Read Stardust Online

Authors: Mandi Baker

Stardust (14 page)

BOOK: Stardust
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Lying female!

Bartok shouted as he pinched the unresponsive breast.

Your body betrays you.


he commanded.

Come here.

Obediently his mistress stepped from the water.

This is how a female responds to a male,

he said as his hand pawed at the rounded flesh of her body. Her nipple became hard and tight. His hand moved to the juncture of her thighs, forcing her legs apart.

This is how a male knows a female wants his touch.

He forced his hand deep within Selina

s dewy moistness, causing the woman to groan.

Take this ignorant female and show her the way to please a man.

Yes, my lord.

Selina led the young servant to the high platform in the corner of the room.

Bartok watched the two females on the silken covers. His knowing laugh sounded as the young one soon responded to Selina

s expert touch. Her whimpers of terror soon turned to moans of pleasure as Selina showed her the ways of pleasure. Bartok watched for several more minutes before he removed his robe, dropping it to the floor.
He mounted Aerials supine body, his rigid shaft
tearing at the tender flesh. With one brutal thrust he breached her innocence, imaging another dark beauty

s scream of surrender. He swelled to satisfaction as her whimpers of pain filled the room.

Selina moved to the corner of the pallet as Bartok took the young maiden

s innocence. For a moment her eyes welled with moisture, remembering all too well the time of her innocence. Bartok had speared her flesh and then returned her to the seductress of the palace. She had experienced much humiliation as the woman taught her to enjoy the touch of a male. She had endured much pain until she learned to show her pleasure in the act of surrender, until she craved the satisfaction almost as much as her male partner.

She saw the young servant close her eyes and her body go limp. Bartok rose and left the room without a word. Silently Selina climbed under the covers to wait.

Hours later a small noise disturbed her restless slumber. Keeping her body perfectly still, she opened her eyes, blinking to allow them to adjust to the harsh light. The sound of crying had awakened her. Repressing the tender feelings inside her, Selina fought the urge to comfort the weeping child.

Instead she demanded harshly,

Aerial, stop that sniveling this instant.

She quickly donned her robe trying hard to avoid Aerial

s tear-streaked face as she threw the girl a tunic.

Put this on and come with me. You have much to learn.

* * *

The darkness of the lower levels pulled at the two females as they journeyed deep within the palace.


Selina said as she opened a great wooden door.

This is my place of dwelling.

She ushered the now shivering girl inside and shut the door. Immediately both were engulfed in a warm breeze.

Aerial looked about in amazement.

From where does this blessed heat come?

Selina walked to the furthest corner of the room and opened a concealed door.

We are warmed by the furnace of the Mountain of Life. Come and I
will show you the pleasure which
awaits you.

She led the speechless girl through a corridor of red rock, the stone, heated from within, a warm carpet to their naked feet.

What is this place?

Aerial whispered as if the ancient ones themselves could hear her words.

This is the palace of the great King Jalon, former ruler of Palermos.

King Jalon? What has happened to him?

Aerial asked.

He was a most benevolent man. Many people of The House of the Unloved spoke highly of him.


s laughter echoed off the walls.

The House of the Unloved,

she scathed.

Have you not learned yet of their betrayal? They were not concerned with your welfare, little girl. They merely wished to line their coffers with Saatan

s riches.

Aerial shook her head.

No, you are wrong. The elders would not do such a thing. They cared for me when I had no one else.

Selina stopped and faced the younger woman.

Then why have they sold you to whore yourself upon Bartok

s pallet?

Aerial could not meet her knowing gaze.

The time of oneness must come to all.

You foolish child. Do you not know the ways of male and female were given to us for pleasure and not for pain?

How can it not be of pain?

she demanded.

A man is hard and swift.

I will show you your King Jalon. Then you may ask the great man himself why you must suffer so.

Selina resisted the urge to soothe the
tendrils of hair from Aerials

tear-streaked face.
She must not give in to these infernal feelings of goodness that crept upon her at the most inopportune times.

There he is
the most refined ruler of all of Palermos.

Her voice was mocking as she turned into a darkened doorway. Beyond them in the shadows lay three thin figures guarded by an impenetrable row of metal bars.

Darvek rose from his mat as the two figures approached.

Who goes there?

It is I, Selina, mistress of Bartok.

She urged Aerial forward.

How dare you enter the presence of your king in such array?


s voice was low and condemning, his eyes raking the form-fitting silks of Selina

s palace dress which branded her a mistress.

Is the king not open to all citizens of Palermos?

Selina demanded.

Will he cast out the companion of a male?


Darvek shook his head.

He will not judge the passion between a male and female.

His eyes showed sympathy as they flickered briefly over the younger girl

s huddled form.

But he will condemn the corruption handed out by an Argonian whore.

You dare sit in judgment?

Selina shouted. Without thought she moved closer to the steel barrier.

You know nothing of me.


s hand streaked out to clasp her slender throat. His fingers closed threateningly around the golden flesh.

Selina struggled in the warrior

s hold. How could a man so weakened by the enforced dungeon stay have such might?

Unhand me! Must all males resort to the superior strength blessed upon them?

Immediately his hold gentled, and he pulled her closer.

Not all males are barbaric. Some of us have learned the sweeter way to a female

s pleasure.

Selina was shocked to feel the softness of the man

s lips upon her own. She had never experienced the tenderness of another

s kiss. She broke away hastily, her breathing coming in great gasps.

How dare you touch me,

she said.

I am Bartok

s mistress.

You are a citizen of the galaxy. How may you live with yourself at the suffering of another?


s eyes met hers and Selina could not hold his bold gaze. She knew he referred to the hand she played in Aerial

s destiny.

Come. We must leave.

Quickly she ordered the girl to follow her back down the path they had taken.

Aerial hesitated at the door of the cell.

Is King Jalon well?

she ventured to ask.

He is well, little one. Do not worry so. We will be fine. You must look toward your own guardian of life.

With a brief nod, Aerial turned and quickly caught up with Selina.

Mistress, why has Master Bartok imprisoned King Jalon? Surely he can see that he is very weak and could not threaten his position?


s short bark of laughter caused the smaller girl to jump in fright.

Perhaps King Jalon could not threaten Bartok physically, but to release him now would be suicide to Bartok

s reign of Palermos.

As they continued to walk, she sought to enlighten the younger female.

If Bartok were to release the king, the people would surely rebel.
No citizen of Palermos would allow Bartok rule if they knew Jalon still lived.

Then Master Bartok is not a good ruler?

Selina knew she was remembering the harsh initiation she had endured the night before.


She opened a wooden door and pushed the younger girl through quickly. Closing the door, she turned to whisper harshly,

Never speak of Bartok in such a manner. If he should hear you, your life would be worthless. Do you understand?

Stunned at the older woman

s vehement words, Aerial could only nod mutely.


s harsh expression softened abruptly.

Come, we will bathe in the pool of vapors and release our troubles for a short while.

Opening another door, she smiled with secret pleasure at Aerial

s childish squeal of delight.

Clapping her hands excitedly, Aerial walked around the clear blue pool of water in awe.

Oh, it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Turning soulful eyes upon the older woman she asked,

It is allowed that you use such a wonderful place? Surely the master would keep such a treasure to himself.

Selina crossed her arms, keeping her expression deliberately vague. Inwardly the happiness she was trying so hard to hide bubbled up. But before she could answer, the sound of a door opening disturbed the quiet of their small hideaway.

Both women turned as a female of indeterminable years entered.

Do not let the Mistress mislead you, my dear. She may use this pool as often as she likes. Unless, of course, Bartok requires her services.


s eyes narrowed at the uninvited guest. She had seen this older female many times, but when she had inquired of the female

s status, the servants had made only obscure references to members of King Jalon

s staff who had remained to work in the palace.

What do you want, old woman?

The fear that had stolen across Aerial

s young face at the mention of Bartok

s name chased away the happiness of seconds ago. She laid a thick piece of cloth in the girl

s arms urging her into the water. She did not speak again until the younger woman had stripped and dove into the warm pool.

By whose permission do you use this place?

Her voice was hard and demanding. She
was surprised at the beauty which
still lingered on the elderly features. Crystal blue eyes stared at her from only a slightly li
ned face. The few wrinkles which
were apparent only added to the peacefulness of her countenance.

BOOK: Stardust
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