StepBrother: New Rules (Stepbrother Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: StepBrother: New Rules (Stepbrother Romance)
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“Now, quick,” William said. “Dump the beans in the ice water.”

“Okay, okay.” Evelyn did as she’d been told. “I never knew you were so bossy in the kitchen.”

“Well, you have to stop the cooking right away, or they’ll be mushy.”

“Anyone ever tell you you’re a tyrant in the kitchen?”

“Absolutely,” he answered, whisking the sauce on the stove. “Grab me more butter,” he ordered.

Evelyn just looked at him.

“Please,” he amended, blowing her a kiss. “The sauce needs just a little more.”

Ella walked into the kitchen. “My God, it smells like heaven in here. What’s on the menu?”

Evelyn poured her mother a glass of wine. “Wait until you hear it. It’s drool worthy.”

William stirred more butter into the sauce while he ran down the menu. “We’re starting with mini crab cakes served with a smoked tomato remoulade. First course is cream of white asparagus soup with a drizzle of toasted pumpkin seed oil. The entree is pan-seared duck breast topped with a wild mushroom ragout and a little seared foie gras, served with haricots verts in a lemon beurre blanc. We also have a little pistachio gelato for dessert.”

Ella’s eyes were big as saucers. “Wow. Pulling out all the stops, I see.”

“Well, it’s a special occasion. It’s our first family dinner now that everything’s out in the open, and there’s another reason.”

Evelyn looked at him. “Another reason?”

“It’s a surprise. I’ll tell you at dinner.”

“I love surprises,” she answered, leaning over and giving him a peck on the cheek. “I’m sure your father’s going to be impressed with the dinner.”

“That’s the idea.” William pulled the sauce from the heat. “I have just a few more things to do in here. Why don’t you two scoot to the dining room. As soon as Dad gets home, I’ll plate dinner, and we’ll eat.”

They all turned at the sound of the front door opening.

Malcolm came up the steps into the kitchen. “Goddamn, does it smell good in here,” he said, reaching for Ella and pulling her close for a kiss.

William glanced at Evelyn, surprise evident on his face. Malcolm seemed actually relaxed—in a good mood, even.

Malcolm turned to William. “Do I have time to change?”

“Yes sir. I just told the girls to have a seat. As soon as you’re ready, I’ll serve the appetizer.”

Malcolm returned to the kitchen a few minutes later, wearing jeans and a T-shirt. He walked barefoot through the kitchen and poured himself a glass of wine. “Want me to serve?” he asked William, who was wiping the sauce from the edges of the plates, making sure everything looked perfect.

“Um, yeah,” William answered, preoccupied with the food. “That would be great.”

The four of them went into the dining room, and Evelyn couldn’t believe how excited she was to be there.

“I’m starving,” she said as Malcolm set a plate in front of her.

William placed the appetizer in front of Ella. “After this course, I’ll just need to warm and garnish the soup. The next course won’t take but a couple of minutes.”

They settled in, and for a few moments, no one spoke, except to praise the delicate crab cakes with the fragrant and savory smoked tomatoes.

When all four plates were empty, Malcolm scooted his chair back from the table. “I’d like to say a few things, if you don’t mind, before we move on to the soup.”

William rolled his eyes. “Here we go,” he muttered.”

Evelyn reached across the table and covered his hand with hers. “Hear your dad out, Will.”

Malcolm nodded at his stepdaughter. “I know I haven’t always supported your decision to spend your life in the kitchen, Will. I didn’t really think you’d stick with it, and I know you’re far too smart to be just a line cook for the rest of your life. I wanted to see you go back to school, or do something that would provide you with a little more security.”

He paused to refill the wine glasses. “But I got a phone call today that made me realize I should have trusted you—should have had more faith in you.”

“You got a phone call?” William looked perplexed.

“From your employer.”

“What? Marilyn called you? What for?”

“She wanted to know if the Lakeland Hotel would like to participate in the new international chef exchange program, to be headed by none other than Chef William Chadwick.” Malcolm smiled and shook his head. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be heading up such a big new program? That’s an accomplishment to be proud of, son.”

William beamed back at his father and looked over to explain to Evelyn. “That was my big news. Marilyn announced it today. Every single one of the guys working in the kitchen wanted to head up the exchange program. Not only will there be some amazing travel opportunities, but I’ll also be able to learn from some of the hottest young chefs from all over the world. We’ll be selecting candidates to come cook in our restaurant.” He looked at Malcolm and Ella. “And the Hillford and Lakeland, if you decide to participate. It’s a chance to get to learn and share new cuisines and cultures. I was stunned they picked me.”

“I’m not,” Evelyn said. “You’re clearly capable, at least if the first course is anything to judge by. Why didn’t you say anything about this before now?”

“I thought it was a long shot, to tell you the truth. There was a lot of competition.”

“Well, I’ve never been prouder,” Malcolm said. “Or happier to be wrong. I will officially stop giving you shit about working in that damn restaurant.”

Ella beamed at William. “I’ll be certain to speak to the manager tomorrow, Will. I’m sure we’ll want to participate. Goodness knows, our kitchen could use a little invigorating.” She stood up and walked into the kitchen. “I think we have a bottle of champagne someone gave us as a wedding present in the refrigerator. Let’s open it to celebrate.”

“I’ll warm the soup while you pour,” William said, collecting the plates from the table.

With both Ella and William out of the room, Evelyn was left sitting next to Malcolm.

She wasn’t sure exactly what to say. “So, what do you think about Will and me?” She mentally braced herself for his answer.

He leaned back in his chair. “You know, I trust you both to make good decisions. I won’t tell you I have no reservations about it at all, but I do think you’re a remarkable young woman, and I think Will has excellent taste.”

Evelyn found herself blushing at the unexpected praise. “Well, thank you.”

“I want the two of you to be careful. I’m not ready to be a grandfather yet.”

Evelyn’s eyes grew wide. “No need to worry. That’s not in the plans.”

“And I worry about how your relationship will affect the dynamics here. I mean, have you thought about what will happen if the two of you argue? Or break up? Where will you go?”

“I guess we’ll just have to figure that out.”

“But on the whole, though I do worry about you both, I think you’re adults who have to be trusted to live your own lives.”

Evelyn relaxed visibly. “That’s so good to hear, Malcolm. I know Will was worried about what you were going to say this evening, and I think he’ll be happy.” She stood up as Ella came into the room carrying champagne flutes. “Let me see if Will needs any help.”

She walked into the kitchen and watched him busily stirring the soup and testing the temperature. She walked up behind him, slid her arms around his waist, and laid her cheek on his back. “I think your dad’s going to be fine.”

“I’ve been telling him I was going to be successful. I guess it took hearing it from someone outside to believe it. Marilyn didn’t even tell me she’d called him.”

Evelyn laughed as she clung to him. “So I guess as long as you don’t knock me up, we have their blessing.”

William turned the burner off under the soup and twisted around to face Evelyn. “So my room or yours?” he asked, pulling her close.

“Well, I guess since we’re family, we’ll have to learn to take turns.” She giggled as he bent to kiss her.


Six months later

Evelyn rode the elevator to the highest floor of the hotel. She knew she didn’t have much time before William would arrive, and she wanted to be ready for him. As she walked down the hallway, the noise from her heels was dampened by the thick, luxurious carpet. She arrived at the door, slid her card key into the slot, and waited for the click of the door unlocking. She pushed the door wide, walked inside, turned, and slid the safety latch into place.

She laughed to herself, thinking she didn’t want a maid walking in on her. Evelyn dropped the key onto the dresser, set her bag on the bed, and unzipped it. Though she would have liked to pour herself a glass of wine, even though it was the middle of the afternoon, Evelyn knew it wasn’t a good idea. There would be time enough for a drink later that night.

Slipping off her yoga pants, she pulled out a new, lacy negligee—one William hadn’t seen yet. It was the exact shade of emerald green as her eyes, and Evelyn knew the lingerie suited her perfectly. She neatly folded her clothes, standing naked in front of the mirror. She stepped into the green panties and pulled the negligee over her head, noting her erect nipples visible through the lace.

Wanting to neaten up, she shoved her clothes back in her bag and moved it to the bathroom. Only when she was ready did she open the curtains and look out over the city. New York was quite a different view from Chicago, that was for sure.

A knock at the door interrupted her daydreaming. She’d been thinking about the night ahead of her, trying to settle the butterflies in her stomach. The sound of William’s voice gave her a very different kind of butterflies.

She slid the chain off and opened the door, relieved he’d made it there so quickly. “Everything go okay?” she asked as he walked inside.

“Yup. Everything’s prepped for the cooking demonstration at the restaurant tomorrow, and Dad and Ella are all checked in at their hotel.” He set his bag on the table and slid his arms around her waist. “What about you? You all ready?”

“I’m trying not to think about it. Let’s go to bed, and you can distract me.”

“Oh, we’re going to bed. With you dressed like that, I can’t think about much else. But are you okay? Nervous?”


“You’ll be just fine, babe. That French girl doesn’t stand a chance.”

“But what if I freeze?”

William ran his hands down her arms. “Oh, you won’t freeze. I’ll keep you warm.”

Evelyn laughed in spite of herself. “That’s not what I mean. What if I step into that ring and can’t move? What if she pins me in the first ten seconds? I mean, Mom and Malcolm came all this way. It would be horrible if I were embarrassed in my first big fight.”

“Never going to happen.” Will took her hands and pulled her toward the bed. He sat on the edge and settled her on his lap. “Evelyn, you’re ready for this. You’ve trained hard, and win or lose, I’m so goddamn proud of you, I can hardly express it.”

“You’ll love me even if I lose?”

“Even if you lose.” William looked down and noticed just how sheer the lace of her lingerie was. He reached up and fondled a nipple as he pulled her face down for a long kiss. “But first, I’m going to make love to you.”

Evelyn turned to face him, moving her knees to either side of his hips, pressing against his erection. “I want you, Will.”

He stood up, and Evelyn came to her feet with him. She unbuckled his belt, and in no time, his pants were on the floor.

“Shall I turn your bed down, sir?” Evelyn asked. “I have the hotel maid act down.”

Will watched her as she paraded from one side of the bed to the other, bending low and making sure he caught glimpses of her ass beneath the short nightgown.

“I don’t guess you miss that.”

“Cleaning up after other people? No way. Quitting the hotel for the sports rehab center was the best move I’ve ever made.” Evelyn crawled over the turned down sheets toward Will, her full breasts threatening to spill from the lace that barely concealed them. “Come join me,” she said, holding out a hand.

“With pleasure.”

William and Evelyn met in an embrace that would last only as long as it took for him to slip the green panties off and toss them aside. Though they had a full evening ahead and a busy weekend scheduled for their time in New York, right at that moment, all that mattered was they had each other.

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Also by Jayna King


Max Fisher is going to have to get up close and personal with a whole new scene in her very first undercover case for the FBI. She’s smart, focused, and ready to put the Savage Sons Motorcycle Club in prison. The only problem? She has to work with a partner.

Moses Hall, muscled, tattooed alpha male wants out of the Savage Sons MC, and he’s agreed to work with the FBI for a chance at a new life, free of the drugs and destructive forces of the MC. But can he learn to trust Max with his life?

BOOK: StepBrother: New Rules (Stepbrother Romance)
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