like everyone else can hear her.

“Oooohhh.” Drew groans trying to sound like a ghost. I don’t bother holding back this time. Quickly leaning forward I smack him on the back of the head.

“Ouch.” He says rubbing his head,
“Why’d you do that?”

“Because you deserved it!”

“That’s enough you two.” Dad says parking the car in front of the house.

, apologize to your sister, that was uncalled for.” Mom says turning around to give him, what I’ve come to call, ‘the butthole face’. It’s when she puckers her lips so tightly it looks like, well you know. Yes it’s gross but comical at the same time. She reserves it for when she’s really upset, like she wants to spew a stream of ‘you’re in serious trouble’ with a mix of profanities but she’s to lady like and has to hold it back.

“Sorry.” Drew says without sincerity.

“Yeah.” I nod my head and roll my eyes. Whatever

“Are you two ready to check it out?” Dad asks opening the car door about to climb out.

“Hecks yeah!” Drew bails out the door before I can even get unbuckled.

“Sure,” I tell him
taking my sweet time as I look for Kadence but she’s already gone.

“Hey,” Mom loops her arm through mine and smiles, “It’s going to be alright, it’s a fresh start for you
. No one here knows… your past. You can fit in. Okay?”

Which to me translates to, ‘
Journey, honey, no one here knows you’re a freak, don’t ruin it.’

“I’m going to try.” I nod, looking down. I wish she wouldn’t make me feel like this. She knows
I’m not lying but she acts like I can turn it off.

“O-M-G!” Kadence exclaims appearing on the large front porch causing me to snap my head up. “You are going to love it! I love it! I can’t wait for you to see your room!”

“Are you alright?” Mom asks as she drags me up the stairs.

“Fine, I was, nothing, n
ever mind.” I glance around anxiously. I can feel their presence.

I left my bag in the suburban. I’ll be right in. Go ahead.” I tell them as I stare at Kadence trying to let her know I want her to follow me.

“You can get it later.” Dad says

I shake my head no and mom lets me go.

“Okay but hurry up. I really want to show you something.” Mom says before I head back to the car with Kadence following behind me.

“What’s wrong?” Kadence asks.

I look back at the house to make sure my parents have gone inside, when a movement in the upstairs window catches my eye. It’s so quick I can’t tell what it is.
  “Journey, hello?”

“They are here, aren’t they?”

“You feel them too? They won’t show themselves though. I called out to them and introduced myself as I was walking around.”

“They don’t want us here.”

“You worry to much, they’ll come around. Now come on.” She instinctively reaches for my hand.

“Holy crap!”

We both stare down at our hands.

“What the hell
o? I can feel you Kay.”

“Awesome, I can too! What do you think it means?”

“I don’t know.” But it’s probably not good.

She starts pulling me towards the house, “Isn’t this great? I love this place already. I can tell that we’re going to have a lot of memories here.”

“Yeah me too.” But I don’t think many of them will be fond.

“Mom, Dad? I call out from the large foyer as I take in my new surroundings.

“Isn’t it cool? Your mom did a great job decorating.” Kadence smiles as she walks around.

“Up here honey.” Mom says and I start up the stairs.

“To the right.” Kadence informs me before I make it to the landing.

I nearly run into mom rounding the corner, “Oh my, did you run up the stairs?”

“No, I took them two at a time.”

“That doesn’t surprise me. Come on.” She turns and I follow glancing around nervously.

“Drew’s room is at the opposite end.” Kadence says.

“Don’t worry your brother’s room is back there.” Mom hitches her thumb over her shoulder. “He can’t complain about your music or giggly girls, and the best part,” she opens a door, “ You have your own bathroom.”

White walls, white tiled floors with small black diamond centers, it looks so… sterile
, reminding me of a doctors office.

“We can paint, change the shower curtain and things if you dislike it.” She says noticing my unimpressed look.

“No, it’s okay, I like it. It’s just a lot of white. Very clean looking.”

Mom laughs, “I wanted to do Drew’s bathroom straight black.”

“You should have, you’d never have to see all the grimy hand prints or when he misses the toilet.”

“Boys,” she scrunch
es her nose, “dirty little things.”

“So true. You
know, maybe we could go shopping.  Get some stuff to bring some color in.”

“Purple?” Mom asks.

“With a zebra striped curtain!” Kadence adds.

“I think that would look cool.”

“Great.” They both say at the same time and I laugh.

stares at me with a warm smile and it makes me feel uneasy, she’s going to get mushy.

I ask.

“It’s great to hear you laugh again Journey, it lightens my heart.”

“I’m sorry to worry you.” And I mean it. I really do feel bad for causing them stress and grief but I don’t know how not to. It’s difficult for me to pretend that everything’s alright when clearly it isn’t.

“Everything’s going to be okay.” She says but I’m not sure if it
’s for her own reassurance or mine.

“So, how about my bedroom?”

“It’s not white, I promise.” She says smiling and opening the adjoining door to my room.


“Is that good or bad?” She asks.

“Good, you did good mom.” I tell her as I walk around the lavender room.

“I was worried it might be color overload.” She says sitting on the shiny differently bright colored bedspread with metallic embroidered designs.

“No the light walls keep it balanced and the black furniture helps. I love it, honestly I do.”

“I’m so happy, I’ve been anxious about what you would think. I faxed the interior designer my sketches and plans and he ran with it.”

“Well you guys should collaborate and design together.”

“I’m not sure when I’ll go back to work but I’ll think about it. I want to see how everything goes first.”

Yeah, there’s another thing I feel guilty about. Mom quit her job working for a high-end interior design company a couple of years ago because of me.

Drew bursts through the door, “Oh, I think I’m going to puke!”

“What’s wrong sweetie?” Mom asks rushing to him.

He bellows out a laugh, “It’s so girly in here, I feel like my testosterone level just dropped.”

“Stupid, get out!” I
shout throwing a big neon green pillow at him, “You’re so immature!”

He rolls his eyes and hurls it back at me.

“Go on.” Mom ushers him out as I flop on the queen size bed.

“We’ll be around if you want a tour.” She says with her hand on the knob.

“Okay.” I say as she starts to walk out. “Mom.”


“Thank you.”

She smiles and closes the door behind herself.

     “What do you really think?” Kadence asks lying next to me.

“I really like it.”

“Whoa, even I thought it would be to vibrant for you.”

“I’m not that dark of a person.”

She raises her brows, “Have you read your poetry lately?”

“Yes and apparently so have you.”

“I get bored, you are the one who leaves it on your desk.”

“I’ll make sure to put it up from now on.”

She sticks her tongue out. “I could probably get your book out if I wanted so ha.”

“Have you tried to move or touch anything else?”

“Not yet.”

“That’s unbelievable.”

She grins hugely, the wheels in her head turning.

“Not sure I like that look
, it usually means you are going to do something crazy.”

“Oh Drew, it’s time for a little payback.”

“Not now, let me enjoy a little peace first.”

“Party pooper.” She says getting up, “How about some music?”

“Sure.” I say sitting up.

“No, let me try.”

“Go ahead.” I say watching her stare at the radio intensely. “Unless being dead gives you telekinetic abilities you might want to try touching it.”

“Building up my confidence here, silence please.”

I giggle quietly but keep my remarks to myself.

She finally reaches out and, “Good evening, this song goes out to Debbie from Steve.”

BOOK: Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)
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