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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #new age, #young love, #adult romance, #jk publishing, #new adult contemporary romance with sex, #new adult college, #new adult and college, #new adult and college romance, #new adult 17 plus, #new adult school college

Stephan (27 page)

BOOK: Stephan
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“Jade Black, I love you more than anything in
this world. I know we’re young, but I’ve known from the moment I
laid eyes on you that you’re mine. You’re my soul mate. My one. I
want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the
honor of marrying me?”

Letting my breath out I calmed my racing
heart. “Is this real?” I felt like I was in dream I never wanted to
wake up from.

I heard chuckles and Stephan sighed. “Of
course it’s real.”

Before the last word was out of his mouth I
threw myself at him. He fell back onto the grass. “Oh. My. God. I
love you so much. Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you. I never thought I could
ever have what you’ve given me. I have a family. I have so much
love. Thank you. Thank you.” I covered him with kisses.

Laughter surrounded us, but I didn’t care.
Straddling Stephan I planted a big kiss on his lips. He beamed at
me and my heart soared. My life went from living day-to-day
focusing on finishing school and getting away from my grandpa. To
having a family and a future I never dreamed possible.

Stephan grabbed my left hand and slid the
ring on; it fit perfectly. Not many things in my life had been good
but I knew what I had with Stephan was like the ring—a perfect


The End


Books by Hazel Gower


Published with JK Publishing, Inc.


The MacLeod Clan


The Laird’s Future Bride




Her Keepers


Caveman Instincts





Published with Beachwalk Press


Armageddon Mates


Kane’s Mate


Rane’s Mate


Ava’s Mate


Arden's Mate


The Protectors


Volume 1 – Coming Soon


Finding Love


Winning Her Lover – Coming Soon


Published with Liquid Silver Books


The Price of Fame


Published with Evernight Publishing


The Bears








The Inteli




Sin City Shifters


Sasha’s Lion


Jezebel’s Lion




A Merman of her Own


A Merman Uncovered


Mount View Treaty


Claim By Her Panthers – (Co-authored with
Jess Buffett)


Stand Alone Books


Always and Forever


Letters to her Soldier


Published with All romance eBooks


Her Big Bad Mistake




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Excerpt from the Laird's Future Bride

MacLeod Clan Book One

By Hazel Gower



“Well, Holly, I dinna ken how to tell ye this
without having ye think I’m crazy or running out of here, but here
it goes. This is me mother, Magan MacLeod. She has brought ye from
wherever ye’re from to me home in Scotland in the year of our Lord
fifteen eighty. I am Duncan MacLeod, Laird of the MacLeods. I’m
twenty and eleven and the oldest child. I have a brother who is out
training me men now. I should be there with him, but am here trying
to figure out what to do. Are ye from this time? Or from a
different time?”

Holly could feel her whole body going numb.
For some reason, she knew Duncan wasn’t playing a game or
re-enacting; he was telling the truth. She looked around the room
with its wooden table and chairs by the fire on the far side of the
wall and a tiny round hole that looked to be a window.

She needed to sit down. Ignoring Duncan’s
question, Holly moved to the closest seat and sat. “Oh, my freaking
God. I’ve lost my mind.” Holly started to cry, stopping when she
felt Magan’s hand settle on her shoulder and pat her.

“There now, lass, it’s not that bad. Me son
is a powerful laird. He can provide ye with anything ye want. Ye’ll
be happy here.”

Holly couldn’t help the hysterical giggle
that slipped through. “Oh, lady, you have no idea what you have
done. Where you have brought me from. If I hadn’t seen the sparks
of lightning come from your hands myself, I would think you crazy
and this all a re-enactment.” Holly wiped her face with the long
sleeves of her dress and looked up into Magan’s bright green eyes.
“I am in Scotland on holiday with my best friend, Jane. This
holiday was her idea before we started university. I think she was
trying to cheer me up. My parents died in a car accident almost a
year ago. A car is a big metal object with wheels that takes us
places. I am eighteen, nineteen in three weeks’ time. I live in
Australia, which is a twenty-four hour flight around the other half
of the world. Oh, and I’m from the year twenty fourteen.”

Duncan started yelling at his mother in a
language Holly didn’t understand. Magan yelled back until finally
Duncan quietened, and they spoke calmly for a while. Holly knew she
should say something, but she was still trying to wrap her head
around what she’d seen and what she’d been told. She could feel
Duncan’s gaze bore into her as he spoke to his mother.

The talking in another language stopped, and
Duncan spoke in English. “Me mother is going to explain some things
to ye, and we have figured out a backstory that ye need to remember
to tell to people. Ye’re now Lady Holly Drake, a distant cousin of
me mother sister’s husband in England. And…me betrothed.”


Excerpt from Her Keepers

Peacekeepers Book One

By Hazel Gower



“Why the hell didn’t you say when we were
talking earlier the Johnson group are women?”

Duncan growled, “Because a man booked, and I
was busy at the time. Therefore, I just wrote down one of their
names, Jackson Johnson. How the hell could I know that could be a
woman’s name too?"

Brad snarled, his bear so close to the
surface and begging to be free, that he was unsure if he could keep
him contained. He had never had problems with his bear before.

The two women got out of the car. The woman
on the passenger side was tall, maybe close to five-nine, very
shapely, with red hair cut to her shoulders, light creamy white
skin and clear blue eyes. She was stunning. He walked closer and
inhaled her scent. He got nothing. His bear wasn’t interested.

Reaching her, he held his hand out, ready to
shake. She grabbed it and shook, smiling at him. He still felt
nothing, but his bear was on edge, and the smell of a clean summer
breeze intensified.

“Hi. I’m Jackson. Jacky.”

Giving a mental shake, he focused on the
woman in front of him. “Hi. Welcome to Polar Bear Wildlife Alaska
hotel. I’m Brad. Behind me is my brother, Duncan.” He turned to his
brother only to see him, not behind him, but caging in the other
woman, sniffing her neck.

“What on earth is he doing to my friend?”


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BOOK: Stephan
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