Read Star's Storm: Lords of Kassis Book 2 Online

Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #erotica, #fantasy, #futuristic, #science fiction romance, #alien abduction, #scifi romance, #adult romance

Star's Storm: Lords of Kassis Book 2 (6 page)

BOOK: Star's Storm: Lords of Kassis Book 2
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“Jazin,” she whispered.

“Hush,” he said harshly with a shake of his
head. “Don’t say anything…. not yet.”

Star looked down as he continued to move
down her body with his eyes closed until he was between her parted
legs. He buried his mouth in her hot, moist blond curls. Star
gasped as she felt his teeth pierce the soft flesh of her mound.
She jerked up, her back bowing as intense pleasure and pain swept
through her.

“What?” Star gasped out in surprise as tears
stung her eyes.

“You are mine, Star. Only mine,” he
muttered, releasing her. “Say it.”

“I’m yours, Jazin,” she repeated as she
stared up at the ceiling, watching in the mirrored surface as he
tugged on her silky curls.

“How many others have you taken that way?”
He asked jealously.

“None,” she said with a small smile. “Only

Jazin felt intense relief sweep through him.
He could hear the truth in her voice. He had never experienced
anything like that with any of his other lovers before. None had
been able to take his large cock into their mouth the way she had.
He had never felt such an intense orgasm before either. It had
shaken him to the very core of his soul.

“How many others have you taken here?” He
asked hoarsely, sliding his thick finger into her slick vaginal

Star gasped at the unexpected intrusion.
“None,” she choked out. “Only you.”

Jazin pulled back before sliding two of his
thick, long fingers deeply into her. He could feel the tightness as
he pushed into her. When the tips of his fingers encountered a
barrier it took everything in him not to yell out in triumph.
Instead, he continued stroking her until she was sobbing. He
nibble, tasted, and sipped her sweet juices until she flowed like a
river swollen from the rains. Only then, did he rise up and align
his hard, thick shaft to her hot channel.

“Look at me as I claim you as mine,” he
demanded in a deep, thick voice. “Look at me, my beautiful

Star opened her dazed eyes to stare up at
him. She gasped as he released her wrists with one hand and brought
them to his chest. Her eyes widened as he began pushing forward,
stretching her. She bit her lip at the sudden discomfort, splaying
her hands across his chest and shaking her head as it became more

“Jazin?” She asked in a trembling voice. “I
don’t think you are going to fit down there.”

Jazin clenched his teeth. “I’m sorry for
hurting you,” he whispered harshly pulling out a little.

Star’s sigh of relief turned to a sharp cry
of surprise. Instead of pulling out like she thought he was going
to, he wrapped his arms tightly around her and surge forward with
one powerful thrust of his hips. His thick cock stretched her,
breaking through the barrier and burying deeply inside her. His
heavy pants and her muffled sob echoed throughout the room. Star
tried to push him off her but he merely held her tighter, holding
as still as possible until he felt like she could handle him.

Her shuddering breath almost melted his
resolve. He turned his head, kissing away the tears that fell from
the corner of her eye. He moved his hips again, rocking slowly back
and forth. He almost roared out in relief when he felt her small
hands gripping him instead of pushing him away. Another few strokes
and she began rocking with him. Her legs rose up to wrap around the
back of his.

Jazin clenched his jaw tight as the small
body behind him began to move faster. “Can you wrap your legs
around my waist?” He grunted out as the friction sent shafts of
pure bliss along his cock, tightening his balls until he felt like
he was about to explode again.

Star responded by lifting her legs up and
wrapping them around his waist. Both of them shuddered as the
movement drove him deeper than he ever thought possible. He fought
the tingling at the base of his spine that warned him he was about
to climax.

“Faster,” Star groaned softly. “Just a
little faster.”

Jazin closed his eyes, groaning at the
exquisite feel of her wrapped around him. He rocked harder and
faster until he felt her explode around him, fisting him so firmly
that he couldn’t pull out of her. His cry mixed with hers as they
came together, pulsing in a mind-blowing climax that left them both

“You’ve killed me,” Star murmured after her
body stopped shaking. “I think I’m dead. I can’t move.”

Jazin’s low chuckle sounded in her ear.
“Give me a minute and I’ll revive you,” he pulled back enough to
press a heated kiss on her lips. “I have never felt this way
before,” he admitted as he stared down at her. “What you do to me….
I have never felt before.”

She reached up and gently laid her hand on
his cheek as she saw the vulnerability in his eyes and the
uncertainty in his voice. “It will be alright,” she whispered.
“I’ve never felt this way before either.”


Chapter 5

Jazin reluctantly pulled his arms from around
Star’s sleeping figure. He groaned silently as he lay looking at
the ceiling in frustration. He had taken her over and over last
night with a desperation that had shocked him. He would never get
enough of her. Guilt poured through him. He glanced at her
beautiful, relaxed face with regret. He planned to tell Star last
night that he would be gone for a few weeks, maybe more. He needed
to test the weapons defense system he had be collaborating on with
a trusted friend on one of the remote, planets on the edge of the
Kassis star system. His friend, Jarmen, preferred the isolation of
the small uninhabited planet he had built his home on to living on
Kassis. Jazin recognized the quiet darkness in his friend and
respected his desire for privacy. He and Jar met several times a
year, sharing stories, experiments, and drinks.

Over the last several months, Jar had put
together the defense system Jazin had designed and was testing it
on a series of scale model warships. They were ready for the final
tests. If the tests were successful, the Kassis warships would be
virtually impregnable. No one knew where Jar’s hidden base was but
Jazin. He would be taking a specially modified fighter to the small
planet alone.

Rolling out of the bed, Jazin’s eyes
softened as Star reached out seeking him in her sleep. He pulled
his still warm pillow closer to her and chuckle silently when she
sighed and buried her face in it. His heart wrenched at the idea of
leaving her now but he had no choice. The Intel on Tai Tek could
prove devastating if he was successful at arming the Elpidios with
information about the Kassis defenses. The protection of the power
crystals they used and his people came before his own happiness. He
could only hope that Star would understand. He also knew she would
never let him go alone. That was another reason why he felt the
guilt. He was sneaking away like a thief.

A curse froze on his lips as he forced
himself away from her side. He quickly showered and packed. He
stopped only long enough to brush a soft kiss across Star’s
forehead and slip a video disk he quickly recorded onto the pillow
next to her. With one last glance, he walked out of the room.

“You will protect her with your life,” Jazin
told Armet as he strode down the long corridor and out onto the
steps leading out of his House. He paused to look at his Captain of
the Guard. “I have claimed her. She is Lady Star Ja Kel Coradon
now. Do not let her leave the West House alone.”

Armet looked at the determination on his
young Lord’s face. “I will protect her with my life. Good luck on
your mission, my lord,” Armet said pressing his fist against his
chest in respect.

Jazin glanced back at the house one last
time before he nodded his head in acknowledgement. He quickly ran
down the last of the steps and disappeared through the garden. He
had a mission to complete so he could return to the warm arms of
his mate.

If she would have him when he got
he thought with a grimace knowing full well that Star was
not going to be happy when she discovered he had left her


“I’m going to roast his balls over an open
fire,” Star growled as she paced back and forth. “I need that cage
Madas told me about, the one that hangs over boiling water. I’ll
put him in it and let him sweat his ass out wondering if I’ll come
along to claim it,” she continued as she stomped back and forth in

It had been two long, long weeks since she
had woken to find herself all alone. Two weeks of watching the
video disk where Jazin begged her to forgive him for not telling
her he had to leave on a mission. Two weeks of silence, wondering
if he was safe. Tears of frustration filled her eyes and she
brushed them away impatiently.

“Star, I’m sure he will be alright,” River
said biting her lower lip as she watched her friend. “Torak hasn’t
said anything. I’m sure he would have told me if something had

Star stopped and scowled at River. “Are you
kidding me? The men here don’t tell us women anything! I’m lucky I
can go to the bathroom without Armet or one of his guards being
with me,” she growled out in frustration. “I’ve had it! If I had
known that Jo was leaving yesterday for Earth, I would have been on
that warship with her. I’m done with this! I just want to go

River rose up to grip Star’s arm. She was
beginning to show a little now and had a glow about her. She held
Star’s arm tightly until Star looked at her.

“You don’t really mean that, do you?” River
asked looking deeply into Star’s eyes. “I don’t want to be here
alone. If it wasn’t for you and Jo,” River’s voice faded as tears
filled her own eyes. “Damn, now I’m getting emotional.”

Star sighed. “No, I don’t really mean it.
It’s just…. I love the big oaf and he treats me like I’m this
fragile piece of glass. It is driving me nuts,” Star said sitting
down on the couch.

River gave her a watery grin. “I know what
you mean. I think I butt heads with Torak daily. He thinks I should
just be sitting around and planning how the servants should clean
the North House. Personally, I could care less.” A mischievous grin
suddenly curved her lips. “How about we break out of this joint and
go explore the city?”

Star’s eyes widened in excitement before
they dropped to the small rounded bump in River’s stomach. “What
about boogerbutt?” She asked, nodding to River.

River laid a protective hand over her
stomach before she grinned really big. “He likes high places. I’ve
been taking him up almost daily. How do you think I get here?”

Star’s lips formed an ‘O’. She giggled in
excitement. “I just need to change into something more


Three hours later, Star leaned back in the
chair at the small restaurant they had discovered. They had escaped
by going out the third floor window to the roof. Long, decorative
beams connected the four Houses. It had been a piece of cake to
walk them. They had then scaled one of the columns that had the
fragrant vines climbing all over it near the South House. Once
inside, they simply blended in with a group of visitors

They had visited the market place where they
purchased different types of fruits, breads, and jams and several
clothing shops. Star was excited about several sets of pants and
shirts she had found. She casually rested her newly purchased boots
onto the railing overlooking the crystal clear water slapping up
against the seawall.

“Now, this is the life,” Star giggled as she
took a long drink of the fruity ice drink the waitress had brought
her. “I am so glad Jazin has a credit line everywhere. Just
mentioning his name was better than having a Visa Black card.”

River leaned back and propped her feet up
next to Star’s. “I agree,” she said sleepily. “I love those shirts
you bought and those boots you are wearing are gorgeous.”

“The man in the shop said yours should be
ready in a couple of days,” Star said with a yawn.

She hadn’t been sleeping well since Jazin
had left. Right now, she felt like she could curl up in a happy
little ball and doze like a cat in a window box. River’s yawn drew
a chuckle from her. River looked like she felt. Her friend’s eyes
were drooping even as she took another sip of her drink.

“What do you think my folks are going to
think when Jo tells them what happened to us?” Star asked quietly
looking at the sparkles reflecting off the water.

“Knowing your folks, they will welcome
Manota, Jazin, and Torak with open arms,” River said with a sleepy
grin. “They love everyone and everyone loves them.”

Star’s lips curved into a smile. River was
right. Alan and Tami Strauss opened their hearts and their homes to
anyone and everyone. Both of them were very active in the
community, sharing their skills and love of aerial acrobatics at
the local community center and working with disabled children. They
were both accomplished photographers as well and worked freelance
selling their pictures to magazines and other online sites.

“Lady Star,” Armet’s harsh voice broke
through her musings.

Star groaned out loud in frustration.
Busted! He would probably put her in the dungeon until Jazin
returned now. River’s groan echoed Star’s when she heard Dakar’s

“Kev’s replacement is as bad as he is,”
River whispered as she put a bright smile on her face. “I have to
admit that I love driving him nuts, though.”

Star watched as Armet and Dakar wove their
way through the tables toward them. Both men had a deep scowl of
worry on their face. Star rolled her eyes at River and stood

“Hi Armet,” Star said cheerfully. “What
brings you here?”

Armet’s mouth tightened in frustration. When
the servant who cleaned Jazin and Star's living area didn't receive
an answer to her request for entrance she became concerned and
notified the guard. A quick search revealed the apartment was
empty. The guard on duty swore that only Lady River had entered and
neither she nor Lady Star had left. Armet contacted Dakar and
discovered neither he nor any of Torak's guards were aware that
Lady River had left the North House. That left one conclusion, they
had snuck out.

BOOK: Star's Storm: Lords of Kassis Book 2
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