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Authors: Evan's Victory

Tags: #Romance

Stacey Espino (9 page)

BOOK: Stacey Espino
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“He’s coming. You disobeyed him by coming here,”
said Travis.

“You would have done the same thing

“Garret knows I’m a fuckup. You…he expects more from you.”

Evan no longer wanted to keep the status quo, live a day at a time with no thoughts drifting to the future. He wanted more. He wanted to take on the whole world when Cassidy was near. He wasn’t an alpha, but surely Garret would understand his need to protect his mate.

“The loggers took her. They need to pay,”
he said.

“Garret figured it was something like that when he found you missing.”

As the rest of the pack settled in around them, they began to move forward as a solid mass of shadowed fur, fangs, and claws. Each of them kept their thoughts silent, all focused on their task. Cassidy was the first priority. Revenge could come later. It was a lesson he’d learned too well.

When they neared the perimeter of the camp, a couple rival wolves picked up their scent and came to scout their location. Garret and Travis held their ground while Evan, Patrick, and Matthew instinctively spread out, surrounding the enemy.

The glimmer of moonlight reflecting off wolf eyes was the only evidence of an impending attack. They were ready.

One of Rockford’s wolves finally made an aggressive move, snarling and lashing out with razor-sharp teeth. Garret began to brawl, both wolves rearing up and rolling on the forest floor in a vicious tangle. As the other moved in, Evan and his pack mates leapt out of their hiding places and set their targets on any and all Rockford wolves. They’d made the first move, so now they had to deal with Gregor strength and training.

His lips were pulled high off his teeth as he snapped and growled. Evan didn’t hold back, throwing his body weight forward without worry of injury. He wasn’t sure what the fuck was happening at the camp. Who was the enemy? The longer Evan engaged in the violent clash, the more his feral side dominated. His desire for blood and death blinded him…just as it had when he was an adolescent.

Cassidy. He couldn’t stay here and fight when she needed saving. His pack mates were capable of handling themselves, so he made the decision to break away from his pack. It was the perfect time to explore with all attention diverted to the fight.

He roamed through the darkness, keeping concealed by stockpiles of logs and outbuildings. Several truck engines had come to life as the loggers scrambled to vacate the camp. Cassidy could be in one of those trucks. As the first truck navigated the narrow path leading to the main road, he leapt up at the open passenger window.

“These wolves are mad!” shouted the human male. “Hit the fucking gas!”

Since Evan couldn’t scent his woman, he backed away, watching the truck’s rear lights bob up and down in the darkness.

“If you’re looking for the girl, I know where she is.”

No human could sneak up on him. It was the reason he knew he was dealing with a Rockford. He turned around, flashing his fangs. Ryder Rockford didn’t look afraid. He was his alpha’s brother, so held high position in his pack.

Evan circled the man, taking slow, measured steps. As much as he’d like to stay in his fur, he had to find out if Ryder was telling the truth. He willed the change to envelop his body, his fur receding as he returned to his human form. Only now did he notice the sharp chill in the air.

“Don’t play games with me,” he warned.

“My brother’s confused. He thinks he loves your human. Wants her for our pack.”

He was not expecting this revelation. It would be simpler if he just had to rescue Cassidy from human loggers. This was so much more complicated. He blamed that bastard Corbin for moving in on their woman. He also blamed his own alpha for not claiming her properly.

“She’s taken. He knows this.”

Ryder shrugged. “Then go get her. I have no use for a full-time female.”

“Where is she?”

“I expect my brother’s taking her home to our land.”

Of all the women in the world, Corbin had to set his sights on the one taken by a rival pack. Corbin was truly losing his fucking mind. He knew they should have finished him the last time he’d stolen Cassidy.

He didn’t stick around to talk any longer. He was thankful Ryder told him what he needed to know, but he didn’t respect him for exposing his own kin. Evan leapt forward, landing on two paws. He’d cross enemy lines today—no permission, no backing down. As much as he wanted to rip those loggers to shreds for threatening his mate and coloring his past in shades of gray, he ran from the camp. It was time for him to take a stand, to make a difference.

Chapter Eight


“So, what do you think?” Corbin opened the passenger side of the truck for her. She stepped out into the hushed surroundings. The Rockford miners lived a lot more civilized than her men. The house was a modest bungalow made of split logs, but it was large and appeared to have modern touches. A light fixture on either side of the main door highlighted the cobblestone path leading to the entrance.

“It’s nice.”

“Come. Let me show you inside.” He reached for her, but she pulled her hand away. A nice house, money, compliments, and affection weren’t enough. There was more involved in love than basic ingredients, otherwise everyone would attain it. And few did. Her love for Garret, Matthew, Patrick, Travis, and Evan grew with each encounter, each struggle, and each intimate moment. Now she was lost. If Corbin was telling the truth about witnessing their infidelity, she never wanted to see them again.

“I better not. I should really be going home.”

He narrowed his eyes for a fraction of a second, proving his new sweet exterior was just that—a façade. Corbin had lied to her before, pretending to have found her brother camping out in the woods alone. It was all a trap to get her isolated. Like now.

“Stay,” he said simply. There was a deadly insistence in his tone. Her heart raced. She hated being alone with this madman again. He might be nice to look at, but he had nothing else going for him.

She grew bold. Once he got her in that house, she would be no better off than before he rescued her from the lumber camp. Maybe worse since his motives were questionable. “No. I’ll walk home if I have to.” She stepped back several steps.

“Good luck with that. You wouldn’t make it ten feet before I had you over my shoulder.”

“Exactly. You don’t want a relationship. You want a prisoner.”

“You’ll learn to comply like the rest of my pack.” He took a few determined strides forward. She struggled to walk backward so she could keep her eyes on him. Would he really chase her into the night if she started running?

She was close to begging, so exhausted from the emotional stress of the day. When she hit a hard wall, she thought her escape was over.

“I believe she said she wanted to go home.”

Cassidy whirled around, her forearms resting on a hard male chest. Evan. He’d come for her. She was nearly giddy with relief and excitement until she remembered what Corbin had told her about Ms. Tanner. If it was true, Cassidy would have to stifle her love for the miners.

“You’re a long way from Gregor land, wolf.”

“Good thing your brother gave me his blessing to come fetch what’s mine.”

Corbin scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’ll kill him,” he muttered.

“Did you think you could steal what’s ours and get away with it? Did you think we wouldn’t come for her?” Evan gently shifted her behind him before stalking forward. Although Corbin wasn’t a small man, Evan still greatly outsized him. “I’d give up my place in the pack for Cassidy. Without her I have no identity, no future, no hope.”

“Where’s your alpha? What’s he have to say about this? He can’t want her that much if she remains unmarked after all this time. You know our ways the same as I do. She’s available for the taking until she bears a love bite.”

“It’ll happen. Soon.”

“I’ll give her one right now,” said Corbin.

Evan growled, an animalistic sound, his nude body tense. She was used to her men running around like savages, but it didn’t stop the questions dancing in her head. Corbin called Evan a wolf, and she’d swear they were all raised by animals by the way they behaved half the time. Where had Evan come from? Where the hell were his clothes?

“Try it. It’ll be the last thing you ever do.”

Her body responded to Evan’s dominance. It turned new switches on inside her because she rarely saw this side of him. He was always following orders whether at the mine or at home. The other men would tease and call him Garret’s bitch, but it wasn’t too far from the truth. She loved Evan, adored the softer side of him, but he needed to choose her, put her first when it mattered.

“I can have ten of her by the end of the week. Take her,” said Corbin with the dismissive wave of a hand. He was smart not to challenge a hulking man like Evan, especially when he was angry.

Evan grabbed her firmly by the wrist and walked away from the other man, continually looking back to ensure he wasn’t followed.

“Where’s your truck? How did you get here?” she asked once they’d put a safe distance between them and Corbin’s house.

“I walked.” He appeared lost in thought, so closed emotionally that she felt tempted to break through. She needed a connection. Needed answers.

“How? We’re miles from nowhere.”

He didn’t answer. They kept walking at the same punishing pace until her legs were so weak that Evan had to frequently tug her along.

“Why are you naked? Where are your boots?” It was chilly out and the forest was all rough terrain. She was more than thankful Evan had shown up, but his sudden presence only created more questions in her mind.

“It’s a long story. I’ll explain everything once we find Garret.”

“Stop!” she finally said. “I’m tired.” She placed a palm to his chest, refusing to let him walk another step. Cassidy had to rest for a while, and she wanted to talk.

“Don’t worry. Garret will find us soon enough. Travis and Patrick are probably already on my trail.”

“Garret? What trail? How did you know I was even here?”

He tilted her chin up. The clearing in the forest canopy above them allowed the full strength of the moon to provide soft lighting. She could make out the sharp, chiseled planes of his face.

“I followed you here from the logging camp.”

“You came for me?” Her voice only registered as a whisper. It touched her heart that he’d thought of her.

“I’ll always come for you.”

“What about the inspector? You weren’t thinking of me too much when you spent the night with her, were you?”

His brow creased. “Garret made me stay and babysit her. Nothing more. The rest went looking for you. You’re all we think about.”

“But Corbin said he saw you with her tonight. All five of you.”

An owl hooted above them, reminding her how deep they were in the wilderness. But somehow with Evan close to her, she was fearless. He cupped her face. “You’re the only woman for us, little human. Even without Garret’s mark, you’re still branded on my soul. There’ll never be another for me.”

She looked down, wishing she could believe his words but knowing they’d only last until Garret showed up. “Unless Garret commands otherwise.” Cassidy couldn’t disguise the venom in her voice. She wanted to be loved unconditionally by Evan, just as she wanted to believe Garret, Travis, and Matthew loved her.

“I made a mistake. A big one.” Evan leaned down and started to kiss her neck. Shivers scattered along her skin like tiny carbonated bubbles. “I’ve done things I regret and lived a life trying to make up for those mistakes. It’s not possible. All the repenting in the world won’t change the past, only keep me locked there, unable to move forward.”

“If you constantly live with what could have been it’ll slowly eat away at you, Evan.” She wasn’t the one who should be advising him. Cassidy spent far too much time dreaming about the past, wishing her childhood had been different. She wondered how her life would differ had she met her brother. But just like Evan, her fantasies made it impossible to enjoy each day to the fullest. She needed to take her own advice.

“I know that. I can’t make up for what I’ve done. But I can choose to live my life rather than hide from it.”

“Does that mean you’re going to stand up to Garret more often?”

“A lot of things have to change, and some already have. I chose you rather than revenge, came to find you on my own rather than get permission first.”


She leaned against his chest, and he caressed her hairline with his fingertips. His touch was soothing, healing. “We’re still on Rockford territory.” Was that a playful note in this voice?

“And? No, let me guess. It’s one of your fantasies to fuck me on rival territory.”

He tilted his head, a smirk visible despite the long shadows obscuring most of his handsome face. “It would kill the time until we’re picked up. Unless you like to be bored.”

She recalled how Garret had dominated her body in the forest, no hesitation about taking her in the rough surroundings. The thought of Evan taking her here, now, filled her with sexual yearning. She never found the suits in the city appealing—manicured nails, pressed pants, fancy lattes. Cassidy reveled in her
men. They made no apologies for their rough behavior.

BOOK: Stacey Espino
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