Read Stroke of Midnight Online

Authors: Bonnie Edwards

Stroke of Midnight (9 page)

BOOK: Stroke of Midnight
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“This looks delicious,” she said, rooting through the bottles of flavored gels and massage oils. She held up a tiny bottle of chocolate flavored body paint. “Entice your lover and blow your diet at the same time,” she read. An elastic band held a tiny paint brush to the bottle. She undid the top.

Alex dipped his pinky into the paint and tasted it, his strong tongue swirling the chocolate into this mouth. She melted into a pool of hot slickness just watching him.

“Let me,” she said and tipped the paint brush into the narrow bottle opening. The chocolaty paint covered the bristles and she set them to his belly. She circled his navel with a happy flourish.

“It tickles, feels cool and slick. Lick me.” His voice got husky and his eyes heated as he watched her bend her head to just above his crotch.

She set the tip of her tongue to his belly and smeared the chocolate. It warmed under her tongue as she lapped it up.

He leaned back on his elbows and watched her mouth work. “You’re so hot. Put some on my cock.”

She filled the paintbrush again and slowly swirled the bristles up from the base to just below the bulb of his head. Strong strokes alternated with light passes of the brush until she saw sweat break out on his forehead. Teasing and swirling, she continued the languid painting.

Her own skin flushed, her pussy moistened with arousal until she straddled his knee and settled herself onto it. He flexed against her until she had to ride his thigh, but it still wasn’t enough and she ducked her head to his penis and licked.



He groaned. Reached for her head to hold her in place.



The chocolate melted in Jaye’s mouth, slick and yummy, the moisture between her legs thickening. Her inner muscles opened for him, but she had to clean the chocolate off before she could have him inside to ease the ache.

She climbed off his leg to sit beside him while the urgency inside grew. He clearly understood her frustrated sounds because he slipped his hand between her slick thighs. He reached into her and pressed his thumb on her clit for extra stimulation while she licked and sucked and gulped at his cock. “Damn paint won’t come off fast enough.”

He flexed into her mouth, threatening to come. “No hurry for that, just keep up the mouth work. Ah…”

She smiled and looked up at his face. Strain made the vein beside his temple stand out. His lips were rimmed with white while he held himself in check.

Poor baby. To take him over the edge she scraped her teeth along the veins of his erection, tantalizing and teasing until his cock pressed deep into her throat. She sucked strongly, until he spewed and hit the back of her throat. For the first time, she swallowed his offering and the spicy salt flavor of him blended with the chocolate in her mouth.

She rocked against his hand, reaching for completion.

His hips rose off the bed as he cursed her, blessed her and cried out with his come. When he settled again, his fingers moved against her while she bucked and strained.

“Come here,” he said, leading her to straddle his face so he could help. The touch of his tongue to her clit made her scream and shudder as she rained juice with her coming.

When she settled on the bed beside him, something rubbery and stiff poked her in the backside. Reaching under her ass, she came up with a double headed dildo. She laughed and waved it around like a saber. “
En garde.”

He laughed and took it out of her hand. “Jaye, if you ever feel the need for this, call me first.”

She flipped to her belly and bussed his cheek with a kiss. “There’s nothing in this package that could ever replace you, my love,” she promised with a grin.

He slid his chocolate smeared fingertip from her forehead to the tip of her nose. “Call me that again.”

“My love.” Little did he know how close it was to the truth.

A pleased smile lit his eyes. “Last one in the shower comes second.”

“Hmm,” she laughed. “It’s hard to tell who wins then, isn’t it?”

“That’s the point. With loving we both win.”

Chapter Nine

Alex’s reference to loving and winning rang through Jaye’s mind every day after that, until they only had two more days and nights together. He’d said it lightly, but she wondered if there’d been some deeper meaning. They hadn’t returned to the subject of love or even to her staying for longer since then. Instead, they’d explored the land that he clearly loved. Those places he’d mentioned. The ones where the ghosts didn’t chase him.

She leaned against Alex’s broad back and held on tight as he took the four wheeler to the top of the next rise. The views he’d shown her all week had been breathtaking and this morning was no different. A wide valley greeted her when she peeked around his shoulder. “Thank you for bringing me here,” she said, as she had many times before. “You’re a wonderful host.”

He grunted as if she’d said something wrong, but he didn’t explain. She’d been aware of his withdrawal over the last couple of days. It was nothing specific, but Alex had gone quiet on several occasions. While she’d been dreading the end, he could be looking forward to her leaving. But she was too cowardly to ask, especially when he still made her blood sing and the sex between them still sizzled.

“You’re distracted this morning,” Alex commented. She climbed off and removed her helmet.

“I could say the same about you,” she countered, but didn’t offer her thoughts.

“Another incredible vista. It’s hard to believe all this brown is full of life.”

He chuckled. “We’ve had this discussion. This is where I explain about the flora and fauna of the desert. You’re avoiding my question. What’s on your mind?”

Jaye picked at the inseam of her jeans. “It’s weird to be away from my business for this long.” That was as good a way to avoid her impending departure as she could come up with.

“You want to check in?” he asked in a dull tone.

She gave a guilty start. She’d barely given her clients a thought. “There’s one who’s just bought a store from her employer and she about fainted when I said I’d be away for a couple of weeks. I’m sure she has questions.”

“She’ll ask the previous owner.” His comment was disinterested as he climbed off the quad.

Suddenly, it became important that he understand.

“No,” she said, grabbing his attention. “Mr. Jenkins, the previous owner, is old and had to go into a facility for care. Sandra bought the store because if she didn’t, she’d be out of a job and she’s got kids.” And they had a deadbeat dad and Sandra had dropped out of school in ninth grade…Jaye palmed her forehead. “I should have been in touch.”

“You really care about them.” He raised an eyebrow and looked surprised and maybe even intrigued.

“Of course I do. Their children’s futures depend on these businesses thriving. It’s tough knowing that one mistake can make a difference between keeping the doors open or closing forever.” The good jobs were downtown, impossible to get to when you had no daycare, but of course, a man like Alex would never understand.

“Surely not all your clients are on shoestring budgets.”

“That’s true,” she conceded, to ease her own sudden, inexplicable irritation with him. A man who managed inherited investments couldn’t empathize with her clients. Nor would he understand Jaye’s concerns. He held himself apart. Life went on around him, but he wasn’t involved. Not since that terrible loss that had marked him so deeply. His father’s single fatal decision.

“But I don’t want to think about all that now.” She really didn’t want to think about Alex never connecting with anyone, never loving anyone. Not ever. She blinked away tears and stared out at the valley.

“What do you want, Jaye? Really want?” he said quietly, near her ear. “To fill your life with nothing but other people’s needs? To fill your life with work? Not even your own work, but theirs?”

His comment brought her up short. “I’m not a workaholic if that’s what you mean.” Acknowledging that she sometimes put a lot of herself into her business was eye-opening. And uncomfortable. She chose to ignore the whole idea. “Let’s head for that meadow you showed me last week. It was pretty there.”

He shook his head and laughed. “When we do what I want to do in that meadow, I want all of your attention, not just part of it.” He dug his cell phone out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Here, call them.”

After she’d checked that Hayden had made it home safe and sound and was staying with her mom she’d immersed herself in her Alex-fueled fantasy. A guilty pleasure, but now it was time to think of someone besides herself.

“You’re so sweet to let me call.” The phone looked like a life preserver thrown off a ship deck to her. She took it with greedy hands and dialed.

Alex watched her avid expression of delight. He stretched out with his hands cradling his head as he watched her animated and happy to talk to people she cared for. Her eyes lit, her face broke into smiles as each client answered her rapid fire questions. She was much more than a simple bookkeeper. She was a mentor, a guide, a helping hand and it made him proud of her in a way he hadn’t expected.

“You’re very good with them,” he commented when the spate of phone calls ended and she handed back his phone

She smiled with surprise. “You think?” But she looked pleased at his comment.

He got to his feet and helped her to hers. “I think. I shouldn’t have said you were too involved. It’s clear that you love your job.”

A flush rose from her chest to her hairline.

They mounted the four wheeler, helmets on. When he started it, he felt her arms wrap around his chest for the ride. Her warmth at his back warmed his heart and got his own engine running.

They reached the meadow in record time. “We’ve got two days left,” he said when he slid his helmet off. Again, she shook out her glorious hair while he enjoyed the sight.

“Forty-six hours,” she corrected, turning toward the picnic gear she’d stowed on the back.

“But I want more,” he snapped. “You’ve just answered a slew of questions from your clients. That should buy me time.”

She looked appalled and wagged a finger in the air. “You can’t buy time. I didn’t agree to that. Besides pay checks don’t wait, neither do bill collectors.” She bit her lip in. He’d hit a nerve. The wobble in her voice confirmed it.

“I’ve noticed something about you.” He wanted her to know he’d learned a lot more about her than she realized. That he’d paid attention.

She gave him a sharp glance as she lifted out a blanket and fluffed it open on the ground. She kept her back to him while she busied herself with the rest of the picnic gear. Ignoring him only made him understand he was on to her.

“The more unsure you become of yourself the more you move. You shuffle, rise from your seat, look out windows, go to the ladies’ room, unpin your hair, pin up your hair and dig through your purse.”

Her chin firmed in a warning. “So?”

“But my favorite is the way you distract me with sex. Your blowjobs are particularly good.” She’d used them many times when he’d wanted to open a discussion she’d rather avoid. Not that he was complaining. What man would?

“Jeez, Alex, what is it you’re after? Why are you doing this?” She raised and dropped her arms, dug into her pockets, then fluffed out her hair again. He was hard pressed not to point out her every move. “Arrgh!”

She presented her back to him, and looked across the slice of heaven he called Pine Meadow. Her taut ass encased in the low rise jeans she favored enticed him, made him want to take back what he’d said and get down to business, as she liked to call lovemaking. But he only had two more days with her. He checked his watch. Correction, forty-five hours and fifty minutes. Damn!

“I want more time, Jaye. If I call Jeffries and allow him free rein with the stables, would you give me another week? We’ll go back to England where you could keep an eye on the business with the horses.”

“Jeffries is more than capable of setting up the boarding stables. Besides, he’s already got a man in mind for that. He doesn’t need me and neither do you.” The last words were definitely wobbly. He took heart and dropped the subject. She cared and that was enough for now.

He uncorked the wine for her and she poured two flutes.

“Why don’t we just make love?” she asked. “Isn’t that why I’m here? Isn’t this all about sex?” Her chin tilted up.

“It started out that way—”

She cut him off. “Then let it end the same way, Alex. It’s the only way I can handle saying goodbye.”

Her grass green eyes filled with tears. Telling her his plans would just seem like a ploy to get more time, so he kept his mouth shut.

She’d won again. For now.


But the war wasn’t over. He gathered his forces for the next attack and raised his wine flute in a toast. “To good sex and better friends.”

Her eyes danced with relief. “Friends. That’s good. Yes, we’ll be friends. Always.”

She had no idea his assault had just begun.

He allowed her to drink her wine slowly, sipping and tantalizing him with her tongue as it rimmed the flute. The sparkle in her eyes underscored the sparkle on his lips.

When the wine bottle was half gone, he dug into his pocket. She perked up and, watched his hand with fascination.

He hid the bottle he’d brought in his palm until she caved in. “What’s that?”

He opened his hand.

“Delectable Delights lubricant in Spicy Cherry.”

“Ooh, spicy.”

“It warms the skin.”

She ran her hand across his crotch, cupped his balls in a gentle squeeze. “You do that all by yourself,” she said. “I’m already wet. We don’t need lubricant.”

“We need what I say we need,” he said. “Take off your clothes. Slowly.”

He propped himself on his elbows to watch.

She eyed him warily. “Aren’t you going to help?”


“You want me to strip. Out here in the middle of this meadow.”

“This is where we are, Jaye. This is what I want. Do it.”

She looked about to argue so he raised an eyebrow. She was a strong woman, used to being in the lead in her life. She mentored and coached and taught. This time, she’d have to acquiesce. She’d have to learn that sometimes Alex demanded the upper hand.

“Okay,” she said. “But I don’t have to like it.”

“Something tells me you will.”

Alex watched and controlled a chuckle as Jaye tossed her head, sending tendrils of hair to fly about her face in the hot, dry breeze. She glared at him, her eyes mutinous, her chin firmed.

Her hands tugged at the tails of her thin cotton shirt and pulled them out of her jeans. He caught a glimpse of her smooth belly when the material flew free of the denim.

She undid her top button exposing an inch of luscious full cleavage. Jaye had great cleavage. The shadowed line between her breasts enticed and made him want to slide his cock into that valley over and over.

Another button popped open and he saw the front clasp of her bra. She bent over in front of him and pushed the sides of her breasts together, creating a deeper crevice between them.

He firmed his lips, refusing to let her see the effect just the sight of her breasts had on him.

Instead of undoing the next button down, she moved to the bottom two and undid them quickly, splaying them wide to give him a peek at her smooth flat belly. He loved her navel and she knew it.

She palmed her own flesh and slid one fingertip into her waistband in a tease that surprised him. “You want this?” she asked. “You want to see me touch myself?”

“Take off the clothes, Jaye.” The witch knew he wanted to see her get herself off, but he had to keep control of the situation or she’d never learn.

Her lips pursed into a moue and he bit back a smile. She eased her finger out of her waistband then undid the rest of the buttons on her blouse. She flapped the edges of the blouse open and closed, allowing brief, provocative glimpses of her belly and breasts. He wanted to touch the tab opening of her bra to release her tits to his view, but couldn’t. It would ruin his chances to keep the upper hand if he touched any part of her.

She wet her lips with her tongue then slid her forefinger into her mouth, pulling it out again with a quiet pop. The wet finger slid inside her bra cup and circled her nipple. She closed her eyes and smiled. Her hips swayed with each circle of her finger across her nipple.

He made a quick adjustment to his jeans to allow for his expanding cock while her eyes were closed. It wouldn’t do for her to know that he was already rock hard.

The games had just begun.

She popped open the front tab of her bra herself then did the same thing she’d done with her blouse. She flashed him her breasts then covered them again, but not before he saw her nipples, red and rosy and standing at attention.

His mouth watered.

Jaye’s eyes lit with sensuous fun and she turned away, spread her feet wide on the blanket and bent over at the waist, presenting him with a delicious sight. Her ass and crotch swayed and waved in front of him, the seam between her legs a poor substitute for the crease of her pussy.

He made another adjustment to his jeans and opened his top tab, hoping she wouldn’t notice when she turned around again.

She toed off her shoes and faced him. She too, had taken the time to undo her jeans. The zipper was spread wide, exposing the top of her g-string. He caught the glitter of a rhinestone just above her mons.

He licked his lips in anticipation of tasting her there.

“Your pussy wet yet?”

“You know it is. Wet and pulsing for you.”

“Only for me.”


She bent at the waist and tugged her jeans to her ankles. Stepped out of them. Her breasts jiggled and bounced while she moved. She lifted her head to watch him watching her and the electricity he’d felt at first sight of her flashed through him again.

He’d known then that he had to have her. He knew now that he could never let her go.

“Show me,” he said.

“My pussy?”


Her blouse hung to the top of her thighs. She pushed the edges behind her waist, exposing the g-string’s glittering line of rhinestones that traced her hips around to her backside.

BOOK: Stroke of Midnight
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