Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set (2 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set
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Chapter 3


Sam was now at the stables and was lost in his thoughts as he saw the stable boy from a distance. He got off his horse and took off the gloves that he had won earlier on.

“Good morning,” the stable boy greeted, he was now at close range to where Samuel was and hurried over to take the horse from him.

“Good morning Ben, has Holly come back from her riding? I noticed that she was out riding too on my way back,” Sam asked.

“Yes she has sir, she just got in a few minutes before you,” Ben replied.

“Thank you Ben,” Sam said and began to walk away slowly.


“Yes Ben”.

“I have been asked to inform you that your father will be joining you for breakfast in an hour’s time,” Ben said.

“Thank you,” Sam replied and pondered at how his father had made time to spend with his new family and him. He never did that with his other wives and this made Sam feel even stranger.

He walked on to his room and went about his grooming business, the kiss he had shared with Holly earlier was still engraved in his mind and he wondered how awkward breakfast was going to be.

He had always been taught to keep time and was heading down to the dining table five minutes before time. His father was already seated at the table and he smiled at him.

“Good morning son”, he greeted.

“Morning dad”

“Good morning”. Gina saluted as she approached the dining table. She had on a lovely flowing gown that accentuated her curves and made her smile seem brighter.

“Good morning,” Sam replied as he avoided Gina’s gaze. She always had a way of making him uncomfortable and he never really knew why.

Gina walked over to Sam’s father and planted a light kiss on his lips. Sam noticed how his father squirmed in his seat and seemed to be in a happier mood around Gina.

She must be really good in the sack,
” he thought to himself as he watched how the two were relating with each other. They seemed fine and almost in love.

Sam’s attention was diverted from the happy couple when Holly walked in. She was clad in a simple short floral dress. Her presence demanded attention from everyone in the room, she had on a light shade of makeup and her hair was held tightly in a pony tail. Sam did not know how to react; he followed his father’s example of standing up to welcome Holly to the table. Holly acknowledged their presence by nodding in their direction and saying a good morning to everyone present.

He sat down and realized that he had not stood up when Gina had walked over to the dining table and hoped that his father would not notice this.

Being rich had its perks, everyone was timely and organized. The staff were already on their feet serving them under the keen supervision of David their long term trusted butler.

Everyone at the table was silent and Sam noticed the different longing stares that his father and Gina stole at each other whenever they could. Gina being the chatty one broke the awkward silence that was on the table.

“So Sam? Have you and Holly gotten to know each other?” Gina asked as he looked in Sam’s direction who had just finished gobbling down the scrambled eggs that he had earlier been served.

“Yes yes, I have made the effort but I could not really say the same about your daughter. She is anti social”, Sam replied. He immediately felt Holly give him a cold hard stare but deliberately ignored it.

“There really is no point, I mean you will be onto husband number four very soon. I do not see the need to foster relationships that clearly wont lust”, Holly replied back rudely.

Sam felt a cold shiver from the harsh words that Holly had thrown at her mother. He wanted to bury his face in the bowl of oatmeal that stared back at him on the table. He decided to focus his stare on his fork as there was nowhere else he could center his gaze.

“Three dear, the next one will be marriage number three not two. Pete and I only lived together, we were not married,” Gina answered so lightly that it made Sam look up at both of them in awe.

“I am so sorry dear, this is how Holly and I relate,” Gina apologized when he read Sam’s shocked expression. He looked over at his father who seemed equally relaxed as the rest of them and didn’t seemed bothered for one minute, the whole confusion at the table made him drop his fork.

He bent down to pick it and almost hit his head in shock after seeing the scene that was going on. Gina’s hand was buried deep in his father’s crotch and was moving up and in down in slow motions.

Sam quickly sat back up and looked over at Gina and then at his dad, both were acting normal and carrying out casual conversation.

“May I be excused,” Sam asked as he stood up and did not wait to be granted permission to leave the table.

“Sure,” was his father’s reply as he Sam got to his feet and headed to his room. His mind was whirling as he miserably failed at trying to delete the image that he had just seen from his head.

A slight knock on the door spiraled his attention back to earth.

“Who is it?” Sam called out as he sat on his bed ready to send away whoever was on the other side of the doorway.

“It’s Holly,” a sweet cherry voice replied from the other side of the door. Sam sat up on his bed all of a sudden. He had not expected her to follow him behind and he did not know how to respond. His mind drifted back to the morning incident and he could feel the reaction in his crotch. The door opened and Holly slipped in without being welcomed in. She locked the door behind her and proceeded to walk to where Sam was standing.

Every step she took closer made Sam’s heart pound harder. Her hips swayed this way and that and was a bit exaggerated by the floral dress that she had on. She got to where Sam was standing and engaged him in a long passionate kiss. Sam pulled her closer and run his hands on her back; he locked her in a tight embrace and heard a soft moan escape her throat from the gesture that he had made.

The two indulged in a hot make out session for a minute longer before Sam broke free and stared deep and longingly into Holly’s wanting eyes.

“What are we doing? You are my sister,” Sam asked.

“Step sister,” Holly corrected.

“There is still a boundary, an invisible line that we should not cross,” Sam went on.

Holly moved closer to Sam and held him close to him again; she pressed her breast on Sam’s chest.

“A brother never has a hard on for his sister, invisible line or not,” Holly started “I know you want me Sam, I want you too”.

“Yes but…” Sam started.

“Besides, we both know that their marriage won’t last. We will only be brother and sister for a very short time,” Holly cut in.

Sam tried to make sense of what Holly was saying but he couldn’t think straight, his judgment was blinded by desire. He ran his hand on Holly’s back and slowly unzipped her dress.

He watched as the dress fell carelessly to the floor and stood back to admire her perfect slender body. She looked more beautiful up close as he tried to make a mental comparison with to the previous day when he had first seen her in the pool.

Holly loved the way Sam stared at her. She liked how his gaze deliciously licked her body and let out a warm seductive smile. She took in Sam’s well built body and she wanted nothing more than to be locked in his embrace and feel his naked body.

She walked over to him again and began striping him off his clothes. She did it with such urgency and need and liked how Sam responded with the same need and urgency. Before she knew it, they were both lying naked on top of Sam’s bed and making passionate love.

Holly felt Sam in her and she loved it.  This was not only physical as she had thought but there was something more to it. She hoped that she did not have feelings for her step brother as that would be very hard to brush off.

Sam on the other hand, had pushed everything else out of his mind and concentrated on nothing else but this stunning creature that lay underneath him. After a few minutes of earth rocking pleasure, they both lay side by side panting in each other’s arms.

“I have to get going,” Holly said as she got on her feet “I promised mum I would take her shoe shopping and will have to shower first before she smells your manly scent all over me,” Holly said as she got dress in a hurry.

“About that, you are very rude to your mum”, Sam said, he was not sure if he had asked a question or simply made a statement that needed a comment.

He watched as Holly let out a chuckle and brushed off Sam’s statement with her hand as if it was nothing important before saying “That is how my mum and I relate, it works for us”.

“Do you have any kind of relationship with your father?” Holly inquired. She walked over to Sam and turned around so that he could help her with her sipper. Sam took a while to answer, he marveled at Holly’s beautiful body and felt that he could take her right there and then but he knew they had to be careful if they did not want to get caught.

“Not really,” Sam replied “We hardly talk; we mostly talk about bills and money, never anything personal”.

“I will see you later,” Holly said before heading to the door. She made sure that there was no one in the hallway before letting herself out and dashing over to her room. Sam was left in his room reminiscing on what had just happened.

He loved the feel of Holly’s body and really wanted to have a second and third feeling of it. The thought of her being her step sister crossed his mind momentarily but Sam pushed it out as soon as it got in. He did not want to think about reality and Holly’s text that came in next did not make matters any easier for him.

“Tonight, my room, 10:00pm”.

Chapter 4


Holly lay in bed anxious as she anticipated Sam’s arrival. She grew weary by the minute and quite excited as her mind drifted back to what they had done in the afternoon.

She had chosen to put on lacy underwear in preparation but was now having second thoughts on whether to take them off completely and wait for Sam in the nude.

She looked at the watch on her cell phone and noticed that he was only ten minutes away. She got to her feet and rushed to her dresser where she added on another layer of perfume on herself. She threw a quick glance at her full length mirror and was satisfied by her reflection. She then got back in bed and waited for her step brother.

“My step brother,” she said out loud and tried to make sense of these words. They did not seem to make any sense to her. She rested her head back on her pillow and stare at the ceiling. She could feel tingly sensations run up her spine as she waited for Sam’s arrival.

A slight knock and a turn on the knob diverted Holly’s attention. She sat up and waited for Sam to get into her room. He did not switch on the lights but her window was open and the sparse moonlight that spilled through it made Sam look more attractive. They say temptations grow higher in the night and Sam’s and Holly’s night encounter was no exception.

Sam moved towards Holly’s bed and it seemed to Holly that he was walking in slow motion. He was shirtless and had worn pajama bottoms and a night robe on top. He looked like a god of some sort as he approached her bed, his night robe flowing easily behind him. He took it off and Holly watched as it softly landed on the floor in a small heap. Sam went on to take his pajama bottoms off before slipping into bed next to Holly and indulging her in a kiss.

They did not say anything to each other. Their fleshly desires did that on their behalf. Sam took his time on Holly. He did not want to rush like before. He kissed her neck and slowly went down to her throat and proceeded to her breasts.

He skillfully took off the push up bra that Holly had on and went ahead to massage her and kiss her now hardened nipple. Holly let out a pleasurable moan. She loved what Sam was doing to her and did not want him to stop anytime soon.

Sam loved the way Holly moaned and he could feel her body respond to him. He loved the way she writhed and tossed around underneath her. Her body looked exquisite in the dimly lit moonlight and he wanted her.

They both acknowledged the need to be with each other and Sam went on to make sweet love to Holly, he took his time with her. He could tell that he was building up a good orgasm with every thrust.

Sam then felt Holly’s grip on his back tighten and slightly winced as her nails dug deep into his back but he did not mind. He watched as Holly climaxed and let out a loud pleasurable moan. He smiled and followed suit as he exploded deep inside her a few seconds after Holly had climaxed.

They now lay next to each other. Holly’s head was carelessly rested on Sam’s broad chest. Holly was the first to break the silence.

“This is wrong,” she said as she fumbled with her fingers waiting for Sam’s response.

“I know,” Sam said.

“What do we do about it?” Holly probed on. She had tried to ignore this issue the whole day but it kept creeping up on her.

“I wish I knew,” Sam replied. He could tell that Holly did not want to discuss this topic as well but had no choice.

“Trick question,” Sam started “Do you think you would still want to be with me? To do this with me if you were not my step sister?”

Holly took a minute to ponder. She had been asking herself the same question although the day but could not really answer that.

“Honestly, I don’t know,” Holly said as she sat up and tried to look at Sam through the dark. She could hardly make out her eyes through the dark but knew he was returning her gaze.

“So what do we do about it?” she asked again.

“Let’s flow with the tide, like you said we both know our parents’ marriage won’t last,” Sam answered smartly.

“I don’t know, this one might not last but I have a feeling it will take longer than the rest. Especially with the way they were behaving at breakfast,” Holly answered.

“You saw that?” Sam asked, shocked.

The two secret lovers went on to make light banter for the rest of the night until Holly passed out on Sam’s chest once again. Sam sat in the dark and listened to her soft snores and he knew that they could never get back from this.


BOOK: Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set
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