Read STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Alana Marlowe

Tags: #D/s Dark Erotic Romance

STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance) (15 page)

BOOK: STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance)
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However, if she didn’t jump on the chance to take it, it may never be available to her again. She sat there for a few minutes debating on whether to go ahead and bid for the job or wait and ask Alex first.


But what if she didn’t bid and missed it? He surely would understand her predicament. Wouldn’t he?


Sara decided it was too good of an opportunity to pass up and put in her bid. Now all she had to do was wait to see if her bid was accepted or rejected and if it was accepted she could start working on it. She figured she would tell Alex about it when he got home and explain the dire need for her to go ahead and bid on the job.


What she didn’t expect, was just at that moment, for Alex to come walking through the front door. Sara jumped when the door opened and sat there for a moment, looking wide-eyed at Alex as he strolled through the living room and over to her.


“Hi babe! Thought I would stop by for a little lunch today with my honey.” Alex said with a smile as he bent down to kiss her.


But the smile dropped from his face as he noticed the computer screen.


“What are you doing babe?” He asked with a bit of knowing in his voice.


“I…uh…” Sara stammered, shocked that of all the times he decided to come home early it had to be today, right now at this minute!


Sara sighed. She knew she had been caught. She lowered her eyes.


“I was bidding on a job.” She said softly, feeling ashamed that she broke her promise to him.


Alex stepped back and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms, silent.


Sara slowly raised her eyes to his. She could see his jaw clenching as he was contemplating the situation. Quietly, he walked over to the refrigerator and took out some lunch meat and grabbed the bread.


“Alex, I’m sorry! I just wanted to see what was up on the job board and this great oppor…”


“Stop!” Alex barked.


He briskly walked over to her and placed one hand on each of the chair's arms, bringing his face to within inches of hers.


“You promised me, Sara. You promised you wouldn’t work right now.”


His voice was calm but stern.


She felt the rock in the pit of her stomach growing as she lowered her eyes, feeling them fill with tears.


“Look at me!” he commanded. “The ONLY way this will ever work is if we keep our promises to each other. I am very disappointed in you right now.”


He moved off the chair and back over to the counter where he continued to make his sandwich while lecturing her.


“When I get home tonight, I will show you what breaking a promise gets you. You won’t like it, but it needs to be done. But you need to choose. Do you take your punishment and become my wife or do you choose to break promises? It is your choice, Sara. If you are still here when I get home, I will know your answer. If you do not wish to find out what happens, then I don’t expect to see you here when I get home. Is that understood?”


Sara couldn’t hold back the tears and softly started to sob.


“I’m so sorry Alex, I promise, I won’t do it again.” Sara ran over to Alex and hugged him. She felt his arms wrap around her and gave her a firm hug.


He then pulled away so he could look her in the eye.


“Sara, this is what it is all about babe. This is why it has to be this way. I won’t tolerate liars and broken promises. You made the choice to break a promise to me. If you are willing to do this, what other promises are you willing to break? I have to show you that it doesn’t matter and that ANY broken promise is punishable. Do you understand?” He wiped away her tears softly with the back of his fingers.


Sara nodded yes as she tried to find the words to speak but couldn't.


“Then you have the afternoon to think about this. If I come home and find you here, then that means you accept the punishment that is to come. If you do not want to be punished, then you need to leave. It is that simple. I know it sounds harsh, but this is the way it has to be.”


Alex turned and went out the door. Sara rushed over to the window and saw him mount one of the horses. No wonder she didn’t hear him drive up.


Sara struggled with her emotions of shame and sadness. She didn’t want to disappoint Alex ever. She just didn’t think that this was that big of a deal. But apparently it was.


She understood how important it was to keep promises. There were too many that were broken when she was in previous relationships.


Sara wondered why she did it. Did she secretly want to know what would actually happen? But she had no way of knowing that he would show up unannounced at that very moment. It must be fate.


She hurried over to the computer and canceled the bid she put on the job. She texted Alex and told him so.


He responded saying that it was good that she canceled the job, but that doesn’t negate the fact that she broke her promise in the first place, and that what he said would still stand.


The next few hours were agonizing as she struggled with what was to come. If she ever thought she wanted to bail on this relationship, now would be the time. But she didn’t want that. She wanted Alex more than anything. He was interwoven into her being now and she couldn’t change that. She decided to take what was coming, even though she was unsure of exactly what that was.


The minutes seemed like hours as she watched the clock. She tried watching TV or playing a video game, but nothing could stop her mind from going into a million different directions on how this would go. Would she be able to take it? What would he use, his hand? His belt? Something else?


Back on the ranch, Alex knew he left Sara in a quandary. He wanted her to really understand why it was important to keep her promises, no matter how minute they may seem. It all comes down to reliability and respect. Without her respecting him, a small broken promise could easily work into a large broken promise or worse.


He smiled to himself because he knew that the waiting for the punishment would be worse than the actual punishment itself. His dad made sure to teach him that as a young boy. Alex never was a bad kid, but the few times in his life, his father gave him the belt, it was always after a nice lecture and then making him wait to actually be spanked. Sure, the spanking hurt, but the build up of the tension was much worse. What was better was the impact it had on him personally. He always remembered exactly why he was being disciplined. It was as if the waiting seared it into the brain.


His only real concern was that he wasn’t quite sure if she would actually be there when he returned. He hoped she would be strong enough to take it, but wasn’t 100% sure. He wouldn’t know until he arrived later that evening.


If she was still there, he knew he had to follow through and do it well. This would be the first real test of their relationship. All the other times were mild warm ups compared to this. He was confident in his decision, but also didn’t want to screw it up.


As he pulled up to the house, he noticed her truck was still there and breathed a sigh of relief that she stayed. He sat in the truck for a moment, getting his frame of mind in the right place. He wanted this to be out of love and not out of anger. Staying calm and cool was just as important as showing her love.


When he walked into the house, he could see Sara standing across the room chewing on her fingernails. She had been pacing the last hour, almost wearing a path in the wood floors.

She stopped and looked at him, then ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, trying not to cry and maintain her composure.


“Alex, please forgive me. I am so very sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I wasn’t thinking. But it won’t happen again, I promise. I won’t break any more promises. Please believe me!”


Sara allowed her desperation and vulnerability to show. He hugged her back, then released her and pushed her back so he could look her in the eye.


“Baby, I know. I have already forgiven you. But that doesn’t get you out of being disciplined.” Alex said softly. “I will give you one option. We can either get it out of the way now, or before bed. Which is it?”


Sara backed away with her brow furrowed. She couldn’t bear to wait any longer. As much as it frightened her, she wanted to get it over with.


Lowering her head, she replied, “Now.”


“That’s what I thought. Come with me.”


Alex took Sara’s hand and led her to the basement doorway. As they made their way down to the finished basement, Sara could feel herself beginning to shake with anxiety and tension.


Along one entire wall were floor to ceiling bookcases. Alex walked over to the far end, removed a couple of books and reached his hand into the case. Sara heard a “click” and one of the bookcases was now a door that opened into a hidden room.


Sara’s mouth dropped as he pushed the door open and turned on the lights, revealing a large room. Around the outside walls were cabinets. In the center there looked like what appeared to be a sawhorse with a saddle on it. It was made of beautiful leather and Sara briefly admired the handiwork.


But her admiration soon changed as he removed the saddle and placed it on the floor in the corner. What was under the saddle was a bench that had been made specifically for spanking.


It was padded in the middle where the waist would rest and there were rings down near the bottom of each leg.


Alex went over to one of the cabinets and opened the two top doors. Inside, there were several different paddles, riding crops and padded cuffs. He didn’t pick anything just yet. Instead, he left it open for her to see.


Walking over to Sara, he reached up and softly brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. “Last chance to run. You can go now if you want to and no one will ever know. If you choose to stay, then you consent to what is about to take place.” Alex spoke in a low, controlled voice.


He could tell she was shaking as she looked at the cabinet full of implements. He took her hand in his. “Sara…this is going to hurt. A lot. But I will never harm you, ever. You can trust me.”


Sara felt slightly faint, as if she couldn’t catch her breath.


She nodded her head, yes.


“Ok then, take off all of your clothes.” Alex commanded.


“All of them?”


“Yes, all of them.”


“But…why all…”


“Do it, NOW!” Alex barked briskly.


Sara jumped as she quickly began removing her clothes, letting them drop into a pile on the floor. As soon as she was undressed, Alex pulled her over to the bench and forced her body down over it.


With her bottom high in the air and completely naked, she felt more vulnerable than she ever had. Now she understood why he had her naked. It increased the vulnerability.


Alex squatted down right next to her head. He took her hands and placed them one on each leg of the bench.


“It is important that you keep your hands here at all times. If you don’t think you can, then I will restrain you. Do you understand?”




He then walked around behind her and using his foot, forced her legs apart touching the other two legs of the bench.


“Keep your legs down and next to the legs of the bench. If you can’t, I will restrain you. Do you understand?”




Alex took both of his hands and gently caressed Sara’s quivering bottom. She jumped as he touched her, not sure what may be coming next. He gave her globes a squeeze as he admired the view, making sure to spread her cheeks wide a couple of times just to view her puckered hole knowing full well that doing so would make her feel even more vulnerable and exposed. He knew how to get into her mind and that was the key to making this life work.


He knew that the mind was very powerful and the build up was just as important as the actual act of spanking her.


Sara could feel her asshole being examined as he spread her cheeks which only intensified her feelings of angst. She wondered what he was thinking about when he spread her like that. Was it for his own amusement or just to make her feel even more exposed? She figured it was probably a little bit of both.


Her mind was running in a million different directions, but she was quickly brought back to reality when Alex’s hand landed squarely and firmly on her right cheek, followed by another smack on her left. She hoped she would be able to stay in position as he continued.

BOOK: STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance)
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